The Invisible Kingdom

The Kingdom of Heaven  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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In this lesson Pastor Bogan explains the invisible nature of the Kingdom of God and how we must strive to enter into it.

The Jews in that day longed for the coming Kingdom. They read the prophecies concerning the Kingdom of God. They knew the prosperity and peace that would accompany God’s Kingdom in the earth. They wanted to know if this was the meaning behind the miracles that Jesus performed? Was He preparing to usher in the Kingdom of God?
Many of the prophecies concerning the Kingdom seemed to indicate that the Kingdom would come with the supernatural signs (, ). However, these prophecies speak to the natural side of the Kingdom. There is also a spiritual side to the Kingdom. The spiritual side of the Kingdom is the initial phase of the kingdom and it does not come in a way that can be observed
Jesus said, “The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation.” In other words, He challenged their perception of the Kingdom as something purely physical or natural.
We make a similar mistake. We tend to look at the kingdom from a purely natural perspective. As a result, we have socialized or politicalized the Kingdom of God. Meaning, we assume that the way we bring in the Kingdom is through social action. Or we assume that the way to bring in the Kingdom is through political legislation. If we’re not socializing or politicalizing the Kingdom, then we’re often secularizing it or giving it a natural meaning.
And, if we’re not socializing, politicizing or even secularizing the Kingdom, then we’re often guilty of localizing it ().
People try to convince us that the Kingdom is localized to a specific place or part of the world. So, we run here and we run there looking for the kingdom. But, the Kingdom is not confined to any particular location. Being in the Kingdom has nothing to do with where we’re located. You may move to a different location, but you still have to obey God when you get there. Get your eyes off of locations!
I’m not saying that the Kingdom will NEVER be visible, or that it will never have a social or political aspect to it. I’m saying that this is not how the Kingdom of God ‘comes’ (introduced). The Kingdom of God does not begin visibly, socially or politically. It begins spiritually.
But, is this the kingdom Jesus came to establish?
But, is this the kingdom Jesus came to establish?
However, the prophecies that speak of the Kingdom speak only of the natural side. There is a spiritual side of the Kingdom of God. It is this spiritual side of the Kingdom that Jesus came to introduce and establish. In fact, the spiritual side is the initial phase of the Kingdom (it is how the kingdom is first introduced).
The Kingdom does not come by what you see. When the Kingdom comes you won’t see it. In fact, the Kingdom was already present, but they didn’t see it.
This idea that the Kingdom of God starts within us before it is ever manifested or revealed in the earth should not surprise us since Jesus said that the kingdom was like a seed ().
Seeds start off hidden. Similarly, the Kingdom starts off hidden. Meaning you don’t really see it with the naked eye. There are people who think they’re in the kingdom, but they are not, and there are people who you think are not in who are (). By the way, the “door” is Christ () or the message about Christ/the gospel ().
Don’t get upset when you don’t see visible manifestations of the Kingdom. In fact, Jesus tells His disciples don’t be surprised if one day you don’t see the Son of Man. The term ‘Son of Man’ is a Messianic title. It’s a reference to the Messiah who will one day reign over the Kingdom of God (, ). Therefore, Jesus is saying, “Don’t be surprised if you don’t see visible manifestations of the Kingdom, AND don’t be surprised if you don’t visibly see anyone on the throne.” Don’t think that the Kingdom no longer exists, or that it has come to a close. Keep operating and living as you did when He was visible. Keeping doing the things ‘on earth’ as you would do ‘in heaven.’ And one day He will return. And when He does, you won’t have to find Him. He’ll find you! In fact, every eye will see Him.
The Kingdom does not come by what you see. When the Kingdom comes you won’t see it. In fact, the Kingdom was already present, but they didn’t see it.
Even if there were signs that accompany the coming of the kingdom, most people won’t notice it because they will be too distracted by their earthly life.
Seeds start off hidden (in the earth). Similarly, the Kingdom of God starts off hidden (in our hearts). Now, this doesn’t mean that the Kingdom will remain hidden. Jesus also spoke of the Kingdom coming in a literal way (). However, this aspect of the Kingdom will take place at some point in the future. When? It doesn’t really matter because you can enter it now by faith. You don’t have to wait until you physically “see” the Kingdom in order to enter into it. Those who believe enter the Kingdom immediately ().
The term ‘Son of Man’ is a Messianic title (, ). So, there will come a day when the Church, God’s kingdom on earth, will be without the physical presence of the Son of Man. This period will terminate with the appearing (coming) of the Son of Man in the clouds. Moreover, when He comes it will not be confined to a geographical location. But, like the lightening in the sky the Son of man will appear from one part of heaven to the other ().
Before glory (rule), there must be rejection and suffering. One day Christ will wield a rod of iron, but for now He must bear a cross.
This verse reveals that the coming of the Kingdom will have a totally different impact for the unbeliever, for it will bring with it judgment on the same magnitude as was in Noah’s day and in the days of Lot. Moreover, mankind’s attitude prior to that day will be the same as it was in the days of Noah and in the days of Lot—going about their lives and ignoring any possibility that judgment exists (). This same indifferent apathetic attitude will be repeated in our day.
We might add that it appears that it’s not man’s wickedness that will ultimately be the reason for his destruction, but his worldliness. Nothing in this list is particularly evil. Everything in this list is very mundane or natural. Yet, they were all destroyed! Why? Because they weren’t in the family! And those that were in the family were destroyed because they loved this world. Most will not enter the family of God (ark) because of what they might be leaving behind.
This idea that the kingdom begins within should not surprise since Jesus declared that the kingdom was like a seed that is planted (, ). Seeds start off small and invisible (hidden in the earth). Similarly, the kingdom of heaven starts off small and invisible (hidden in our heart). By the way, Jesus said, “The days ARE COMING” (). In other words, the kingdom will not remain hidden or spiritual. (This is contradicts the A-Millennial theory that the kingdom is figurative or spiritual ONLY. Jesus says, “Don’t go looking for the kingdom. When it comes it will be visible like the lightening across the sky.) Moreover, He adds that when it is revealed, it will bring judgment on those who are not watching. (This contradicts the Post-Millennial theory which states that the kingdom will get progressively larger until it converts the whole world. No, the kingdom will remain hidden/spiritual until Christ appears. At which time he will destroy the unbelievers.) Therefore, there will be a literal or PHYSICAL kingdom AND the Lord will appear BEFORE it is established. (This supports the Pre-Millennial view that states the Lord will return before the Millennium.) Jesus adds that before it comes or He comes, the Church must suffer many things (; ). (This contradicts the Pre-Tribulation theory which says that the Church will not have to suffer before the kingdom is established. Instead, they will be raptured out of the world.)
It seems the world is being separated into two camps—those who are taken and those who are left.
It seems the world is being separated into two camps—those who are taken and those who are left.
This is why Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom.” He doesn’t mean “first” as in an “order” (i.e. this first, other things second). When he says “first” he means foremost; something more important than anything else (above all else). We shouldn’t be seeking anything more than we seek the Kingdom. When you report to work, they pay you to do your job. This is your primary concern. Yeah, I may speak to a few coworkers, but I’m not there to meet with them. In fact, if meeting with them starts to distract from my work, I immediately shut it down. I might even eat lunch while I’m there. However, if work demands that I skip lunch, then I’m prepared to work through lunch or eat while I’m still working.
These verses reveal what really separates the believer from the nonbeliever—a true believer will not (does not) is forsaking his love for this world. They do not enter a burning house to save their stuff. Those who seek to save their life in this world will prove themselves to be a nonbeliever and will not be saved. Moreover, those who will not be saved will be judged (). Those who are “taken” are taken away into judgment. Those who are “left” (forgiven, not ‘taken’) will enter into the millennial kingdom of God. By the way, this judgment will happen around the world at the same time. Thus, the reference to some engaged in daytime activities (grinding at the mill) and others engaged in nighttime activities (in the bed).
Again, the first phase of the Kingdom of God is spiritual and it will terminate in catastrophic judgement around the world, similar to that of Noah’s flood or the judgment upon Sodom. Moreover, the only way to avoid such judgment is to engage in the kind of faith that is unconcerned about the things of this life. Similar to what we find in Noah or Lot.
By the way, Jesus said, “The days ARE COMING” (). In other words, the kingdom will not remain hidden or spiritual. (This is contradicts the A-Millennial theory that the kingdom is figurative or spiritual ONLY. Jesus says, “Don’t go looking for the kingdom. When it comes it will be visible like the lightening across the sky.) Moreover, He adds that when it is revealed, it will bring judgment on those who are not watching. (This contradicts the Post-Millennial theory which states that the kingdom will get progressively larger until it converts the whole world. No, the kingdom will remain hidden/spiritual until Christ appears. At which time he will destroy the unbelievers.) Therefore, there will be a literal or PHYSICAL kingdom AND the Lord will appear BEFORE it is established. (This supports the Pre-Millennial view that states the Lord will return before the Millennium.) Jesus adds that before it comes or He comes, the Church must suffer many things (; ). (This contradicts the Pre-Tribulation theory which says that the Church will not have to suffer before the kingdom is established. Instead, they will be raptured out of the world.)
People who try to convince us that the Kingdom is localized in a specific place or in a specific person, is a deceiver. Stop running to places where you think God is ruling. God is ruling everywhere and anywhere. Being in the Kingdom has nothing to do with where you’re located. And neither is He manifesting Himself in one single person. “I have to get to this place to meet God!” No you don’t. When you get there you still have to obey God. You might as well sit down and obey Him in the place you’re at. Get your eyes off of people and places and get your eyes on Him! Here Jesus implies that the Kingdom of God is already among them. There were many in Israel that believed the Kingdom would be ushered in by some earthly war. No, it will be ushered in by destruction.
Jesus basically tells His disciples that there will come a day when they would have to serve in the kingdom of God without the Son of Man. The phrase ‘Son of Man’ is a Messianic title (, ). So, there will come a day when the Church, God’s kingdom on earth, will be without the physical presence of the Son of Man. This period will terminate with the appearing (coming) of the Son of Man in the clouds. Moreover, when He comes it will not be confined to a geographical location. But, like the lightening in the sky the Son of man will appear from one part of heaven to the other ().
Before glory (rule), there must be rejection and suffering. One day Christ will wield a rod of iron, but for now He must bear a cross.
This verse reveals that the coming of the Kingdom will have a totally different impact for the unbeliever, for it will bring with it judgment on the same magnitude as was in Noah’s day and in the days of Lot. Moreover, mankind’s attitude prior to that day will be the same as it was in the days of Noah and in the days of Lot—going about their lives and ignoring any possibility that judgment exists (). This same indifferent apathetic attitude will be repeated in our day.
We might add that it appears that it’s not man’s wickedness that will ultimately be the reason for his destruction, but his worldliness. Nothing in this list is particularly evil. Everything in this list is very mundane or natural. Yet, they were all destroyed! Why? Because they weren’t in the family! And those that were in the family were destroyed because they loved this world. Most will not enter the family of God (ark) because of what they might be leaving behind.
It seems we care about so many things (even in Church) that ain’t even important. The kingdom has nothing at all to do with food (eating or drinking) or relationships (marrying or being given in marriage) or employment (buying or selling) or even improving where you are (building). We’re so caught up in what’s being served at the ministry, or who we’re meeting or what we’re receiving or even how we’re improving. None of this is the kingdom.
It seems the world is being separated into two camps—those who are taken and those who are left.
This is why Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom.” He doesn’t mean “first” as in an “order” (i.e. this first, other things second). When he says “first” he means foremost; something more important than anything else (above all else). We shouldn’t be seeking anything more than we seek the Kingdom. When you report to work, they pay you to do your job. This is your primary concern. Yeah, I may speak to a few coworkers, but I’m not there to meet with them. In fact, if meeting with them starts to distract from my work, I immediately shut it down. I might even eat lunch while I’m there. However, if work demands that I skip lunch, then I’m prepared to work through lunch or eat while I’m still working.
These verses reveal what really separates the believer from the nonbeliever—a true believer will not (does not) is forsaking his love for this world. They do not enter a burning house to save their stuff. Those who seek to save their life in this world will prove themselves to be a nonbeliever and will not be saved. Moreover, those who will not be saved will be judged (). Those who are “taken” are taken away into judgment. Those who are “left” (forgiven, not ‘taken’) will enter into the millennial kingdom of God. By the way, this judgment will happen around the world at the same time. Thus, the reference to some engaged in daytime activities (grinding at the mill) and others engaged in nighttime activities (in the bed).
Again, the first phase of the Kingdom of God is spiritual and it will terminate in catastrophic judgement around the world, similar to that of Noah’s flood or the judgment upon Sodom. Moreover, the only way to avoid such judgment is to engage in the kind of faith that is unconcerned about the things of this life. Similar to what we find in Noah or Lot.
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