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2 Kings 300 2 Kings 300

April 28, 2019 Departure for a Prophet 2 Kings 2:1-15

The book of 2 Kings opens similarly to 1 Kings great leaders are going home. David was preparing Solomon for his departure 1 Kings 2:1-9 leaving him with rules to rule by: Behave like a human behave like a leader behave like a man

Believe - Be Bold - Be Kind - Be Aware.

In our text today, we will see the message of a departing prophet. We will see the living lesson of the old giving to the new. This is so important for our culture today. The fact is we need to be together at times with mixed generations. By the way we really haven’t changed much over the centuries

We live in a decadent age. Young people no longer respect their parents. They are rude and impatient. They inhabit taverns and have no self-control.

inscribed inside of an Egyptian Tomb

There is little doubt that the present generation of college young men and women is in serious moral difficulty compared with the generation preceding them. They have shunned discipline and the willingness to excel in their studies. Many give little or any thought to the seriousness of life. Common decency and modesty in dress are apparently the things in the past. The fact that evil is called good and good is called evil seems to be of small concern to them. Student groups indulge in wild orgies of self-gratification, while coeds dress and walk in a manner deliberately intended to arouse sexual desire.

Both young men and women in their action and conversation make sexual overtures in the most shameless fashion.

Aristophanes 500yrs before Christ

Our youth today love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority and disrespect for older people. Children today are tyrants. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before visitors, gobble their food and terrorize their teachers.

Socrates 5th century before Christ

As we look at our text may we learn the lesson not only as David taught Solomon to keep in mind in leading a nation but also what Elijah shares with those who are going to be leading in ministry.

Elijah leaves for me 4 powerful stops as the departure for a prophet draws near. Note when it comes to ministry there is no retirement. You may have a new assignment but we are to never stop in ministry.

2 Kings 2:1 Elijah was blessed in that the Lord let him know that his time was at hand to come home. God not only let him know but also his partner Elisha and the students they would be visiting. Death is not always going to be a surprise. In preparation for this event Elijah goes to 4 places before he departs. Each place has special meaning for the family of God. Each place reminds us of the Lord in our life.

Gilgal is rich in history. It is the first place where the children of Israel stayed in the promised land. It is where the first king of Israel was crowned and Samuel said

1 Sam.11:14 “Come, let us go to Gilgal and renew the kingdom there.”

It has become a place of renewal. It is also where prophets were schooled. Probably what the name Gilgal was most remembered for was what took place there in the days of Joshua. After that special day it was called Gilgal skin hill or rolling for that is where the next generation men of Israel were circumcised. The flesh was cut away and the renewed life of faith began. The book of Joshua is a preview book for the believer to learn to live in the power of the Spirit who leads us to a victorious life. But it starts with flesh cut away. How victorious have you been with your flesh? Remember Gilgal!

2 Kings 2:2-3 Bethel House of God

This place is also rich with history. It was there that Abraham met with the Lord. Later his grandson Jacob on the run would build and altar to the Lord. In the days of Elijah, it was one of the worship centers for the Northern kingdom. It was also a place for schooling. For me it teaches me that not only do I need to cut away the flesh and live in victory, but I need to make my time in the house of God a priority. It is the place I can go to when I am on the run. It is the place I need to go when I need to be altered for it is at the altar the God meets with me. It’s where I can pray worship spend time with the Master.

2 Kings 2:4-5 Jericho

This was place rich in history also for it where the walls fell down. It was the place of Joshua's first victory. Now it was place for schooling also. Before the chapter ends it will be a place God’s grace as He heals their water. But it was in Jericho that the children of God learned so much about God. They learned to be patient as the marched around the city. They learned to be submissive. They learned that there will be battles. They learned that the Lord has a plan for your battle that you can trust.

2 Kings 2:6-8 Jordan river

This was the marker in many ways of God’s miraculous work. It was the place where the Lord miraculously parted the river for Joshua hundreds of years before. It was a marker for the promised land. But for this day, not only was it lesson in God’s power for Elijah to model, but it will be the place where Elisha must learn to trust in the Lord also. It may seem odd that the Lord would take Elijah away on what seems to be the wrong side of the river but remember no retirement. Elijah knew that Elisha was going to have to trust the Lord to get back across. This new leader was also going to be watched by the students. As the world is watching you, what are they seeing?

2 Kings 2:9-11 Elijah in his last words made it clear to Elisha that God was the one in control not him.

2 Kings 2:12-15 After the departure of Elijah, Elisha now has a decision to make. So, he follows the lead of his master. He started where his master left off. That is a great place for us to start in ministry. Following the lead of our Master Jesus. His last miracle before the cross. Healing those who have been hurt by believers. His last words for otherers on the cross.

“Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34

“Truly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”  Luke 23:43

“Woman, behold your son!” and, “Behold your mother!” John 19:26-27

In closing, I have noticed this time through the bible for myself the Lord has had stop at each of the great leaders’ departures and learn for their last events. I want to learn not only how to live but how to depart.

Not only did I learn from Elijah but there was also a great lesson I learned for Elisha. Stay close to those you love on their way out.

April 14 2019 Jesus in our LIFE
Chapter 1 Truth about Christ Chapter 2 Truth about spiritual depth Gnosticism or legalism Chapter 3-4 Truth about Christianity is that we are no longer in ourselves as Christian, but we die to ourselves and are made alive in Him. Therefore, we are no longer distracted by legalism and pursue love.
But what about our life here and now?
To live above with the saints we love, Oh, that will be glory.
But to live below with the saints we know, Well, that’s another story.
In Paul’s closing thoughts he gives us great guidance. Remember what Paul said concerning our life here?
What I believe God is calling us to is not to be divided from the world, but to be distinct in the world. LCC is part of the Calvary Chapel family. We do not want to be known as denomination but we do want to be part of the fellowship of the family in Christ. Therefore, we do not denominational guide lines. What we do have is a Calvary distinctive. We are not saying that the denominations are wrong they are free to operate under that structure. We choose to operate with a certain distinctive. Our operation may be very similar to some denominations or they may not. What we are is free to reach our community for Jesus without checking in or checking out for approval.
What are our distinctions as Christians?
We are to have a moral distinction.
We are to have an emotional distinction.
We are to have a loving distinction
We are to have a word and deed distinction.
We are to have a family distinction.
We are to have a work distinction.
We are to have a prayerful distinction.
We are to have a friendly distinction.
1. We are to have a moral distinction.
There is a fallen bent in all of us before we died to our flesh. There are things about us that we do not have to teach people. Some of it we get through the acts of the flesh that have been abused on or before us. Others we just get all on our own. You want to see evil desire, covetousness in action at young age watch little kids. It is not uncommon to have to teach children to share. But there are other times that as children we have either seen or been affected directly by abuse. Therefore, are bent can be toward those things, which will divide us in society. The Lord leads us not be divisive but distinctive in the world.
2. We are to have an emotional distinction. Dr. G. Campbell Morgan called these “the sins in good standing.” These are the outburst of the world. How does our country news deal with politics? You may notice how some of these emotions build upon another. Imagine with me the impact we could have on our community if we operated according to our distinction.
3. We are to have loving distinction.
You see what makes us distinct is that we have the love of Christ to direct and empower us. Agape love involves God doing what He knows is best for man and not necessarily what man desires. I know without a doubt that it will blow the minds of the world when they see our distinction in action. Joppa March.2006 wrong rooms 3xs Jan. 2019 no luggage for 3 days Ok what about this forgiveness thing found in ? The 1st part of the verse is empowered by the 2nd.
4. We are to have a word and deed distinction. Not only as we are told by Jesus to let our Yes be Yes and our No be No. but we are to have a distinct life because of the word and the deeds that the word leads us into.
5. We are to have a family distinction.
Jewish family was much respected for their family life and commitment. In theory the Jew had the highest ideal of marriage. Yet, they were not living out this truth. The Jews had a low view of women. In his morning prayer there was a sentence in which a Jewish man gave thanks that God had not made him “a Gentile, a slave or a woman.” Jewish law a woman was not a person, but a thing. She had no legal rights whatsoever; she was absolutely her husband’s possession to do with as he willed.
Greek family world. Prostitution was an essential part of Greek life. Demosthenes had laid it down as the accepted rule of life: “We have courtesans for the sake of pleasure; we have concubines for the sake of daily cohabitation; we have wives for the purpose of having children legitimately and of having a faithful guardian for all our household affairs.”
Roman family life was wrecked. For the first five hundred years of the Roman Republic there had been not one single case of divorce. The first recorded divorce was that of Spurius Carvilius Ruga in 234 B. C. Seneca writes that women were married to be divorced and divorced to be married. Seneca says that women dated the years by the names of their husbands.
6. We are to have a work distinction. How are we distinct in our approach to work? for the employee and for the employer. Mother Teresa 1947-97 “I would not do what you do for a million dollars.” “Me either”
7. We are to have a prayerful distinction. How is your prayer life distinct?
8. We are to have a friendly distinction. When I was a kid I asked my dad how many friends he had. He told me 2 or maybe 3. I loved and told him I had so many more than that. Then he went on to tell me what it took to have a true friend.
Paul understood friendship.
In Colossians Paul mentions 10 people by name.
In Acts he names at 100 people.
In he names 16 people alone.
Question do we have a friendly distinction in our community. Our we loners? Our we closed? Which is something I want us a body to be very sensitive to.
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