Under Examination
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A. Everybody are living under consideration of God, nobody can escape from him because Him is
our God and He knows everything and He has the total control in facts of this live. Many politicians
don’t want to be under the meticulous exam of the press and the public.
B. Everybody of us remember about the David’s secret with Bathsheba. God knows about this secret
and He let David know about it by Nathan’s prophet, and now we have to make one question to
ourselves What are our secrets? Do really we believe that God ignore them. I don’t think so, we
will see in this psalm about the God’s knowledge and what exactly means that Him is omniscient.
Text: (Psalm 139:1-24;) Date: October 28 2007
I. Our Entire Live Is Under Examination (Psalm 139:1-6; 13-16;)
A. God examines all the concerning one carefully to my life
1. Even casual events as the simple one to sit down (Psalm 139:2;)
2. My roads (habits) (Psalm 139:3;)
3. What I will say, He knows everything before I said something (Psalm 139:4;)
4. He know me since my conception He knows you and me before we were born (Psalm 139:13-16;)
B. Jesus Christ show us about how God examine very carefully, there are some examples:
1. Simon (John 1:42;)
2. Nathanael (John 1:47,48;)
3. Pharisees (John 2:24,25;)
C. It is nonsense to fake with God (Hebrews 4:12,13;)
D. He knows when I said yes with my mouth but the truth I’m saying No NEVERTHELESS He loves
1. When we said that I am valiant but in fact I am fearful
2. Trust / Unsecure
3. Calmed / Nervous
4. Happy / Sad
5. Saint / Dirty
II. My Whole World This Under Exam
A. We make fun of :
1. Adam and Eva when they wanted to hide of God
2. Jonas when he wanted to run of God
3. But then, we make the same thing in our lives
B. I can’t hide from my God (Psalm 139:7-12;)
C. Nobody can hide me from God (Psalm 139:5,10;)
D. Day and Night (Psalm 139:11,12;) The people believe if they make a sin in the night this one
would be concealed, this is why the thieves on the past they worked on the night.
E. Not only when I’m worship Him or studying the bible but all my world my entirely life is under exam
1. When I’m working, talking with the people , making business with somebody
2. When I’m resting, walking in the park or in the mountains, riding in my bicycle
3. At Home in the most intimate of my house where nobody see me even our wife/husband
4. When we are in the hospital bed, God knows exactly what we are thinking
5. In the solitude of the night, or in the room of emergencies with my son or mu wife / husband
III. I am So Grateful Of Under Exam being for heaven's sake
(Psalm 139:17-24;)
A. The God’s thoughts about me are many and to me are very precious (Psalm 139:17,18;)
1. Now I know that my God never is busy for me, I can pray him and He hear me
2. Now I know that He has time because I’m important person for him.
B. I can trust in Him because He will protect me from my enemies (Psalm 139:19-22;)
C. I want Him to know my anxiety because just Him can help me. (Psalm 139:23;)
D. I want Him to know my bad ideas and correct me (Psalm 139:24;)
E. I want Him to guide me. The providence divine require knowledge becomes intimate and I specify of
my person
F. We are very sad by our sins, they are shameful but I’m very grateful because now we understand
finally that God love us and it accepts us by means of Jesus Christ just as we are instead of destroying
Right now we have to trust in God a 100% and we need to take care most intensively because we
don’t have in front of God some secret, He knows totally ours lives and thoughts. Please don’t make a
big mistake trying to deceive to God. God wish to be close to us. We need to value his exam upon our
lives and feel His love.
If we are trying to hide from God, please don’t do it anymore. Instead let us open our life to God
so that He can forgive us and to bless.