Can't Stop Love

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We celebrate that the resurrection of Jesus demonstrates that you can't stop the love of God!

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that video and that song I've Been resonating in my heart all week long this idea of Easter as the love of God as the Unstoppable inescapable power of God on our behalf. The message of Easter is that you cannot stop God's love somebody say Amen.

You know it in our culture we've made Easter such a interesting dichotomy. We're celebrating that the Bedrock and Foundation of our faith that God came as one of us that Jesus became our sin and Jesus died on our behalf, but death could not keep him and he rose again and somehow we've made it about eggs and bunnies and chocolate and brunch and Lord save us pastels.

I'm not against those things per say although listen. I'm not a huge fan of pastel Dan when you see me wearing a shirt like this what you're seeing is the love I have for my wife. Let's just be clear on that.

I'm not I'm not opposed to those things. But but those things aren't our story. Can we agree on that this morning? The Easter is our story and it's not about eggs and bunnies and chocolate and we can say all they symbolize life and all that sort of stuff and if we want to play those games, that's fine. But but when we gather together in God's house as God's people we better be about God's story. Amen. But you Easter is the story of God's Redemptive love on behalf of a broken and jacked up People Like Us.

This morning. I want us to think deeply. The Ponder and to treasure the profound reality of the events described in the scriptures of Jesus's death his burial and thank God his resurrection. We've been leading up to this over the last few weeks by looking at the events of Jesus on the night of his betrayal specifically when he went into the Garden of Gethsemane and prayed. I'd like to look at that again with y'all. If you got your Bibles, let's go to Luke chapter 22. If you don't have your Bibles it will be up on the screen Luke chapter 22 verse 39 says he came out and went as was his custom to the Mount of Olives and the disciples followed him when he came to the place. That is the Garden of Gethsemane. He said to them pray that you may not enter into temptation and he withdrew from them about a stone's throw and knelt down and pray. I love these gospel insights into the prayer of Jesus because in prayer we see the hearts the desire the essence of where Jesus is Athen and this prayer is so vulnerable. So transparent Jesus gets down and says father if you are not willing if you are willing remove this cup from me.

As I said over the last few weeks. This is the Jesus who walked on water the Jesus who fed thousands with Five Loaves and two fish the Jesus. They called Lazarus out of the Grave Just days before this same Jesus is now at night time by himself on his face going to the father and say I know what you've asked me to do.

And if if there's another way to get this done if you can take this cup away from me. Mmm, and what is the cup the cup is the cup of the Wrath of the almighty God against sin the delayed judgment and punishment against sin. Because of the forbearance of got Jesus has been asked by the father. To drink it dry to take Humanities sent all of our failing all of our weakness upon himself as the scripture says he who knew no sin would become sin.

On our behalf in order that in him we might become the very righteousness of God.

Jesus knows the beatings. He knows the pain. He knows the suffering. He knows that death is what the father is asking to do and so he says the father if there's some other way Let's do.

The heart of the prayer the most important part of the prayer is in that next word, but nevertheless. Lord here's what I'd like to do is my idea. Here's my preference, but nevertheless.

How often in our culture in our world do we come to God as if he's some sort of spiritual genie in the bottle the cosmic Butler who is here to make our live comfortable and convenience The God Who is there to answer our prayers and make our lives what we want it to be if that's how you conceive of God in the prayer of Jesus in the garden makes no sense because that's not how Jesus sees it. Lord here's what I'd like I have no problem telling you what I'd like. But never the laugh not my will but yours be done. Now this this account in the Garvin takes place in in all of the gospels for us, but Luke Luke gives us a slightly different perspective of it that I think is really important after he praised this for the first time. It says there appeared to him an angel from the heavens strengthening him Jesus vulnerable transparent crying out to the Lord Lord. There's got to be another way, but at the end of the day not my will but yours be done in the father sends an angel to strengthen him. I think the angel in that strengthening gave him a message. Jesus your prayer has been heard the answer is no. You need to do what you need to do. Jesus asked Lord, if there's another way and the father says no there's not another way and the angel strengthened him. And what Jesus does then is I think important and profound. Jesus doesn't give up. Jesus doesn't run away. Jesus doesn't want and throw a pity party. I'm pretty good at those.

The word of God says this and being in agony. He prayed more earnestly and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down. to the ground I don't believe that this point Jesus the Same take the couple way. He asked the father answered the angels strengthened and now Jesus is praying nevertheless not my will be done. Jesus is praying father strengthen me to do what you've asked me to do. Give me the courage. Give me the faith. Give me the love. Give me what I need to do. What it is that you asked me to do and the level of intensity in his prayer is absolute. I need you feels praying so intensely so fervently that he is sweating black. And you say to me with Jeremy white? Why do you think that's what's happening? Thank you for asking. Because in Hebrews chapter 5 verse 7 we have this interesting little fur. Hebrews chapter 5 verse 7 talking about Jesus as in the days of his flesh. Jesus offered up prayers and supplications with loud cries and tear. Really the only event in the gospel that comes close to this is the prayer in the garden Gethsemane. I don't think you I don't think you pray sweating blood with out loud cries and Tears In This Moment. Jesus is offering up prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears to him who is able to save him from death and he was heard. because of his reference He was heard because of his reverence enough. If Jesus was still praying father. Take away the cup and Hebrews 5/7 would be messed up because God didn't take away the cup. No in this we see that at that point after the angel comes and strengthens. Him. Jesus is praying God help me. God strengthen me and God save me from death.

You might say to me walk. Well that didn't seem to work out very well. Cuz Jesus died. When Jesus is trying out save me from Death he's not saying keep me from dying. He's saying save me from death.

Jesus is going to March into Hades. He's going to breathe. His last heart is going to stop and his soul will be entrusted into the father will taste death. For the wages of sin is death. Domain of sin and fall short of the glory of God. Jesus will take sin upon himself and the only thing that can happen when he takes it upon himself is

Jesus doesn't say keep me from dying. Jesus says save me from death. And he was heard. because of his reverent He was heard because of his faith. He was heard because of his obedience. Jesus submitted himself to the will of the father entrusted himself to the care of the father and the father heard and the father responded though. Jesus died. We don't run we don't worship this morning a dead savior. We worship the Savior who died and we worship a savior. Who rose again. This is Jesus God's I'm going to do it you I'm going to do what you ask but you got to help me and you got to save me from that I know death is coming save me from death and on Sunday morning that stone rolled away. Why? Because you can't stop love. You cannot stop the love of God. No fear comes doubt comes our desire our selfishness our our our desires to do our own thing. They all come and crowd out sweet. We come up with all sorts of excuses. Why our way is better than God's way but at the end of the day you cannot stop the love of God the love of God is stronger than death.

There is no power. Like that great prophet. Huey Lewis said The Power of Love.

Come on. Now. I'm dating myself a little bit. But see this is this is what it's about. It's about love because I look at Jesus in the garden. I look at Jesus on the cross. I look at Jesus say father forgive them for they know not what they do. I listen to Jesus safe into your hands. I commit my spirit it is finished and he breathed his last and dies and I wonder how can he do that?

I look at the resurrected risen Jesus on the other side of the two and I wonder how could he do that? But it's it's more than how I wonder why.

Why would he do that for me?

Why would he do that for you?

I think we got to wrestle with that at Easter. It's got to be more than just a fact and historical event. Jesus died and rose again.

But I can I can I can clean up okay and put on a good front and and I can maybe make you think that that I'm an okay guy, but I know me.

Jesus did not die and rise again because I'm such a gem.

I haven't met all of you, but I met enough of you to know you ain't any better than I am.

The question is why?

In the word of God consistently answers. The reason Jesus tasted death on my behalf and yours. The reason Jesus conquered the grave is rooted in the love of God. The love of God Ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 says you walk in love live in love. Anytime in Paul's Epistles when you see him talk about walking waste is talking about the normal traffic patterns of your life. He's talking about how you eat and sleep and and and Recreation how you work and how you engage with your family in your neighbors and he sang. I want you to walk. I want you to live in love. Why?

Because Christ loved us and gave himself up for us a fragrant offering. and sacrifice to God I think that's one of the simplest.

Passages in scripture just the simplest breakdown of why Jesus died. Why did Jesus die because he loved? His love for us moved him to give himself as a sacrifice.

I love of God and this is this is everything.

When we think about Easter. When we think about the death and resurrection of Jesus. If we don't think about the love of God, we're missing the point entirely.

and frankly when I really when I really get it. I am overwhelmed.

It is mind-boggling to me. It is hard shredding to me. The guy loves her. The way that he loves us. The wave akilah Easter is about the love of God and Jesus died and rose again because of the way that he loves us if we really want to honor and celebrate him today.

Really any day but if we really want to celebrate and honor him on Easter the day that he rose from the dead should we not follow in his footsteps? Is not imitation the highest form of prey.

the word of God says we love because he first loved us Easter is the most tangible visceral incredible demonstration of the love of God for us. When Easter hits you. Mr. Obnoxious something that's done for you Easter something that's done to you. You hear me this morning, sir. Love of God is not just an idea for the love of God is a power encounter Fan Experience Jesus rose from the dead he lives again. He is here with us.

The love of God is not just an idea to be believe it is a reality to be experienced. when we love when we have loved that way. love begets love

that's my Jesus, you know right before he goes to the Cross as he's with his disciples that last night. He says to him and John 15 verses 12 to 13 at the end of this is my commandment. This is what I want for you is what I want for you and this is what I want from you. This is my commandment that you love one another.

What what does Jesus want from us? What is the guy who died on our behalf and rose again want from us? He's very clear about this is what I want. I want you to love one another.

I said I want you to love one another when it's convenient for you.

I want you to love one another when there's a guarantee that you'll be loved in return. I want you to love one another when it's easy comfortable and convenient. I want you to love people that look like you act like you talk like you both like you.

Oh, thank God. He did not say any of that.

What did he say? I want you to love one another as I have loved you.

How did you love us? Thank you for asking.

Greater love has no one than this that someone lay down his life for his friend. Jesus says listen, this is this is what I came for. I came to set you free to a life of love. Without the love of Jesus. We are alone unto ourselves desperately trying to find our way through a dark and broken World selfishly trying to make ourselves happy. Give our self security. Dr. Oh my God We use love to get our own agenda. We use others and the love that they have to fill the void Within. Jesus came to set us free from all of that. He came to set us free to the fullness of God's left that we might then. Actually be free to love other. The way that he loved us. How did you love us? He laid down his life. My favorite text about this is Philippians chapter 2 flipping chapter 2 is a beast of a path. I don't think I could preach on this thing for days. I'm not kidding.

You got I know you got bronze plan. Sorry. it but it is such a profound text and and here's the context because context is pink context is everything and understand the scripture to the Church of Philip is a church that he started it started when he got set free miraculously from prison. If you remember that out of the book of Acts, they were great. That was faithful their Doctrine was good. They embraced the scriptures that they were generous. They supported Paul when nobody else did but pause writing to them now in a season and some division has grown up within the church. There's a couple of people that are fighting with each other. They got slightly different ideas of how things should be run of of what should happen. This person wants things to go with this way. This person wants him to go another way and pulse like As your theology is great. Your generosity is great, but you're not loving each other well. So flipping chapter 2 he goes after and this this is what he does. He says that if if if there's any encouragement in Christ any comfort from love any participation in the spirit affection and sympathy after their hearts, you met Jesus, right? Jesus has done something to you. Jesus has done things for you. If you have any benefit in Jesus rhetorical question, of course, of course they have

Jesus has brought them Comfort. He's the one that turns our sorrow into Joy. He's the one that sets the prisoner free. He's the one that's buying up. The Brokenhearted proclaims good news in the favor of the Lord. Jesus has done these things. So he's setting them up if Jesus has done anything to you.

Then make my joy complete. By being of the same mind having the same love being in full Accord and of one mine. If Jesus had has been of any benefit of any kind to you. And then this is what you need to do. Get on the same page. Have the same agenda love one another everybody in unity, and I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty good to me. I want to be part of a community. That's that's focused. This engaged that's United that's unified out. I want to be a part of a community that's going in the same direction. But here's the problem. Cuz I want you all to be a one mind will well whose mind is it? Cuz I want to be a part of that Community where it's my mind, right and you all get get in line behind me. Nnnn, you embraced my vision and you embrace my agenda and you do things my way you like my preferences you you get rid of the things that I don't like and then then we can all get along.

And if you're honest you feel exactly the same way. Just with your mind. Listen, you got to have one mind. You have one life loves you. Got to have one purpose. You've got to be together. The question is whose Minds? Who's loud? Who is Vision? Whose agenda will drive it.

Does that she says do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit? everything we do is out of selfish ambition and can see That's the normal operating procedure for life. We we do things to better ourselves.

That's just the way it the world works and everything in our culture is constantly telling us do what's right for you. follow your bliss

all your hard you to do what you want to do that. Nobody else is going to look out for you to look out for yourself. That's how the world Works without Christ that's normal without Jesus. But with Jesus that's anything but normal so don't do anything out of selfish ambition or conceit in humility others more significant than yourself.

Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of other Okay. I want you guys to have one mind and one heart and one focused and a way to get there is not by demanding your way. You got to get off the throne. You got to stop looking in the mirror navel-gazing and thinking only about yourself.

live in humility look around look up. See the other. You don't need to use the other to get anything because Jesus gives you everything you need. And I do not have to be consumed with how do I get my way now, you get to be consumed with how do I give the love of Jesus away?

I know I know it doesn't make sense without the spirit of God. I know it doesn't make sense. The gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing. It is foolishness to the world. It is foolishness to say, I'm going to stop making myself number once I'm going to stop obsessing about what I can get and I'm going to live my life to the max trying to give to others.

God's not in control. If God is not sovereign. If God does not honor and keep his promises. It's the stupidest thing you could ever do but God is Sovereign and God is in control. And God does keep his promises to those actually the sanest thing you could ever do.

So who's mine should we have have this mind among yourselves which is yours in Christ. Jesus have the mind of Christ. Not about following the pastor's mine or somebody else's mind or getting your way. It's about listen. We need the mind of Christ Christ shows us what love looks like Christ chose us with faith and obedience look like

have the mind of Christ What was the mind of Christ who though he was in the form of God did not count equality with God a thing. baby grass What Paul is saying here is is very precise in the Greek. Nothing. He was kind of like God, he's not saying he was a god. He's saying everything that God is Jesus is everything that Jesus is God is Jesus. This is the strongest scriptural Declaration of the Divinity of Christ. There is Though he was God though. He was in the form of God. He shared the essence of what God is he did not count equality with God something to be held on to something to be grasped

rather emptied himself empty what a simple simple phrase to describe something unfathomable. infinit omniscient

omnipresence number of the Trinity God emptied himself of his God

takes on the form of a servant being born in the likeness of man. God becomes one of us. Isn't just at the risk of a little bit of a rabbit shout. I love. this verse because it tells me that matter matters. Let me explain this very often in the church. And in many of the world religions matter doesn't matter. And far too often in in the church. We've come to believe that matter doesn't matter that matter is bad matter is evil what's really good is spiritual. And that's corrupt in Twisted and perverted are gospel to believe that somehow Jesus came bodily died bodily rose again bodily so that we can float off our spiritual some place called heaven. how to get Ulysses Mater Mater John loves creation when he made the Earth. What did he say? That's alright. It is good. It's good when he made you and me, it is very good. Matter matters the God's spirit is not better than physicality spirit and physicality were made by God to work together.

Something powerful and profound of this. Jesus came to redeem creation. Not just our ethereal Souls that float away. Jesus is going to remove the corruption of sin out of every atoms and subatomic Cork and particles in the universe and he will declare at the end of it behold. I've made all things new You guys matter matters? You got a new body coming and it's got to be better than a body. You got right now. Somebody say Amen.

Being found in human form as one of us. He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross.

Let's text eyes every time I read Philippians 2. I just think of one phrase downward Mobility. Jesus starts at the top and she intentionally moves down. Opposite of everything our world tells us to do we're all about upward Mobility. We're all about Chasing. The Dream bigger is better always wanting to advance and move up a Jesus chooses downward Mobility. He chooses to go against the advice of that great prophet Ricky Bobby if you're not first you're last.

Cuz in the Kingdom the last shall be first and the first shall be last. Jesus doesn't hold on to everything. She doesn't grasp it by the fingernail stuff becomes as one of us has one of us has a service to Surf dies and doesn't just died. He died on a cross.

And according to the world. That's the stupidest thing you could ever do. And in the kingdom of God is the smartest thing that's ever been done. Because it's not the end of the store Humble themselves to the point of death even death on a cross. Therefore. God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name.

At the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on Earth and under the Earth and every tongue confess. The Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Jesus came to show us how it actually works in God's kingdom. We think if we advance ourselves if we push ourselves then we're actually going to get what we want. Jesus shows us that if we deny ourselves and entrust ourselves to the father we get more than we ever could imagine to dream.

being the kingdom downward Mobility leaps exaltation

Jesus shows us that if we will die to self if we will love one another as Christ loved us. God will honor us as he honored.

Extinguisher that this morning I want to love people if it's convenient. I want to let people at the love me back. I want to love people if there's something in it for me. the Jesus

that's not how Jesus loved. It was anything but convenient there was nothing in it for him. You didn't consider his needs and put himself first. He humbled himself. Because that's what love does not love always do that. Parents didn't remember taking your child home from the hospital and it's super exciting until 3 in the morning when there is poop and fluids and in places, you didn't think they could go and our baby is crying and all you want to do is sleep and that seems sane and rational doesn't it 3 a.m. You're supposed to be sleeping for the babies like three change me now. Parenthood you'll parent it is it's the fundamental Clash of two selfish beings where one always has to win.

3 a.m. Change me. I don't want to change you feed me. I don't want to feed you watch cars with me again for the 800th time. I don't want to.

But that's what love does. Here's the thing when we love like that. You not get more out of it. Then you ever would have got from staying asleep at 3 in the morning. Love always requires a sacrifice love always requires a death to our self, but when love exists

God blesses us in ways that we could never bless ourselves.

Sweet, Jesus says, here's what I want. Love one another just as I have loved you.

I don't know of anything scarier than love. I don't know of anything scarier than laying down my agenda. Sacrificially take up the needs and burdens of another. I don't know anything scarier. I don't frankly know anything more difficult. I also don't know anything more worthwhile. Because this is how God works in the Kingdom. When we die to self and Love Like Jesus died to self. and laugh there is an exaltation that follow. In the Kingdom the first shall be last and the last shall be first.

There's not a single sacrifice.

Somebody needs to hear this right now. There is not a single sacrifice. You will make for love sake. But God will not reward. and honor because that's what God. That's what love. And church. Hear me this morning. You can't stop God's love. It is the greatest power on this Earth. You want to celebrate Easter going to paint some eggs. You want eat some chocolate go for you really want to celebrate Easter Love Like Jesus locked. and watch God work

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