1 Tim 1.3-11,Pauls1stCharge
- The Pastoral Charge: Command and teach true doctrine
- The Goal of the Charge: True doctrine has a goal of love
- The Result of forsaking this Charge: False Teachers cannot teach doctrine, nor understand the law
- The gospel and true doctrine of Christ are in harmony with the law of God—
The implied conclusion to Timothy: you must teach the proper balance of law and gospel.
Intro: the false doctrine of Ephesus.
There is a doctrine that has become exalted above all other doctrines in our day. It is the doctrine of unity. Unity is very good. The Lord Jesus Himself prayed to the Father that all of us who believe in Him may be one, God in us, and we in God, a perfect union that should result in a perfect unity and harmony among men. It is very right and good to receive one another as believers. This is the very thing that Paul urged us often to practice with each other.
It is good that there is a desire for unity among Christians.
Corinth: the false apostles are servants of Satan, appearing as angels of light
Crete: Jewish myths
Galatia: Judaizers that insisted on continuing the ceremonial law
Colossae: Pagan philosophy, the worship of angels and ascetisicm
Thessalonica: the doctrine of idleness
Hebrews: the error of holding on to the old form of the covenant
James: the error of honoring the rich and disgracing the poor
1Peter: the error of pride
2Peter: false teachers who exploit the people with stories they have fabricated
Jude: false teachers, filthy dreamers, who creep into the church unawares
John: false doctrine is of the spirit of antichrist
- The Result of false doctrine
- False doctrines
- Myths
- Endless genealogies
- The Charge of sound doctrine
- The Goal of sound doctrine
- The Content of sound doctrine