Believing A Lie
Believing A Lie
Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12
Thesis: To show that our only protection against believing spiritual lies is to diligently love the truth God has given us in His word.
1. I received a book catalog this past week. On the front cover was displayed a book by David
J. Lieberman: Never Be Lied To Again. It was subtitled:”How to get to the truth in 5 minutes or less in any conversation or situation”. It was written in 1998. It obviously addresses a
need many people feel.
2. None of us want to be lied to. The higher the stakes, the more critical it is to have truth. We
want truth when it comes to our retirement account, the results of our annual physical, or
news about our children or grandchildren. None of us want to be lied to.
3. What could be more critical than our eternal destiny? But is there really someone who would
lead us astray on such an important subject? God says “Yes”, and we need to know all of
what He has said on the subject.
I. A Disturbing Account In The Old Testament
A. Our society places a premium on a person’s motives. It may be true that someone broke a law, but what was their intent? We carry this thinking over to God’s laws. To us it shouldn’t matter that someone slips now and then; what was their intention? Surely a sin now and then shouldn’t matter. But this account should make us think again.
B. 1 Kings 13 - The prophet of God who believed a lie:
1. v. 1 - God sent this prophet to Jeroboam, the man who led the rebellion against Solomon’s son. Jeroboam had set up an altar in Bethel, an altar that God had not commanded.
2. vv. 7-10 - After prophesying against the altar, Jeroboam asked the prophet to stay and dine with him. The prophet refused, saying that God had told him not to eat or drink while in Bethel.
3. vv. 15-17 - An older prophet heard what happened, and he also tried to get the man of God to come eat with him. Again the man of God refused, pointing to God’s command.
4. v. 18 - At this point the old prophet claimed that God had given him a new revelation, allowing the man of God to eat in Bethel. But the text said, “But he lied to him.”
5. vv. 20-24 - During the meal, the old prophet made a prophesy of his own, that the man of God would be killed for disobeying God. This prophecy was really from God, and the man of God was killed by a lion.
C. Does this account seem fair to you? After all, the man of God had fulfilled his commission by preaching to the king. When the old prophet told him to come back, how could the man of God know that he was lying. Was God right in doing this?
II. Should People Suffer When Others Lie To Them?
A. God’s warnings about the possibility of deception:
1. 2 Cor. 11:13-15 - Paul spoke of the powers of Satan and his angels, transforming themselves into angels of light. How could anyone resist something so convincing as this? Again, is God fair for allowing this to happen?
2. 2 Thes. 2:9-12 - In another letter, Paul warned about this ability of Satan to deceive. But he also mentioned the key to resisting such deception: “love of the truth”. Some, Paul said, will not receive that love of the truth. They would rather be duped!
3. Isa. 30:9,10 - It isn’t a recent phenomenon. People in Isaiah’s day preferred to hear smooth things, even if they were deceitful. Are people today any different?
4. Mic. 2:11 - Micah also pointed to this tendency. People would rather hear lies on subjects they enjoy rather than the truth which might be uncomfortable.
5. When I go to my doctor, I want to hear her tell me that my health is excellent, that I’m in remarkable condition, and that I can expect to live another 51 years. But would that be the truth? Or would it be merely what I wanted to hear? By not telling me what I really need to do, would that doctor actually be shortening my life?
B. The truth - our only assurance of salvation:
1. Tit. 2:11,12 - Let’s talk about grace. Without grace, none of us could hope to be saved. But the grace of God which has been revealed comes “teaching” us how to live. Does it matter what is taught? If it’s not what God’s grace teaches, do we want it?
2. 2 Pet. 1:3,4 - God has given us all things that are necessary for our salvation. But if someone contaminates that truth, will it matter? Could we say that God isn’t fair if we are lost because we chose to believe a lie instead of the truth of God?
3. Jn. 8:31,32 - The truth is what will make us free. We are disciples of our Lord only when we abide in His word.
4. Jn. 8:44 - Why would anyone try to lead us away from everlasting life? Because Satan has brought about the confusion that reigns in religion. By making us think that truth doesn’t matter, he has deceived many, and will murder many.
5. Prov. 23:23 - Let us heed the wise man: “Buy the truth, and do not sell it!”
C. Was God unfair when the man of God was killed by the lion for believing the old prophet’s lie? God gave the younger prophet everything he needed. If he had held onto that, he would have been safe. His death was his own fault for believing a person more than God.
1. Every week I receive several e-mails from individuals I’ve never met asking for my help.
Each of these represents someone in another country who left millions of dollars behnd.
A chunk of that money can be mine if I’ll simply assist this person in transferring these
assetts to the U.S.
2. Would it hurt anything if I responded to those e-mails? I’d probably lose all my life savings!
Even though these claims are lies, I would be the one hurt for believing them.
3. God has given us the truth. It’s all we need. Instead of allowing other people to tell us what
will please God -- let’s let God tell us Himself. Trust no one except God. Rely completely
on the Bible.