Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Good Morning CrossPointe
My name is Steve McKenzie and it’s my joy to serve as the Lead Pastor
Today we are gathered to celebrate one glorious truth - Jesus is alive.
What makes this truth so great is not just the fact that he is alive - like I’m alive
The joy is that he was dead, buried - and he came back to life
Noone called out to raise him from the dead
Nobody else exerted power to bring Jesus back to life
Jesus yielded his spirit to death - then he conquered death and rose victorious like a champion over his foe.
Turn with me to - let’s PRAY
Read Luke 24
Let’s be real - today is a joyous celebration but that doesn’t mean that many of us arent carrying disappoints and challenges in with us this morning.
In this passage, it begins with women who were worshipping in the midst of disappointment
One week ago
Triumph and victory
Jesus, whom you believe to be to Messiah - the one promised by God to bring healing, wholeness, and salvation.
You’ve followed him and now you see crowds celebrating and signing “Hosanna, glory to God in the highest”
Your heart expanded with joy and hope.
You saw as Jesus taught on the temple mount.
You knew the religious leaders despised Jesus but he was you king, your victory, your champion.
Then word reaches you - he’s been arrested but that’s OK - he’s the promised one.
Events begin falling like dominos - falling too quickly for your mind to comprehend - the emotions in your heart trailing behind in disbelief.
The crowd is shouting Crucify Him, Crucify Him - but it can’t be.
Where is the victory?
He’s our king - right?
Surely they can’t kill him.
Soon they will see his power and might.
He will show it for all to see - just as his followers have seen.
You see him as his broken body drops the cross on the way to his crucified.
His face swollen and body bleeding from the beating he received.
You see as nails are driven into his hand and feet.
What’s happening/ They mockingly hung a sign over his head, “King of the Jews.”
But he is - right?
How can this be?
Where’s the power?
I’ve seen him calm storms - cast out demons - feed thousands with a few loaves and fishes - the blind received sight - the lame could walk.
How is this happening?
What is going on?
Was I wrong?
Is he not the Messiah?
Who is he?
Disbelief as darkness settles
Hope evaporates as Jesus takes his final breath and dies.
He’s dead - the Roman soldiers confirm his death as they puncture his side and blood and water pour out.
Things did not go as expected
Disappointment and sorrow have settled firmly in your heart
Yesterday was the sabbath - no work to distract yourself with.
No activity to occupy your mind.
You sit alone with your thoughts - recalling the events of the past week, the past 3 years.
Your mind frantically tries to make sense of everything - trying desperately to find the silver lining - to find some glimmer of hope - BUT nothing.
Nothing comes to mind.
Nothing makes sense.
You shouldn’t be working but you begin preparing the burial spices for tomorrow - when you can walk to the tomb.
You cry yourself yourself to sleep yet again as you body and mind relinquishes it’s will to fight and wrestle through the events yet again.
Anxiety greets you early in the morning (your reality is worse than your nightmare) as the light of the sun just begins to break through the darkness, separating the sky from the land.
The wrestling and disbelief have given way to weariness of soul.
Tired - worn-out.
The dust from the path to the tomb is cool on your sandaled feet.
Eyes downcast as the walk begins to energize your mind causing the thoughts and feeling we reignite to confusion and despair.
Jesus didn’t do what you thought he would do.
In some ways he let you down but you feel bad for eve thinking that.
One week ago today Jesus entering the city is triumph but now I’m walking to his grave site in sorrow.
So many hopes.
So many desires are buried in that tomb.
You lift your eyes and your heart skips a beat - the stone is rolled away
Who is here?
What have they done?
What’s going on?
What else can go wrong?
I can’t take one more thing!
Confusion.... and then shock!
Suddenly - like one moment we are alone - I blink - and then 2 men are standing beside us
But not normal men - their clothes almost glow
Your mind registers - ANGELS - fear grips your heart and immediately you look to the ground trying to catch your breath and slow you racing heart.
What did they just say...
“Why do you seek the living among the dead....”
“He is not here...” (where have they taken him… who took him… why would they take him...”
Wait… what did he say… “he is Risen”
What do you mean risen - like alive - he can’t be - he died - we buried him.
See we have the spices for his body.
“Remember...” remember what, that he died. of course I remember
‘“Remember what Jesus said - that he would be crucified, die, and then rise from the dead 3 days later.”
Remember… yeah… but I thought he meant…
Then as the sun pierces through the early morning fog - they remembered
Clarity - Jesus did say but I didn’t understand
Jesus did say and it’s true - I remember
It’s here I want to PAUSE - to help us remember the hope we have in the resurrection
HOPE - God is Faithful, he is true to his word
These women came to God in an act of worship with hearts full of disappointment and confusion
They came expecting defeat but they were reminded of a truth they had already heard - they experienced the reality of this truth and they left in joy
Maybe this is you this morning - you’ve come to church because it’s Easter - because this is what you do on Sunday mornings.
You’re here - but like these women - you’re heart have seen their share of disappointment.
Maybe you’re confused, discouraged, beaten down - but here you are.
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