Rich in Generosity

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Rich in Generosity
To start us off I want you to think about a time where you were cheated. A time where you were hoping to get something but couldn’t have it or couldn’t get it. Maybe the item that you wanted was out of your price range, maybe a parent or a spouse was against the item, maybe the timing was wrong. Now, I want you to imagine that item that you desperately wanted is given to someone else. Someone close to you. Can you feel the frustration? Do you recall the suffering, the betrayal, the strife? I remember when I was a young boy. I was probably a middle schooler. You know, the stage of life where everything is a big deal, but from week to week you have a new identity. I was at the stage where underwear, you know the briefs, white, with double thin, dark blue strips across the waist band, were no longer cool. The underwear that was cool at this age were boxers. They were so much cooler. They had patterns, colors, plus they covered your legs! They were not embarrassing like white briefs. Well, I pleaded and begged my parents to get me boxers for months with no success. My dad thought that boxers were ridiculous and unnecessary. A few months had passed by and my parents, unbeknownst to me, buy boxers for my older brother…for his birthday. Oh, the injustice! The frustration! The anguish! I pouted, I cried, I was devastated. At the time I could only think about myself and what I wanted. Now, I will tell of you this. This is definitely an embarrassing story and not a moment I am proud of. Today, we are going to look at the gospel of . (Read the scripture)
Luke places this parable here to build on Jesus’ teaching of generosity. Jesus did not come to settle accounts of possessions or positions. Jesus was not interested in helping the rich get richer or the powerful gain power. No, Jesus came to preach the good news to the poor, to bring freedom to the prisoner and to bring new sight to the blind, and freedom to the oppressed. Jesus is teaching the disciples to not look at the comforts of this world or how to gain more here on earth. Instead, learn to trust God. Be generous with your possessions, build up others with what you have, remember what you do for the least you do for God. Be rich in generosity.
Let’s back up a little bit and see how the story got to here.
Let’s back up a little bit and see how the story got to here.
See Jesus was invited into a meal with a Pharisee. At this meal there are Pharisees, experts of the law, Jesus, and the disciples and maybe a few others. Jesus enters the house and reclines at the table. The Pharisee noticed that Jesus did not wash his hands. This surprises the Pharisee. You can imagine what the Pharisee is thinking ‘Wow, this is the guy that everyone is impressed with?’ ‘He doesn’t even wash his hands before a meal.’ Now, transition for a moment if you will. Can you imagine what Jesus is thinking, no wait, Jesus doesn’t try and conceal his thoughts. Jesus speaks his mind. Jesus knows that nothing will be hidden and what is whispered in rooms will be proclaimed from the roof tops. So, the question is, do you recall what Jesus said. Jesus looks at the Pharisee and says: Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. Woe to you Pharisees, you give God a tenth of your garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You value the important seats in the synagogues and respectful greetings in the marketplaces. An expert of the law speaks up during these insults. ‘Teacher when you say these things you insult us also. Jesus looks at the group and with us much compassion as they give to so many others Jesus says ‘I’m sorry, you felt left out?’ Let’s make sure you are included. You experts in the law, you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.’ After Jesus had finished his meal and putting these hypocrites in their place Jesus heads outside. The Pharisees and experts can’t believe the way Jesus is talking to them. The Pharisees come out opposing Jesus while defending themselves. They desire to catch Jesus in something he might say.
See Jesus was invited into a meal with a Pharisee. At this meal there are Pharisees, experts of the law, Jesus, and the disciples and maybe a few others. Jesus enters the house and reclines at the table. The Pharisee noticed that Jesus did not wash his hands. This surprises the Pharisee. You can imagine what the Pharisee is thinking ‘Wow, this is the guy that everyone is impressed with?’ ‘He doesn’t even wash his hands before a meal.’ Now, transition for a moment if you will. Can you imagine what Jesus is thinking, no wait, Jesus doesn’t try and conceal his thoughts. Jesus speaks his mind. Jesus knows that nothing will be hidden and what is whispered in rooms will be proclaimed from the roof tops. So, the question is, do you recall what Jesus said. Jesus looks at the Pharisee and says: Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. Woe to you Pharisees, you give God a tenth of your garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You value the important seats in the synagogues and respectful greetings in the marketplaces. An expert of the law speaks up during these insults. ‘Teacher when you say these things you insult us also. Jesus looks at the group and with us much compassion as they give to so many others Jesus says ‘I’m sorry, you felt left out?’ Let’s make sure you are included. You experts in the law, you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.’ After Jesus had finished his meal and putting these hypocrites in their place Jesus heads outside. The Pharisees and experts can’t believe the way Jesus is talking to them. The Pharisees come out opposing Jesus while defending themselves. They desire to catch Jesus in something he might say.
Meanwhile, a crowd of many thousands has gathered outside the Pharisees home. A group so large that they were practically trampling on one another. There were men, women, rich, poor, the lame the religious young and old, the place was packed. Jesus took this moment to teach his disciples.
Meanwhile, a crowd of many thousands has gathered outside the Pharisees home. A group so large that they were practically trampling on one another. There were men, women, rich, poor, the lame the religious young and old, the place was packed. Jesus took this moment to teach his disciples.
As Jesus is teaching his disciples a man in the crowd shouts. ‘Teacher, hey, teacher.’ The whole crowd is quiet. Silence spreads across the thousands gathered. The man says, ‘Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.’
As Jesus is teaching his disciples a man in the crowd shouts. ‘Teacher, hey, teacher.’ The whole crowd is quiet. Silence spreads across the thousands gathered. The man says, ‘Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.’
Can you imagine? After the conversation Jesus just had with the Pharisees. Jesus just laid into them about their selfishness, about their greed, about their me first attitude. Now, this man interrupts Jesus, to settle his personal affairs, among thousands of people. Now for a moment lets stand in this man’s shoes and maybe we can understand his perspective. He is the younger brother. His older brother was given double the inheritance. Not only that, being the younger brother also meant he was not as loved by the father. This man is coming to Jesus seeking the justice he deserves. He came here because he heard the stories, Jesus, the teacher that makes things right. Jesus, the teacher who takes the weak and makes them strong. Jesus the teacher that gives the blind their sight. Jesus the teacher who sets the captives free. Jesus, the one who knows what justice is.
Can you imagine? After the conversation Jesus just had with the Pharisees. Jesus just laid into them about their selfishness, about their greed, about their me first attitude. Now, this man interrupts Jesus, to settle his personal affairs, among thousands of people. Now for a moment lets stand in this man’s shoes and maybe we can understand his perspective. He is the younger brother. His older brother was given double the inheritance. Not only that, being the younger brother also meant he was not as loved by the father. This man is coming to Jesus seeking the justice he deserves. He came here because he heard the stories, Jesus, the teacher that makes things right. Jesus, the teacher who takes the weak and makes them strong. Jesus the teacher that gives the blind their sight. Jesus the teacher who sets the captives free. Jesus, the one who knows what justice is.
Jesus looked at this man and said, ‘Stranger, who appointed me over your affairs, I am not hear for your greed! The man was stunned, speechless. With the crowd silent and listening Jesus takes his opportunity to teach the crowd. ‘Watch out! Be on your guard. Life isn’t about your possessions.’ Jesus tells a story. There was a man, he had a prosperous business. His business got so large he had a problem. I have too many people wanting in my business and I don’t have enough space for everyone. The man thought to himself, instead of not having enough room and getting to enjoy all of the money I could be making, I will buy another, bigger building. With all my surplus and wealth, I don’t need to keep on working. I can retire, enjoy my life; eat, drink, and be merry. That night the rich man died. In front of God he stood. Can you imagine, this wealthy, successful man standing in the presence of God. He stood before God with a smile on his face. He was sure that God, the one who blessed him with such success would continue to bless him now. Smiling in front of God, a bit nervous, excited, impatient, the man stood there. Shh, God is about to speak. You FOOL! Tonight, your life was demanded of you and all you have done is take take and take. Now you had possession upon possession but what are you going to do with the things of the world now that you are dead. The mans heart sank. He was devastated. How could this be? I was successful, I had a booming business, everything was great. Jesus looks at the crowd and while they are still and silent and informs them, ‘This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God’.
Jesus looked at this man and said Stranger, who appointed me over your affairs, I am not hear for your greed! The man was stunned, speechless. With the crowd silent and listening Jesus takes his opportunity to teach the crowd. Watch out! Be on your guard. Life isn’t about your possessions. Jesus tells a story. There was a man, he had a prosperous business. His business got so large he had a problem. I have too many people wanting in my business and I don’t have enough space for everyone. The man thought to himself, instead of not having enough room and getting to enjoy all of the money I can be making, I will buy another, bigger building. With all my surplus and wealth, I don’t need to keep on working. I can retire, enjoy my life; eat, drink, and be merry. That night the rich man died. In front of God he stood. Can you imagine, this wealthy, successful man standing in the presence of God. He stood before God with a smile on his face. He was sure that God, the one who blessed him with such success would continue to bless him now. Smiling in front of God, a bit nervous, excited, impatient, the man stood there. Shh, God is about to speak. You FOOL! Tonight, your life was demanded of you and all you have done is take take and take. Now you had possession upon possession but what are you going to do with the things of the world now that you are dead. The mans heart sank. He was devastated. How could this be? I was successful, I had a booming business, everything was great. Jesus looks at the crowd and while they are still and silent he tells them, ‘This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God’.
I, too have thought that my progress or success here on earth, would impress God. I too have looked at the success of others and thought, ‘Wow, they are blessed.’ Unfortunately, I’ve even desired to have what they had coveting their possessions. Let us learn from this scripture that it isn’t about possessions or status. Life is about generosity and trusting God.
Luke places this parable here to build on Jesus’ teaching of generosity. Jesus did not come to settle accounts of possessions or positions. Jesus was not interested in helping the rich get richer or the powerful gain power. No, Jesus came to preach the good news to the poor, to bring freedom to the prisoner and to bring new sight to the blind, and freedom to the oppressed. Jesus is teaching the disciples to not look at the comforts of this world or how to gain more here on earth. Instead, learn to trust God. Be generous with your possessions, build up others with what you have, remember what you do for the least you do for God. Be rich in generosity.
Jesus did not come to settle accounts of mankind’s possessions or positions. Jesus was not interested in helping the rich get richer or the powerful gain power. No, Jesus came to preach the good news to the poor (anyone who is an outcast), to bring freedom to the prisoner (those under punishment of injustice) and to bring new sight to the blind (not just physical but spiritually, Jesus wasn’t hateful of the Pharisees, he was trying to restore their sight!), and freedom to the oppressed. Jesus is teaching the disciples to not look at the comforts of this world or how to gain more here on earth. Instead, learn to trust God. Trust God with everything we have. Surrender completely to him. Be generous with your possessions, build up others with what you have, remember what you do for the least you do for God. Be rich in generosity.
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