Psalm 24

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Psalm 24 ESV
A Psalm of David. 1 The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, 2 for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers. 3 Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place? 4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully. 5 He will receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation. 6 Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob. Selah 7 Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. 8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle! 9 Lift up your heads, O gates! And lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. 10 Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory! Selah
A The Earth and the Holy
v 1-2 —> God establishes the earth
Psalm 24:1–2 ESV
1 The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, 2 for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers.
Psalm 24:
v 3 —> Who has right to the earth?
v 4-6 —> Answer: The righteous
—> Selah
B God’s power on Earth
v 7 —> God has sway on the earth
v 8a —> Who is God?
v 8b—> Answer: A warrior king
C —> God’s power on People
v 9 —> God has sway on His people
v 10a —> Who is God?
v 10b —> Answer: A God of ALL
—> Selah
Word Study
Ancient —>
עוֹלָם (ʿô·lām): adv. [oth n.masc.]; ≡ Str 5769
everlasting, forever, eternity, i.e., pertaining to an unlimited duration of time, usually with a focus on the future (); 2. LN 67.78–67.117 ancient, old, i.e., existing for a long time in the relative past (; ); 3. LN 67.78–67.117 lasting, for a duration, i.e., an undetermined duration of time without reference to other points of time, with a focus of no anticipated end, but nevertheless may have limits (; ), note: for MT text in , see 6409
Swanson, J. (1997). Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains : Hebrew (Old Testament) (electronic ed.). Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

7372 II. צָבָא (ṣā·ḇā(ʾ)): n.masc.; ≡ Str 6635; TWOT 1865a, 1865b—1. LN 55.7–55.13 army, host, i.e., a military congregation as a large fighting unit (1Sa 12:9), note: for MT text in Zec 9:8, see 5166; 2. LN 55.7–55.13 division, i.e., a smaller unit of a total army (Nu 1:3); 3. LN 11.1–11.11 divisions, i.e., a subjnct.-group of civilian persons in relationship to a whole group (Ex 7:4); 4. LN 11.1–11.11 large group, vast array, i.e., a huge amount of persons, creatures, spirit beings, or objects all of the same class (Ge 2:1; Dt 4:19; 1Ki 22:19); 5. LN 35.19–35.30 service, i.e., the rendering of assistance and help for duties (Nu 4:3, 23); 6. LN 55.2–55.6 battle, skirmish, i.e., an individual fight with an enemy as part of a larger war (Nu 31:4); 7. LN 22.15–22.20 trouble, hard service, i.e., the experiencing of hardship and trouble in the midst of service (Job 7:1; 14:14); 8. LN 1.26–1.33 stars, i.e., points of light seen in the night sky (Dt 17:3), note: often believed to embody or represent deities; 9. LN 12.1–12.42 the Almighty, i.e., a title of God (1Sa 1:3); 10. LN 55.14–55.22 unit: עַם הַ־ צָבָא (ʿǎm hǎ- ṣā·ḇā(ʾ))2 soldier, formally, people of the army, i.e., one in military service (Nu 31:32); 11. LN 55.14–55.22 unit: שַׂר צָבָא (śǎr ṣā·ḇā(ʾ))2 commander, formally, prince of the army, i.e., one in military service as an officer (Dt 20:9); 12. LN 55.14–55.22 unit: עַל הַ־ צָבָא (ʿǎl hǎ- ṣā·ḇā(ʾ))2 commander-in-chief, formally, over the army, i.e., one as the head of the entire army (1Ki 4:4); 13. LN 6.29–6.40 unit: כְּלִי צָבָא (kelî ṣā·ḇā(ʾ))2 weapon, formally, vessel of war, i.e., any of the offensive instruments armies use to kill the enemy (1Ch 12:38[EB 37])


3883 I. כָּבוֹד (kā·ḇôḏ): n.masc.; ≡ Str 3519; TWOT 943d, 943e—1. LN 87.4–87.18 glory, splendor (Jos 7:19); 2. LN 87.4–87.18 honor, respect, i.e., the attribution of high status to a person (Ge 45:13; Pr 11:16); 3. LN 57.25–57.35 wealth, i.e., what is valued and abundant (Ge 31:1; Na 2:10[EB 9]); 4. LN 76 manifestation of power, formally, glory (Ex 16:7; Nu 14:22); 5. LN 85.1–85.31 glorious presence, formally, glory (Ex 29:43; 1Sa 4:21); 6. LN 57.71–57.124 reward, i.e., giving of a gift (Nu 24:11); 7. LN 57.25–57.35 unit: עֹשֶׁר כָּבוֹד (ʿō·šěr kā·ḇôḏ)1 vast wealth, formally, wealth of riches, i.e., very extensive wealth and possessions (Est 1:4); 8. LN 26 person, self, formally, glory, i.e., the self or inner person (Ps 16:9; 30:13[EB 12]; 57:9[EB 8]; 108:2[EB 1]), note: the NIV in 16:9 has the “tongue” as the organ of speech, see also domain LN 8.9–8.69; 9. LN 12.1–12.42 the Glory, i.e., a title for God (Ps 106:20; Jer 2:11; Hos 4:7); 10. LN 37.48–37.95 ruler, men of high rank, i.e., ones who govern (Isa 5:13); 11. LN 52 unit: שָׁכַב בְּ־ כָּבוֹד (šā·ḵǎḇ b- kā·ḇôḏ)1 lie in state, i.e., be in a royal state of entombment (Isa 14:18)

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