Sunday April 28, 2019

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"Jesus Opened More Than a Grave!" Luke 24:13-49  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  31:06
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Well as we come out of Easter we are still. In the Easter Resurrection he is risen.

time frame in our scriptures this morning And I thought there would be no better scripture for us to look at then what Luke records in his writings. Our dear brother. Dr. Luke rights in chapter 24 of his gospel to us beginning and verse 13, and and I just Slip back in just one minute.

The topic that I wanted to have us think about is the Jesus open More Than A A Grave He did that he did that.

They Crucified him he was dead he was buried but on the third day he rose again and the tomb the stone was rolled away. I don't think the stone was rolled away so much for Jesus to get out. But that we might look in and see that the tomb was empty. He's not there. He is risen just as he said But you have to get the gravity of what's happened in this story.

The disciples that all believe that he was the son of God. A great man a great teacher, but truly the son of God. and when the Son of God this leader of theirs this Rabbi teacher was cruelly taken from them and beaten. whipped mocked and ridiculed and hung on a cross

and there he died before their eyes. There was great discouragement despair despondent. They all ran from the scene and we know that the eleven gathered together in an upper room afraid that they too might be arrested. They too might be convicted and crucified themselves. And so they hid themselves away. But there were more than the 12 there were 120 followers of Christ that were numbered in the upper room.

but some of them after what they observed in the death of their savior their leader that they got so discouraged that we find that at least two of them pack their bags, and we're heading home.

It was the end. No more. It was a good thing while it happened, but Hey guys were we're out of here. We're going home. And so we find in our scripture as we go to Luke and chapter 24 verses 13 and following these words written down by dr. Luke at what happened. Now at the same time same time as what happened with the the crucifixion of Our Lord. that we heard about the women who had gone to the tomb and had come back with the report that it was empty. He was not their impact. The women had said they had seen angels and the angel said he is risen he is he is not here. He is already ascended and he's he's going before you and you will meet him in Jerusalem and in their thinking to themselves scampi. It can't be and so we have these two disciples. Heading on the road to the Village of Emmaus. Which dr. Luke says is about 7 miles from Jerusalem. So they're on the road heading toward Emmaus. And they were talking to each other these two about everything that it happened. You ever get that way yet. You grab somebody else when you're you're kind of down and out and you want somebody else to talk to? And sometimes you just consoling each other with with all of the bad things that are happening in your life. And this is happening and no yeah, but you ought to see what happened in my life.

They were discouraged thinking about what it happened and as they talked and as they discussed these things with each other. Who shows up? Jesus himself came up and started walking with them not by mistake.

It's a Divine appointment. You know, whenever you're down and you're discouraged and despondent and and feeling like the weight of the world is upon you. That's when the Good Shepherd is out looking for his sheep who were lost. And Jesus comes across these two wandering the sheep and he pulls up alongside of him and in this scripture says but they were kept from recognizing him in The New American Standard Edition. I like what it says.

But their eyes were prevented from recognizing him. He closed their eyes. To seeing who it was walking with them. But the same Jesus that they had seen crucified was walking with them. Not only had they heard about his resurrection. He actually did a rise Amen.


And he asked them. By the way, guys, what are you discussing as you're walking longer with? What what's the conversation? What it what are you talking about?


and as they walked around they stood still with their faces Down cast. It's like are you kidding me? Do you not know what's happened? one of them named cleophus ask him. Are you the only one visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these past few days. And what did Jesus reply? What things?

What things? What's happened?

Well now that you ask.

What about Jesus of Nazareth? They replied and how he was a great prophet and powerful and word and In Deed but God and all of the people even though they gave him praise a and they, realized that What a great man. He was the chief priests in our our rulers handed him over to a sentence of death and they crucified him. Are you not aware of what's happened? Do not know.

But we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. Here's the true motive in the pots of their heart when really it had a hole. But he was the one. He was going to be as they recognized him on Palm Sunday waving palm branches and declaring king of kings and Lord of lords. They had hoped that he would be the Messiah that would establish your kingdom.

And that they could rule and Reign and have the oppression of the Romans cast off of them. They were slaves. They were depressed people.

And they wanted the Romans gone and they had hoped he was the deliverer while he was a deliverer wasn't he? He came to save their souls from sin.

What is bore they said it is the third day since this is Peyton Place. Do you get the gravity there? It's been 3 days since he's died. If we can't bear it.

Our hopes your crush. discourage

and they didn't say it but the where and the why of where they were going and how they were going was that they had packed their bags and they were going home. It was over.

It's been 3 days and other word.

In addition like you needed something more. They tell Jesus not knowing it's Jesus. Some of the women amazed us that they had gone to the tomb early in the morning, but they didn't find his body. I bet came and they told us that they had seen visions of angels that they said he was alive. Can you believe that?

And it's worth taking note here. Who was it that they found the empty tomb?

the women Who was it that brought the good news about the angels? And the Jesus was risen the women. Who was it that believed first that Jesus really did raised from the dead the women? Sometimes men. We need to realize. Then we can let the women. Take a lead. And we can take a cue from them.

We are always so wanting this men. To find our own way to do do it our way.

These men had heard that morning that third day that Resurrection Day the Jesus was alive from the women. But they still packed their bags and left because they did not believe did not believe.

Then some of our companions other disciples they too went to the tomb and they found it just as the women that said. But they did not see Jesus. They did not see your body. They did not see a resurrected Jesus. Oh what happened? Maybe someone stole his body weed. We don't know but they didn't see Jesus. So if he was alive, why didn't they see him and we're discouraged or despondent then we're going home.

And Jesus said to them how foolish you are and how slow to believe all that the prophets had spoken all of the prophecies about Jesus and what he had to go through and then he had to suffer Isaiah 700 years before. Jesus was even born prophesied his birth prophesied. How would he would be born to a virgin?

And then prophesied the suffering servant how he would die.

And with all of that they did not see the scriptures open up and reveal. The Christ had to die and be in the Tomb in three days. He would rise again. And Jesus says how foolish that you do not believe the prophets and what they have spoken. Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things then enter into his glory. He had to do this before he could be glorified. Is that right? And beginning with Moses and all through the prophets including Isaiah. He explained to them. What was said in all of the scriptures concerning himself about Jesus? Jesus is explaining. Any prophecies about him?

The first thing I wanted to say here is that he opened up?

the scripture to them not only did he open the tomb but he opened up the word of God to them to realize who he was.

That is the approach the village. To which they were going so, you know that they have arrived 7 miles from Jerusalem, they've arrived and it's late at night now and they're in advance. They have been up early the women that told them the Jesus had risen. He busted in the Tomb the angels that said he was risen. More disciples went looked in John and Peter did not find Jesus but came back saying he's not there.

And so they have gone home. And if they approached the village of a mass. Which is where they were going Jesus continued on as if he was going further. But they urged him strongly staying with us for it's nearly evening. It's going to be dark soon. And the day is almost over so come and stay with us eat with us break bread with us.

And when he was at the table with them, he took bread. I love this the imagery that's here. Can you imagine it's it's a reminder of them being at the Last Supper gather around the table as they gathered together as they it off and then Round the table. He broke bread and he gave. Thanks. And he gave the bread after he blessed it and broke it he gave it to them. And then what happened? Verse 31 says and their eyes were opened and they recognized him and he disappeared from their site. That's the kind of body. He had he could eat but then he could disappear. What is our resurrected body going to be like? I have no clue but I've got an idea that we will see each other and we will recognize each other were told that that's true. but maybe we too would be able to appear and vanish

He was there and their eyes were open. So he's not only open the gym, but he open the scriptures to them and then he opened their eyes to reveal himself and they knew the Jesus's was indeed alive. He has risen just as he said and then these words that follow.

They asked each other. We're not our hearts burning within us when we talked with him on the road and he opened the scriptures to us and revealed himself to us. Didn't that encourage? You didn't that excite you?

As we learned about Jesus from the scriptures that they realized it was him. It was Jesus revealing himself to them and they got up and they returned at once that they had just got there. They just eaten it was late and they were planning to stay but they couldn't help themselves if the pace was a little bit quicker when they return to Jerusalem, don't you think? It was slow. It was deliberate. But now they found new Energy new excitement. You Joy and the joy of the Lord is our strength then. They hurry back to tell the eleven what they have found. And they found them all together assemble together in the upper room where they had gathered in fear. Gathered in fear of the Jews

And saying this it is true. The Lord has risen. meaning of peered assignment

been to the two of us.

It is it happened on the way in and how Jesus was recognized by them and he had broken bread with them.

How do you think it made the rest of the disciples feel? Maybe encourage but then even though they had doubted in the women who said we we've seen the angels and they said that Jesus was alive.

I can imagine still no doubting Thomas. the big one of those who would say well unless I see the difference in his hands and I see that it is so I'm not going to believe that he's really risen.

So there must have been some doubt but yet the excitement. Can it be true is Jesus really risen?

And then what happens? He walks right through the locked door. And he appears in bodily form right in front of them. And while they were still talking about these things Jesus himself stood among them and said to them peace be with you my peace be with you.

Now I can only imagine.

But I'm thinking they were probably both overjoyed. and scared to death It's a ghost. But he looks real He looks like Jesus. Jesus is Alive. Peace, he said Peace because they were troubled. It's the same thing. He said when he was on the boat and they woke him up and said Jesus don't you care that we're all going to drown. We're all going to die. At least help us bail water. And they woke Jesus up from a deep sleep because of the storm. And he stood at the bow of the boat and said Peace. Be still and the waters settled The winds stopped and all of the disciples went to the back of the boat and said this who is this that even the winds and the waves obey him. Who is this guy? And he said oh ye of little faith, but then I need to remind myself that he said little faith if you had the paper size of a mustard seed you could say to this mountain be cast into the sea and it would be cast into the sea little faith can do great things, but you got to have at least a little faith. How's your faith this morning? Do you have a little faith to believe Jesus is risen. He's alive. Did he has a plan for you and a plan for me? They were startled and they were frightened thinking they had seen a ghost. That's what I said. He said to them why are you troubled? That's why he said peace be still. My peace I give to you. Why are you troubled and why do doubts arise in your mind's in your mind's look at my hands and my feet? It is myself. It is me touch me and see a ghost does not have Flesh and Bones as I have. Can you feel me? Can you see me?

And when they it's when he had said this he showed them his hands showed them the nail scars in his feet. I think this is an amazing thing. Jesus has a resurrected body a new body. But he still has his wounds. Why the the wounds? I think for us to recognize that it really is him.

But I also think that there are times in my own life. I realize that God heals me. of my past but I still bear scars.

I was born with severe clubfeet and I have had several operations.

And I bear the scars of those operations.

And I'm Healed but I have scars. Jesus was resurrected in a brand new body, but he still Bares the scars and I need for you and I both know that God allows us to continue to have the scars as reminders of what he did for us. And healing us transforming us renewing us. It's good news.

and then After he said look at my hands and my feet and while they did not believe but because of the joy and amazement He asked them. Do you have anything to eat? Now a dead person wouldn't eat buddy. Ghost could not eat cookie. And they gave him a piece of broiled fish and he took it and he ate it in their presents. I want you two to know that. He was alive. And a new resurrected body and although he could walk through walls. He could eat broiled fish. In front of them and they realized it's him. He's risen!

And he said to them these words. This is what I told you when I was still with you. Everything must be fulfilled that was written about me in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the Psalms and open the scriptures again to these who were there. Just to see it done with the two on the road. He revealed and open their eyes and it says it right here and then he opened their minds.

Just before this heat said why do doubts and fears arise in your mind? But then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures that he told them so he opened up the tomb. Yes praise God.

and He opened up the scriptures to them to reveal himself. and He open their eyes to not only reveal himself but that their eyes opened could understand the scriptures.

Having eyes he said so often having eyes they see not having ears. They hear not why? But he came this time and he told them this was what was written about the Messiah that he must suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and repentance for the Forgiveness of sins is real. And it needs to be preached to all the nations beginning with Jerusalem and you are my Witnesses.

You are my Witnesses. So he opened up their minds to all of it is written in the scriptures to them. They had new eyes to see it and to understand it and that it was their mission to share the good news of Jesus Christ to the world.

I don't want to end up here without telling you and I that it is our mission as well.

It is our mission as well. To go forth and to share the good news of Jesus Christ alive. And well you asked me how we've done it before you ask me how I know he lives he lives within my heart. I know he lives. I sense him. I feel him he's all around me and he's through me and in all that I do and say I need to have faith to believe and trust in him. D l Moody said it this way. He says faith is like a toothbrush. Faith is like a toothbrush.

Everyone ought to have one their own. and use it often.

How's your faith? Do you believe that he is risen? That he is the king of kings and Lord of lords in the grave could not contain him could not hold him. He opened their minds to understand scripture. And he said repentance for forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to All Nations beginning. But yerusalem and you you you and me we are his Witnesses in this world.

I'm going to send you Jesus said to them. I am going to send but you don't look at that first verse there. What is the name that God gave himself. Declaring who he was he told Moses when Moses said who shall I say has sent me say I am sent you when they came to arrest Jesus in the garden. He said who are you looking for? And they said Jesus and he said I am he he says I am is going to send you. My father has promised. all things to you But you stay in the city until you have been clothed with the power from on high and tell the Holy Spirit falls upon you and you receive that birth a new with the Holy Spirit.

And I'm going to send you for this my Witnesses into all of the world.

He's opened. The Grave, and He has opened our eyes. And he's opened our minds to conceive and now he's opened the whole of the world to us to go into it's open. It's it's before you

I don't want to hear anybody say well.

I don't know if I have a mission field. You have a mission field in your family. You have a mission field. In your neighborhood where you work everywhere you go people need to know the Lord people need to know the good news. Would you stand with me?

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