Congregational Prayer

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Let us come to the Lord in prayer.
Our heavenly Father,
We praise You for giving us another Lord’s Day so that we can come together as a church family to worship You, to fellowship, and to listen to the preaching of Your Word.
Through Christ, you called us out of darkness and into your marvellous light. We were once not Your people, but now by grace we are Your people. We did not receive mercy, but now we have received mercy.
As a result of o salvation, but you also called to do good works, which
Father, we have much to be thankful for, but we also have many requests and petitions to present to you. And we know and we can be confident that our Father will indeed hear the prayers of His children. Oh Lord, Hear Our Prayers.
Occupy the throne of our hearts, and take full possession and reign supreme. May we lay aside every lust, every rebellion, putting to death the deeds of the flesh by the Spirit. May Your mighty power be made known to us and make us Yours forever and ever. Oh Lord, Hear Our Prayers.
You are worthy to be praised with our every breath, to be loved with every faculty of our souls, and to be served with every act of our lives. Now only did you call us out of darkness to become Your People, you also called us to glorify Your name by making disciples of all nations, preaching the gospel, loving one others, serving others, building up the body of Christ, giving financially with a cheerful heart, and living in holiness. May we be all the more diligent to confirm our calling and election. Oh Lord, Hear Our Prayers.
We pray for the Gospel Outreach that occurred last evening. We thank you and praise that at least 200 people came to event, We pray for all the people who heard the gospel presented, may the seed that is planted in them land on good soil. We’re so encouraged and may we be diligent in helping and discipling the new believers to be strong and healthy followers of Christ. We pray for those who heard the gospel yet still did not make the decision to follow up, we ask for Your grace and mercy upon them. Oh Lord, Hear Our Prayers.
Thou art worthy to be   praised with my every breath,   loved with my every faculty of soul,   served with my every act of life.
We pray for the Gospel Outreach that occurred last evening.
We praise you for the missionaries who are faithfully serving You throughout the world. We thank you for bringing James & Lois back safely.
We pray for the members of our church who are experiencing different problems and sufferings. We think about Horst, Betty, Clara, Frank and Nars, and so forth. Lord, please heal them and bring them to swift recovery, if it’s Your will. We recognize that this world is not the way it’s supposed to be or the way you created it to be since it’s corrupted by the Fall. So, we look forward to the day when there is complete healing and no sin in the new heaven and earth. Oh Lord, Hear Our Prayers.
We pray for Pastor Brad and Pastor Samson in the Chinese ministries as they open up the Word to instruct us. May we be receptive to hearing You through the teaching of Haggai. May we be quick to hear and make every opportunity to listen and respond to Your message. Please convict our sins by the Holy Spirit in the area where we fail to have a proper priority in our lives and where we fail to make decisive actions to serve and glorify You. Oh Lord, Hear Our Prayers.
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