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21 Now a when they drew near • Jerusalem , and came to 1 2532 3753 1448 1519 2414 2532 2064 1519 Bethphage , at b the Mount of Olives , then Jesus sent two disciples 967 4314 3588 3735 3588 1636 5119 3588 2424 649 1417 3101 , 2 saying to them , “ Go into the village opposite you , and immediately 3004 846 4198 1519 3588 2968 3588 561 5216 2532 2112 you will find a donkey tied , and a colt with her . Loose them and bring them 2147 3688 1210 2532 4454 3326 846 3089 71 to Me . 3 And if anyone says anything to you , you shall say • , ‘ The Lord 3427 2532 1437 5100 2036 5100 5213 2046 3754 3588 2962 has need of them ,’ and immediately he will send them .” 2192 5532 846 1161 2112 649 846
4 2 • All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the 1161 3650 5124 1096 2443 4137 3588 4483 1223 3588 prophet , saying : 4396 3004
5 “ Tell c the daughter of Zion , 2036 3588 2364 4622
‘ Behold , your King is coming to you , 2400 4675 3588 935 2064 4671
Lowly , and sitting on a donkey • , 4239 2532 1910 1909 3688 2532
A colt , the foal • of a donkey .’ ” 4454 5207 5268
6 d So the disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them . 7 They 1161 3588 3101 4198 2532 4160 2531 3588 2424 4367 846 brought the donkey and the colt • , e laid their clothes on them , 3 and 71 3588 3688 2532 3588 4454 2532 2007 846 3588 2440 1883 846 2532 set Him on them . 8 And a very great multitude spread their clothes 1940 1883 846 1161 3588 4118 3793 4766 1438 3588 2440 on the road • ; f others cut down branches from the trees and spread 1722 3588 3598 1161 243 2875 2798 575 3588 1186 2532 4766 them on the road . 9 Then the multitudes who went before and those who 1722 3588 3598 1161 3588 3793 3588 4254 2532 3588 190 followed cried out , saying : 2896 3004
“ Hosanna to the Son of David ! 5614 3588 5207 1138
g ‘ Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord !’ 2127 3588 2064 1722 3686 2962
Hosanna in the highest !” 5614 1722 3588 5310
10 h And when He had come into Jerusalem , all the city was moved , 2532 846 1525 1519 2414 3956 3588 4172 4579 saying , “ Who is this ?” 3004 5101 2076 3778
11 So the multitudes said , “ This is Jesus , i the prophet from 1161 3588 3793 3004 3778 2076 2424 3588 4396 575 Nazareth of Galilee .” 3588 3478 3588 1056
The New King James Version. (1982). (). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.