Make Me A Blessing
Make Me A Blessing
Genesis 12:1-3
Introduction: Abraham’s life was interrupted by divine intervention (Genesis 12:1). However, God’s intention for Abraham was complete obedience (vs. 1) The conditions for that obedience are: 1) Forsaking his homeland (vs. 1 – Get thee out of thy country) 2) Leaving his family (vs. 1 … and from thy kindred and from thy father’s house) 3) Following God’s Word by faith (vs.1 “unto a land I will shew thee”), See Hebrews 11:8-10. The pre-eminent commitment for every believer ought to be obedience to God and His Word. When we live in obedience, that is when we experience God’s blessing in our lives (vs. 2-3) Abraham because of his obedience not only received a blessing, but became a blessing (vs. 2). Blessing is defined as a means to be of a benefit, favor, peace, the invocation of good, to be a happy or blessed man. It gives the idea of giving in exchange for goodwill. God not only intends for us as believers to be obedient, he promises that obedient Christians will be a blessing.
Therefore, every believer must seek to be a blessing -- Why?
I. Because God’s purpose toward us is to be a blessing (vs.2)
a. Genesis 12:2 –“I will bless thee”
b. His work in creation was a blessing – Genesis 1:31
c. His work in revelation is a blessing – Ps 119:18
d. His working in our lives is a blessing – Genesis 50:20
II. Because God’s plan for us is to be a blessing (vs.2)
a. Genesis 12:2 –“and thou shalt be a blessing”
b. If God has been a blessing to us, then we in turn need to be a blessing to others
c. Proverbs 3:27
d. Luke 17:10
e. Acts 20:35
III. Because God’s power enables us to be a blessing (vs. 2,3)
a. Genesis 12:2,3 “I will”
b. The natural man will not bless others
c. Real blessing is not coincidental, but intentional.
d. Proverbs 10:22
e. We have no ability in ourselves, it is God who makes us a blessing.
f. Any good that we ever do for others is through God’s power
IV. Because God’s provision allows us to be a blessing (vs.3)
a. Genesis 12:3 “and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed”
b. God gave to Abraham, so Abraham could be a blessing to all families.
c. Malachi 3:8-12
d. I give to God out of God’s provisions to me (tithes & offerings). God gives back to me (a blessing) so I can give to others.
e. What God gives us, we must be willing to give it back (Genesis 22)
f. What God gives us, we would not have without Him (Isaac)
g. What God gives us, we must understand is not just for our benefit.