Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
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> .9
We’ve reached the final chapter in the book of 1 John and John begins this last chapter with a review of what we’ve learned and a challenge to live in victory.
1 John 5:
So here’s the review:
First, Proof of being born of God is believing that Jesus is the Son of God and is God.
Second, Proof of abiding in God’s love, is loving your brother also.
Third, Proof of being a child of God is obeying his commandments.
Love God with all your heart
Love people around you as much as you love yourself.
Then he gives a blessing and a challenge that we need to take moment and unpack this morning.
I wonder how many of you here this morning would be able to say, “I’m living a life of victory and have overcome the world.”
Everybody wants to be on the winning side.
Everybody wants to be on the winning team.
So why isn’t the world flocking to Christianity to find victory.
My observation is that too many Christians are not living a life of victory but defeat.
The world has knocked us down and stomped on us until we’re lying lifeless and bloody on the ground.
We’ve lost our joy.
We’ve lost our will to fight the good fight.
We’ve become weary in well doing and have fainted under the pressures of the world.
Many have even walked away from God claiming the can’t endure.
All hope is lost.
Faith has all but run out.
The healers have become in need of healing.
The pastor is yelling, “Keep fighting!
Keep fighting!”
but its just noice in the distance being drowned out by all the pain and agony.
But what if you could find your joy again?
What would happen if our spirits were energized by the Holy Spirit to go another round, to play one more set of downs.
I wonder, could we find victory again?
What if we were to focus our eyes back on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, and grab hold of his hand as he reaches out his hand to pull us back up.
Could we, the ambassadors of God almighty, raise up an army to run the race, fight the good fight, and finish our course.
Could we find victory once again?
We named the Church Reliant because we knew that if people were going to have victory it would only come through Faith.
Faith is the victory that overcomes the world.
Victory in Jesus
Our victory is found in Jesus who has overcome the world.
He has overcome our flesh and sin through the payment of the cross.
He has overcome our death and the grave through his resurrection from the dead.
He has overcome all principalities and the wicked one through the power of his Word.
We are not waiting on victory but abiding in victory.
Those that abide in Christ feel the victory of Christ.
Those that refuse to abide feel alone and defeated.
When you abide in Jesus the blessings of victory will be evident.
You will be able to rise above the tribulation of life and focus on the victory.
You will walk in faith, hope, and love when the world gives you nothing but grief and despair.
1 John 5:
Let’s dial down a little farther and answer the question, “What is this faith that overcomes the world?”
Overcoming Faith
“Faith is an undeniable truth that drives a person to action.”
The formula for faith would go something like this, “Because I know this, I do that.”
Let me illustrate this for you with 7 Realities of faith from my life.
7 Realities of Overcoming Faith
Because I know that Jesus is the Son of God, I submit to his authority and Kingship.
Because I know that Jesus rose from the dead, I live in the hope of the resurrection.
Because I know that God is with me, I fear no evil.
Because I know that the Holy Spirit indwells me, I walk in his power and strength.
Because I know that God hears me when I pray, I pray with boldness and expectation.
Because I know God’s heart, I lead people to repentance.
Because I know God’s love, I keep his commandments and they are not a burden but a joy.
Bonus: Because I know the end, I live in the victory to come.
Overcoming Faith always leads to action
If your faith doesn’t drive you to act, then it a weak faith at best.
Faith formed on fact turn into truth that becomes action.
Overcoming Faith comes from the truth of God’s Word.
Proverbs 3:5
The Result of Overcoming faith.
A victorious life that overcomes the troubles of this world.
A heart at peace in the midst of the storm.
A joy that the world can never steal away.
A confidence in the future knowing the battle is already won.
A team that the world wants to join.
Call to Respond
At what point do you trade in your life of defeat and start living a life of victory?
There are some in this room that you need to take your first step of faith.
You need to believe that Jesus is who he says he is, call on his name, and follow him.
Others of you need to stand up in Christ and quit letting the world kick you around.
The enemy has been defeated.
It’s time to lift our voice in victory and shout his praises loud.
Repeat after me:
The enemy has been defeated.
Death couldn’t hold you down.
We’re going to lift our voice in victory.
We’re going to shout your praises loud.
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