Worth it
God Man Servant King • Sermon • Submitted
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Lukan Setting
Lukan Setting
Lukan setting
Week 1: Knowing Jesus changes you. The new you lives differently because Jesus is better.
Week 2: Because He is better, you will serve the least in His name.
Week 3: The Savior is worth the sacrifice
He has set his face to go to Jerusalem.
Understand what is going on in Jesus’ head for why he says what he says
: Then he took the Twelve aside and told them, “See, we are going up to Jerusalem. Everything that is written through the prophets about the Son of Man will be accomplished. 32 For he will be handed over to the Gentiles, and he will be mocked, insulted, spit on; 33 and after they flog him, they will kill him, and he will rise on the third day.”
Christian Standard Bible. (2017). (). Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers.
Ominous verse 51
Set his face, Stiffened His face to go
1. The reality of following Jesus: rejection, unpopular, hard things.
Follow 3x
Key definition in be a Christian
: Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.
Christian Standard Bible. (2017). (). Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers.
2. FOLLOW me and follow ME
Path and a Person
Suffering and a Sweetness
Jesus and a Jerusalem
Great commission
All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Christian Standard Bible. (2017). (). Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers.
Go, make disciples, baptizing, teaching
I will be with you with all the authority
Responses- Pretty Idols
Test and Teaching: oh, you will follow me? really?
Am I enough for you? Will you treasure me most?
3. GUY 1 GUY 2 GUY 3
Guy #1: “where ever you go”. Where you do go is challenged with where Jesus doesn’t stay.
Meaning, it was what this man didn’t offer that was what he needed to give up to follow.
He assumed that going with Jesus always meant that staying with Jesus would be comfortable
He didn’t count the cost of following Jesus.
**Didn’t realize**
Camp decisions, VBS Decision, Emotional music and lots of feelings decision
The weed that shot up but had no real faith and died off
“Let me go..” This man wanted to leave Jesus and go to his family.
Jesus says leave what you have been taught by the world is worthy (respect, tradition, ritual, doing “what’s expected of me”). Then follow me
Those people were more important to him than Jesus’ purposes
Living Father over your dead father
“I will follow you, Lord, but...”
Very singular
this man is unwilling to fully let go. One word more and it means so much less.
He sees following Jesus as a negative because of what he is giving up, not as a positive because of what he is gaining.
Divided Commitment: he didn’t just look back, he longed back.
“hand to the plow”
Plowing straight.
Your work, responsibility, calling, make jesus famous, tell people the gospel, be sold out, study, learn, care about others, shine brightly into the world.
No one who makes this commitment and is worried about what they left behind is really making a commitment
4. You don’t regret what is the most valuable.
Set your face like Jesus set His
Test: oh, you will follow me? really?
Am I enough for you? Will you treasure me most?
Jesus knows your Idol
Don’t make this harder than it is- most of us will have a bed, go to a parent’s funeral, and struggle with doubt.
Zaccheus gave half, Rich young man was supposed to give all.
He is not confused or mistaken. He is pointing exactly to what you are hiding, what you are treasuring more than Him
Poke in the conscience: what needs to change?
Am I more satisfying than your comfort?
Home is all about comforts
Will you choose me over being comfortable?
Am I more satisfying than your family?
Family are our most special relationships
What people think and want can control us.
Am I more satisfying than your FOMO?
looking back, longing back
divided discipleship- looking/longing
Are you worried about what you could be doing if your life wasn’t about making God famous?
Will you commit to following me the way I committed to going to the cross for you?
Philippians 3
Philippians 3
Thoughts 2
“where ever you go”. Where you do go is challenged with where Jesus doesn’t stay.
Meaning, it was what this man didn’t offer that was what he needed to give up to follow.
He assumed that going with Jesus always meant that staying with Jesus would be comfortable
He didn’t count the cost of following Jesus.
**Ever sign up for something you didn’t realize?**
“Let me go..” This man wanted to leave Jesus and go to his family.
Making this truth the reality of your heart and soul and mind does not mean that you will never mess up or be a monk now.
Jesus says leave what you have taught to is worthy (respect, tradition, ritual, doing “what’s expected of me”) and follow me
5. For you this looks like Chasing Jesus
Those people were more important to him than Jesus’ purposes
Living Father over your dead father
“I will follow you, Lord, but...”
It means that you press on. You keep trusting. You keep doing the right thing even when it is hard. You don’t let a particular failure be a pattern of failure. You push to make this reality in your heart a reality in your life.
this man is unwilling to fully let go. One word more and it means so much less.
He sees following Jesus as a negative because of what he is giving up, not as a positive because of what he is gaining.
Thus, he has a divided nature to his commitment
“hand to the plow”
Why? Because Christ Jesus has made you his.
Plowing straight.
Your work, responsibility, calling, make jesus famous, tell people the gospel, be sold out, study, learn, care about others, shine brightly into the world.
I don’t have it down perfect. I struggle with obedience and doubt at times.
No one who makes this commitment and is worried about what they left behind is really making a commitment
But my past mistakes don’t control my future commitment to Jesus. I am his and he is mine.
You don’t regret what is the most valuable.
He is my prize. And he might cost me everything that this life says is valuable. But I don’t care.
Right now, with me, I want you to count the cost of actually following Him
set your face like Jesus set His
Count the cost of actually living out your faith.
What are you scared to lose? What comfort is rotting your soul?
Are there some people that mean more to you than Jesus?
Do you second guess the value in following Jesus? Are there other experiences that you think might be better than Him?
I will close by saying that he is worthy. He is valuable. He is absolutely worth anything that this life could offer you
So, when he asks you to Follow Me: consider the Sacrifice but also consider the Savior.
Cross Reference verses
CHALLENGE: What is your sacrifice to follow Jesus? What does that cost you?