The Resurrection Changes Everything!

Easter 2019  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Believing in the resurrection is critical to our faith and believers who have a growing understanding and appreciation of the resurrection will live like they believe in a risen Savior.

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I Cor. #47

Breaking News!

Illustrations for Biblical Preaching Resurrection, Christ’s

Dateline Jerusalem—On the eve of the annual celebration of the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, the 1 million inhabitants of this city were shocked by the announcement that a body, identified as that of Jesus, was found in a long-neglected tomb just outside the boundary of the city. Rumors had been circulating the last week that a very important discovery was about to be announced. The news, however, far outstrips all of our wildest guesses. The initial reaction of Christians here and around the world has been one of astonishment, bewilderment, and defensive disbelief. We will have to wait and see just what effect this discovery will have on the 2,000-year-old religion. To the mind of this unbelieving writer, it appears that Christianity will have to take its place on the same level with the other religions of the world. No longer can its followers claim that, unlike other religions, the tomb of its founder is empty. Evidently a 2,000-year-old lie has come to an end.

Sad to say…(pause for effect)...but there are many in our culture today that await a news story like that…to be able to look every Christian in the eye and mockingly tell them that their faith is a sham…you’ve wasted your life perpetuating a lie...
- tonight we're going to be beginning the last major section
If this story were to be printed we could truly look them in the eye and shout Fake News!…the great reality is Jesus is alive and lives forevermore!
Did you think for any moment that while I read that, that it could be true?

We shout “hallelujah” because we are convinced He lives again, but have you ever paused long enough to consider whether or not the way you live practically is consistent with that belief?

In other words, how does our belief in the resurrection impact the way we choose to live everyday?
Is the resurrection something we only consider and celebrate one time a year on Easter Sunday or does it affect my daily operations?
With all that in mind please turn to .

It’s Easter Everyday!

in the book of I Corinthians--
This is Paul's famous discussion of the resurrection and it's by far the most comprehensive treatment of this subject anywhere in God's Word.
- this is Paul's famous discussion of the resurrection and it's by far the most comprehensive treatment of this
subject anywhere in God's Word.
Our faith is centered on the fact that our Savior conquered death and is alive.
resurrection now for at least two reasons.
1) it's appropriate because of where we are in our
- you may remember that about 5 months ago, at Easter
time, I was saying that I'd hoped we would be at
chapter 15 by Easter because it would be so natural
to study these ideas at Easter.
- of course that date came and went, and even though
we peaked ahead for one message at chapter 15:58,
we've had a lot of other important material in the
book to cover before we could get here.
- but the more I think about that, the more I think--
that's good.
- it's good that we're going to do a thorough
study of the resurrection of our Savior at the
opposite end of the calendar from the regular
Easter Season.
- and all of us know why--believers in Christ celebrate
Easter every day.
Our faith is centered on the fact that our Savior conquered death and is alive.
conquered death and is alive.
The resurrection is proof that the price He paid by dying was acceptable to the Father--and therefore He was raised from the dead.
fellowship every Sunday
- because that's the same day Jesus rose
every time a person is baptized, they're picturing the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ and declaring publically that that's their only hope of heaven.
- every time a person is baptized, they're picturing the
death, burial, and resurrection of Christ and
declaring publically that that's their only hope of
every time we gather for the Lord's table--we're celebrating -- not just his death and burial, but His resurrection
celebrating -- not just his death and burial
- but His resurrection
The resurrection is proof that the price He paid by dying was acceptable to the Father--and therefore He was raised from the dead.
acceptable to the Father--and therefore He was
raised from the dead.
so for a believer in Christ, in a very real sense it's Easter everyday.
it's Easter everyday.

That Is Not Our Natural Tendency

but that view of life doesn't come naturally,...why is it that in every church across the nation and perhaps even across the globe we see a spike in attendance on Easter Sunday...
- in fact, it often happens in stages
Because even though people may claim to be Christian, their understanding and appreciation for the resurrection often happens in stages.
after a person is truly saved, often their minds have to be dejunked of all the secular ideas about Easter...we have to stop giving credence to some stupid bunny and the chocolate candy and the colored eggs and teach them to gain a focus on the real significance of Easter.
dejunked of all the secular ideas about Easter.
where we go from the bunnies and the eggs to a focus on the significance of that holiday.
focus on the significance of that holiday.
that’s a significant step for some folks.
The resurrection is so important to our faith that it is critical for every believer to have a growing appreciation for the resurrection of Christ each and everyday!
for the resurrection of Christ each and everyday
young people who have a growing appreciation for the resurrection of Christ are better prepared to handle the pressures of an educational system that wants to deny Him at every turn and in every way.
young people who have a growing appreciation for the resurrection of Christ are better prepared to handle the pressures of an educational system that wants to deny Him at every turn and in every way.
resurrection of Christ are better prepared to handle
the pressures of a new school year.
spouses who have a growing focus on this critical doctrine are going to be better husbands and wives.
doctrine are going to be better husbands and wives.
parents will be better parents, workers will be better workers, witnesses will be better witnesses...
- workers will be workers
2 Corinthians 5:17 NASB95
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.
- witnesses will be better witnesses
The truth we want to consider here this morning is that...

Show me a person who has a growing understanding of and appreciation for our Savior's resurrection and I'll show you a person who's in the best possible position to grow in other critical areas of their walk with Christ!

appreciation for our Savior's resurrection and I'll show
you a person who's in the best possible position to grow
in other critical areas of their walk with Christ.
The truth we want to consider here this morning is that...
Pastor Viars for the length of this series and the fact
that we're studying the traditionally spring topic in the
middle of August
--we ought to be thankful for the added spiritual
benefit we'll all derive from the way this study fell
on all calendar.
2) Its also appropriate that we study this topic, not just
because of where we are in the calendar, but where we are
in this study on I Corinthians.
- let me ask you to think about that for a minute:
- INPUT - why is it good and why does it give you hope
that after everything else we've studying, Paul
concludes this book with a study of the resurrection?
1. Only those who have been seved by the resurrection
power of Christ can "pull off" what Paul has

Believing In The Resurrection Changes Everything!

commanded in this book.
2. The simplicity of the gospel and the unity it brings
is so different from the confusion and division that
was taking place because of wrong doctrine and wrong
behaviour in the Corinthian church.
- in fact, I'm just going to say it before someone else does.
- driving into chapter 15 is like driving from Gary into
- it's a breath of fresh air.
- Paul has rightly been dealing with some knotty problems in
these preceeding chapters, but now he's going to refresh
us with a treatment of one of the most important doctrines
in the Bible, the doctrine of the resurrection.
We want to examine 3 considerations regarding the resurrection and how those ought to impact us everyday!
- let's read the first 11 verses, and then we'll talk about
how we're going to study this passage tonight
- READ 1-11
Paul begins this chapter with giving us evidence to the reality of the resurrection and why we need to believe it!
19 a little later, Paul is giving us reasons why we ought
The first consideration to examine is...the evidence of an overwhelming testimony...
Paul begins this chapter with giving us reasons why we ought to believe in the resurrection.
to believe in the resurrection.

Consider the Resurrection from the Evidence of an Overwhelming Testimony (1-11)

Believe In the Resurrection Because of the Overwhelming Testimony. - vv. 1-11

Testimony. - vv. 1-11
this doctrine isn't based on a few obscure verses or the testimony of one or two people.
the testimony of one or two people.
Paul says - let me show you all the evidence.
the first one is more implied than directly stated, but it's important:
falls, at least in principle, on the evidence.
- the prosecuter lays out all his evidence, and exhibits,
and witnesses.
then the defending attorney lays out all his evidence, exhibits, and witnesses.
evidence, exhibits, and witnesses.
- the case, rises or falls, on the evidnce.
- Paul says, let me show you the evidence of the truth of the
- the first one is more implied than directly stated, but
it's important:

The testimony of the church - 1-2

Paul calls them brethren in verse 1..he affirms that they received the gospel in verse 1, and that they have been saved in verse 2.
- he affirms that they received the gospel in verse
1, and that they have been saved in verse 2
now he does say that there may be people in the church who are not genuinely saved...that possibility existed in their church just like in any other…even ours!
church who are not genuinely saved.
that possibility existed in their church just like in any other.
in any other.
if a person denied the resurrection, it proves their faith was never genuine.
their faith was never genuine.
but Paul clearly believes, even though the church had a lot of problems and had a lot of changing to do there were many folks in this church who were genuine believers…here is what he said earlier to them...
of problems and had a lot of changing to do
1 Corinthians 6:9–11 NASB95
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.
- there were many folks in this church who were genuine
point is this -
point is this - the only way you can explain the church of
where he gave a whole of people who would not inherit
the kingdom of God
- fornicators, idolators, adulterers, effeminate,
- and then he looked right at the Corinthians and

The only way you can explain the church of Jesus Christ that has existed now for nearly twenty one centuries is that our Savior is alive!

do you remember what he said?
- such were some of you! - but you're washed,
sanctified, and you're justified in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God.
- point is this - the only way you can explain the church of
Jesus Christ that has existed now for nearly twenty
centuries is that our Savior is alive!
who else could transform idolators, drunkards, thieves, adulterers and every other kind of wicked person into a community of redeemed, changing people?
adulterers and every other kind of wicked person into a
What Paul writes about the church of Corinth could very easily be written about Maranatha Bible Church…and the only explanation we can offer up for the change that occurs in our lives is that we serve a risen Savior...
community of redeemed, changing people?
another line of evidence is:
who else could have transformed a small group of frightened, discouraged disciples into an army of witnesses that turned the world upside down with the truth of the gospel?
frightened, discouraged disciples into an army of
witnesses that turned the world upside down with the
truth of the gospel?
our living Savior!
another line of evidence is:
"It was the conviction of the resurrection of Jesus which
lifted his followers out of despair into which his death had
cast them and which led to the perpetuation of a movement
begun by him. But for their profound belief that the
crucified had risen from the dead and they had seen him and
talked with him, the death of Jesus and even Jesus Himself,
would probably have been all but forgotten.
another line of evidence is:

The Testimony of the Scriptures - 3-4

Paul gives us in these verses one of the most succinct statements of the gospel as any passage in Scripture.
succinct statements of the gospel as any passage
in Scripture.
The gospel is the good news that Christ died, was buried, and was raised from the dead
in a nutshell"
- the good news is that Christ died, was buried, and
was raised from the dead
what makes it good news is that this was done "for our sins"...
"for our sins"
but what Paul emphasizes in both verses is - "this was according to the Scriptures"
was according to the Scriptures"
in this case--the Old Testament Scriptures...that would be a good study for you to search out on your own…trace the resurrection through out the OT…ever since the fall of man in , God spoke of Jesus coming as the Savior…the Messiah…he would be wounded for our transgressions…by his stripes we would be healed…he would be raised to new life...
we could spend the rest of our time tonight looking at verses that go along with this point.
Luke 24:25–27 NASB95
And He said to them, “O foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! “Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into His glory?” Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.
at verses that go along with this point.
point is - we ought to believe in the resurrection because this idea is woven throughout all of Scripture.
suggest additional ones for your personal study:
, cf.
, cf.
, cf.
- - READ
point is - we ought to believe in the resurrection because this idea is woven throughout all of Scripture.
- point is - we ought to believe in the resurrection
because this idea is woven throughout all of
passages, many from the OT itself, that go along with
this idea.
- - READ
, cf.
, cf.
, cf.
- point is - we ought to believe in the resurrection because
of the testimony of the church, and the overwhelming
testimony of the Scripture.

Testimony of the eyewitnesses - 5-7

C. Testimony of the eyewitnesses - vv. 5-7
our Risen Lord appeared to Peter, to the twelve, to the over 500 brethren, and to James.
the over 500 brethren, and to James.
Many of those people were still alive, and their testimony was all the same.
testimony was all the same.
Paul says - look at the church, look at the Scriptures, look at the eyewitnesses...there ought to be no doubt in our minds about the truth of the resurrection.
this evidence:
"The evidence for our Lord's life and death and resurrection
may be and often has been shown to be satisfactory.
Thousands and tens of thousands of persons have gone through
it piece by piece as carefully as every judge summing up an
important case. I know of no one fact in the history of
mankind which is better proved by fuller evidence than the
great sign that God has given us that Christ died and rose
again from the dead."
Paul says - look at the church, look at the Scriptures, look at the eyewitnesses...there ought to be no doubt in our minds about the truth of the resurrection.
look at the eyewitnesses
- there ought to be no doubt in our minds about the
truth of the resurrection.

Testimony of the special witness - 8-10

D. Testimony of the special witness - vv. 8-10
Paul's last line of evidence is - "Look at me"- there's no way you can explain the apostle Paul's life short of a miraculous work by a Savior who's alive.
- there's no way you can explain the apostle
Paul's life short of a miraculous work by a
Savior who's alive.
his view of his own SIN changed...he went from being a self-righteous Pharisee, to recognizing the depth of his need...
- he went from being self-righteous, to
recognizing the depth of his need
his character changed...he went from being a persecutor of the church to being the church's greatest ally...
- he went from being a persecutor of the
church to being the chuyrch's greatest ally
the direction of his energy changed...he went from zealously opposing Christ's church to zealously serving it.
- he went from zealously opposing Christ's
church to zealously serving it.
Let’s pause here for just a moment and consider the fact that we DO believe in the resurrection!
overwhelming evidence
the testimony of the church, testimony of the
Scriptures, the testimony of the eyewitnesses,
testimony of Paul himself
now you might say, we DO believe in the resurrection!
Paul didn't give this material to unbelievers who needed convincing…these were people who DID believe in the resurrection of our Lord...he said in verse 1 - "you received the gospel", "You're standing in these truths."
but Paul didn't give this material because the Corinthians didn't believe in the resurrection of our Lord...he said in verse 1 - "you received the gospel", "You're standing in these truths."
didn't believe in the resurrection of our Lord
- he said in verse 1 - "you received the gospel", "You're
standing in these truths."
the reason he's giving it is found in verse 12 - Remember that the Bible was written to specific people at a specific point in time who were dealing with some very specific issues…and its truths are timeless applying to every generation...
1 Corinthians 15:12 NASB95
Now if Christ is preached, that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
The issue of their time was that some folks in the church, though they believed our Lord was raised from the dead, were questioning whether believers would ever be raised from the dead.
- some folks in the church, though they believed our Lord was
raised from the dead, they were questioning whether
believers would ever be raised from the dead.
Their culture was filled with a philosophical reasoning that caused them to doubt a bodily resurrection of all people, time does not permit a full disclosure of that philosophy.
would have led them to have trouble believing in a bodily
resurrection of people, but I don't think we need to get
into that tonight
So what Paul is going to do in verses 13-19 is tell them and us the terrible consequences of not believing in the resurrection of people.
do in verses 13-19 is tell us the terrible consequences of
not believing in the resurrection of people.
Paul's going to give these ideas in the negative - "here's the terrible consequences of not believing in the resurrection"...but each of these truths has a positive side as well.
does this this apply to me and what should I be working
on as a result of these verses?
Paul's going to give these ideas in the negative - "here's the terrible consequences of not believing in the resurrection"...but each of these truths has a positive side as well.
Paul's going to give these ideas in the negative - "here's the terrible consequences of not believing in the resurrection"...but each of these truths has a positive side as well.
the terrible consequences of not believing in the
- but each of these truths has a positive side as well.
and this is where our belief in the resurrection ought to have an impact... in other words--if you don't believe in the future resurrection of people--there are some terrible negative consequences
- in other words--if you don't believe in the future
resurrection of people--here's the terrible negative
BUT--if you do believe it--and you are growing in that belief, there are some positive results that ought to be becoming more and more evident in your life.
- here are some of the positive results that
ought to be becoming more and more evident in
your life.
We need to consider the theological consequences of not believing in the resurrection:
believing in the resurrection:

Consider the Resurrection from the Theological Consequences of not Believing It. (13-16)

Consequences of not Doing So) - vv. 13-19
now the first theological consequence is obvious: if a person doesn't believe in the resurrection of people, then our Lord couldn't have been raised because He was a man.
- if a person doesn't believe in the resurrection of
people, then our Lord couldn't have been raised
because He was a man.

Our Lord couldn't have been raised (13, 16)

but let's turn that around, you and I do believe in the resurrection of people because the Scripture is very clear about that!
- you and I do believe in the resurrection of people
we do believe that Christians are going to be raised to everlasting glory and that unbelievers are going to be raised to everlasting judgment.
raised to everlasting glory and that unbelievers
John 5:28–29 NASB95
“Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.
are going to be raised to everlasting judgement
This would be a good moment to stop and for you to evaluate which side of the resurrection of all people you are going to be on…GOSPEL
therefore, there ought to be clear evidence in your life and mine that we are serving a Savior who's alive
For those of us who are going to be raised to everlasting glory....there ought to be clear evidence in your life and mine that we are serving a Savior who's alive…that is not saying we work for our salvation, rather our salvation results in doing right!
and mine that we are serving a Savior who's alive
Is that evidence there?
when you're tempted to "lash out" at the person who was mean to you--do you remember that your Savior is alive and therefore return good for evil?
mean to you--do you remember that your Savior is alive
and therefore return good for evil?
young people--when you get to school and your faith is challenged---are you going to respond in a way that shows the genuineness of your faith in the resurrection?
challenged---are you going to respond in a way that
shows the genuineness of your faith in the
when you face a trial and you feel like giving up, do you keep doing what's right because you know that your Lord is alive, and He's promised to bless you in the doing of the deed?
you keep doing what's right because you know that our
Lord is alive, and He's promised to bless you in the
doing of the deed?
our Lord is aware of everything that is happening to us, and everything that we are doing in response...our Savior is alive and that truth ought to be a great comfort to us, and a great challenge.
- at the beginning of the book God reveals himself to
Ezekiel in the form of a vision.
- part of that vision pictures the Lord with rotating
rings covered with eyes.
Ezekiel's vision was doe to his schizophrenia, and the
new drugs on the market today could have cured him.
- but we believe that vision was picturing a very
important truth about our Lord -- his omnipresence
- our Lord is aware of everything that is happening
to us, and everything that we are doing in response
our Savior is alive and that truth ought to be a great comfort to us, and a great challenge.
- that truth ought to be a great comfort to us, and a
great challenge.
a second negative theological consequence of not believing in the resurrection is found in verses 14-15. (READ)
resurrection is found in verses 14-15. (READ)

All witnesses and preachers of the resurrection are liars (14-15).

liars. - vv. 14, 15
If there's no resurrection, then you and I are guilty of perpetuating a lie.
if there's no resurrection, then you surely wouldn't want to perpetuate that lie.
wouldn't want to perpetuate that lie.
We’re lying to our children, we’re lying to our friends and co-workers…we are guilty of being a false witness...
- you wouldn't tell your friends and co-workers
What's the other side of that?
- anybody who witnesses, anybody who preaches
about it--is a false witness
What's the other side of that?

People who have a firm and growing belief in the resurrection are going to be convinced of the truth of their message and they'll tell everybody they know!

resurrection are going to what?
(they'll be convinced of the truth of their
message and they'll tell everybody they know)
You don’t have to wait for a special service like today to invite people to church when you believe in the resurrection, every Sunday is a celebration of our Risen Savior.
the other Saturday washing cars for free with the
hopes that that might start a relationship with
someone and lead to an opportunity to share Christ?
- I hope the answer to that question, in part, is
because they believe that Jesus is alive, and they
want to tell others about Him.
- why will many couples go over to Purdue Married housing in
a week or so and knock on the doors of strangers inviting
them to church?
- because we serve a risen Savior
- why are people trying to build bridges to their neighbors,
and praying regularly for those around who don't know
- why do we want to give generously so that missionaries can
be sent around the world to share the gospel?
- the answer to all of these questions is what we're studying
tonight -- because of the resurrection?
- Can I ask you - what do your witnessing habits reveal about
the depth, and the sincerity of your belief in this
critical doctrine?
Have there been some real opportunities that have slipped your grasp?
there's a lot of positive things happening--
- but you might be here tonight and would have to say
that family member, that neighbor, that time in your schedule to take advantage of the opportunity to hang out during our Open Food Bank and minister to those in need…that opportunity to invite your friend to church...
-I could have talked to a family member when we
were home visiting, and I didn't
- I could have reached out to a neighbor, and I
you don’t have to wait for a special service like today to invite them when you believe in the resurrection, every Sunday is a celebration....
- I've been embarrassed about getting involved in
in some of these outreach ministries
the last point Paul makes in these verses is that we ought to believe in this doctrine because of the personal consequences of not doing so.
resurrection -- that belief has not been nearly as evident
on a day to day basis as it should have been.
the last point Paul makes in these verses is that we ought to believe in this doctrine because of the personal consequences of not doing so.
theological consequences of not doing so.
the last point Paul makes in these verses is that we ought to believe in this doctrine because of the personal consequences of not doing so.
to believe in this doctrine because of the personal
consequences of not doing so.

Consider the Resurrection from the Personal Consequences of Not Believing It. (17-19)

Consequences of Not Doing So)
look at the first consequence in .
verse 17?

We would still be "in our sins".

What would it be like if we were still "in our sins?"
- what would it be like if we were still "in our
we’re not talking about having "sinless perfection"...
between being "in our sins" or having "sinless
We’re talking about our current relationship to sin as believers and contrasting that to our relationship we had to sin as unbelievers.
to sin as believers" or "the relationship we
had to sin as unbelievers"
Can you imagine what your life would be like today if you were still "in your sins"?
were still "in your sins"
where your sin had not been forgiven...where you were still a slave to sin
where you were still a slave to sin
If we were still in our sins, we would be guilty before God and deserving of judgment...If we were still in our sins, our marriages would be in deep trouble, and some of them would be ruined....If we were still in our sins, we wouldn't have the right and the privilege to pray.
If we were still in our sins, we would be guilty before God and deserving of judgment...If we were still in our sins, our marriages would be in deep trouble, and some of them would be ruined....If we were still in our sins, we wouldn't have the right and the privilege to pray.
- how would you complete this statement:
If we were still in our sins, __________
If we were still in our sins, our marriages would be in deep trouble, and some of them would be ruined.
1) If we were still in our sins, our marriages would be
in deep trouble, and some of them would be disolved.
If we were still in our sins, we wouldn't have the right and the privilege to pray.
right and the privilege to pray.
see, the point is - it would be a terrible thing if we were still "in our sins."
- see, the point is - it would be a terrible thing if we were
Romans 4:24–25 NASB95
but for our sake also, to whom it will be credited, as those who believe in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead, He who was delivered over because of our transgressions, and was raised because of our justification.
still "in our sins."
Paul says - it’s essential that we believe in the resurrection, because if we don't then that’s where we are...
- let me ask you to turn over to (READ)
- Paul says - it;s essential that we believe in the
resurrection, because if we don't--we're still in our sins
now let's turn this around--because this one is very important, the other side of this is:

People with a genuine and growing belief in the resurrection have a new mindset toward sin.

- the other side of this is: People with a genuine and
growing belief in the resurrection have a new mindset
toward sin.
There is going to be a growing love for God because of the forgiveness He's granted.
believes in the resurrection of Christ--how should that
affect his view of sin?
- let me suggest a few answers and then we'll open it up for
your input:
1) a growing love for God because of the forgiveness He's
John said it this way--We love Him because He first loved us.
loved us.
folks who really believe that our sin has been forgiven because of the death of our risen Lord are overwhelmed by the price that was paid.
forgiven because of the death of our risen Lord are
overwhelmed by the price that was paid.
we want to learn more and more how to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength because of the forgiveness He's granted.
our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength
because of the forgiveness He's granted.
some believers don't seem to appreciate the great price that was paid so they would no longer be liable for their sin…they’re just happy to have their fire insurance…there doesn’t appear to be any growth towards loving God more than they love themselves...
failing to recognize how much things are worth, and
how much they cost the person who gave it.
- when I was growing up, I used to always complain
unless the Ice Cream my mom bought was Breyers
- you know when my taste changed? When I got
married and had to start buying it myself!
I've been eating the bargain brand ever since.
- some believers don't seem to appreciate the great price
that was paid so they would no longer be liable for their
There is a growing confidence that sinful habits can be handled.
2) a growing confidence that sinful habits can be handled
Sin can be handled because we no longer are slaves to it…those sinful habits can be overcome because we are now in Christ…our risen Savior...
say - "the Lord has helped me whip this habit, or
that habit--and now I'm working on this or that?"
the answer is because of a firm belief in the resurrection.
Those sinful habits can now be put off, the thinking can be changed, and the righteous habits that exemplify Christ can now be put on…you no longer have to be defined by your sinful habit...
- we're committed to this marriage
- sure, we've got things that still have to be
ironed out
- we'll have other problems come up down the road
that we'll have to solve when they happen
There is a growing standard for the way believers ought to think and act.
- but we've got hope because we're no longer
slaves to sin
Having spiritual optimism when it comes to sin...people who have the right kind of spiritual optimism are evidencing the right view of the resurrection...Praise the Lord we're not still "in our sins"
- people who have the right kind of spiritual optimism are
evidencing the right view of the resurrection
Praise the Lord we're not still "in our sins"
There is a growing standard for the way believers ought to think and act.
A growing standard for purity of the church in general and our church in particular.
and our church in particular.
For some believers and some churches, it's acceptable for husbands not to be leading their families's acceptable that everybody gossips about everybody else…it’s acceptable for parents to allow their children to decide when and where you go to church…it’s acceptable to replace the worship and service of our King with other activities we didn’t get to do the other days of the week...
assumed that the average person isn't going to be
it's acceptable for husbands not to be leading their families's assumed that everybody gossips about everybody's assumed that the young people are going to fall away from the Lord in their teenage years...
- it's acceptable for husbands not to be leading
their families spiritually
it's assumed that everybody gossips about everybody else
it's assumed that the young people are going to fall away from the Lord in their teenage years
fall away from the Lord in their teenage years
There are churches and believers, though they may say they believe in the resurrection, their practice makes it appear that they don't.
they may say in their doctrinal statements that
they believe in the resurrection--
- when it comes right down to it - their
practice makes it appear that they don't.
and as a result--people are still enslaved to their sins, and that doesn't seem to bother folks too much…their priorities indicate that loving God more and more is not as important as it ought to be…
sins, and that doesn't seem to bother folks

If we have a growing appreciation of the resurrection then that is going to make a difference on every word that comes out of our mouth, every thought we entertain, every action we take!

A belief in the resurrection is going to make a difference on every word that comes out of your mouth, every thought you entertain, every action you take!
too much.
What that means for us as individuals and as a church is that we are going to go after our obedience to the Bible…and we’re going to hold each other accountable to be living in the truth of the resurrection that doesn’t accept excuses for a lack of holiness or striving to be Christlike... not an expectation of perfection…an expectation of change!
- you know we're not talking about sinless perfection.


A growing belief in and appreciation for the resurrection has contemporary applications for us individually and as a group.
for us individually and as a group.
as we think about the future if the Lord tarries, the kind of church we want to be ought not just to include numbers and graphs, it ought to include lifestyle and holiness...
- the kind of church we want to be ought not just to
include numbers and graphs
- it ought to include lifestyle and holiness
That means we are going to go after our obedience to the Bible by "stimulating one another to love and good works."...our relationships with one another will include more than just "superficial chit-chat"...our ministry to one another will have a heavy emphasis on discipleship and growth...
high" in terms of our standards for purity.
that means we're going to obey the Bible by "stimulating one another to love and good works."..our relationships with one another will include more than just "superficial chit-chat"...our ministry to one another will have a heavy emphasis on discipleship and growth
"stimulating one another to love and good works."
our relationships with one another will include more than just "superficial chit-chat"
more than just "superficial chit-chat"
our ministry to one another will have a heavy emphasis on discipleship and growth
emphasis on discipleship and growth

Churches that believe in the resurrection believe that we're no longer "in our sins" and we can be taking substantial steps of growth.

can't teach an old dog new tricks"

Churches that believe in the resurrection believe that we're no longer "in our sins" and we can be taking substantial steps of growth.

we're no longer "in our sins"
- and we can be taking substantial steps of growth
A belief in the resurrection doesn’t accept a “gloom and doom” attitude towards the church...the future of the church is bright in the sense that because we believe our Savior is alive and that He is actively building His church…he is changing our relationship to sin and to each other...
- there's too much of a pesimistic attitude toward the
church at large today.
- "we need revival" and "the church is anemic" and all
the rest
- those statements may be true but the question is -
what are we going to do about that as wa church?
- are we going to throw the concept of the church
away and come up with a new organization?
- are we going to become cynacal and proud
- are we going to hold on tight and wait for the
- see, what impact should a firm belief in the
resurrection have on our view of other churches?
- the answer ought to be - there's great hope for
the church.
- churches can become more effective.
- churches can grow in their appreciation for
the sufficiency of the Scriptures.
- the future of the church is bright in the
sense that genuine believers are no longer
in their sins.
and if we can have a positive impact on the church-building process, we're going to do it wholeheartedly, and with energy and enthusiasm--because we believe in the resurrection and all of it's implications.
- we're going to try to have an impact on other churches.
- we're going to have a missionary conference-yes it
takes a lot of work by everyone in the church
We're going to do it--because we have hope for the church.
for the church.
and if we can have a positive impact on the church-building process, we're going to do it wholeheartedly, and with energy and enthusiasm--because we believe in the resurrection and all of it's implications.
churches through our training programs.
- we're not going to "whine" if someone like Doc Smnith
and that ought to have an impact on our vision...we're going to try to have an impact on other people, believers and unbelievers alike...we're going to have events and ministries that takes a lot of work by everyone in the church...We're going to do it--because we believe in the resurrection and that gives us hope for the church...
is gone for a while because we have a vision of
helping and ministering to other churches.
- Why? - because we believe our Savior is alive.
- we believe He is building His church.
and if we can have a positive impact on the church-building process, we're going to do it wholeheartedly, and with energy and enthusiasm--because we believe in the resurrection and all of it's implications.
We're going to do it--because we have hope for the church...
building process, we're going to do it
wholeheartedly, and with energy and enthusiasm--
because we believe in the resurrection and all of
it's implications.
another personal implication is found in verse 18:
- so one personal implications of not believing in the
resurrection is that we'd still be in our sins
- another personal implication is found in verse 18:

The dead in Christ would be perished.

B. The dead in Christ would be perished
if there's no resurrection, then our Lord wasn't raised and every believer who has already died won't be raised either.
- and every believer who has already died won't
be raised either.
How does this belief affect our lives today?
we are people who believe in the resurrection
- and we want to know how this belief ought to
affect our lives today.
We have a great hope and anticipation of being reunited with those believers who have proceeded us in death.
have a great hope and anticipation of being
reunited with those believers who have preceeded us
in death.
this isn't a "pipe dream" or a "vague possibility"
John 11:25–26 NASB95
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?”
John 11:24–25 NASB95
Martha said to Him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.” Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies,

Because our Lord is raised, you and I have the great hope and anticipation of meeting those believers who have gone before us.

our Lord said, "I am the resurrection, and the life, he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die."
life, he that believes in me, though he were dead,
yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and
believeth in me shall never die."
of course our Lord said that to Martha, the sister of Lazarus, the man who in had been physically dead for four days.
sister of Lazarus, the man who in had
been physically dead for four days.
just to prove the spiritual point He was making, the Bible says the Lord went to the tomb where Lazarus was laid, prayed to the Father, and then said Lazarus--come forth
making, the Bible says
- the Lord went to the tomb where Lazarus was
- prayed to the Father, and then said--
- Lazarus--come forth
the Bible says - "and he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes; and his face was bound with a cloth. Jesus said unto them, "Loose him, and let him go"
hand and foot with graveclothes; and his face was bound
with a cloth. Jesus said unto them, "Loose him, and let
him go"
because our Lord is raised - you and I have the great hope and anticipation of meeting those believers who have gone before us.
and anticipation of meeting those believers who have gone
before us.
Just think about all those heroes of the faith from we get to see and talk to…Moses, Abraham, David, Paul, Peter, John, Stephen, etc.
Also get to see those family and friends we know were believers this side of heaven…who now see Jesus face to face...the day is coming, and it may be soon - when we'll be able to join those folks and fellowship with them…when we get to walk on the streets of the New Jerusalem!
- think of all the great believers who have gone before us
I think in verse 18, paul especially wanting to call to mind special loved ones and friends who have preceeded us in death.
to talk to John Calvin, and Martin Luther
- some who have a special appreciation for music are going to
want to meet Fanny Crosby, Horatio Spattford
- some who are into church history are going to want to talk
to D.L. Moody, the Wesleys, Billy Sunday
- THATS GOING TO HAPPEN - and it may be today!
- I think in verse 18, paul especially wanting to call to
mind special loved ones and friends who have preceeded us
in death.
the day is coming, and it may be soon - when we'll be able to join those folks and fellowship with them
different folks.
- you might be thinking right now of a parent or
- it might be a spouse or a child.
- a brother or sister.
- it may be a person who had a special ministry to
you or your family.
- maybe it was a former pastor or Sunday School
- but the day is coming, and it may be soon - when we'll be
able to join those folks and fellowship with them
That song is a favorite around here because it pumps us up…Why? ...because we believe in the resurrection.
we believe in the resurrection.
the last personal implication is found in verse 19 (READ)

We would, of all men, be most miserable.

literally the idea is - "to be pitied"...if there is no resurrection, our state is sad, pitiful, miserable…life has no value if there is no resurrection…if this life is all there is then....
- if there is no resurrection, our state is sad, pitiful,

Men and women who believe in the resurrection have great joy in Him!

who believe in the resurrection have great joy in Him.
there is joy in serving a Risen Savior...we can rejoice evermore, we can even rejoice in trials, knowing that the "sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
we can rejoice evermore, we can even rejoice in trials, knowing that the "sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
- we can even rejoice in trials, knowing that the
"sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be
compared with the glory which shall be revealed in

The resurrection changes everything…there ought to be a joy in our heart, a bounce in our step, a song on our lips. Let’s live in celebration of the resurrection everyday!

bounce in your step, song on your lips, joy in your heart
- song on your lips
- joy in your heart
"If this subject doesn't light your fire, your wood is wet."
your fire, your wood is wet."
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