1 Peter 5:8-14 • When defeat = Victory
About five six weeks ago. We started to talk about 1st Peter 5 and the devil and what he's up to as well as talking about how that impacts our lives. And today we get to Triumph Elite finish this as we do focus on what James talked about the cross and Jesus, but we're closing out first Peter. So I want to put this in remembrance for us here and it says this inverse of 1st Peter 5 Be sober-minded Be watchful your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour Resist him firm in your faith knowing that the same kind of suffering are being experienced by your Brotherhood throughout the world. And after you've suffered a little while thanks the God of all Grace who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ himself restore confirm strengthen and establish. You verse 11 to him be the Dominion or maybe the power we could stay forever. And ever. Amen. Amen. What I want to focus on here this morning in light of Palm Sunday and might of entering into this week were as James talked about we have a good Friday coming up in Resurrection Sunday just around the corner what we want to look at in a big picture is when two feet Equals or when defeat is actually Victory and what I want to particularly hone in on in this is from the Roaring Lion that made devoured you 1st Peter 2 just a few verses later this idea of to him be though Dominion forever. How does Peter in just a few verses get from the spot where he says watch out Church. There's going to be suffering. There's a devil and he's real and he's trying to tear you apart. But guess what? I have fantastic and great news for you. The Dominion the power The Authority the sovereignty actually belongs to God. So what might look like losses in our book is actually not chalked up as losses because there is a good gracious kind loving caring God behind everything that's going on. So do not lose hope In a season when hope would easily be lost. That's how Peter is closing out this letter. Do not lose. Hope because it belongs to God. So what I want to do is talk about what is going to come of the devil. What is going to actually happen with the evil that we see. How did Christ in giving away the kingdom in a scent trample over death? And what does that entail in mean for us? Because there could be lots of questions concerning the devil in one of those Bean. All right, if you have any bit of a Christian background went to Sunday school, you have a understanding that yes. God wins. The victory belongs to him that Jesus is resurrected. But we also look around at the world today and who has seen suffering in the last week. I know we all have who it may be their own life pest out some ramification of sin, whether it's something that you did or was done to you or to a friend and we see just evil maybe in a sense. We feel like at times progressing in this world marching its way forward. Will the devil will his systems went deceptive ideas with his way should continue on will he be stopped? How is God going to put an end to this? One of the things that I really like to do for our church, and sometimes it becomes may be a bit redundant, but I think it's incredibly important. It's for us to understand the biblical narrative in biblical story. And we come to these key moments even within our church. We really have to grasp what God is saying from cover to cover.
To really understand the whole story what's going on? So I'm not going to sit here for 5 hours and wax on with you guys, but I'm going to give you a brief overview because Understanding God's story. Will help us understand how the end comes for the devil and that story there begins in Genesis 315 when Eve and Adam just previously had been tempted and they said you know what we want what you're offering us that serpent in the garden. We went to go around God to get the good life because we do believe that God is withholding something good from us. We wanted to determine what is right or wrong in the world and humans have been doing a completely terrible job of saying what is right or wrong since Adam and Eve took of that fruit, but there's an interesting word in there and if you want to turn over to Genesis chapter 3 You can do so at this time. I just want to read verse 15 to you. It says I will put enmity between you and the woman. In between your Offspring, who is he talking to? The serpent right between your Offspring and her Offspring. Can you shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel between your Offspring and her offspring?
What does set us up for in Genesis is there's going to be from Genesis 3 throughout the narrative. The story arc of God. There are two seeds that are talked about it very early on in Genesis. In fact in chapter 4. We're going to even Co lineage. One that just tails that if Kane and his group in his people and lamech's pushed into that as well and depressive Canyon is a murderer. There's issues does problems then it goes to another line Seth line know that line isn't necessarily the whole lot of better people because it does say in Genesis 6 that everybody was doing evil continually all the time, but we find in that line. There is Noah and he is a righteous man. And these two lines are brought to our attention to point out something very interesting and distinct and important and John latches onto this in first John chapter 3 reading to look at verses 8 through 12 here this morning. It says in verse 8 whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning for God's seed abides in him and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God by this is evidence. You are the children of God and who are the children of the devil two lines? Children of God killing the devil if you can remember back a few weeks ago. We talked about John chapter 8 and in John chapter 8, what did Jesus say to the Pharisees year father is the devil you are of him? And he is a liar and a murderer from the beginning that we continue this by this is evidence for the children of God for the children of the devil who does not practice. The righteousness is not of God nor is the one who does not love his brother. There's a spiritual lineage you got God's seed that's been made new in them. And then there's this carnal worldly a Satan lineage. Infection 1st Peter, if you just flip back a few pages to chapter 1 verse 23 Peter says since you have been born again, not of a perishable seed butter banana perishable to the living and abiding word of God. Note to understand this language and what's going on in here and it kind of makes sense of it. If you just read it in this the New Testament context are some words that we grassed on to me. Okay, I'm born again. That's great. I may be heard that contacts. I remember Jesus talking about it with Nicodemus that you have to be born again, but it has this intriguing information in here were talks about this seed and being born of an imperishable seed and when you begin to look at the story of Genesis from chapters 3 on you get this idea that you have this line. The God is going to be working through and this other line because of the way of the devil. And it shows is it very very quickly. First of all in Genesis for give to humans their brothers and like most Brothers. They probably had some tips in issues and problems. But there they are coming to meet with God and they bring their sacrifices both acknowledging something in them that we need to worship come underneath of this God. These are imperfect brothers and their one brother became jealous of the other brother because his sacrifice was accepted as Sin is crouching at your door came, you've got to rule over it and he does not and he kills his brother and that's when we begin to get this story of pain in his family in this line. Interesting about it the next guy lemac he took two wives. He was an oppressor. He said oh if you even touch me I'll murder I'll destroy you. I'll kill you. I'm the man. I'm in charge. This is life on my terms. What's interesting as you read through Kane's line in chapter 4 the move over to that other line chapter 5 and we come to a man named Noah. Noah was righteous.
A world at that point was rebelling with an H towards. God was sinning against God wickedness was a bounding. The way of the devil was very presents. And yet this man Noah wearied is righteous and there's some interesting things. I want to draw out here in first of all of this from these guys that the Bible project guys anybody know the Bible project watch the videos listen to him a few that I share the good news of the Bible project with their not you know, the gospel, right but those guys are pretty awesome. So if you got time to listen to him check them out the Bible project but timmac he was talking about his Hebrew professor and he said the Bible was written in such a way that you have to have already read it to really read it but makes sense. So you have to know the story line and the themes and soak. It was meant to be a Living Word of God was meant to keep drying you back. So you begin to see the big pictures and one of the things that we see throughout Genesis is the steam where God make something creates, like for example, Genesis 1 the world and it is good and his presence has been dwelling in the garden. And then what is God do he gives this command be fruitful and multiply. What is Mandu Humanity sins Humanity rebelles than a curse follows and then it says that they're going East of Eden their kicked out of the garden the presence of God. Genesis 9 what's going on? What we're hitting the restart button. Are the flood waters come up. Begins again with this new man? Noah right? There is right when Noah gets off the boat and alter that is built in. This is a pleasing Aroma is present. This is a pleasing sacrifice unto God. What does God do he have in its once again with man and he says X be fruitful then what happens? We don't know how long it takes but we read this story where Noah get plants a Vineyard in Joyce's wine a little too much his son comes in and in some form some way or another he shames his father. There is sin. There's a curse that follows both on Canaan. The grandson of Noah as well as in the next story you come to Babel and there's a big big issue an individual sin. If there's this big widespread problem for the people are building this Tower in the problem isn't ours. The problem is the heart mentality of we will be like the most high. So what happens? What does finesse? Got to get rattled know. He says I'm going to disbursed the nations are sent out. And then what is God do they carry this theme he begins with Abraham. 1% God shows up. He speaks that's presents Genesis 12. He didn't Covenant in Genesis 15 any covenants there with Abraham and he says Abraham, here's what I'm going to do for you and here's what I'm going to give you. But God this time covenants in such a way with Abraham that it is, not Abraham walking through the Covenant practice if they participated in that day, we're not going to explain it, but he fell asleep there in that Vision God moves through and got the same Abraham. This is on me. And as we look at Genesis, the Abraham had sinned he's highlighted by his faith and it doesn't trigger a restart. And this is the see this is the line that is going to crush the head of the serpent that check this out in Exodus. You can read this Narrative of God. He rescues the people of Israel. And if she rescues these people who are in bondage in his beginning with their Nation there it says that by Cloud by day and Fire by Night very presence of God is with them. They come to this place in Sinai and Moses goes up on the mountain under the people. Once again since God doing something with Humana Chief. There is a covenant made their is presents that is there and then man sends this is Pete and Repeat and repeat and repeat all over again throughout The Narrative of Genesis into the kings in 2 Chronicles into first and second Samuel. It's all in there Turn The Exodus story. There's death Moses intercedes. God Covenant based on his a sad love his goodness.
And restart is not triggered but God goes with his people and what this narrative does and what God is doing is everytime human say I'm going to take the kingdom into my own hands. We're going to find a way to be like God. We're going to Rise Above the Rest. We mediately see fall coming their way. We see them as movie East of Eden further from the presence of God there a place that will cause hurt and harm and heartache. Whole mentality than for any generation any group has to say how do we get close to the presence of God because left to ourselves. This is not going very well. Look at the progress. We've made in the modern 21st century. Are we any better off than a hundred years ago? I think so the murder rates rise the crime rates rise. We have not legislated ourselves out of sin yet. We continue to see the depravity of man in the Fallen nature of man because when humans say we will take the Kingdom on our terms we see issues and what's going on all along the way and we see humans who do not love God participating in the same kind of rebellion that Satan and his hosts of demons and everyone else saying we shall be like the most high. Are something you have to understand in the biblical narrative? God's story is never at risk. In Genesis, God created the Earth. In revelation 21:1 God creates new Heaven and new earth in Genesis got an an in the garden in revelation 21:3 God dwells with man Garden to City pretty spectacular when you read about it and Genesis no death free fall. In Revelation 21:4 no death in New Creation in Genesis. Perfect before the curse. They were naked and unashamed and that's just not some kind of sexual, but it was able to Bare your soul to be fully opened right be connected. In Revelation 22:3, no curse a new creation Genesis Tree of Life Revelation 22:2 Tree of Life. Genesis God to be worshipped with talked about how the garden is a microcosm of the temple. The very presence of God dwelling of the overlapping of his presence is with them. Revelation 23 R22 to God will be worshiped and well, I want you all to understand here is this is not at risk over here. Whatever Satan is thinking up and trying to do what you have going on between that is this Arc of redemption for God is redeeming men and women unto himself. Read the story of God. We're seeing those who are becoming the seed of God literally in the New Testament Leary that we are going to be part of the inheritance for called children skis adopted and brought us in this is the kind of language that you use to speak about us and this is very important to the question becomes how in the world is God actually going to do that because right now we seen that we've lived in the conflict and the problem and the issues and the biggest problem that man faces his we wanted to take God's glory for ourselves.
Probably Gloria Hawks. When I first met my good friend Luis love Louis and came to our church and he brought donuts and he said Brett I never met her before I bake these Donuts before I come to church and I believe we got a guy that's coming to our church. That bakes Donuts. But he doesn't make him and in today though. I went outside to go get the donuts for him. And I said guess what Louise I'm telling everybody. I'm stealing your thunder. I'm stealing your glory. I'm going to make this about me about it. And that's just in fun and Jess and I love getting it. Talk about you like that Louise. That's the what we do on a large scale with God. We want his glory the praise that he deserves we take for ourselves. We're constantly going around what is really truly the way to a Shalom and peace and hope I'm trying to find ways to grab it for ourselves and we're in conflict with God and that's how we try to legitimize ourselves. Young people we tend to think I'll be someone when I complish this. Play blow that narrative about your son when you become a follower of Jesus.
Some of the older people remember I was someone when I could do this. You're someone right now because of who you are in Jesus Christ. There's nothing you have to do to legitimize yourself before God. Otherwise, what we're doing is we're going around him to try to grab Glory disable. Look at me. I'm someone I'm important and I matter this is what makes me me and hear the thing blown up on us because that's in effect often ways that we tried to grab his glory and bring it upon ourselves in the story of God. There's also spiritual conflict. The devil his ways are at work both actively and that realm we cannot see. Spiritual realm but also a times in our hearts in the hearts of non-believers or actively warn against God to ideas for 15 minute action to ideas in view here as we look at Palm Sunday and leading into Easter. the Redemption Humans, if you are in Christ, you are a Abraham's seed. It's so important to understand that that goes all the way back to what was promised in Genesis chapter 3. If you are in Christ, you are Abraham's seed and the other thing we see leading into Easter if the defeat of the devil what I want to do though is focus. Just a little bit of our time on this by want to turn you to Luke Chapter 20 is a parable. I want to reach you.
evil comes in a response to Jesus Could come riding into town they're on a donkey truly fulfilling those words of Zechariah. The Messiah would come riding in on the foul of a donkey or seen the hand forcing the issue. This is a massive political statement that Jesus is bringing to the table. He's declaring to Jerusalem the very thing they helped in their hearts the very things and John chapter 4 where they said we would have make you King you gave us bread kind of like Manna From Heaven, that's where you want to follow you and he's thinking this is not my time yet. It's too early in my Ministry. He says unless you eat of my body and drink of my flash. You'll have no part of me and everybody went to do we're out and the disciples were there. They said Jesus your words are really hard and it goes yeah, you're going to leave me to Peter said now you are the Christ and he said it's too early Peter lights.
So now we entered this moment where Jesus is making a statement. He's got all of these followers have been in Ministry with him or been touched by him and they're making this procession towards Jerusalem. I don't think Jerusalem was ready for what was about to come down upon them those religious rulers those Pharisees. They were not ready for the statement and Jesus comes in as the people lined the streets and then he marches straight to the temple. Neal returns does tables my house shall not be called a den of Thieves or robbers, but it shall be a House of Prayer interesting language Jesus my house. There she didn't like it. And they say I would have forwarded you do this. So we tell them a story. Jesus is awesome like that and he began to tell the people this parable. A man planted a Vineyard and let it out to tenants and went to another country for a long while. When the time came he sent a servant to the tenants. I think about this. A man planted a garden pitcher ancient Israelite on your head Garden language with a Jesus didn't Italy or not. There's this idea of the garden. We just read about in Genesis. How many God tell man to do pendants take care of it watch over it? You into another country for a long while I'm going to time came he sent a servant to the tenants. So they would give him some of the fruit of the vineyard but the tenant beat him and send him away empty-handed.
Verse 11 and he said another servant but they also beat he said another servant but they also beat and treated him shamefully and send him away empty-handed and he sent you another third this one also they wounded and cast out. Then the owner of the vineyard said what shall I do? I will send my beloved Son perhaps they will respect him, but when the tenants saw him, they said to themselves this is the air but it's kill him. So the inheritance maybe hours and they threw him out of the vineyard and kill them what then will the owner of the vineyard do to them. He will come and destroy those tenants and give the vineyard to others when they heard this they said surely not but he looked directly at them and said what then is that that is written a stone that the builders rejected. He became the Corner Stone. This story is truly an indictment on those Jewish people who are rejecting the Messiah that had rode into Jerusalem. I sent you profits since you leaders. I warned you about this repent turn see no hear I am the king before you what are they going to do? They're going to crucify kill they're going to murder him, but it's much of a picture that is also a picture of humanity at large Humanity has said the same thing to God. We don't need you. We don't want you we can do this better without you. We want to have life on our terms. And you cannot miss The Human Condition in the story. If you absolutely theologically Incorrect and are responsible to assume that we can simply blameshift all this too. Well, the devil came in the garden and caused all this in the first place. So we're cool. God writes what you do that all the time. He started doing it. I just followed after him. What? Yeah, he shouldn't have done that. But you are also responsible for the way. He participated in the same problem child. You are irresponsible to not go down those words. There's no excuse for that.
Communities participated and send over and over again. I talked Keller said this about Sin Sin is putting yourself in the place of God. It's taking upon yourself perogative and rights only that God has the goddess holding something back from you. Even the fruit be like God. As crazy as they knew they were created in His image. Was declared them that everything was good. But this allurement to take God's Place completely took over their hearts and they said we will Ascend to be like the most high then what is Sindhu sin is not just simply like this send them has an effect that goes out like this. Adam and Eve site each other and said we're naked and ashamed then immediately after Adam said it was her fault and she said it was the Serpent's fault and they kept moving further from each other and further from God until the end up kicked out East of Eden and then you see Humanity falling apart. Horizontal problem of vertical problem. They both exist send it Society of my life. My life is the only thing that matters your life is to enhance mine. My life is not to enhance yours. That's the idea of sin. How to display out in the biblical narrative Abraham he saw Hagar he couldn't have a kid. She was like 80 years younger than his wife and his wife said you should lay with her and he's a guy in an idiot and he goes good to me. And there are fish male, they treat him poorly but they put her out Abraham and Sarah our life to enjoy your life. Excuse me to enhance our life Isaac didn't trust God. He preferred Esau over Jacob even lied about his wife. She got taken into captivity bad situation and what he was saying that moment your life to enhance my life. Jacob I don't think anybody who knows his story is going to be like that. Dude is awesome. He was constantly saying your life to enhance my life Moses and murdered the Egyptian. He hit the rock in the wilderness. He was fed up with the people your life to enhance. My life saw David Nations individuals your life to enhance my life and Human Condition is very bleak. Jesus changes everything because here is a human who says my life to enhance your life. This is the hinge of the Gospel. This is the good news of Jesus Christ because here we have somebody who says I'm going to lay down my life in order that you can have like the very thing that your soul is thirsting a hungering after Jesus's I will give it to you because it's my life to enhance your life. What does that actually look like will think of it in terms of that? Biblical narrative? I'm telling you about Jesus comes. He's the better than atom. He's the better than Noah. He's the better than Abraham Isaac and Jacob. He is the better than David Jesus comes and what does the word say? It's just Emmanuel. What does that literally mean? God With Us. How is The Human Condition ever going to change because left to ourselves. We keep wrecking it no human, even though they may be in the faith has ever been able to do what Jesus is going to do. God is with us. What does he say? He's fruitful and multiply is not after The DaVinci Code tradition and after, the spiritual K'Nex disciples who make disciples who make disciples Jesus is birthing something new. But I'm like Adam and Eve. Kane Noah whoever else you want to throw into that line. Jesus is tempted by the enemy and he does not cave. Then what happens?
Play something God. Does he coming? It's in the upper room before he gets ready to go to the Cross he saying this is my body. This is my blood. He's taking cash over you don't mess with Passover. He's taking Castle because he is a god of the Passover and he says this is now about me I'm changing everything about this. The devil continues to War by way of murder, but instead of protecting his life. He lays his life down. He gives his life away. And the murder of Jesus is sealing the fate of the
Has it all happened? You just didn't come for military might and a takeover. The King of Kings gives his life away.
Everything we see in Jesus everything we know about Jesus and coming to Jerusalem. It's the complete opposite of what a king with military might would have done. What a Victorious king would look like and we refer to this at the triumphal entry for the people with thin cut the palm branches and cry out Hosanna. God save us now and Jesus is drawing all this attention to himself, but just a quick quick note in the story. We're going to finish out here in about 5-10 minutes. Just hang in there with me before this event. Jesus did something pretty spectacular. He took three of his disciples. I know they went up to the Mount of what we call Transfiguration. There's some different places people think this may be happened we can talk about that on and off night when you don't talk about weird things. Here's the deal Jesus goes up there. And when I've always heard of the Transfiguration story, I've always thought in terms of that was really neat for Peter Paul and John when you consider what Jesus did There's Something deeper going on in that story what was taking place? There is Jesus goes to the Mount and he's transfigured. He's reviewing himself. Not just those three but you the enemy as well be safe. I am everything that you had feared. I was you are right in tempting me in the wilderness because I am the Son of God and he's making a declaration now think about this. What did Peter say this is awesome. The kingdom is here. Jesus is making himself known let's build a what a tabernacle wife because the presence of God is with us, but staying in this place. who was Jesus was redoing was revealing himself to the enemy and if you read
will be thrown at him on his way. He comes right off that mountain and there's a dad with a kid is possessed with a demon and Jesus says those kind don't come out without prayer and fasting voice evil was right there waiting for him as he made himself known. This is who I am and he goes into that Holy Week declaring. Once again, I am the long-awaited Messiah. I'm the one that you are looking for. I am bringing the kingdom.
I know I want to participate in the kingdom of God. But I can tell you something. I'm glad Peters plan fail. I don't know what it would look like. To have this body is flesh the spirit that's not transformed and changed by the death and resurrection of Jesus had to have the king just existing. You understand is a reason why he kicked him out of the Garden tonight continue to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Life. The plan of God was to seemingly be defeated in his death. What you ride in the resurrection and to make our hearts to make our souls to make us new? His death and Resurrection is a multi-faceted. And what I mean by that is we like to focus largely on the atonement which is something that we need to do and understand and to know that our sin has caused distance between us and God in because the blood of Christ there is forgiveness of our shame or guilt all our transgressions and we are brought near to him. He's also trampoline over concrete deck that great enemy of ours and he's putting an end to the rank of Satan. Is death means so much for each and everyone of us. He's dealing with the problem of human Disobedience and is making us his own. Redeemers, this is the climax of the gospel story The Resolution. We all look forward to and live out. Set second coming but understand Peters words mean so much to us because what he's saying is that Dominion. Power that Authority it belongs to Christ. How do we know the death and Resurrection? He conquered death and is made of steel.
Onii Chan every one of us to share this.
We came here today for a reason.
If you have a private brunch coffee afterwards that he wanted to be here. Maybe you thought you check out this church thing. Maybe some of you came in here and you thought no, I tried a lot of things to fix my problems. Maybe I will try Jesus today.
Jesus doesn't say just try me. He says King me or kill me. That's it. Crown me or kill me. He says this is not just about how to get some kind of nice life. But this is how to be a part that imperishable seed to be made new to be made whole. This is bigger than fixing problems. It's about a transformation of hearts that moves from worship of self and need to worship of God. This is about the one who is steamed not himself better than the rest, but he esteemed the rest better than himself and he lay down his life for us. That is the story of God. What does it mean for the Devil Revelation 20 gives us some great insights. He's done for he's sealed. He'll be chained up locked away Cast Away that Lake of Fire. This means there is Victory. And right now we're living in that narrative Arc creation. There's new creation and God is redeeming and there are people in here. I need to hear that because you do not know Christ. You may think of Christ in a way to enhance fix make your life a little bit better. I'm talking about kneeling down before him and making him your king because he makes a Praying. Thank you for your word and your truth that you for the power of the Gospel in the good news of Jesus Christ that though we are far from God we can be brought near to God because what you have done Play I pray minimis with bow before you as professional as Lord and Savior has king of their lives that you would tug on their hearts show them. This is not some way to just have a good life. This is truly about the Abundant Life in Jesus Christ and the words of Peter ring true though. You may suffer for awhile. He has power Dominion Authority. He is mighty and he went to me that sit deeply Upon Our Hearts. May you Reign on the throne of our hearts King Jesus?