Dancing In The Rain!

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Movie coming to theaters, based on a true story - a boy who was under water for over 15 minutes, and doctors said it was impossible for him to live
My Breakthrough didn't come when Jesus stilled the storm, my Breakthrough came when I learned how to DANCE IN THE RAIN!
Many of us work hard at self-management, but when life gets too dramatic, my self-management tends to become crisis management.
Uncertainty, Fear, and doubt about the reality and hopes.
The man walks toward Christ and passes over the turbulent waves of life. He turns his attention away from Christ - TO THE STORMS of life and begins to sink.
The man walks toward Christ and passes over the turbulent waves of life. He turns his attention away from Christ - TO THE STORMS of life and begins to sink.
Often when we think of trials we are able to identify with the analogy of a storm and when we know that a storm is coming we can connect it with a trial. The emotions that often accompany the thought of a pending storm or hurricane are the same/similar to those which we incur when going through a trial. We feel afraid, regret, anxious, hopeless, and sad. We run, seek shelter, we get still, turn the lights off and wait to hear from The Lord.
Storms come at anytime and often come without warning. If like me you might wish that you had a spiritual meteorologist. Because a storm comes, then another one, then another one, then another one – then suddenly you find that you are overwhelmed with this thing called “life.”
When we understand that God has allowed each and every one of us to experience some kind of test, some kind of storm, some kind of trial - that each of us has had to go through. – But I came today to encourage you and let you know that although you’ve been through the fire and are going through the storm – your test did not come to break you, it did not come to take anything away from you - but it came to make you stronger.

Thesis: I submit to you today that 10% of life is “what happens” to us, and 90% of life is “how we” handle, our attitude about what happens to us. When you understand the purpose of a test – you’ll stop complaining through it and you come to say that “I’m not going to complain about what it takes to make me. I’m determined to stand in the presence of God and learn what it is that I need to learn, so that I can come through this test.

Somebody is the storm right now – we come to church and everything look good on the outside, but many of us have a flood at home. Somebody’s going through a test with your son, going through a trial with your daughter, somebody dealing with a spouse that won’t act right, dealing with adult parents that can’t do right!
But I came to tell you today – that though you are being tried through the fire – your gonna come out of it and coming out as pure gold.
God sent me to tell you today – that THE STORM IS PASSING OVER! you coming out.

Purpose for the test

So many times when we are being tested and tried we don’t understand that there is a purpose for our test. But the problem is that if we have no test – there is no testimony. See we want to carry the anointing and receiving the blessings of God, but we don’t want to pay the price. So your going to face testing and trials, I don’t know who told you that life was going to be easy and that everyday would be a sunny day and without clouds – but I want to give you a reality check and let you know that it’s not going to always be sunny outside. But you are going to have some rain in your life – because unto each life a little rain must fall sometime. Point: But the rain is not meant for destruction, but to water the earth and something is going to be birthed or spring forth.


This morning I want to share with you that in the natural there are two different kinds of clouds: STRATUS, CUMULUS, AND CIRRUS
The process of condensation results in the formation of clouds and different clouds form under different circumstances. Condensation is how much rain falls in our lives…
But - Don’t be afraid when you see the clouds, because God is trying to purpose you for something. When you see the clouds, God wants you to look beyond the circumstances and remember a few things through the storm:1)Presence 2) Provision 3) Power.
Categories of storm - 1(74-95) 2(96-110mph) 4(131-155) 5(greater than 155mph)
The storm is coming to build up your levy’s a– there is something about the man and woman of God – something about believers that when they get in trouble, they learn how to call on the name of Jesus. They learn how to say “the blood of Jesus”,
Point: And even though we are all going through storms – people that don’t have the Lord – they turn to alcoholism because of the pressure – they turn to smoking reefer and getting high, they turn to cocaine because of the pressure – somebody turns to suicide because they can’t deal with the pressure – Point: but I came to tell you today that when you got the Holy Ghost on the inside of you - even when the winds start raging and the devil starts raging all around you - I’ve got a hiding place and it’s in the word of God – and I can hide in the word of God ( scripts.) in the time of storm. Somebody clap your hands.

The PRESCENCE of God: Jesus Is With You In The Storm

We must picture the scene: the physical and mental exhaustion; the hours of struggle for survival against the storm; the fear that strikes when thoughts of death face a person for so many long and unbroken hours; the fright of seeing a real apparition; the state of shock from confronting so much. Peter thought he was dying. A man in such a condition wants to be saved and delivered from danger.
the wind is contrary and we are in danger of being overwhelmed by the storms of life.
Let me tell you something! – we got to go through the storm, but we are not by ourselves – we are just like the disciples when they were on the ship, in the storm with Jesus and they began to say in the words of the song writer:
24 But the boat was already many stadia distant from the land, being beaten by the waves, because the wind was against it. 25 And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. 26 But the disciples, when they* saw him walking on the sea, were terrified, saying, “It is a ghost!” and they cried out in fear. Let me tell you something! – we got to go through the storm, but we are not by ourselves – we are just like the disciples when they were on the ship, in the storm with Jesus and they began to say in the words of the song writer:
Master, the tempest is raging! The billows are tossing high! The sky is overshadowed with blackness! No shelter or help is nigh! Carest Thou not that we perish?
when you’ve got Jesus on the boat He is riding through the storm with you. Point: You’re not by yourself and although you are going through - The Storm is Passing Over! - Somebody help me praise him
If he’s riding, if he’s riding through the storm, he’s riding through the storm no matter the category of the storm. He’s going to ride it out with you. He was there when they told you that you had Cancer - but He will be there when your healed too. He was there in your beginning and he will be right there at the end when the darkness appears.
Get Jesus – Got Jesus
So many of us spend so much time trying to get the best Mercedes, the nicest house and clothes, the best friends. But I’m here to tell you that when a storm hit your house - you won’t care what you wearing right then, you don’t care bout that house cause a storm can slam and destroy that house – Point: So you better work on getting something down on the inside of you that allows you
“When this Old World is reeling and rocking – stand by me
“Thou who rulest the wind and the water” – stand by me.

The Provisions of God

If you don’t have the hope in Christ Jesus – if you don’t have the stability in you, - I tell you something “I thank God for a grandmother and church that taught me how to pray which taught me how to survive.” And if your going to survive, got to remember that God will Provide!
- See when your money is funny and lights go out - GOD WILL PROVIDE!
when you been evicted and all your things are on the street and all you’ve got is gone - GOD WILL PROVIDE!
That’s why you’ve got to understand that “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and His righteousness, I dare not trust the sweetest flame, but only lean on Jesus name, on Christ the solid rock I stand – all other ground is sinking sand
That’s why you’ve got to understand that “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and His righteousness, I dare not trust the sweetest flame, but only lean on Jesus name, on Christ the solid rock I stand – all other ground is sinking sand
When everything else starts blowing away – you got to be just like the tree that’s planted by the water – you souls got to be anchored in the Lord.

The POWER: of God

Power of God - to speak, to pronounce, to promise on behalf of God
. I may have to cry for a moment, but I’m glad that I’ve got something down on the inside and it keeps me on the inside.
I may have to cry for a moment, but I’m glad that I’ve got something down on the inside and it keeps me on the inside.
. I may have to cry for a moment, but I’m glad that I’ve got something down on the inside and it keeps me on the inside.
I may have to cry for a moment, but I’m glad that I’ve got something down on the inside and it keeps me on the inside.
I’m so glad that I got the Lord Jesus Christ – he is my savior, He is my refuge, He’s my deliverer, when I’m in trouble I can call on the name of Jesus, I can call on the name of the Lord, He’s my strong tower, when I’m in trouble I don’t have to call my pastor I can just say Jesus,
Jesus, O thou son of DavidJesus,The seed of AbrahamThe Root of JesseThe Lily of the ValleyMy bright and morning starMy chief cornerstoneMy Rose of SharonOh Jesus - Wish I had somebody that’s not ashamed to Jesus
Somebody that says “I thank God I got power in the midst of the storm.
Tell neighbor – I may shed some tears - but the storm is passing over. I might be by myself but I’m coming outI might be misunderstood, but I’m coming out
Father I stretch my hand to they – no other help I know if though would withdraw they
I know he will –
He’ll bring you out
Tell your neighbor – I’ve been through the storm and through the fire, just like Shadrach, Meshach and Abendego – but looks like I see four in there. I want you to know that Jesus is in the fire with you – you ain’t by yourself – you got goodness and you got mercy and they are all around you. He’s all over me and he’s keeping me alive.
I’m coming out of this with joy – Now how you gonna come out with joy? Lord I thank you. I may not have a house but lord I thank you; I may not have a million dollars in the bank, but Lord I lift you up, now oh
Somebody you got to understand that the trials of your faith are more precious than Gold
You’ve got to tell that devil
Wipe your eyes, square your shoulders
I come to tell you that the storm is passing over.

As I think of Peter going down into the depths of the sea, it brings to mind a new movie that is coming out next week. “Breakthrough.”

The setting is : a young boy has fallen into.... and stayed underwater over 15 mins
When I had my breakthrough:
It didn’t come because the storm had ceased.
He took the shackles off my feet so I could praise him, you don’t have to praise – I’ll praise him myself.
It didn’t come when the wind stopped blowing.
It didn’t even come when he pulled me out of my mess.

Learned How TO Dance IN THE RAIN!

Learned How TO Dance IN THE RAIN!

Advice from Paul - Paul said, “ Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for THIS IS the will of God in Christ Jesus for YOU!”
My breakthrough came when I learned How to DANCE IN THE RAIN!!!
Advice from Paul - Paul said, “ Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for THIS IS the will of God in Christ Jesus for YOU!”

Advice from Paul - Paul said, “ Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for THIS IS the will of God in Christ Jesus for YOU!”

My breakthrough came when I learned How to DANCE IN THE RAIN!!!

I started dancing when I realized that crisis come and crisis go - but the PRESCENCE, PROVISION, And POWER of God
The real test of a believer is not those who can shout when all is going well, but those who can still shout when you been through a category 5 storm
Paul said, “ Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all things..
Those that been through the fire and through the storm
Shadrach, Mechsach, AbedengoDaniel was thrown in the Lions DenPaul in a prison cell Joseph was through in a pit
My breakthrough is in my praise
My praise is in my dance.
The term “dross” is used to describe waste material which must be removed and processed separately or discarded in a safe place. It may also be dangerous, poisonous, or impure, depending on the context of the usage. This word from from an Old German word meaning “dregs,” and it was originally used in reference to manufacturing processes.
I’ll praise him - in the midst of the storm.
I’ll dance - through my tears.
I’ll dance - in my pain.
I will bless The Lord at all times...
i’ll dance because “Weeping May Endure for a NIGHT, BUT JOY - JOY comes in the morning.
I’ll dance in success.
I’ll dance in my failures.
I’ll Dance when I feel like giving up.
I’ll dance when I feel like giving in.
I’ll dance when I’m sick.
I’ll Dance when I’m sad.
I’ll Dance when I’m mad.
Because Weeping May ...

Provision of God

Prescnce of God
the wind is contrary and we are in danger of being overwhelmed by the storms of life.
24 But the boat was already many stadia distant from the land, being beaten by the waves, because the wind was against it. 25 And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. 26 But the disciples, when they* saw him walking on the sea, were terrified, saying, “It is a ghost!” and they cried out in fear.
Provision of God

Power of God - to speak, to pronounce, to promise on behalf of God.

.Power of God - to speak, to pronounce, to promise on behalf of God.
Barclay, W. (2001). The Gospel of Matthew (Third Ed., p. 124). Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press.Power of God - to speak, to pronounce, to promise on behalf of God.
He cries out in desperation - “LORD SAVE ME!” There is a picture of salvation in this scene.
Power of God

Storm Categories

Category 2 -
Category 3 -
Category 4 -
Category 5 -
God is building up the levy s - testing period for the storm, the hurricane. The Cat 5
Illustration - The therapeutic or therapy benefits of natural sounds. Comes in clock, on select music channels on your TV, a sound machine. Plays sounds of the natural elements. i.e, The waves breaking against the rock in the ocean, The birds singing in the trees, sound of a running stream or waterfall. But the sound machine also has the sound/elements of a storm - thunder, lightening cracks, bellows roll, the movement of the wind pushing in the dark clouds


Advice from Paul - Paul said, “ Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for THIS IS the will of God in Christ Jesus for YOU!”

Captain of the Ship - When the Ship is Battered by the Angry Sea, and it seems like all hope is gone.


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