An Audience With The King

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The Gospel of Luke  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  25:43
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When Jesus' disciples ask him how to pray, he gives them a pattern for prayer, balancing intimacy with respect, reorienting ourselves, getting our priorities straight, and then seeking God's help.

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Good morning. Everybody ain't good morning. Do we need to turn the light dungeon in cuz that is it clear enough for Sumter know which one that is, right everybody. Here we go. Is that this year you may or may not know that's my dad's hard to believe but he has been awarded an Obe for services to Eye Care in the New Year's owner is this is dadaism last Sunday took a picture of him on Easter Sunday if we can get that he's holding his hand there though the warrants which is the kind of official hear. Ye hear ye from Queen Elizabeth signed at the top saying that he's been awarded Obe and it's hard to believe but that you can be so honored that Miracles can and do occur and devious in mid-june. He is going to go down. I'm going to go with them and my sister is well and he's going to accept the Obe will be someone to the palace and it won't surprise you really that he's not going to go and dress like that in fight. The rigmarole for going to the Palace is is is really quite something a witch again one surprised you I'm aghast we got this last year that says you need to give two forms of ID or National Insurance number is a whole list of dress requirements ladies must dress and a dress. And that's explains what that even means. If you don't know these things you can only speak if you're spoken to a blah blah blah blah highly choreographed Affair carefully controlled as you might expect and meat thing the monarch of our nation an intersection of the Bible that we're not today. Jesus is going to tell us how we can have an audience with the King of Kings not just a reigning monarch of our country, but the monarch of monarchs the most powerfulest in the universe unimaginably powerful. Unapproachable e, holy and magnificent Majestic Beyond Compare. This King was each of us by name. We can approach him whenever we like wearing whatever we like and we can talk to him like a child to appearance. So we're going to read this section of the Bible and Liz is going to come and read to us. If you got one of those Blue Devils it's on page 10-40 tooth with in Luke chapter 11 and the big numbers on the pages of the chapter numbers and the little numbers are the various numbers of Luke chapter 11 verse 1 to 4, Less. Would you read that for us?

One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished one of his disciples said to him. Lord teach us to pray Justice John taught his disciples

he said to them when you pray say father Hallowed Be Your Name Your Kingdom Come give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins for we also forgive everyone who sings against us and lead us not into temptation. Acute if you with us over the last few weeks, we've been working gradually through Luke's account of the life of Jesus is a doctor is his biography of Jesus Christ drawn from the eyewitness accounts of the time. I'm wearing a mini section in the moment about being a disciple of follower of God a few weeks back. We had that story of the Good Samaritan. You might be familiar with showing us how you and Jorge soler's of God relate to others and then read the story of Mary and Martha and we saw her disciple should prioritize their relationship with Jesus and then we come to section but her disciples should relate to God through prayer and so in this section, Jesus is praying and his disciples are nearby and watching listening may be praying along with him and when he's finished one of his disciples set the Lord teaches the free Bible doesn't say Lord teaches that prayer that you just did or teachers of prayer noises teach us to pray. You say Jesus we can see the prayer is important to you. We can hear the way you do it and we want to know how you do tell us how do you free and so we come to the short prayer when the most famous prayers in the Bible usually cold The Lord's Prayer not something of a funny name for it because it specifically isn't the Lord Jesus prayer. It says in verse one there that he had finished praying and then he says this way it's the disciples prayer or Jesus teaching how to freeze. No really Jesus prayer and buttons probably too late to change 2002 than the one that you're probably familiar with from church or from school. And which is the longer version you find in Mathews biography of Jesus in chapter 6 and their difference because he's our separate occasions. In Matthews account earlier in Jesus ministry and takes place apart of the Roku gallery and in this section and Lux and Lux account to Ron and this is in Judea know that goes to make the point that this isn't a specific and particular form of words that we must follow. Jesus is showing us here how to pray. It's a model for prayer pattern for prayer. She's not a prayer it helped to free. No question. Wrong to use these exact words, but is not required either. That's why Jesus is it differently in the places if it was important?

If it was important for us to see those exact words, you would use those exact words every time he says something every time somebody asked him. How do you pray Jesus? Sea-Doo this exact words. He says it differently in different places and there's other recorded prayers of Jesus in the Bible and they aren't like this either so we don't have to follow these exact words. This is a framework. So let's think pattern. Let's think structure and let's see what we can take on that take from its ore first stopping point in our pattern for prayer is to get our bearings. Superstar by praying father if I can Jesus be calling god father would have been fairly aregis statement in this country. Even if you're not religious, you probably familiar with codeine called heavenly father. If you've ever people pray that the kind of way people with a dress and butt butt right through their long history. The Jews were we think of God as unapproachable as far off as separate as Majestic as you read through the first section of the Bible all that stuff you got in your last time there on your Bible the big sick that the Old Testament you'll see this picture of God is one of his powerful separate awesome answer something has changed here. And Jesus is saying that we should address this great and powerful God as father. They throw us the concept of father can be quite a loaded term for some of us. It was largely post office positions. And that's really weird. Jesus's meaning it here before some of us father is quite a negative term it even a purely negative time. When we think of fathers. We think of all the ways that our father is a glass done or all the ways that they've hurt us if they were even a part of our lives at all. But we shouldn't think of God as like our fathers. You have to flip that run. We should really think of Our Fathers as a poor reflection of God was your dad absolutely wonderful fantastic. God is infinitely better in every single way was your dad terrible was he a complete disappointment to you? Well God is the perfect father that you've never had making up for all those failures and shortcomings. So when we pray God as father when we pray father, we can view it positively when we pray father were seeing that we're known that were loved that were see that were protected that he is clueless that he's approachable that he's got time for you that you're special to him. father God is not some far-off entity or impersonal force or concept of mindfulness or self-introspection newest a deeply personal being personal being in relationship and you are his Precious Child whom he loves and cares for and who he wants to hear from When I was young I blink my dad's Optometry practice so that I care this is what he did. And if I was ever passing during the Working Day Men on holidays or something like that formal place you he wear a suit and tie a shirt and tie all the staff force of black business suits things like that, but I'm just rule into my jeans men. Who do you ever I was wearing is a teenager some paperwork and I would just stroll into his room and he was always glad to see me and we talked and I disappear whatever else at Newton patients were never able to do that. You can never go into the practice. I'm just walking through the door and start chatting to my dad know you have to wait for days or weeks even get an appointment yet to fully pay a decent sum of money to do that in the first place. I never made him. He just turned off as the son of the boss. Of course. I was welcomed. Then I'm not relationship is what gives me access to him. The others didn't have And I really should go out. Our father means we have access. He's close. He's pleased to hear from us. John MacArthur says it well when he says this every time you pray father, you're not lost in the crowd in nosey your precious. So I stopped here in a stack of this question this point nail from the Rings. Do you know God as your father are you in that relationship was this line was just going right over your head. Will the good news of Jesus that this is the reason that he came to ask is to restore this relationship that has been broken because of our son and our shame and our Brokenness. How do you done this himself for us? Jesus lived a perfect life died on the cross God in human form bearing our sins as if it was his taking the punishment we deserve and his death in his resurrection to deal with what was keeping God separate and far-off and unapproachable our sin and because of what Jesus has done God is not closed. He can be our father we can have this restored relationship with him. And this is good news on this is good news for everyone right from the star of Luke Secada. If you go back to the beginning of chapter 11, go back to 1 read through it. We can see the outcasts the minorities. It doesn't ruin the Luli the Pooh or welcomed into God's family when they set aside their shame ask for his forgiveness commit their life's to him. I'm being cycling Fuller. This access to royalty band is not like an Obe for the tiny few celebrities are full confide distinguish 3 years has for you is for those of us. You wouldn't expect those people who don't deserve it. And this is what recalls good news of great. Joy for all people and that includes you. So we're going to get our bearings parents, but we're still on this for the next thing we pray with preet Father. The next thing we pray we pray Hallowed be your name and our first address to our father than is a mark of respect Halloween the word. We really use very much these days and what it means to honor the Revere to Marcus especially set apart.

Then our culture is craving owner to somebody named makes me a bit weird, but the back that your name was a lot more than just a way of your parents showing her trendy to wear. It was a chance for them to sum up with your character is your name is more than a title. He was saying something about you seeing what you were like as a person with your character was like the whole of you that's why our first words to Our Father than article for his owner and his remote on this is what a balance to father. Okay. So it's reminding us that the closeness to God that we have is access that we have doesn't destroy the respect that he is. Which of these two phrases together father Hallowed Be Your Name help us get our bearings were close, but we're respectful. He's our caring father, but he still the old Mighty God. He's the loving Lord, but he's also the god most high and these two concepts always go hand-in-hand and balance one another right me too hard one way or the other so respectful that we lose sight of the fact that he cares for you. He's your father, but we can be so close and sentimental the we shrink God to some kind of cuddly teddy bear. So we have to get our bearings father Hallowed Be Your Name closeness respect. Next we need to get our priorities straight note. So we pray the next freeze. We don't eat Bagels. What's the next thing becomes father Hallowed be thy name your kingdom come and this is really the only grows summary of our prayer. This is our overriding request God's kingdom is his fear of rule is a rule over the whole universe is Creator and sustainer but through Jesus he is bringing people back to him one by one person by person and if you're a Christian here, you'll know what it is to be restored to be brought back. You know that feeling of finding your right place in the world is exactly what happens when we know God is our father. So this request for go to going to expand his kingdom is really rain comes naturally when we get our bearings. That's why you start by getting our bearings. We remember go to loving Tender Care process father. We rightly place ourselves and have humble respect. And so naturally we should desire for he desires We want to see his kingdom extended. We want to see the world restored. We want to see more people come to know him. Another section the Bible the writer cold pull rates tells us what God's plan for the world is in the broadest sense in Abaco the fusions in chapter one. He says this God is Not revealed to us is mysterious will regarding Christ, which is the Phillies going to be planted. This is the plan. Right time. He will bring everything together under the authority of Christ everything in heaven. I don't ask So with a right view of God all other concerns or to just pass away we all desire what he desires we're saying make this plan happen fix the world extend your kingdom bring everything under your control bring it all together. We're praying for the advanced of the Gospel the good news of Jesus Paris and bypass since this is a prayer of hope. It's a prayer looking forward to where the world is headed. Wendy's going to bring everything in heaven. I don't ask under the authority of the Christ of Christ fix the world and we say, yes, Lord Make It Happen do it. No.

You meant my don't do that. Do we do that? I wish we did I like to be alright, so we have our bearings and we have our priorities straight. We see who we are dearly loved children. We remember he go to his glorious where they straightened up our priorities laying ourselves up with where the world is heading in ourselves by the concerns of Life The Warriors that we have big ones small ones. Whatever is the events going on around us. And our first task in prayer is to get our bearings get real. I ain't get straightened out turn and face the right way. Of course, you could stop here and I could be the end of the prayer for Elsa's are free for with braids Your Kingdom Come who said God I want you to do what is right. I want you fix the world human. That's right. Thank you for the rest of us Christians into his plan for the world to extend is released and his kingdom. He was talkin about Mission. This Mission. We want to share Jesus with our friends and those we know and this is the expansion of the Kingdom that Jesus is telling us to pray for we were involved until we go to get to that but when I think about you I certainly am not until we need God's help and because he's our loving father. He loves to help us he wants to help us he wants to provide for us. In Matthews account of Jesus life is another section where Jesus teaches on prayer and he says this section you probably familiar with it. Some of you you parents if your children ask for a loaf of bread instead asked for a fish to give him a snake or snow. So if you sent four people know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly father give good gifts to those who ask him?

Get your bearings get your car at the anybody know what comes next. Yes, you get help us the next day. So not only knows what we need as we go on this mission to go on this journey with naturally black where the kilter were crooked was selfish one all sorts of things. We don't need until first then we can ask God for his help and so we go on to free give us each day our daily bread daily bread represent regular and essential you would have been as a core part of the line. If we day I didn't wash you have to make it every single day since this is a prayer daily dependence on God and every detail if y'all give me everything I ever needed for like a year at a time. What would happen. So, then I stopped asking for things at sope asking for his help. I just rely on the stuff that you giving me. I know I'm like that's what bands are prairie saying Lord. Give me what I need for today. I know more and then ask again the next day and the next day and the next day and the next day continue to rely on him. As we pray on for more help Father forgive our sins as we forgive everyone he sinned against us. This isn't saying that goes forgiveness of us is dependent upon us for giving other people because of Bible makes it clear that God's saving forgiveness because salvation is no because of anything we've done you can read that the many-faced but here's one infusions and say it again it says this by grace that you've been saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves. It's the gift of God not by works so that no one can boast. Everyday, we stumble Fall Away From God failed to live up to this pattern of discipleship that we've been reading about through the Section. But if we go our bearings with God priorities will see that these feelings are not in keeping with someone who claims to be a follower of Christ. We tried to live for God we doing Celine job of that. And so we pray father forgive our sins even yesterday even today even this morning even though my weird to church I kick Luke in the phone cuz he was taking too long just that moment. When your like get out of here alive father forgive my sins like that on the way to church. Anyway are those We're confident because he promises that if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. How many to go in tomorrow is we be forgiven an immeasurable man? And therefore it's only right that we forgive others the small amount that we have against and Jesus says forgive as we forgive everyone who sings against us everyone know just the worthy ones not just a nice people know it was you deserve it all the ones you apologize everyone. I thought about you but that is hard. And I need to pray God's help Father forgive my sin even as I try to forgive those who sin against me. It's a final prayer than what section of help as we go is lead us not into temptation New Order Temptation MLB batter translate to trials or testing go to the lead us into temptation. But you may lead us into trials are testing as we press on for God. We're acknowledging that I likely is that we're going to fail Fields morning on the way of the door. We need to depend on them daily for protection perseverance in the face of trials that we nor going to come if these trials that we fail so often I think the same ones that we need to ask for his forgiveness for even as we going to forgive others in the we could be protected from these trousers to lead into gold is to see going to need your help. I need your protection as I face this you're going to face hard times in your life. You can if you face trials and tests thing as a Christian you go to lean into God you got to stay close to protect me and I live my life to serve you father lead us not into temptation. So there's our plan for prayer. Get your bearings you God get your priorities with the world is headed and then get help daily daily Reliance on him for provision for relationships with others for protection and you can see it's a kind of pattern of total Reliance on God from our identity who we truly are who we really are as precious children of him right through the direction of all history right through to where the world is headed right thing to our food and our daily provisions and the petty squabbles that we have with each other and the day-to-day struggles of being a disciple OVA is what we need God's help for big to small and a disciple relies on gold and everything and our time for prayer in Chula. Now you're telling you to pray that you might like even his prayer that is a tricky question to ask that one in the community if you please and he can this I want to prayer trifling. Co. Uk is done by a guy in an excellent It's a 7-Day guides to prayer. You never played before, you know where to start. This is a great place, but I didn't want to say hi to help you remember what you're praying for this a great introduction to can get you going and work there anyone listening when I do this thing called prayer, if you don't then I want to recommend and my favorite book on prayer verses. This one's for the Praying Wife that was really quick transformative for me and helping me understand prayers. Don't get this thing we do but it's this relationship the best things I read on for more advice. I recommend you speak today if he's read really why you lie on their own prayer knows a lot more the boots and things like that so we can recommend some great stuff safe here on the end. He can help you further. My dad, that's not my dad. I don't even do that for when we go and tell him to come to the Buckingham Palace or not. The incredible owner one that you be you be crazy to refuse and the access that Jesus is telling about telling somebody at the Isis. The God that Jesus Christ is is beyond that it's an honor beyond all owners greatest gift you can imagine and it's offered to you. Whoever you are. No matter your unworthiness no matter your Brokenness. God loves you. He wants to be in a relationship with you. It is the truth meaning of life. It's the answer to all the things that you're searching for. It is finding your true identity. Child of the king so don't put it off. Don't ignore your first let's pray together.

father we thank you that you care for us that we are precious to you. But we are your children. Thank you that you hear us even though that's between to you. We want to first see that you are worthy of our respect and our honor.

We want to see the Lioness up with where the world is headed. We we call for you to carry out that plan to bring all things together under Christ and we need your help as you involve Us in that mission as we share Jesus with our friends help us protect us provide for us. We pray. How many?

Great. Thank you for listening.

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