Matthew 7:21
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Good Morning church! How is everybody doing this morning! I wanna invite you this morning to turn with me in your Bibles to the gospel of
This morning I am going to preach from a pretty well known verse of scripture, this morning we are going to begin a study on the hard sayings of Jesus. I dont know if you ever noticed if you just read the NT cover to cover Jesus just said some pretty difficult things during His ministry, and we have a bad habit here in America at churches of being seeker friendly we like to put a mask on Jesus and we want people to come and get comfortable with church, and we want people to be comfortable with us and join our churches.
This is not something, I care to do when I preach, I often pray Lord help me to never sacrifice your truth because of my feelings or the feelings of others.
What matters more than you feeling comforted is you hearing the truth of God’s word just like the Lord meant it and spoke it amen. So I don’t wanna neglect hard sayings from the Lord because at some point if someone is gonna follow Jesus they are going to run across these hard sayings.
If I stand here and preach a feel good love dovey sermon and then you run across these things your going to realize that something doesn’t fit. If I tell you that Jesus is all love and that there is no judgement then you are going to find out really fast there is judgment.
The Bible even says that judgement begins with the house of God so I don’t want people to run across sayings from the Lord and be confused, Jesus is love and He is extremely loving but He also says some tough things as well.
This passage this morning is one of the most difficult things Jesus ever said, and what makes it so difficult, what makes this saying of Christ so difficult, is that He says that there are going to be people and he is speaking about the judgement day, He says there are going to be people that on that day, are going to call Him Lord and that have done things for His name through out their life and yet they are not going to Heaven when they die.
So I wanna read this to you.
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’
And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
(Let’s pray)
Many of you know how Amy and I became a couple but I wanted to start off explaining something to you that I think directly applies to this text this morning.
For those of you who dont know I dated a girl named Joanna right before I met Amy I truly thought I was going to marry Joanna, we were good friends everything was going great in the relationship, and then one weekend she traveled up from Tampa where we were attending school and she broke it off with me.
I was devastated everybody say aww… But seriously I went into my bedroom there in that mobile home on the southside of Tallahassee and I got down on my knees and I prayed “Lord from this point on I am done with women, I don’t care if I ever meet another girl, if you want me to be a missionary and send me into the deepest darkest corner in the world I will go, but no more women.
I only want you Lord.
Long story short I started working for a daycare, and they told me I would have a partner as we were going to run a summer camp for kids.
I remember that first Monday morning when I went in to work my partner was running late, and I am spending time with the kids we were playing outside.
Then it happened, she walked in. Now I was in a dilemma, I still remember the shirt she was wearing that day. She came in, and I looked at her and then I looked up at God and said really?
Then I looked back at her and looked back up to God and I was really in a tight spot because I prayed that prayer you know so I looked back up at her and look up to the cieling and said I am sorry God but I gotta date this one.
But man no matter what I tried I couldn’t get her to date me, I went up to her on day number two at the job, and I said hey you wanna go on a date with me sometime and she didn’t even hesitate she said no.
But me being the suave casanova that I was let her know something she didn’t know yet, when I said “You are gonna go on a date with me you just dont know it yet”
She said oh really?
I said oh yeah…
We laughed and carried on, I wore her down boys, after about the third time I talked her into meeting me for dinner to organize the summer camp. But you know she wanted to date, I asked her where she wanted to meet and she said OLIVE GARDEN.
Bro even I know you dont go to Olive garden to plan a summer camp ok. know I am in there. We did not do a single thing towards summer camp that night and when we left I said well we didn’t much accomplished and I said that was one heck of a work meeting.
She told me to hush and I said so when you get ready to go on our second date just let me know, and now we have been married for 9 years and are still very much in love with each other.
Over the first few weeks of dating I got to know alot about her:
likes, dislikes
where she went to school
her siblings
But I want you to know there was a very clear transition that took place where I went from knowing about her life, to actually knowing her.
Heres the thing it didn’t stop we have been married for 9 years and we have been through some mountain top moments together but we have also been through some very low valleys together.
We have had 4 children together we have served in ministry together, and every single day our relationship is growing, it hasn’t always been easy especially for her but it is always growing.
There is not a human being on this planet who knows me like my wife, the only one even close is my mother and that is because for most of my life it was just her and I. But even Amy knows things about me as I have grown and matured that even mom doesn’t know.
Listen theres a world of difference between the day I met her and learned the facts about her life, and now when I deeply know her. Heres something I need for you to know I am gonna say it a few times in this message.
There is a monumental differnce between knowing about someone and knowing someone.
I would dare to say there is an eternal difference between knowing about someone and knowing someone.
One of the greatest fears that I have for my church family here, is that there are people in this room this morning who have never actually made that transition with Jesus.
That truth be told you know alot about Christ, but the question is not do you know alot about His life but do you know HIM?
The question is have you taken that step and entered into a relationship with Jesus? That is the most important question you ever get asked.
There is an eternal difference between knowing about someone and knowing someone. That’s what Jesus is speaking about in .
Let me give you some backround here, this is judgment day your going to be in this picture your in this story, he may not be talking about you, I hope He is not but either way you’ll witness this with your own eyes.
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father in heaven.
Thats a fascinating thing Jesus says, that not EVERYONE WHO SAYS LORD LORD ARE GONNA ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.
So theres going to be these people that Jesus talks about on Judgment day they are actually gonna call Him Lord but they wont spend eternity with Him in Heaven and then He makes another statement there in the text.
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father in heaven.
So who is it then that Jesus says will enter the kingdom of Heaven? Thats an interesting phrase.
Now here’s what He is not saying He is not saying that you work your way into Heaven cause you cant. He is not saying this is a works based salvation because that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
We are only forgiven from our sins by grace through faith NOT OF WORKS SO THAT NO MAN CAN BOAST ABOUT IT.
So what does He mean?
I think what He is syaing is this, that its not the person who just His mouth says that Jesus Christ is Lord but its the person whose mouth says Jesus Christ is Lord and their life reflects the fact that their mouth says Jesus Christ is Lord.
Thats who is gonna enter the kingdom of HEaven.
Then He goes on
On that day many will say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in Your name, drive out demons in Your name, and do many miracles in Your name?’
When I first read that verse I had a problem within my heart, because He uses the word MANY.
Your telling me Kyle theres gonna be people who are going to be standing there on judgment day they are gonna call Him Lord and they arent going into Heaven?
The next thing out of Jesus mouth should make us shudder He says many people are gonna be like that. So just in case you are in here this morning and your like this is not about me this doesnt apply to me, I just want you to know Jesus says there are alot of people that think that.
He says many people are going to think when they show up and call Him Lord that they are a lock, they served in the church, some of them will be pastors, missionaries sunday school teachers, deacons, youth pastors.....
SO your sitting in service right and your rolling your eyes because you have heard this and you know this but your thinking I am not not one of the many, you know I bet the many that Jesus is talking about said the same thing.
On that day many will say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in Your name, drive out demons in Your name, and do many miracles in Your name?’
Jesus said that on that day theres this group of people they call him Lord and then they give their Christian resume to Him. that’s fascinating to me.
That on judgment day the name Lord comes out of your mouth and the next thing out of your mouth is a Christian resume. Theres these things that people did in the name of Christ.
Things they did for Jesus.
I think the modern day equivalent of this would be something like this, Lord didn’t I go to church? Lord I had every intention of being at every service I could attend, I came to wednesday night services in your name!
Lord was I not in a sunday School class? a small group in your name? God did I not go on a mission trip in your name?
God did I not tithe in your name?
Then look at verse 23
Then I will announce to them, ‘I never knew you! Depart from Me, you lawbreakers!’
Everybody just think about that.
That word knew is a word that means intimacy, its a word that means the deepest form of relationship. Jesus says ok thats great you call me Lord, thats great that you kinda did stuff for me, but thefact remains I have never been in an intimate relationship with you.
He says depart from me I never knew you you who practice lawlessness. Ok so you have people again they call him Lord they’ve done things for Him through the course of their lives but they do not go to Heaven when they die… why?
Because He never knew them, thats why I said earlier there is an eternal difference between knowing about someone and knowing someone. There is an eternal difference between knowing about Jesus and knowing intimately our Lord and Savior.
Now you say Kyle how does that happen?
How in the world do you get to a place where you know enough about Him that your calling Him Lord, your actually doing things for Him but never actually knew Him.
I actually had something that kinda applies.
how many people in here know Nolan Ryan?
Nolan Ryan was a pitcher He is in the Hall of fame He pitched for the Astors He pitched for the Rangers, He pitched until He was 42-43 years old and He was still throwing no hitters, ok thats a huge deal when your 42 years old throwing no hitters.
I had his biographies I knew all about him, I would stand in my backyard and throw the ball up against the wall of the apartments me and mom used to live in, or the wall in my room and I would pretend I was Nolan Ryan one out away from another no hitter.
I loved the guy.... I could tell you stats about Him I could tell you records he broke. But when he really went hero status for me was when he fought a guy named Robin Ventura. Thats kinda when He went next level for me.
Robin Ventura was a third baseman for the whitesox He was 24-25 when your 24-25 you are at the height of your physical acumen. I mean your at your prime, your kind of the best you’ll ever be. he was batting against future hall of famer 42 year old Nolan Ryan and Nolan threw a pitch and hit Robin Ventura.
Now for those of you who are not baseball fans let me tell you what happens when your a baseball player and you get hit by the pitch. You got two choices
Put your bat down and walk to first base you get a free base.
You can throw your bat down and run and fight the pitcher
Now let me ask you another question here, now if you were Robin Ventura and future Hall of famer Nolan Ryan hits you with a ptich what do you do?
I’m gonna tell you what I would do, He hits me with a pitch, I lightly put the bat down, I bend over and pick up the baseball I walk it to the mound and I ask him to sign the ball.
Sir you just hit me with this pitch you have earned your status in the game and your amazing will you sing this ball before I go to first base?
But Robin like an idiot He chunks the bat and charged future hall of famer Nolan Ryan He is 42 years old, HE could be his daddy. I mean come on Robin?
I watched this and it seemed like an eternity as he was running towards the pitchers mound I though oh man the old guy is about to get it, right?
The old guy is about to get beat down, but thats not what happened.
24 year old Robin Ventura throws a punch and 42 year old Nolan Ryan ducked the punch got the young guy in a head lock and just beat the tar out of him.
Aint that awesome!
There was blood all over the place it was unbelievable I think I was on my couch chanting Nolan Nolan!
But heres the thing i knew this guy I studied this guy I loved him I knew where he lived I knew where his ranch was, I knew his kids names.
Years later I was in Tampa in college and we went down to the huge mall down there and I was going to buy a baseball hat, I have an addiction and its buying hats ok.
Out of this sporting goods store walks Nolan Ryan and he comes out with this group of men around him and he sees me standing there in a trance looking like an idiot, and you would think that since I wa someone who knew him all those details all that time I would have said something intelligent but I didnt.
He sees me and He says whats wrong kid, you look like you’ve seen a ghost. I said your Nolan Ryan, He said yes I am. All I said was thank you, thank you for being Nolan Ryan.
He laughed and shook my hand walked off and that was it.
I met my hero
But heres the thing here was a guy I wached from a distance watched alot of games knew alot of stats and facts. Knew everything about him ad if you had asked me a question about Nolan Ryan I could have answered that question.
But there came a day when this guy who I knew all about when I actually met him face to face. Years later I thought about this moment, when I met this guy who I knew all about and I met him face to face, in the moment that I met him I realized something, I DIDNT KNOW HIM AT ALL.
He didnt know me, I knew all about him but when he was standing there it became abundantly clear I DID NOT KNOW HIM from Adam and he did not know me.
you know why?
Because there is an eternal difference between knowing about someone and knowing somebody.
I have no doubt in my mind that I could just about call anybody in this room and bring you up on this stage and give you the microphone and I could ask you questions about Jesus.
Where was he born?
you could tell us
What was His first miracle?
you could tell us
How did He die?
you could tell us
Why did he hang there?
you could tell us
On what day was He resurrected?
you could tell us
Why was He resurrected?
you could tell us
I could ask you question after question after question
you would knock em outta the park and thats awesome, but heres the question… Thats great but if JEsus Christ were to somehow walk in this room this morning and He were to come sit down in that chair right beside you.
Heres the question:
Maybe more importantly does He know you?
Because theres an eternal difference between knowing about someone and actually being in an intimate relationship with them.
So you may ask ok Kyle I hear what your saying about judgment day, I know a few things about Jesus but the truth be told there’s never been a moment in my life where I entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Heres how you do it,
’ll end with this
One day every person in this room I dont care who you are your going to see Jesus face to face I promise you that. The timeto know Him is now, the time from knowing about to knowing deeply is right now.
That way when the day comes and you breath your last and your heart stops and your standing face to face with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords that day wont be an introduction but it will be a reunion with the love of your life.
thats what is available for you this morning.
Im gonna pray for you, let’s do this
There are going to be people in the back and they would love to pray for you....
Maybe you need to join the church?
Maybe you haven’t spent time with God in awhile and you just need to get back in right relationship with Him. I’d love to pray with you.