Family Matters
Family Matters
I Timothy 5:1-16
When the word family is mentioned, most people think of a caring, close group of people who are related by marriage or blood. The same holds true for the local church. We, as believers, are a vital part of the family of God. Inevitably, within all family relationships, difficulties and problems do exist. It is important as the children of God that when these difficulties arise that we handle them in a Biblical fashion so that we may present a good testimony to a lost and dying world and love towards our fellow family members in our church. In a family relationship, love should characterize the way that the members treat each other. It should be that way in the church as well.
Let me describe to the church to you in a way that will hopefully cause you to view it with great appreciation:
The church is described as a holy nation – I Peter 2:9 – emphasizing our common citizenship in heaven.
The church is described as a kingdom – Revelation 5:10 – emphasizing our common submission to the King of kings and Lord of lords.
The church is described as a royal priesthood – I Peter 2:5,9 – emphasizing our direct access to God.
The church is described as a vine – John 15:1-5 – emphasizing our common connection to the life of God.
The church is described as a temple – Ephesians 2:20-22 -emphasizing our common foundation and connection to Jesus Christ, the chief cornerstone.
The church is described as an assembly – Hebrews 12:23 – emphasizing our common calling to be gathered into the eternal presence of God.
The church is described as a flock – I Peter 5:2-3 – emphasizing our common need to be led and fed by the Great Shepherd.
The church is described as a family – Ephesians 2:19 – emphasizing our common relationship to each other.
We must treat each other with respect? How?
I. By acknowledging our responsibilities towards men and women (vs.1-2)
a. Older men – treat them as fathers; when an older man sins, he is not to be rebuked harshly, because that is disrespectful; he should be admonished gently as one would do to his own father.
b. Younger men – treat them as brothers; when younger men need admonishing, they are to be treated kindly and lovingly as brethren.
c. Older women – treat them as mothers; When older women sin, they must be treated with respect.
d. Younger women – treat them as sisters; when younger women need spiritual help, they should be admonished with pure actions from a pure heart, as a sister would be treated.
II. By acknowledging our responsibilities towards widows (vs. 3-16)
a. There are widows who are destitute (vs. 3) The church must honor with financial support those widows who have no one else to take care of them, because they completely trust in God to supply their daily needs.
b. There are widows who have family (vs. 4) the church is to charge to the family members to act responsibly and to care for those within their own family. This is the proper responsibility of a Christian family.
c. There are widows who live in pleasure (vs.6) the church is not to care for a widow that gives herself to selfish pleasures. She is spiritually dead, even though she is physically alive.
d. There are widows who are old (vs. 9-10) The church should not permanently support widows until they are at least sixty years of age and have a reputation of godliness and moral purity.
e. There are widows who are young (vs. 11-15) the church should not give permanent support to younger widows for various reasons listed in vs. 12-15.
How do we treat each other? We would not think of offending a little child, but we treat each other with reckless abandon and a great lack of courtesy and consideration. We fail to realize what we say and do has a tremendous impact on the body of Christ.
Proverbs 18:21 – Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.
Proverbs 18:19 – A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.