Precious Remedies - Part 2

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Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices

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Precious Remedies - Part 2

Device: Satan draws the soul to sin by making the soul bold to venture upon occasions of sin.

Example: getting as close to the edge as possible yet not jumping. Watching a little porn, yet not taking a prostitute to a hotel.


To dwell upon those scriptures that do expressly command us to avoid the occasions of sin, and the least appearance of evil. ; ; ; ;
Ordinarily, there is no conquest over sin, without the soul turns from the occasion of sin. In other words, it’s impossible for a man to have conquest over sin that plays and sports with the occasions of sin. God will not remove the temptation, except you turn from the occasion. ; (he didn’t give in to the occasion, God removed him from the temptation because he didn’t yield to it.)

Device: Satan draws the soul to sin by representing to the soul the outward mercies that vain men enjoy, and the outward miseries that they are freed from, which they have walked in the ways of sin. ()

Example: in other words, enjoying sin without the consequences. Why not, there doesn’t appear to be any consequences, things are good, money in the account, food on the table, all good.


No man knows how the heart of God stands by his hand. His hand of mercy may be towards a man, when his heart may be against that man, as seen in king Saul. And the hand of God may be set against a man, when the heart of God dearly set upon a man, as you see in Job and Ephraim(Joseph named his 2nd son this because God made him fruitful in the land of his affliction)
No man knows how the heart of God stands by his hand. His hand of mercy may be towards a man, when his heart may be against that man, as seen in king Saul. And the hand of God may be set against a man, when the heart of God dearly set upon a man, as you see in Job and Ephraim(Joseph named his 2nd son this because God made him fruitful in the land of his affliction) There is nothing in the world that so provokes God to be angry, as men taking his encouragement and goodness and mercy to do evil. Sodom and Gomorrah for example. That there is no greater misery in this life, than not to be in misery; no greater affliction, than not to be afflicted. ; Read . “Woe, woe to that soul that God will not spend a rod upon! This is the saddest stroke of all, when God refuses to strike at all.” That the wants of wicked men, under all their outward mercy and freedom from adversity, is far greater than all their outward enjoyments.
There is nothing in the world that so provokes God to be angry, as men taking his encouragement and goodness and mercy to do evil. Sodom and Gomorrah for example. .
That there is no greater misery in this life, than not to be in misery; no greater affliction, than not to be afflicted. ; Read . “Woe, woe to that soul that God will not spend a rod upon! This is the saddest stroke of all, when God refuses to strike at all.”
That the wants of wicked men, under all their outward mercy and freedom from adversity, is far greater than all their outward enjoyments.

Device: Satan draws the soul to sin by presenting to the soul the crosses, losses, reproaches, sorrows, and sufferings that do daily attend those that walk in the ways of holiness.

Example: Whatever persecution a believer faces on account of their faith in Jesus Christ; standing for truth, the consequences of doing good, and glorifying God in whatever context. The dominion of darkness is always leveraging their influence to persuade us to thinking its not worth the struggle to do good.


Consider that all afflictions that do attend the people of God, are such as shall turn to the profit and glorious advantage of the people of God. Afflictions are God’s furnace, by which he cleanses his people from their dross. Afflictions kill the corruptions in our hearts. The Jews, under all the prophets admonishments, retained their idols; but after their Babylon captivity, it was observed, there have been no idols found amongst them. (; ) Afflictions do lift up the soul to more rich, clear, and full enjoyments of God.() Afflictions serve to keep the hearts of the saints humble and tender (; ; ; ; ; )
Consider that the afflictions that do attend the Saints in the ways of holiness, are but short and momentary. (;)
Consider that the afflictions that do befall the Saints are such as proceed from God’s dearest love. () “God had one sone without corruption, but no son without correction.”
Consider that it is our duty and glory not to measure afflictions by the smart but by the end. When Israel was dismissed out of Egypt, it was with gold earrings, () the Jews were dismissed out of Babylon with gifts, jewels, and all necessary utensils(). It’s more about the latter end of a Christian than the beginning of his affliction. Consider, Job. Consider Joseph in Genesis, he went from dreams to a deep hole, deep hole to a slave, a favored slave to imprisonment, and then second head in all of Egypt.

By presenting to the soul the crosses, losses, reproaches, sorrows, and sufferings that do daily attend those that walk in the ways of holiness.

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