Immanuel High Chapel
Sermon Tone Analysis
“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
and a light to my path.”
You’re on a path. Life is a journey. The future stretches before you with all kinds of choices:
Do I get up in time for school? For work? Do I get up at all?
What shall I do in life? Should I get married? Should I have children? Should I have pets?
What kind of work should I do? Teacher, employer, employee?
And then, the most important question: What does God want me to do? What does God want me to be?
Jesus told his disciples: follow me. Specifically, he told them he would make them fishers of men.
We are all Jesus’ disciples, if we’ve given our lives to Jesus and told him we’d follow him.
Jesus reiterated his call to his disciples when, before ascending into heaven he said, “Don’t do anything until I get back.”
No, that’s not right. What did he say? Oh yeah, Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you, and behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
The thing is, the word translated as go, should be translated as going. The sense really is, as you go about your life, make disicples.
So, as a student, as you go about, make disicples.
As teacher, make disciples
As an employee, make disciples,
As a stay at home dad, make disciples.
As anything you do, anywhere you go, even if it is just next door, or if it’s around the world, make disciples.
Now, there’s two more parts to this:
First of all, you must be a disciple yourself. You must say, “I realise I’m a sinner, I need Jesus so save me from my sins. I accept him on his terms.” Then you must commit to learning how to be like Jesus, which is what he created you to be like in the first place.
In order to be like Jesus, get to know Jesus. Study Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, study the bible. This is the first part, a general knowledge of God’s will for you: obey his commandments.
The second part is similar. Do what God has called you to do: do what God has prepared for you to do in advance: this is your job, your home, your life. This is where you make disciples.
This is where you find what you’re good at, what you enjoy (maybe not all the time), where you can make a difference in the world, and you do it, for God’s glory!
Follow Jesus, make disicples, be a disciple, do whatever you do for God’s glory. Got it?