Easter Message
Our Tension: Uncover or Create the Tension as a group
Our Tension: Uncover or Create the Tension as a group
probably in the spring of 54 or 55
The claim
a reporter put a question to the then archbishop of Perth who was then primate of the Anglican Church of Australia and asked him, “Suppose we found the tomb of Jesus and we could demonstrate with high, high credibility that Jesus never really did rise from the dead and this was Jesus’ body, what would this do to your Christian faith?” The dear archbishop replied, “Nothing. For I believe Jesus has risen in my heart.”
If there is NO Resurrection
Everything would be Useless
Still in your sins
If Jesus stayed dead, there are only two possible conclusions: either he was not the sinless person everyone thought him to be and his death marked his final separation from God; or he might have been without personal sin, but his attempts to atone for the sin of the world by his death did not meet with divine approval. Either way, we are still in our sins, cut off from God and facing his judgment, like everyone else.
Pascal’s Wager
Sum up this section
If Christ WAS Raised...
Suffering Apostles Prove the Resurrection
Suffering Apostles Prove the Resurrection
The Defeat of Death
Paul is thus completely consistent in stressing both the union of believers with Christ in his death and resurrection, and the definite order
So when the risen Christ returns, He will fully destroy death. It’s not that He hasn’t already conquered it, in a sense, at His resurrection, but as we all know, death is still a reality in this world. As we’ve talked about, people die. But there’s coming a day when death itself will be no more. The end of this chapter is so triumphant, where Paul writes in verse
If he wasn’t raised then his death was just a noble example of how to suffer, but if he was raised that proves his death actually accomplished something. It actually finished something. It actually secured something. Therefore, it’s not your good works but his death and resurrection which has completely fulfilled and satisfied the law of God so you can be accepted by him.
Paul is thus completely consistent in stressing both the union of believers with Christ in his death and resurrection, and the definite order
Making All Things New
Think about it. No more dying of cancer or HIV. No more fatal car accidents. No more tsunamis. No more suicides. No more hunger and starvation. No more suffering. Death itself will no longer have any sting at all. For sin will have fully and finally been removed, and with it, disobedience to God’s law and death itself for all who have put their hope in the victory that comes through Jesus Christ alone.
Our resurrection bodies will be permanently Christ-like. This will happen spiritually and physically. That’s the whole point of what the Bible is saying here. Just as Christ was raised from the dead, so all who are in Christ will be resurrected to live. Just as Christ lives. Think about His body after He rose from the dead, and you have a good picture of what a resurrected body looks like. He ate and drank, spoke and laughed. People ask, “Will we even recognize one another’s resurrection bodies in heaven?” And Scripture is absolutely clear that our resurrection bodies will be recognizable. This is based first and foremost on the fact that Jesus Himself was recognizable in His resurrection body.
How shall we now live?
You: What should you believe and do in light of this?
You: What should you believe and do in light of this?
3 L’s
For the skeptics in here, I can imagine some reasonable Objections
“Miracles are impossible.”
Clue 1: Suffering Apostles
Clue 1: Suffering Apostles
Another clue: The Emergence of the Early Church
The reason the gospel spread, the reason Christianity ever got off the ground was a bunch of people got together and said, “It happened. Somebody took on death single-handedly and won. We’ve seen him with our own eyes.” Do you see the hard edge of the gospel? The doctrine of the resurrection has never been a comforting symbol; it’s always been an in-your-face, in-your-teeth confrontation.
Ground: How do we have power to believe and live this
Gospel Invitation
To every single person in this room, please hear this: Every single one of us in this room needs forgiveness before God, and every single one of us, deep down inside, even when we don’t think about it, realize it, or admit, needs to be restored to God, the One who made us and formed us and created us.
This is the deepest longing of every single one of our hearts, and God has made a way for this restoration to be a reality. He has sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins, and He has raised Him from the dead in victory over sin and death, and so I urge you, today, maybe for the first time, to trust in Jesus as the suffering Savior and risen Lord. There is no better, wiser, more secure, more eternally secure place to found your faith than in Jesus. And in Him, and only through faith in Him, you can stand forgiven before God. And Christian, you stand forgiven before God! Jesus was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification!