The Secret of Victory
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The Christian life is a decisive and important battle.
Welfare or destruction of millions, depends on our fidelity.
There is the fight of triumph: () and of failure: ().
In this portion we have four well marked divisions in King Asa.
I. There must be purification ()
I. There must be purification ()
Asa himself, in the first place: "He did the good and the Righteous" (2).
It's possible to be good without being straight. How many drunks do well!
How many religious give alms and swindle in their business!
Judas was good to the poor, but we know he wasn't straight.
It is also possible to be straight without being good. Jonah was straight.
John and James were righteous, but not good. ().
The prodigal's brother was too straight, but not good.
"We cannot be sources if there is sin inside us."
II. There must be preparations ()
II. There must be preparations ()
Asa, to ensure victory, at least did four things.
1. Built (6). If we want to grow we must be built. ().
We are like a building in which the Lord wants to dwell, are we?
2. Walled off (7). Every wall has two purposes. ().
Isolate the outwards and secure the inside.
3. Made towers (7). To rise and make sure. ().
Goliath looked at David from below, David looked from above.
4. Armed (8). "I am the soldier of Jesus, my King is the Lord."
With the armor that God provides us, there are no defeats. ().
III. There must be a fight ()
III. There must be a fight ()
Zera, means "uprising", was Idumean, grandson of Esau. Flesh or Carnal
Ethiopian, means "burned." Always associated with Egypt. Opposition. World.
Maresa, means "possession", "Principalities and Powers" (). Devil.
ASA recognizes that with such an enemy it has no strength. (11).
His gaze is not on the enemy; Try to lean on God.
He knows that the battle is actually between the Lord and Satan.
"In you we support ourselves." There's the secret of victory. ().
IV. Then there will be great victory ()
IV. Then there will be great victory ()
Spiritual victory. Zera, Ethiopian and Maresa. Flesh, world and devil. (13).
Moral victory. The terror of Jehovah upon them, breathless. (14).
Material victory. Sheep, camels, great plunder. (14-15).
Difficulties faced with the power of God mean victory. ().[1]
[1] Campderros, D. (2003). Biblical Sketches: Tome I (P. 48). El Paso: Baptist Publishing House.