(PS 33- Devotional)We Trust in the Enduring Faithfulness of God
Psalm 33 covers a wide array of God’s faithfulness. He is faithful in his word, his works, his judgements, and his love. This focuses both on the proper praise of God and the proper trusting in God. The praise, trust, and waiting is because of God’s enduring faithfulness beginning at creation. This Psalm represents a great synopsis of God’s action through human history.
: We Trust in the Enduring Faithfulness of God
1) What are the main ideas of this text?, What is unique about this text?
The Psalter has been called “Israel’s Hymnbook” because so many of its psalms are nationalistic or individualistic. That is, they are written from the perspective of Israel’s experience as a nation, or they express the personal defeats, victories, or longings of some individual Jewish writer such as David. Psalm 33 follows a somewhat different pattern. It looks to all nations and to all generations and calls on all people everywhere to praise God and thank him for his universal blessings.