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Passover is quickly approaching and Jerusalem is filling up travelers preparing for the events of the week. In John chapter 11 Jesus brought Lazarus back from the dead, and the High Priest and Pharisees are faced with a serve problem. This Jesus was no longer just a nuisance to their way of life, but now posed a real major threat. Not only are the faced with idea of trying to put Jesus to death, but now they have also begun the plot to try and kill the evidence, Lazarus.
The streets are filled with murmurings about what Jesus had done with Lazarus, and now the Jews are filled with great excitement, and expectation that Jesus could actually be the triumphal messiah.
Word spreads quickly that Jesus and the disciples are up on the Mount of Olives making their way into Jerusalem. He sends 2 of His followers to catch and bring back a donkey for him to sit on and ride into Jerusalem.
This is an intentional symbolic action taken by Jesus to clearly communicate His kingship to the expectant crowds of Passover pilgrims by fulfilling the prophecy of Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold your KING is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. Which mirrored Solomon’s entrance into Jerusalem when he was declared king.
Jesus began His westward descent down the Mount of Olives toward the Holy City. And the crowds begun adding all the events up in their head, the raising of the dead, the symbolic action of riding on a donkey, and the words that Jesus has been preaching, the rightly interpreted his actions. And in haste the started to grab as many palm branches together casting them before the feet of the of Jesus so that His donkey carried Him across a Royal carpet
Also the Palm was the symbol of the coin of the 2nd Maccabean revolt. Waving palm branches was a symbol of revolt against the hated Roman Empire.
By doing these things the People where acclaiming that Jesus was their Davidic King
Shouting Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD! Blessed is the coming kingdom of the LORD! Blessed is the coming Kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the highest! Hosanna is a cry for Help, they are shouting SAVE US,
The whole city is shaken by the event, and the crowds are spreading word all over the city “the messiah is here” Their KING/Savior has arrived
Up to this point in Jesus’ live He could have had a long lasting ministry with little to no adverse affects upon His life and the lives of the disciples.
However, this Sunday set into motion a series of events that could have only one of two possible outcomes. Either He had to overthrow the Roman Empire with its current religious establishment – or His brutal death.
He has now cross the point of no return; there would be no turning back. Caesar the Roman Empire could allow no rival kings.
The Pharisees knew that Rome would not tolerate these actions, and that they would lose all that they had.
Greeks would have been present at the Passover for they were wanderers seeking after truth.
I find it quite interesting that these pagan Greeks, were seeking Jesus, all the while the religious Pharisees where seeking His death.
Imagine the silence that was Jerusalem when Jesus began to speak. These great crowds that had gathered to celebrate His entrance into the city, are not in complete silence hanging on His every word.
V:23 the first thing that Jesus said was exactly what they wanted to hear. The HOUR has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Upon to this point in the ministry of Jesus the Hour was always referred to as a future event, but now it is a present event. It is here.
This is exactly what they Jewish audience had so longed to hear; their belief has now begun to become a reality. Salvation was at hand from their oppression
Now that Jesus has their attention, His next words are a bit hard to swallow.
Jesus was talking about ruling as a different kind of KING. A king that would not rule by conquest, revolutions, but would rule through DEATH.
His illustration is very simple for all to understand. Literally if you a kernel of wheat in your hand you cannot see what is in it, or what it will become.
Each grain holds millions, upon millions of offspring’s. Only if it dies.
Jesus was telling the crowd he would fulfill HIS kingly role by dying and thereby reproducing His life in others.
*** Jesus right here preaches the heart of the Gospel. Death is the key.
They and rightly so acknowledge Him as the one and TRUE king, and the KING tells you for His kingdom to advance He must die, and anyone that desires to follow Him must die as well.
*** The Spiritual life is governed by paradoxes. Power in made perfect in our weakness ( ) Do you want to be rich? We must become poor. Do you want to be first, then be last. Humble yourselves, therefore under God’s might had that HE may life you up in due time.() If you want to rule, we have to serve. If you want to LIVE you must DIE.
Unless there is death, there is no eternal life.
- Is your life stale, and stagnant? I have realized more and more each and everyday, that dying to self is a daily, moment by moment task that I must commit to. If I want to have true life, then I must die to self.
o George Muller one of those great Giants of the Faith was asked “what is the secret of your life?” He hung his head, and said “ There was a day that I died. Died to George Muller, his opinions, preferences, tastes, and will; died to the world, its approval or criticism; died to the approval or blame even of brethren or friend’s.”
o Jesus royal life did not begin with a great and majestic coronation but with a crucifixion.
§ What is the reward of death to self???? Look back at v26 that God honors those that die to self and follow Jesus.
§ There is nothing that this world could ever throw at us, that compares to the glory of God. for this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.
Jesus’ death was His supreme manifestation of His GLORY
His Glory was fully displayed in the shame of the Cross.
His glorification was tied to His denial of seeking His own Glory.
He himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His WOUNDS you have been healed.
Death to self is not all that is involved; self has to be displaced by another.
You have to die to self, but you also have to remove that dead carcass out of the way, and FOLLOW Jesus.
Following Jesus, is placing Him in His rightful spot of King, allowing His word and will to transform you, and model you.
I appeal to you therefore, brothers by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
How do you see Jesus?
Like that of Jews? Hoping for a Savior to come and make your life easier, and more fun, filled with just happiness?
Or a Savior that came to annihilate your greatest enemies of all time, Self, Sin, and Satan???
How do you see His Kingship, His rule?
Like that of the Jews? Seeking for comforts and ease
Or as one to follow, and mirror
How do others see Jesus in YOU?
Only as we die to ourselves and live for Christ will they see a true picture of Who Christ IS