Sermon Tone Analysis

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> .9
Mention Senior Bible study on Tuesdays
Mention of Tim Green passing away and there being a memorial service in Murfreesboro, this Monday at 3:00.
(For details, they can contact Linus Vaughn)
How many people here today, can say that you have had to make some tough decisions in your life?
How many people here would be willing to raise your hands and say that you are at a place in your life where you are facing some tough decisions right now? (And if you are watching our live stream and what I just asked applies to you and your life, or someone very close to you,let me encourage you to do this.
Email me at “” and let me know what is going on in your life and I will respond to you and agree with you in prayer on these matters!
Our lives are made up of choices and decisions.
Good, or bad, right or wrong, me make decisions, each and every day of our lives.
In fact, I have mentioned this before, but, according to researchers at Cornell University, it is estimated that we make 226.7 decisions each day on food alone.
And as your level of responsibility increases, so does the multitude of choices you have to make.
It’s estimated that the average adult makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day.
Each decision, of course, carries certain consequences with it that are both good and bad.
Assuming that most people spend around seven hours per day sleeping and thus blissfully choice-free, that makes roughly 2,000 decisions per hour or one decision every two seconds.
So, I think that it is safe to say, that we spend a fair amount of time deliberating on hard choices and decisions and also making, spur of the moment, rash decisions.
Which color will I choose to wear today, which menu item do I pick from, which car do I want, how many shot of espresso will I take today in my latte, what time will I set my alarm for and on and on and on!
“I know that my wife likes the blue one, but I think that I am going to go with the green one this time!”
“I know that this new job means more money for me, but is more money worth costing me a job that I truly love and find fulfillment in?”
A couple of years ago, I was making a crock pot of chili for dinner one night, which is quite common for our family, in the colder months!
On this one fateful night, I felt froggy and adventurous and I added honey to the chili and some extra spices, just to change things up a little.
The outcome was horrible, no one in my house liked it, truth be told, neither did I! I came to the point of making a decision, “do I stay the old path and make the chili the tried and true way, or do I branch out and go down a new path with a new recipe?”
I made the choice and I suffered the consequences for my decision.
Now, did that stop me from taking other, alternate paths with my cooking?
Far from it!
I NEVER follow recipes and try new concoctions all of the time!
Point being, our lives are full of decisions, that we engage in constantly.
And the decisions that we make have consequences that go with them, not only for our lives, but the lives of others as well!
The decisions made in this country dealing with that of human life and that raging war of “pro-life” versus “pro-choice”, has had horrible consequences for millions of people.
You know, unless you have been in that situation, or know someone personally who has had an abortion and you have seen the aftermath of the guilt and the shame that they deal with, it is hard to imagine.
And you will not hear the secular news talk about it.
And the “pro-choice” people will not counsel the women and the men about the backlash of their decision and warn them of the aftermath that emotionally plagues them!
It is a decision that people make, that affects not only their lives, but the generations that follow!
(Honestly, who knows how many great scientists and doctors and preachers and evangelists have been laid upon the alter of convenience and have been aborted out of the 60+ million babies that have been aborted in this nation!)
I’m not here today to talk about that subject, but rather, I am talking with you this morning, about, “Paths and Doors”.
Which “PATHS” will you decide to walk down and which “DOORS” will you decide to open and close in your life?
Your life is a journey that you are continually moving on.
You can become complacent and not want to advance the journey, but time doesn’t wait on you and thus even complacency can’t prevent the journey of your life from moving on!
And what I mean is this.
Even if you refuse to move forward in an area of your life, “life”, in and of itself, doesn’t sit and wait for you and your decision!
Time keeps marching on and you can either engage in its movement and be a part of the history of time, or you can try to disengage and sit still in the stream.
But make no mistake, if you stand still in the stream of life, just like if you stand still in a stream of water, it will not stop for you.
It will flow up against you and all around you and keep moving in its intended direction, but it never stops for you!
So, we must make the decisions to move and change and engage!
You and I are here this morning, because we made the decision to do so.
We have engaged and moved forward today!
Now, I hope and pray that you made that decision, because it is the desire of your heart to worship the Lord God and join in with others in giving praise and honor to His name this morning!
Be that as it may, we are here and I thank God for each and every one of you that decided to be a part of the Body of Christ today!
Now some of you may have been told this morning, “Oh, you’re most definitely getting up and going to church”, but thank God you did, for such a time as this!
Your life and my life and the future of this church, this part of the body of Christ, are heading down paths and as we head down those paths, we will come to the proverbial “forks in the road” [show slide with “fork” in the road and say, “sorry, wrong fork in the road], or the “crossroads”, which will force us to decide and choose for ourselves a course, a path for the future!
And the main point that I want to stress to you this morning, about the path for your life and even that of your family's, and the decisions and choices that we make for our lives, is that God has already said which path to choose and He has even given to us a GPS that helps keep us on that path, even when the conditions for seeing ahead are not clear and obstacles lie before us that would otherwise sidetrack us.
Turn with me in your Bibles, please, to the Old Testament book of .
(While everyone is turning to this passage, let me ask you a quick trivia question.
“What is the longest book in the entire Bible?)
Most people will say the book of Psalms, because of its, 150 chapters, but in all actuality, the Old Testament book of JEREMIAH, is the longest book in the Bible!
This is based upon the number of actual Hebrew words that are used, versus just the number of chapters and verses.
Now, before we read this passage, let me quickly update you on what is taking place at this time in the history of the people of the city of Judah.
Judah was in constant rebellion against God and His commandments for His people.
No matter what warnings God sent to them through His prophets, the people would not adhere to God’s will for their lives and they kept choosing their own path and doing things in their own way.
So, through a series of progressive attacks from king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, Judah and its people were taken away and basically destroyed, right up to the last king, King Zedekiah, who led a revolt against Nebuchadnezzar.
A revolt that the prophet Jeremiah warned them not to do.
King Zedekiah and his men were captured and brought before King Nebuchadnezzar.
Zedekiah’s sons were slain before his own eyes and then his eyes were removed and he spent the rest of his life in chains in Babylon.
And so here, in this passage, we find God warning JUda
Now, let’s read the passage together real quick.
The Lord was sending judgement upon the people if they refused to turn back to Him and His will for their lives.
It was the will of God and His heart to bless the people and their future, but they were choosing another path.
God made it known what His will for their lives was, in very familiar passage of , which reads,
It is and always has been, the desire and the will of God, to bless those who are His and who follow and serve Him!
But disobedience to God and His will, do not go unnoticed!
For as the Bible clearly states in the book of Galatians 6:7, “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.”
You see, God has a perfect PATH for you and I and for our lives that we wants us to walk and follow, and as a loving Father, Yahweh gives us the free will to choose this path for our lives.
And He doesn’t just give us the free will to make the decision to start down the perfect path for our lives, but He also gives us the free will to decide to stay on that path for the remainder of our lives, while here on earth!
That is true love, by the way; that God being omnipotent and omniscient, still allows us to decide how we will live our lives.
Even after we become His children, He allows us to make decisions for our lives, that affect our walk with Him!
Look closely at what God says to the people, through the prophet Jeremiah in this passage as I read it from the AMP version of the Bible, “Stand by the roads and look; and ask for the eternal paths, where the good, old way is; then walk in it.”
Now this is what is God was saying to the people, “look closely at the path that you have been heading down and where it is bringing you to.
You have been disregarding my warnings and continuing in your self-serving lifestyles.”
“Even the prophets and the priests that you have elected to listen to, are false, as they have been telling you that all is well.”
“They have been giving you the assurance of PEACE, when there is no PEACE and on this path, there will not be any PEACE!”
" because of their false teachings and testimony, they will lie amongst the slaughtered.”
In this passage, God and His warning, can be likened to a series of signs that you see as you are driving down a road that keep telling you to prepare to stop ahead.
For several miles, you will see, “PREPARE TO STOP AHEAD” and then as you close in, you see flashing lights and warning you and then STOP SIGNS and big red STOP LIGHTS, so that you must use caution and stop and acknowledge where you are getting ready to proceed on to.
And God says to the people and to each one of us today, as we approach the crossroads and the forks in the roads in our lives, “STOP and look around, before you go any further.”
God even stated in verse 17, “ I posted watchmen over you who said, ‘Listen for the sound of the alarm.’
But you replied, ‘No!
We won’t pay attention!’
‘Listen for the sound of the alarm.’
But you replied, ‘No!
We won’t pay attention!’
But you replied, ‘No!
We won’t pay attention!’
God posted men, like the prophet Ezekiel, a contemporary of Jeremiah, as a watchman over the people of Judah.
God told Ezekiel, “Now, son of man, I am making you a watchman for the people of Israel.”
And then God told him to warn those who were sinning to cease from their sins and he also told him to warn the righteous, not to depart from the path of their righteousness!
We won’t pay attention!’
The watchman’s job was to announce danger to others and God said that if the watchman didn’t sound the alarm and warn the people and the people died in their sins, then their blood was upon the watchman!
As Christians, we are commissioned to spread the gospel message to everyone and in a sense, be a watchman over those who God entrusts to our care: children, co-workers, church members, etc.
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