1 Corinthians 11:1-16

1 Corinthians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Verse by verse study through 1 Corinthians

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1 Corinthians 11:1 ESV
1 Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
If left to our own devices… without any consideration of the people we have to do life with… we might look, act and do things… that are quite different.
But, because our lives are connected to our spouses… to our jobs and to the people we do ministry with… we tend to make some concessions for the sake of unity, effectiveness, and consideration.
My wife, helps to keep me normal.
Because of her, I’m not dying my hair strange colors.
Because of her, I’m not wearing ridiculously strange clothing.
Because of her, I don’t bother to buy or even listen to some of the music I used to listen to.
Before she entered my life.. these kind of things happened..
And w/o her in my life now..
Some of these things might come back..
But not now..
I love my wife, and I want her to enjoy being w/me..
I want to look, and behave in a manner, that she enjoys..
I want to play music, in my car, that both of us can enjoy..
And she likes me to keep in pretty normal.
So, for her, I comply, at least… on the outside..
On the inside I’m listening to my old punk rock cassettes from the 80’s and occasionally shaving my head…
My position also keeps me pretty normal.
As a pastor.. if I want to be effective..
I don’t want to be, a distraction.
I want to do more than just “speak” a message..
I also want to communicate a message..
I could stand up here today, barefooted and in cut-offs, wearing a concert t-shirt w/my hair all in shambles..
And I could speak a powerful message..
And some of you, would receive it..
But many of you wouldn’t..
Because, even though I speak..
I don’t communicate..
My appearance.. the way I present myself.. has become a distraction..
And for some.. the message is gone..
I have the freedom, and the right, to appear in whatever form seems fit..
However, it wouldn’t be fruitful to my marriage..
And it wouldn’t be fruitful, to my ministry.
Out of love for my wife, out of love for the Lord, and out of love for you..
I make certain concessions. Things that might not come naturally to me..
Why? Because I want to be effective. ++
Paul has been driving this point home to the people of Corinth..
The message of willful submission, motivated by a heart of love.. ++
The recognition of personal rights..
And the wisdom that goes, w/the practice of those rights.
It is the example that Christ gave to the church.. ++
For this is what He did..
Out of love.. He submitted Himself… to the cross.
He didn’t have to..
But love compelled Him, to do that which was fruitful for others..
Over that, which was fruitful for self.. ++
These are the teachings and the lessons that we draw..
.. even though, they are taught through specific circumstances that don’t necessarily fit into our day, and our culture.. ++
We are not tempted to bow down before graven images, nor is meat offered to idols an issue..
However.. we do find problems in our day, that parallel to these.
We do draw lessons from them.. ++
With this in mind.. we head into chapter 11, and face, which at first glance, appears to be some difficult content.
For Paul is going to tell the folks in Corinth.. that the men should have their head uncovered when they pray.. ++
Such a thing, would be offensive to those who grew up in Judaism
And, Paul is going to tell the folks in Corinth..
That the woman should have her head covered when she prays, or when she prophecies.. ++
Such a thing, might be offensive to those who are proclaiming their liberty, and attempting to walk in it. ++
Both things, are difficult for our modern minds, in this non ancient middle eastern culture to understand..
But, as always.. God has a message.. a lesson that is relavent.. And is.. practical, to all of us, no matter what our culture may be.
And is.. practical, to all of us, no matter what our culture may be.
1 Corinthians 11:1 ESV
1 Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.
When I read this, my mind is drawn back to something that Paul previously said about himself..
1 Corinthians 9:22 ESV
22 To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some.
22 ito the weak I became 8as weak, that I might win the weak. jI have become all things to all men, kthat I might by all means save some. [1]
In context to his current teaching, this is his greatest example..
That he was a man, who considered people..
He studied them.. he understood them..
He had a grasp on where they were coming from..
And he did what needed to be done..
To communicate to them.. ++
For remember, there is a difference, between telling someone something..
And communicating. ++
By his example.. he shows them, that such a thing is attainable..
Some of us have been encouraged and provoked to grow..
Because we saw someone else do it.. ++
Some of us have stepped out, in faith, to do a particular work of ministry.
Why? ++
Because we saw someone else do it.. ++
The Lord sent me to this town, and used me to plant this church..
Over the years, 6 different guys from this fellowship looked at me and thought… “If he can do it, I can do it.”
Doing the same thing..
“If Chad can do it.. then surely I can do it.”
God works this way...
Part of my motivation for responding so quickly to the aftermath of hurricane Katrina..
Was to show others, that this can be done.
That we, as a little church 800 miles away, can have an impact..
I wanted other churches to see that..
And say, “If they can do it.. we can do it..”
It was God’s plan, to bring the nation of Israel back to Himself..
By provoking them to jealousy, through the Gentile nations.. ++
Imitation.. and example.. are profitable and successful methods.. that God uses.. to get us to that next place that we need to be.. ++
Yet, another reason, why fellowship is so important..
For if you’re not around others, who are presenting themselves as examples..
Then who will motivate you, to take that next step?
Let’s read on:
1 Corinthians 11:2–3 ESV
2 Now I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you. 3 But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.
There is a harmony, that Paul speaks of, that is ideal..
If it’s understood in the proper way.. if it’s carried out in the proper way.. if everyone, specifically, according to this example… in marriage… is fulfilling their responsibilities..
There is.. harmony..
First off.. we need to understand, what he means by headship.
In marriage… being the head, does not mean you are better, or privileged in any way. ++.
It is not, so much a position of authority..
For authority can be held in the absence of love or respect..
The position of the head, is made possible, by both parties.. ++
For if the husband is in submission to Christ..
And he is loving his wife, as X loved the church..
Then, in turn, the wife will offer up, willing submission. ++
Not an unquestioned submission of fear..
But, the submission of an equal, who chooses to submit,
Out of love and loyalty..
And, out of obedience to God’s chosen order. ++
You see, God is always looking for ways in the lives of His people to demonstrate who He is, and what His nature is like. The marriage covenant is no exception. ++
As the wife, submits to the husband..
… Christ submits, to God.. ++
Now, The Bible has made this clear many times… - the Father and the Son are One..
They are equals.. and they are unified in purpose.. ++
However, in the flesh, this is what Jesus did..
He willingly submitted Himself to the will of the Father. ++
He didn’t have to.. He could not be made to do it.. He is equal w/the Father..
However, this was His offering.. His sacrifice.. His.. “submission” ++
In many marriages, the marital ordinances are carried out..
However, they are carried out in practice..
Yet, lacking in love.. ++
Many husbands demand submission..
And many wives give it.
To the husband, he thinks it is his Biblical right.
To the wife, she thinks it is her Biblical obligation..
And as a result, there is a marriage that is completely lacking in love.. ++
It’s just a contract that pretty much, just benefits the husband. ++
And no real relationship exists..
This is not, God’s design for marriage..
The Father and the Son are one.. ++
It is the same, between husband and wife..
In marriage, we become as one..
We too, are equal. ++
However, we have been given roles to carry out
We are both commanded to love..
But scripture gives a special command to the husband..
“Love your wife.” ++
Why? It doesn’t come as easy to him, as it does to her..
We are also commanded, as husband and wife IN our CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP… to not be foolish, to understand the will of God, to be sober, to encourage one another with scripture, to give thanks… and… to submit one unto another..
Between and , our Bibles insert a new heading… But that heading is not scripture.
These guidelines of christian fellowship flow right into marriage… and one verse before wives are told to submit to their own husband, it says:
Ephesians 5:21 ESV
21 submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
Galatians 5:21 ESV
21 envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:1 ESV
1 For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
In Christian marriage… there is a submission, that goes both ways..
There are things that we as husbands need to submit unto our wives..
Marriage will never work properly, unless there is a true sense of give and take… ++
However, when it comes down to it.. As it pertains to responsibility before the Lord…
The ultimate, and final submission, is given, by the wife, to the husband..
AND THIS concept brings to mind conflict and distaste… - When we think of submission… we think of something that is done begrudgingly and against the wishes of the wife..
We think of a domineering husband who doesn’t reason together with his wife about decisions… Of the inconsiderate husband who only thinks about his wants and has no consideration for hers...
This is where our mind goes when we read about submission… - But this is in no way… the model that the Bible teaching us, because this is in no way… the manner in which the Father and the Son operate.
- Rarely should submission be out of conflict, if indeed the husband is a man of God and leading with the traits laid out in vss 15-21… of .
Husbands… if there is disharmony in your marriage, your initial goal is the humbly consider your role… and determine if things are out of sync with you.
Ephe 5:15 tells you to look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise.
Vs. 16 tells you to make the best use of your time.
Vs. 17 says.... to not be foolish, but to understand the will of the Lord.
Vs. 18 calls you to sobriety
Vs. 19 calls you to speak and sing the scriptures.
Vs. 20, calls you to be thankful in everything..
Vs. 21… calls you to submit to one another out of reverance for Christ.
Yes… these are standard instructions for Christian fellowship… but they flow in context, right into marriage… WHICH, IF YOU DON’T REALIZE THIS YET… IS ALSO… - AN EXPRESSION OF CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP.
.. for in the ideal marriage..
The husband, is submitting to x.
The husband, is loving his wife..
The husband, has created, by his obedience to Jesus, a heart of loyalty in his wife.. ++
And in the ideal marriage..
That final submission, comes willingly, just as Jesus submitted willingly. ++
What was the submission of Jesus, unto God?
it was the offering up, of Himself.. as a sacrifice..
and it was received by God..
As being worthy.. as being of great value.. ++
Ladies.. I believe God is still honored..
He is still praised..
He is still receiving that which is given, as being worthy, and of great value..
When you say to your husband..
Okay honey, I’m with you.. ++
Maybe, there will be times when… you feel, in your heart.. that it’s all wrong..
YOu know that he is doing his best to walk obediently with the Lord… so you agree...
And here’s where you can find peace for yourself..
If you follow him into a bad decision..
The heat’s on him.. from the Lord..
It’s not on you.
You’re off the hook.. and He’s still honored by you. ++
1 Corinthians 11:4–10 ESV
4 Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head, 5 but every wife who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, since it is the same as if her head were shaven. 6 For if a wife will not cover her head, then she should cut her hair short. But since it is disgraceful for a wife to cut off her hair or shave her head, let her cover her head. 7 For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. 8 For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. 9 Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. 10 That is why a wife ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.
I’ll be honest with you..
I’m a student of hermeneutics.. which is, “the science and art of Biblical Interpretation” ++
I try to consider all the angles..
I do my best to bring teaching into context..
I always look for the literal first.. ++
Occasionally, you have symbolism.. occasionally, you have allegory, Occasionally, you have issues that are cultural.. ++
When I first began to anticipate this passage..
I was confused.
For the legalistic nature of what Paul was teaching..
Seemed to contradict, with the heart of so much of his other teaching. ++
Over and over again, in different ways, we are learning, that the outward tutor, which is the law..
Has been transformed..
The lessons of the law, are now written on our hearts..
The outward doesn’t mean anything..
It’s now.. the inward that God looks upon. ++
For instance..
Paul taught, that circumcision was no longer necessary.
He even said, that circumcision was “nothing”
The real importance, was circumcision of the heart.. ++
When the issue came up in regards to Titus..
Paul essentially said, “No Way! Titus does not need to be circumcised.”
however, when the issue came up in regards to Timothy..
Paul said, “Yes, Timothy should be circumcised.” ++
Again, it was all about having an effective ministry..
Timothy submitted to it..
And he did it, because it was for him, a cultural issue. ++
Now, as we read here in .. it seems as if Paul is back peddling.
Now, it kind of seems that Paul is commanding the church to practice these things which seem to be..
.. at first, legalistic practices..
Men, don’t cover your head.
Women, cover your head..
Why? Because they have symbolic representation. ++
I’ve spent hours wrestling w/this topic.
I’ve talked to a lot of people.. I’ve discussed this and read a lot of commentaries..
And ultimately, I come to this one.. solid conclusion.. ++
“I don’t get it.”
It almost seem as if Paul is out to confuse women.
For in verse six, we might conclude, that her hair is her covering..
As a matter of fact, he does say later, in vs. 15, that her hair was given to her as a covering..
So, according to vs.6, it would seem, that her hair is a covering..
Because it contrasts her covering w/a shaven head.
And if a shaven head is shameful, then she should cover her head.. ++
But ,verse 5 says, that an uncovered head, is equivocated to a shaven head.. though it is not really shaven. ++
I don’t get it.
Maybe there’s something completely different going on here.. ++
Joke: man asks God for anything in the world / Bridge to Hawaii / Understand my wife / How many lanes do you want? ++
Since women spend so much of their time, in life, confusing men, Maybe this is in the Bible to just settle the score a little bit. - (that’s a joke)
But, I do get this..
the covering of her head, was a symbol of respect to her husband..
it showed the world around her.. that she was a married woman. ++
A lot like a ring does now.
In a way, it was a thing that protected her..
You see, if she was to walk around w/o a veil,
The men would see her as an available woman.
Some men, might even consider her to be.. a prostitute. ++
In fact, in Corinth, every night, the temple prostitutes would come down into the city..
And they were easily distinguished, because of their shaven, uncovered head.. ++
We can draw application from this..
For scripture calls us, to avoid those things that even look bad.. ++
I know it’s hard to believe, but sometimes you can dress in such a way..
That is inviting to men..
It’s easy to drive men a bit crazy..
And fortunately, most men have self control..
But not all of them do.
Let’s look at vs. 10 (read it)
1 Corinthians 11:10 ESV
10 That is why a wife ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels.
I find this to be very interesting!
She should have a symbol of authority on her head..
Why? bEcause of the angels.. ++
Man, that about covers it for that verse.. It doesn’t get any clearer than that.
Any thing that I could say, or what the commentators said..
Is.. a stretch! ++
Again, I conclude w/an admission of my own ignorance..
As we’ve been reading the past few chapters..
We’ve seen a theme building.. ++
And it’s what we’ve been talking about here for the past several weeks..
This theme is so important to Paul, that he continues to re emphasize it.. in and through, many different incidences of Christian practice.. ++
He summed it up in the previous chapter when he said:
“all things are lawful, but not all things are profitable.”
Is it okay to eat that meat that was originally in the pagan temple?
Sure, it’s fine. Meat is meat.. ++
But for some folks.. this is going to be a point of stumbling..
And for their sakes.
Don’t eat it.. Don’t make it a public thing.. Don’t make a big deal out of it.. ++
Yes.. there are things that you are allowed to do..
But you may have to choose.. to release that freedom..
Why? Because it may cause a brother to stumble..
Again, this issue in chapter 11.. may be falling into this context..
And I believe it does. ++
Yes.. you have the liberty to shed your head covering..
Yes, you are free to do it..
But, in the church, in this day… in Corinth.. it may have caused a problem ++
Not everybody is ready to embrace that freedom.
Not everybody can handle the change.
The big question many of us have is this:
Are we looking at a cultural practice, relevant to this particular day?
Some say, “no”.
Some say, “Yes”. ++
I’m personally, in the yes category..
And if you’re in the “no” category..
I wouldn’t want to waste your time, or my time arguing “right and wrong”.. ++
Instead, I would challenge you, to be obedient to the conviction that conclusion brings to you.
If you think you as a woman should wear a head covering when you pray..
Then you need to be obedient to that conviction.. ++
When we go to India… and we pray… the women pull their scarves up over their heads… if they don’t have a scarf… they have somehting… I’ve seen napkins and paper towels on their heads… - They have a conviction on this, and they follow it. ++
it’s purely a cultural conviction..
I personally see this as a cultural conviction..
And it’s based on the years I’ve spent doing ministry w/more traditionally based organizations.. ++
But I won’t wear a hat, when I open the Bible to teach it, when I pray, when I worship, or when I’m being taught the word..
That’s my personal feeling..
And don’t worry, you don’t have to be considerate of my conviction..
Because I understand your liberty, I’m not stumbled by it…
What’s the answer?
Head covering or no head covering?
Both answers are right, as long as you honor the Lord.. w/your conviction..
I personally think, it’s an issue that’s relative to this time period and this culture..
But ultimately, it’s up to you.
1 Corinthians 11:11–12 ESV
11 Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man nor man of woman; 12 for as woman was made from man, so man is now born of woman. And all things are from God.
God is glorified, when men and women are complementing each other.. in mutual interdependence.
A woman’s submission, does not mean.. inferiority.
Man is not.. superior.. ++
Eve came from Adam..
And each man born into the world comes from a woman..
God created both, for each other. ++
I believe there is even significance.. in how she was made..
She was made.. from his side…
Because that’s where she’s intended to be..
In the ideal marriage..
She is intended to be.. by his side.. ++
Not because she’s forcing herself to be..
But rather.. because.. this is her response.. to his ideal obedience.. ++
Guys.. this is our reflection..
When things aren’t going right..
We need to stop shaking our fingers at our wives..
And we need to look inside.
And we.. need to respond.. by seeking X..
Being obedient to Him..
And.. by loving our wives.. the way X loved the church.. ++
How did Jesus love the church?
He gave up everything… ++
You see guys.. the wife gets to identify w/X in her submission..
And we get to identify w/X in our love..
For both.. are sacrificial things..
1 Corinthians 11:13–16 ESV
13 Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a wife to pray to God with her head uncovered? 14 Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him, 15 but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her for a covering. 16 If anyone is inclined to be contentious, we have no such practice, nor do the churches of God.
Essentially, I believe we are being encouraged.. as men and women..
to look.. like men and women..
and how we practically apply these issues on hair length to our day and age..
are up to us.. ++
There is no measurement.. there is no fashionable standard..
I believe it’s a principle.. ++
Our culture has fabricated new standards of morality on this issue over the past few years… we have new terms and acronyms that are culturally, brand new. It’s no longer popular to say that by nature, we are distinguished.. ++
And whether it’s an issue of hair length or not..
Whatever works for the culture we live in… the Bible calls us to be distinguised as Christian men and women. ++
Finally, Paul says in vs. 16:
“Argue all you want.. but this is our tradition.”
This is the way churches are doing it..
It’s not.. their doctrine..
It’s not.. their law..
It’s just.. their custom. ++
I ran a few questions on this passage by some of my pastor friends.
Like me, they were all blank about that angels thing from verse 10... ++
But here, some of them believed..
That the liberty to not wear a head covering for a woman..
Was the tradition.. ++
But I personally think, according to the flow of this communication..
Says.. that their tradition..
that their tradition, in that day, in that culture.. Was.. for women to wear a head covering when praying..
Was.. for women to wear a head covering when praying..
And for men.. to not to.. ++
But here’s the key.
it’s.. their tradition.
We too, are going to face traditions..
We are part of a very non traditional church..
But, there are many fundamental things we do here..
Because.. of, tradition. ++
When I travel into other countries..
I always bring a nice collared shirt and in some countries, I’ll actually bring a tie. ++
To stand in a pulpit, in some places..
w/o that tie..
would be useless.. ++
I’d speak..
But I wouldn’t communicate..
Everyone would be distracted by my casual dress.. ++
As we interact, and fellowship.. across the lines of our organizations..
We will come in contact w/this kind of stuff..
And we do need to take the things that Paul has taught us..
In the last 4 chapters..
.. to heart… ++
Folks.. that’s where it matters..
“the heart”
Not the freedom..
Not the legalism..
But.. the heart.. ++
And in all things.. this is our goal.. this is our desire..
That we would be able to set our pride aside..
And do what needs to be done..
To be.. profitable.
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[1] The New King James Version. 1996, c1982. Thomas Nelson: Nashville
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