Right Hand of God

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Psalm 17:7 NIV84
Show the wonder of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes.
God’s right had is the means whereby victories are obtained for the people of God
Psalm 9
Psalm 98:1 NIV84
Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him.
Psalm 17:1 NIV84
Hear, O Lord, my righteous plea; listen to my cry. Give ear to my prayer— it does not rise from deceitful lips.
Psalm 17:7 NIV84
Show the wonder of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes.
Exodus 15:6 NIV84
“Your right hand, O Lord, was majestic in power. Your right hand, O Lord, shattered the enemy.
Psalm 98:1 NIV84
Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him.
Psalm 17:
Psalm 98:1 NIV84
Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him.
Exodus 15:6 NIV84
“Your right hand, O Lord, was majestic in power. Your right hand, O Lord, shattered the enemy.
Exodus 15:6 NIV84
“Your right hand, O Lord, was majestic in power. Your right hand, O Lord, shattered the enemy.
It is an instrument of punishment for the ungodly.
Habakkuk 2:16 NIV84
You will be filled with shame instead of glory. Now it is your turn! Drink and be exposed! The cup from the Lord’s right hand is coming around to you, and disgrace will cover your glory.
God’s right hand sustains His children
Psalm 139:10 NIV84
even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.
God’s promises to strengthen the right hand of the person He purposes to help
Isaiah 41:
Isaiah 41:13 NIV84
For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
Psalm 20:6 NIV84
Now I know that the Lord saves his anointed; he answers him from his holy heaven with the saving power of his right hand.
To beat the right hand of God is to occupy a place of the choicest blessing
Psalm 16:11 NIV84
You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
it is the place where the Lord Jesus now reigns in glory and intercedes for those He has redeemed
Romans 8:34
Romans 8:34 NIV84
Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
The right hand of fellowship is to extend the warmest and most accepting type of comradship and is commonly practiced in church
Galatians 2:9 NIV84
James, Peter and John, those reputed to be pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship when they recognized the grace given to me. They agreed that we should go to the Gentiles, and they to the Jews.
Giving the right hand as a pledge has a biblical antecedent
2 Kings 10:15 NIV84
After he left there, he came upon Jehonadab son of Recab, who was on his way to meet him. Jehu greeted him and said, “Are you in accord with me, as I am with you?” “I am,” Jehonadab answered. “If so,” said Jehu, “give me your hand.” So he did, and Jehu helped him up into the chariot.
Christ seated at the right hand of God:
Right Hand of the Might One:
Matthew 26:64 NIV84
“Yes, it is as you say,” Jesus replied. “But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
Mark 14:62 NIV84
“I am,” said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
Mark 14:
Luke 22:69 NIV84
But from now on, the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the mighty God.”
Christ seated at God’s Right Hand:
Colossians 3:1 NIV84
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
Hebrews 1:3 NIV84
The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.
Hebrews 12:2 NIV84
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
The right hand of the throne of the majesty in Heaven
Hebrews 8:1 NIV84
The point of what we are saying is this: We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven,
Right Hand of God
Mark 16:19 NIV84
After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.
Mark 16:19
God’s right hand
Hebrews 10:12 NIV84
But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God.
“Sit at My right hand”
Psalm 110:1 NIV84
The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”
Matthew 22:44 NIV84
“ ‘The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.” ’
Matthew 2
Mark 12:36 NIV84
David himself, speaking by the Holy Spirit, declared: “ ‘The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.” ’
Luke 20:42 NIV84
David himself declares in the Book of Psalms: “ ‘The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand
Mark 12:36
Luke 20:
Acts 2:34 NIV84
For David did not ascend to heaven, and yet he said, “ ‘The Lord said to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand
Hebrews 1:13 NIV84
To which of the angels did God ever say, “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet”?
The Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne:
t on His glorious throne:
Matthew 25:31 NIV84
“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory.
I overcame and sat down with my Father on His throne:
Revelation 3:21 NIV84
To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne.
Revelation 3:21
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