The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
The resurrection of Jesus Christ changes everything.
I. The Resurrection is a Fact of History
B. The Historical Fact of Jesus’ Death
C. Just the Facts Please
II. The Power of the Resurrection
A. The Facts of Life and Death
B. The Implications for Life Now
You remember last week … If the resurrection is true, bucket lists don’t matter that much … because what we miss out on down here we get a better version of up there. Our refusal to believe that keeps us from being able to live like true disciples, because we are so obsessed at what they are missing out on.
○ I’ve got to get married … only one shot.
○ I’ve got to see the Alps … Oh yes you will.
I’m not against having nice stuff if God has blessed you with it. But you don’t need to have everything down here. You’ll have a mansion in heaven. Couldn’t you live on less (you’re going to have a mansion in heaven) … but you only get one shot with the souls of people. Couldn’t you forego a substantial amount so that you can take more people with you? You don’t need that house. You’ll have one in heaven. You don’t need that car. Leverage what you have now for the purposes of the GC. That’s why God gave it to you.
● You can enjoy creation in eternity; right now you get one shot at the souls of people.
● These guys had a joy that came from knowing that Jesus had an eternal purpose and that they were part of it.
● Question for you: Do you have that sense of purpose? Is your life really mattering for eternity?
Where do you find certainty? Hope? Purpose? Presence? The disciples are not different than you. They had simply anchored their lives in something that gave them joy and boldness in all things.
Where do you anchor yours? My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus blood and righteousness …