Mark Chapter 2 21-45. Good News.

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Power and Authority - It is often said that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The world is sometimes rightly nervous of those who weld and lust after power. Equally the world is often uncomfortable, distrusting and suspicious of people in authority. We know that power and authority can be welded to positive ends, but when absolute power is not under our control, when it is no longer held to account, it can quickly turn to tyranny, that is why we want to know the Character and personalities of those who have power.
Yet, make no mistake, Jesus is portrayed in Marks Gospel as one who has unrivalled power and authority in both the human and spiritual realms, in the things that he says and in the things that he and does. It shouldnt surprise us that as his fame increased, those with a little bit of power of their own would seek to take him out. But the key question for us to consider is this. How does Jesus weild his power and authority, In other words? Whats he like? And more importantly for us and for those who encountered him. How was it “good news”

Good News.

David E. Garland, Mark, The NIV Application Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1996), 81.

Big Idea

Good News Right from the Beginning of Marks Gospel, Jesus’s arrival on the world scene is heralded, proclaimed and described mark as “Good News” “As we study Jesus Character, displayed through his teaching and actions, How was his arrival still good news for those who encountered him, how is he good news for the world today and how is he good news you and I, And how ought you and I respond to him.
“As we study Jesus Character, displayed through his teaching and actions, How was his arrival still good news to us today, And how ought we respond.
Mark shows that Jesus does not simply announce the coming reign of God he actualizes it in the lives of individuals with his miracles.g
David E. Garland, Mark, The NIV Application Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1996), 81.

Contextual Background

Kingdom of God. If we are to understand why Jesus is truly “good news” for you and for me, we must first understand what Mark means by the phrase, it is all caught up with the Idea of the promised arrival of something called the Kingdom of God in OT () ()
With A Kingdom comes a King. God had promised his people (Ancient Israel later known as The Jews) That he would once and for all Judge human sinfulness and evil and fix this fallen broken world. That he would do it through his appointed king who would rule on the throne of Israel forever. This king would have all the blessing and power and Authority of God. This king came to be known as Israel’s Messiah, And he would reign forever and ever in Righteousness and Justice. God’’s servent would first have to suffer for the sins of his people.
Kingdom of God in OT () ()
Jeremiah 23:5–6 NIV
“The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land. In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. This is the name by which he will be called: The Lord Our Righteous Savior.
Do you know what the name Jesus (Jeshua) means? Saviour. Yahweh Saves.
Daniel 2:44 NIV
“In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever.
Someone is Coming! And when he comes, there will be a new creation! The King is coming.
Good news everyone!! The king has come… and look at what he is doing!
(do this at end)


Good news everyone! The king has come...and boy look at the things he is doing, look at the authority and power he posseses, hes doing everything the OT said he would! look at the way in which he teaches, his, healing, his exorcisms and he carries them out with such love and kindness and compassion. Truly this is good news, a new creation, the dawn of a new era has begun!


Mark 1:21–23 NIV
They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law. Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an impure spirit cried out,
vs 21 Look at how he teaches. He’s not like the Scribes!
Mark 1:21 NIV
They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach.
Mark 1:21–22 NIV
They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach. The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law.
vs 21 Look at how he teaches. He’s not like the Scribes.
vs 21 Look at how he teaches. He’s not like the Scribes.
University Illustration
The Scribes were the absolute top experts in matters of the Law, it was their Job to interpret the OT Bible and so often their desiccation on matters of interpretation was final. But Jesus doesn't teach like one of them, they teach about God, but Jesus, when Jesus Speaks its as if he speaks for God. There is a Gravitas an Authority. He doesn't appeal to the works of other scribes more learned but speaks on his own authority. He spoke with the finality of the voice of God.
Good news? -
To the people - it was like a breeze from heaven to hear someone speak like that. The specific, positive certainty of Jesus was the very antithesis of the careful quotations of the scribes. It was prophesied that when the messiah came he would be known as “Wonderful Counselor,”
To the world - There is a King who truly speaks for God. (psalm 2)
He cited no authorities and quoted no experts. He spoke with the finality of the voice of God. To the people, it was like a breeze from heaven to hear someone speak like that. The terrific, positive certainty of Jesus was the very antithesis of the careful quotations of the scribes.
To you and I. Today, there are so many voices, so many experts to tell us, how we should live, what what our values should be, how to make ourselves happy and fulfilled, peaceful contented, there are many Religions that try to tell us the path to God. There are so many voices, so many books, so many opinions! Wouldn’t you like to cut through the clutter to get to the truth of lives most important matters? In Jesus, we dont have just another voice, he’s not just another opinion, he is the final voice, when he weighs in on something its the end of the matter, he speaks with the very authority and of God himself.


Bad News for evil Regimes and those who abuse power.


Look Look at how he does Exorcisms,
Mark 1:23–27 NIV
Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an impure spirit cried out, “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” “Be quiet!” said Jesus sternly. “Come out of him!” The impure spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek. The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, “What is this? A new teaching—and with authority! He even gives orders to impure spirits and they obey him.”
Mark 1:23–26 NIV
Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an impure spirit cried out, “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” “Be quiet!” said Jesus sternly. “Come out of him!” The impure spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek.
Mark 1:23–25 NIV
Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an impure spirit cried out, “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” “Be quiet!” said Jesus sternly. “Come out of him!”
Mark 1:23–24 NIV
Just then a man in their synagogue who was possessed by an impure spirit cried out, “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!”
Look at how he does exorcism, no magical incantations here, no showiness, he give orders to unclean spirits and they obey Him!
Mark depict the gripping conflict between the kingdom of God and the dominion of Satan, between the one anointed with God’s Spirit and those held captive by unclean spirits. It was prophesied in the OT () that when the messiah arrives on the scene to establish the Kingdom of God he would set the oppressed and the Captives Free.
This man is a captive, And Jesus is going to confront the spiritual forces and set him free because he cares for this man, he loves this man.
This man is a captive, And Jesus is going to set him free because he cares for this man.
Look at how he does exorcism, no magical incantations here, no showiness, he give orders to unclean spirits and they obey Him! The word for “amaze” (Gk. thambein) derives from the root “to strike,” meaning to astound or astonish.
V23-27 - The crowds are amazed. The word for “amaze” (Gk. thambein) derives from the root “to strike,” meaning to astound or astonish. Look at how he does exorcism, no magical incantations here, no showiness, he is giving orders to the the spiritual realm, to unclean spirits and they obey Him!
V23-27 - Look at how he does exorcism, no magical incantations here, no showiness, he give orders to unclean spirits and they obey Him! The word for “amaze” (Gk. thambein) derives from the root “to strike,” meaning to astound or astonish.
James R. Edwards, The Gospel according to Mark, The Pillar New Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI; Leicester, England: Eerdmans; Apollos, 2002), 58. Look at how he does exorcism, no magical incantations here, no showiness, he give orders to unclean spirits and they obey Him!
Good news
To the People. - It was professed in the OT () that when the messia would come he would set the oppressed and the Captives Free
To The people -Jesus meets people where they are. This poor man was a captive to forces beyond his control, but Jesus is going do battle in the cosmic arena and set him free.
Jesus does not simply announce the coming reign of God and the end of the reign of Satan; he actualizes it in the lives of individuals with his miracles.
Jesus meets people where they are. This poor man was a captive to forces beyond his control, but Jesus is going do battle in the cosmic arena and set him free.
David E. Garland, Mark, The NIV Application Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1996), 81.
It was said that when the messiah comes
To you and I - The forces of Evil are bound and overcome, our enemy is powerful, our enemy is angry, our enemy is lashing out at the church. But their eviction notice has been served and we Christians have nothing need not fear Dark spiritual forces. The way we overcome Satan and Demon has been made available to us in Christ. We overcome by the blood of Jesus’ sacrifice and the power of our Testimony, we still have access to that power in Jesus’ teaching. Jesus’ teaching continues to produce mighty acts in us today, Jesus is still setting people free from the powers of Darkness.
Good News? - Mark depict the gripping conflict between the kingdom of God and the dominion of Satan, between the one anointed with God’s Spirit and those held captive by unclean spirits
we still have access to that power in Jesus’ teaching. It did not disappear when he died. Jesus’ teaching continues to produce mighty acts.
Mark depict the gripping conflict between the kingdom of God and the dominion of Satan, between the one anointed with God’s Spirit and those held captive by unclean spirits
To you and I -
David E. Garland, Mark, The NIV Application Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1996), 81.
James R. Edwards, The Gospel according to Mark, The Pillar New Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI; Leicester, England: Eerdmans; Apollos, 2002), 57.


Look Look at how he is Healing
We see two healings, peters mother in law and The man with Leporocy.
Mark 1:29–31 NIV
As soon as they left the synagogue, they went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew. Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they immediately told Jesus about her. So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them.
Mark 1:40–41 NIV
A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus was indignant. He reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!”
Look at how he Heals, what does this tell us about his character.
Peters Mother-In-Law - The healing of Peter’s mother-in-law, the leper,—make it clear that Jesus is not an inaccessible authority figure but a compassionate healer. Jesus is not someone who is aloof, inaccessible, or detached, power doesn’t go to his head, he has time for the little people, the forgotten ones…If fact we are told in the Bible that God resists the proud and shows favour to the humble. The inclusion of this humble miracle, and its subsequent multiplication among “the whole town” (1:33) and “throughout Galilee” (1:39), asserts Jesus’ solidarity and engagement with common people and common needs. Jesus has time for you! He is able to heal all fever, especially the fevers of the soul: the burnings within from anger, resentment, envy, and feverish lives.
He is able to heal all fever, especially the fevers of the soul: the burnings within from anger, resentment, envy, and feverish lives.
Leporacy - The touch is a sign of acceptance. He does not treat people as outcasts or as some kind of a pollutant. He is able to heal all fever, especially the fevers of the soul: the burnings within from anger, resentment, envy, and feverish lives.
The next scenes—the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law, the leper, and the paralyzed man—make it clear that Jesus is not an inaccessible authority figure but a compassionate healer.
He is able to heal all fever, especially the fevers of the soul: the burnings within from anger, resentment, envy, and feverish lives.
Leporacy - The touch is a sign of acceptance. He does not treat people as outcasts or as some kind of a pollutant.
We see, instead, one who is confident in the power of God, who touches the unclean and restores the banished to his community and the sick to a meaningful role of service. The touch is a sign of acceptance. He does not treat people as outcasts or as some kind of a pollutant. He is able to heal all fever, especially the fevers of the soul: the burnings within from anger, resentment, envy, and feverish lives.
He never tells people that they are sinners or that they are possessed by unclean spirits. We see, instead, one who is confident in the power of God, who touches the unclean and restores the banished to his community and the sick to a meaningful role of service. The touch is a sign of acceptance. He does not treat people as outcasts or as some kind of a pollutant. He is able to heal all fever, especially the fevers of the soul: the burnings within from anger, resentment, envy, and feverish lives.
The miracles in this section also reveal that Jesus is not someone who is aloof, inaccessible, or detached. Our culture does not touch, and many people live in isolation from others. We seal ourselves off from one another with our privacy fences and retreat to the inner sanctum of the family room.
Good News -
For the People -Jesus did not simply announce the coming reign of God and the end of the reign of Satan; he actualised it in the lives of individuals with his miracles.
For you and for Me.
Jesus did not simply announce the coming reign of God and the end of the reign of Satan; he actualised it in the lives of individuals with his miracles.
Is Jesus still healing today?
All of us who believe that Jesus is Son of God this morning should agree that God is able to supernaturally heal. Often controversies concerning supernatural healing come about by questions concerning the “means” and methods through which God chooses to heal.
Cessationists and Non- Cessasionists. Both agree on the fact that God is able, is he willing?
Cessationists and Non- Cessasionists. Both agree on the fact that God is able, is he willing?
Some of you dont have because you have not asked, its not that you dont believe Jesus is able but like the centurion you have too low a view of yourself in Gods eyes. But James says “is there anyone sick among you” We are have no power over the outcome but we do have Holy Spirt power to be obedient to the Word of God.
My own view is this is that God always chooses to heal his believing children, , but let me qualify that statement. Gods healing will always be carried out in his perfect way in his perfect timing and not necessarily how you expect.
Some of you have asked and asked in the Name of Jesus to be healed and God has said not yet, for reasons known only to him. And your struggling because you know Jesus, you've experienced his goodness and faithfulness in your life and your left wondering, does he not love me, is my faith too week, now the diagnosis is terminal, your facing the prospect of death, why did he heal everyone that came to him but not me?
You have asked and he like to Paul has said my grace is sufficient and my power perfected in weekness.
It is not that God has said not yet reason known only to him Consider the following
I want you to know the following based on what I read in the Bible.
Consider the following
Consider the following
The Doctors have said its terminal. It is not that God has said not yet reason known only to him Consider the following
These healings were signs , they were pointers to something greater and more lasting. Peters Mother in Law, the leper the man exorcised and all those who sat under the teaching of Jesus have died. Their physical healing at the time was not permanent.
Know this, If you are struggling and you are a child of Christ, Your healing will happen and in a sense has already taken place! because your greatest need has already been attended to by Jesus. It is just an issue of timing, of when you enter into your glorious inheritance, when God will wipe away those tears. No more cancer, no more operations, no more weariness.
1) If you are a child of Christ, Your healing will happen! because your greatest need has already been attended to by Jesus. It is just an issue of timing, of when you enter into your glorious inheritance, when God will wipe away those tears. No more cancer, no more operations, no more weariness.
2) God is not finished working wonders in you yet. - You have asked and asked , and your pain, your suffering is a thorn in the flesh, and Saten uses it to rob you of Joy, to torment you, but like Paul God has said “my grace is sufficient for you” and your life of suffering is a living testimony to those around you of the Power of God, because you just keep going, going in the face of adversity. TSure many days you are down, even days when you might be comming face to face with death, but your not defeated and the devil try as he might cannot make you deny your Lord and the whole world around you knows it. The power of Christ is in you and you are stronger than you ever realised.
2) your greatest need has been attended to by Jesus.
Consider this, God is not finished working wonders in you yet. - You have asked and asked , and your pain, your suffering is a thorn in the flesh, and Saten uses it to rob you of Joy, to torment you, but like Paul, God has said “my grace is sufficient for you” and your life of suffering is a living testimony to those around you of my power even if you dont see it, because you just keep going, going in the face of adversity. To be sure many days you are very down, even days when you might be coming face to face with your death, but your not defeated, the devil try as he might to bring you to dispair cannot make you deny your Lord and the whole world around you knows it! The power of Christ lives in you, that same power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead is at work in you being perfected in weekness and you are stronger than you ever realised or dared dream.
We cannot measure how God is healing us, we are all broken. But in the Process of suffering we experience his healing love.
We cannot measure how God is healing us, we are all broken. But in the Process of suffering we experience his healing love.
John Bell (Dumblane)
3) We cannot measure how God is healing us, we are all broken.
We cannot measure how he heals or answer every sufferer’s prayer, yet we believe your grace responds where faith and doubt unite to care. Your hands, though bloodied on the cross, survive to hold and heal and warn, to carry all through death to life and cradle children yet unborn.*
The pain that will not go away, the guilt that clings from things long past, the fear of what the future holds, are present as if meant to last. But present too is love, which tends the hurt we never hoped to find, the private agonies inside, the memories that haunt the mind. (John Bell)
4) Will you trust him with your healing? To do it in his timing in his way. When you go to the Hospital you want a proper through Job, you don’t want to have to Go back. God doesn't do half jobs, When your healing comes in all its totality it will be final, complete and you will never die.
V) Will you trust him with your healing? To do it in his timing in his way. When you go to the Hospital you want a proper through Job, you don’t want to have to Go back. God doesn't do half jobs, When your healing comes in all its totality it will be final, complete and you will never ever have to die. If Jesus was willing to go to the cross so that you might live forever you can enstrust your life to him, you can entrust your broken Body to him because he gave his perfect body for you.
The early Christians new this,
The Plague.

Jesus’ Fame

He is willing so why hasnt he healed me, not the healing you were looking for.
where the disagreement comes is on wether he is willing. Regardless, what does the NT actually instruct us, “is there anyone sick among you”
We cannot measure how you heal or answer every sufferer’s prayer, yet we believe your grace responds where faith and doubt unite to care. Your hands, though bloodied on the cross, survive to hold and heal and warn, to carry all through death to life and cradle children yet unborn.*
The pain that will not go away, the guilt that clings from things long past, the fear of what the future holds, are present as if meant to last. But present too is love, which tends the hurt we never hoped to find, the private agonies inside, the memories that haunt the mind. (John Bell)
work was preaching.
Final Comments to Close. Jesus fame and Popularity Spread, and its still speading throughout the word today, but Jesus didnt seek power he already had it, Some people are made famous because of their power, other people are made powerful because of their fame and they need continuing fame to remain powerful. In Jesus you have the most powerful man in the universe because he transcends the universe, he is god incarnate, He will fix this broken world when he returns with all the Angels of God, He can fix us, he can fix our lives, he can fix our hurts and heal our wounds,
Some people are made famous because of their power other people are made powerful because of their fame.
Mark 1:15 NIV
“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
We Read in verse 32 and 45 that Jesus becomes so famous on account of his miracles, and the disobedience of the leper,(Could you blame him) that he can no longer enter some towns but has to remain outside.
Jesus Came to proclaim Good news and to embody that Good news,
The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
Some people are made famous because of their power, other people are made powerful because of their fame and they need continuing fame to remain powerful. But not Jesus, He is powerful because he is the Divine son of God anointed with Gods Spirit.
The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), .Jesus Came to proclaim Good news and to embody that Good news,

We have seen Jesus

Jesus was a teacher, an exorcist, a healer and a preacher, Rep
Mark 1:38 NIV
Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.”
Jesus is simply good news because, He will fix this broken world when he returns with all the Angels of God. He can fix us, he can fix our lives, he can fix our hurts and heal our wounds, he can restore us to a right relationship with God.
Why did Jesus come? To proclaim the good news of the arrival of the Kingdom of God, and to call sinners to repentance.
“Repent and believe the good news.”
Mark 1:15 NIV
“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
Jesus is simply good news because, He is going fix this broken world when he returns with all the Angels of God. He is going to fix our broken lives, he he is going to fix our hurts and heal our wounds once and for all, he came to reconcile us to God, he can forgive us of our sins and offences against God, have you repented and do you believe this good news. Do you believe that God sent him?
What was Jesus, preaching? what was he proclaiming? Good news
For those of you this morning who have tasted and seen that the Lord is Good, I pray that this reminder this morning will encourage you to press in to your relationship with him, he always has time for you, will you have time for him.
For those of you this morning who have tasted and seen that the Lord is Good, I pray that this reminder of Jesus character will encourage you to turn away from sin and press into your relationship with him, knowing that he always wants what is best for you, he always has time for you, will you make time for him?
And for those who are not yet followers of Jesus. Who do you say that Jesus is? Mark says. Hes the king, Hes the saviour of the world (the messiah) He is establishing his Kingdom, will you surrender your life to the king, will you allow him to save you from your sin?

Jesus - simply Good News.

Mark 1:15 NIV
“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
But the question we all need to be confronted with is this, Who do you say that Jesus is.
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