2nd Peter 1:1-4 Saved by God: Growing is Possible

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Get a Bible you can open up to 2nd Peter.

Took us eight months to finish 1st. Peter take a 4 weeks to finish second theater. So I've got a plan for the summer that I would like to actually execute it and I'm going to make that happen. So we're going to teach this somewhat quickly for those of you who've been around the last month or so we've talked about how I was looking at purchasing this facility. That's downtown Redmond. We are $14,000 away from our goal. So yeah. We we are $14,000 away. That's that's it. And I'm excited. This is happening. So excited. A church home so many things going to talk with people in the body already that we're just dreaming up talking about possibilities and things we talked about a staff and elders and just a potential and the influence that we're going to have so I'm not good for those of you who have husbands that a man camp. We are all surviving. I had to guard Landon and basketball. I'm hurting a little bit. I'm a big man. That guy's a big dude when he pulls you over you are scared. So Marcy, what a great protector you have there. Yeah. He didn't tell you some lies. The things didn't happen. So I understood him anyways. Really at this second. Peter says in verses 1 through 4. We're not going to read the whole thing again like we did this morning but it just says in the first floor versus Simon Peter a servant and Apostle Jesus Christ do those who obtains a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ, May Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our lord his divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness to the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and Excellence by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises. So that threw them you may become partakers of the divine nature having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desires. Christian growth what comes to mind when you hear the words Christian growth? paper some Maybe in churches that she grew up in those words can be a little cringe-worthy at times like oh my goodness. What is he going to tell us we have to do now because we know that the actual essence of the good news of Christ is not what we do, but what he has done and so he's going to talk to me about Christian growth Pastor. Hold up a second and let's make sure this is firmly rooted in the gospel and and we're going to do that throughout 2nd Peter. Let me set your worries aside, maybe some of you think of Christian growth and it sounds incredibly intimidated. Oh my goodness. What am I going to have to do next? How much more time is this Christian thing going to take or where do I even begin to start with something? That sounds so big so massive as growing as a follower of Jesus Christ or maybe things going to get Weird in here for talk about Christian Gro. There's some things that you're going to ask us to do that is out of the ordinary and there's a third category of people that when they hear Christian growth, maybe it just flat-out sounds exhausting. I can barely get here on a Sunday and put up with you for 45 minutes of talking this just sounds hiring another going to be classes and systems and processes.

What am I going to have to do stream Lea where the only come into a room and we talked about this idea of Christian growth you bring in all kinds of loaded thoughts and ideas of things you've heard in the past and expectations that have been placed on you and you can look at it and go great. What am I going to have to do now? Now here's the thing that I want to set up a premise for all of us today. Christian growth is in the scriptures that God has given us. Is Nigeria a thoughts a command that we really cannot get away from and in fact, that's what all of this letter of 2nd. Peter is going to be about is this idea of growing in Jesus Christ? And so it's an inescapable doctrine that within the church but it's just how it flushes out and how it plays out looks different from church to church and teacher to teacher ever kind of messed up and convoluted have different thoughts on what this actually looks like it at the end of the day when were sitting in our chairs were probably just thinking what's the secret sauce? To Christian graph on our friends the Hoffs. We just went over to their house for dinner this last Tuesday and Wednesday or Cooks. It's always so incredible and I finally found out why he opened up the spice drawer and it is the secret ingredients to what makes everything he does. So incredible. And when people come to the scriptures when they come to following Jesus, they want some sort of special ingredients. To how do I grow as a Christian? That's what the church is done is we've developed sermon series around these ideas and seminars and how to live a Godly life. What a Godly life actually looks like and Tails and what's going on and all that is not necessarily bad. Trying to lay a foundation. And we didn't put a frame on it really begin to build up what this looks like.

But you never sat and thought I am now a follower of Jesus. What does this actually look like? What am I doing? And if you're sitting in here and you think this is going to be exhausting and tiresome. My first thought I would challenge you with is if you truly know the gospel, he truly understand and believe the gospel. What we're going to talk about in here is not going to be burdensome tiring and exhausting, but I'll be incredibly life-giving to you. When you come to know Jesus is not a drudge to begin to walk with Jesus, but it's a delight because our whole lives have been utterly changed. I want to see that it's not exhausting to grow in the grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ, but because of his grace that we are actually able to grow it's not a daunting task. It's not a waste of your time here to begin to follow after and walk in these things. And if there's a version of Christianity that you have signed up for and you feel like this is exhausting then let me tell you something here this morning. You have not heard the good news of Jesus Christ. We believe in entirely different gospels because when I hear the good news of Jesus it radically changes my heart and it no longer is this obligation?

It's what I want to do is wreck that Foundation do some excavation there. Relay a foundation of a Godly growth. Looks like I begin to frame up what it means to walk in Jesus Christ this New Foundation that were given when somebody comes a follower of Jesus as we're going to lay out here this morning. How does a few things that we can grab from this? First of all spiritual growth is possible. just know that spiritual growth is actually possible. You're a new Christian in here. You've been saved in the last week the last year the last few years and you're looking at somebody's been walking with Jesus for some time. You're going. How can I even get there? What does that even look like? Is there even a get their kind of thing? And what I want you to know is that spiritual growth growing in Jesus is possible. It doesn't make you any more or less save in the moment that you professed and Proclaim Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, but as you begin to walk in Jesus, he's molding in a peach drawing you chew and pedi begins to change you on the inside and out related packs the world around you friend. That is absolutely possible for your life. Possible spiritual growth is gradual. It doesn't just happen overnight. How salvation is instantaneous? Beautiful when somebody believes the gospel and the good news and God right then right there as Justified them. He sees them in Christ in Your Righteous your holy your blameless your sanctified. And then we begin to gradually grow in Christ spiritual growth and we won't get to this one. Today is vital. It is absolutely vital for each and every person if you look at this letter in 2nd Peter, we're going to begin to unpack this and look at what Peter has to say about Christian girl to what even is Christian growth. Is it new routines? Is adding Church to your life just like adding a little spice to a dinner to make it a little bit better. Is Christian growth? Just trying to be a better person is Christian grow? Just taking bad habits. Is Christian growth your best life now is Christian growth a Purpose Driven Life? And those are titles of books that maybe have some good things in there. Maybe they don't have some good things in their away from the idea. That is what it means to be a Christian and I want to act like I said absolutely blow some of that up cuz the reality is is you can have any of those things. I just listed and not be a follower of Jesus. Know that there's a lot of people every year right around New Years. They start new routines in their life. They eat salads for a week to go to the gym for 2 in life is good for a little bit cuz people every year who say I'm going to add this thing into my life this spiritual journey this church experience this new friendship as people ever hear say, I think I want to be an eyesore kind of person. So I'm going to work on being a better man a better woman. I'm going to work on being just nicer in general. I went to work on having the most best fulfilled life. I want my life to have purpose and meaning and none of those things are wrong. But each and every one of those things can be done outside of Jesus Christ is enough effort and energy.

And the reality is even within the church. We sometimes gets sold on this version of Christianity that actually isn't even biblical Christianity and that is a serious problem because when things don't think go how they were promised we get real angry and we shake our fists God we shake our fists at others around us and we think you're not good. You don't deserve My Worship. So what I want you to do is take 30 seconds and want you to formulate an answer to this question in your head or write it down on a piece of paper or you can grab your cell phone. That's totally cool with me might even check the game. It's on at 10:30. So I should be happening soon, right? Here's the deal. What is your version? What is your idea of Christian growth think that through for a minute before I begin to give my Spiel what I believe we see from scripture. What is that even begin to mean? What are some details and then you can think on that as I speak just a little bit more here. What does it mean? What I want us to see what I believe is that God is going to do something in US. And I think that what God wants to do within our church right now is truly lay the gospel foundations that we've been building and building and building a pond but just like Peter's words. We read this morning something that I want to bring us back to you to give us deeper understanding so we can actually make impact in the community. We don't get the wrong idea. I have any falsehoods Amore actually building our foundation is redeemers church around cuz we're going to have one premise one message that I always share with you guys. It is the gospel and Peter lays it out here and it's so brilliant. He says in verses 1 through 2 to those who have a taint. Very interesting word it it means I should get through casting of lots of told me not to come to you to those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by what the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ, May Grace and peace be multiplied to you and the knowledge of our God and of Jesus Christ Our Lord, there's two kinds of voices in this text one is very active and doing something and one is passive. Do you know which one you are in this text? What it's saying here is that God has done something. God has brought about a work through his son Jesus Christ. It's by his righteousness that we are made righteous is by his grace that is in X and given to us that were even able to stand on any kind of foundation whatsoever. The Christian Life is one that is received. What you do here this morning. The Christian life is not one that is achieved but it is one that is received.

Computer is telling us here. You've obtained it through faith because of the righteousness of God. To becoming a Christian not because you like the teaching. Start attending a church. Are you even read your Bible? If not, even having all the right rhythms and disciplines and ways to go about doing things and some kind of right manner having the right form, but it's because God has come to you. It's because God has first loved you because God has called you. He has saved us given given us the Holy Spirit and filled us. Is a computer lays it out here. He says by his divine power is granted to you all things pertaining to a life of godliness. Is it by your power or my power that I live a Godly life? Peter says it actually buy the power his divine power granted to you through the knowledge of him. Something in their computers going to talk about this in here knowing Christ. He has called us to his glory and Excellence, not your glory in excellence and you are now partakers of the Divine knowledge. You know, why? I know I can't beat this drum enough. It's not because of anything we have done or anything that we do is because of what he has actually done for us. What's happening here? He said it's by faith now Faith is an incredibly loaded word in our contact you this morning? Two weeks ago. I made a face claim. The Blazers would win in 6 Hallelujah. All right, that's good news. I had faith in my team that they could actually win a playoff series after having not won one and three years now my face in the Blazers did not add an ounce to their victory. I could believe it all I wanted I could read the staff and chicken just because I believed in them didn't change the outcome of whether they were going to win or lose at all. We would say. Yeah, but had safe the way the word faith gets used today is so often in the Oprah Winfrey kind of way which is if you just believe something strong enough, if you just have positive vibes and good feelings about something then it will come into your life. If you just believe hard enough Faith sounds more like wishful thinking in our current context in this Society in this world, but what is written in the scriptures is our faith is not based upon some wishful thinking but it's based upon a sure Foundation. Something happening at something is something we celebrated in a grand way last week as we looked at the resurrection of Jesus in the Tomb is empty and because of that we do have this sure Foundation we can rest upon so what you do understand faith is not simply wishful thinking. we can look at what Christ has done and go I have a

Timothy Keller wrote this about faith faith begins with understanding which leads to conviction but completes itself always in commitment. Want to just run you through that process understanding? You hear the gospel? You begin to understand. Wow, Jesus. Did this for me? It brings them conviction into your life. There. Is this on your heart and on your soul going I believe. I'm deeply moved by this and it completes itself in commitments. You committed to following Jesus Christ. Because I want to say faith hasn't completed itself until you move through that decision and commitment and says this the difference between a Christian and non-Christian is not whether you have faith. Everybody has Faith or you put the faith you have where you're building your life what you're building your life on but here's a narrative. I want to give you guys there's instability and unhappiness in people's lives is because you've already put your faith in inadequate objects now because honestly, do you know what a bomb is? A bomb is something with an unstable compound in the center. And that's why it blows up. Do you want to know why you're anxious and unhappy something inside of you is fun.

This is what he's trying to drown here. If you're not a follower of Jesus you have faith. You have faith that whatever you're reaching for is going to satisfy your life. When you're young you have these like hopefully by that life is just going to go the way that your plans you're not going to have many issues and I can run into many problems and you're going to get the good life by working hard and being a kind good person and then you get messed over a few times new thinking that did not work. I was nice and they were not nice. I was generous and they just keep taking from me and you begin to get let down a little bit. Just what you value and you say you know what the way I was going about life that didn't work. And so now I'm going to take a different path, but I'm just going to come greedy and selfish, to make it all about me. Herbie the richest coolest baddest person I can be You reach that. And still fails you because you either you do not get there and you're bummed out. Are you get there? And it's just as empty as where you were at before life is unstable. No one in here is a faceless person. Every person in here, what do you consider yourself religious or irreligious puts faith in something to satisfy their heart and their soul and it is a ticking time bomb and it's going to go off at some point. What's this idea of becoming a follower of Jesus has been seeing Jesus clearly understanding who he is your heart begins to be molded and shaped as he's come into your life is as deep conviction and it results in commitments, which is what 2nd Peter is absolutely talking about. We don't have to be left wondering. I can't really place my trust in Christ 2000 years ago and empty tomb says absolutely. Yes, you can and what Peter does as he lays it out very clearly says it's faith that you've obtained by the righteousness of Christ what then follows see that is the good news what God has done for you that God has changed you the God has moved in you that God Saves you you are passive in that he calls you out you respond in faith. And God does that work, but then there is now outflow we grow it says in 1st 2nd Peter chapter 2 that we grow in the excuse me, mate Grace and peace be multiplied to you then in 2nd Peter 3:18 at the book and section of this pieces. May you grow in the grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Peter begins with this idea of Christ saved, but it results in you growing in knowledge growing in Grace and he ends the letter in growing. What do you think? He wants to tell us you can grow. The beginning and the end of this letter are so crucial. Think about it in your own life. You flip on a movie within 5 minutes. You already know if you want to watch it or not. And if you decide to put up with whatever you began to watch the ending, then will determine whether or not you liked it or not the beginning and the end are so crucial in any story. That's ever been told. Here's the deal. This is so important is Peter saying grace and peace growing in the knowledge how he says by his divine power has been granted to you then in verse 6, he says make every effort to grow. Within this is a few things.

In verse 1 says to those who obtain the faith of equal standing with hours you can have faith that is as vital as those possums as as you walked with. Early days with Jesus. He's an old man now and he's riding to this group hundreds of miles away is even riding out to culture be on his own culture and generation to be on his own and he says you can know is revolutionizing power that Jesus brings. I love these words because of the way it man camp this week. And one of the things just struck me was this idea of humility?

Peter is an apostle Peter hung out with Jesus. Peter was on the Mount of transfiguration people looked to Peter and thought this dude is the real deal and he goes look. You can have a face potent and real as powers. Peter saying we aren't what makes Christianity special. It's Jesus Christ and Christ in you and that's really big for me because sometimes we can look at people on platforms and people who are in certain aspects of life. We think they're really going for they must have tons of fake there really growing any breaking it down and he saying in humility you can be like us this isn't just something that the elite and Christianity get because there's no such thing as a lead in Christianity. You see the gospel totally levels that the gospel says you have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But watch this gift of God brings about righteousness in our life is equal standing equal footing. Why because Jesus is the hero not me. Not you. That is the good news. And he was on the same a Grace be multiplied. Finishes to grow in Grace. What is the secret sauce to growing in grace to grow in your Christian walk? Growing in Jesus Peter sisters and foremost is knowing Jesus then growing in your knowing of Jesus. Add again growing and Jesus is knowing Jesus been growing in your knowing of Jesus and it's not intellectual assent. 1st Peter uses two different words for knowledge here In the first section, and I'm going to probably butcher this but he says that first word for knowledge is at the gnosis and it's this idea of personal knowledge. Now the idea of personal knowledge is more intimate clothes that were to be used and how a husband or wife know one another very special kind of knowledge and special kind of setting is not just intellectual facts. How much like you might know about your favorite ballet or musical or athlete are sporting event. It's an actual intimate personal knowledge. He uses it in vs12.

This idea of knowing god means a transformational change that is coming to your life.

Christianity is not just about bad people becoming nicer people, but about lost people being found. New Creations in Jesus Christ, this is the essence of Christianity here that we need to lay the foundation on. So it's not like we just add Jesus like we add a yoga class or a book club or a night out with her friends. Christianity becomes the whole of life knowing Jesus becomes the center of our life essential for foundation. He uses another word here and there where does gnosis Genesis idea of informational knowledge and what Peters trying to make clear for us is yes it first and foremost begins if I actually knowing Jesus in an intimate personal setting You have to know him a change as you hear attic Eliza's you in a good way as he moves in your heart and moves in your life. But then what that does is is it changes our desires to know him deeper to grow in him in that manner learning about him. Get to know Jesus if you're going to grow in Jesus to be changed by Jesus know that you are born again.

We hear that and a lot of times the Bible does is really like vague and generalized stuff where it says grow and what do we say how? Peter doesn't then go in and list there's 15 minutes of reading time is 10 minutes of prayer time and a half an hour of churches 15 minutes of worship songs. Give me some of the structure up to us to figure out what he says is you need to grow and the growth is not to be mechanical. We talked about this a little bit here, but there's a difference between me stacking rocks and that pile growing versus a plant being planted and when a plant is planted it begins stupid spring up live on its own. What is it? Then do it begins to even hold fully reproduce itself. That's organic real growth versus mechanical growth. What religiosity is is mechanical growth? Here are the things that I have to do in order to reach them a sense of God will be pleased with me yet. There is in organic true growth room and planted and God is moving in and through us and it's Bertha that relationship with him. So we can do though is we can get some suggestions on what this looks like when I look at like growing with God and what does that mean? How many of you have ever made a new friend? Wow, I'm sad for you that have it. Polo men shirts A new friends. There are social norms on how you go about that. Right there Vine Juju and don't cross those things you do when you don't ask but one of the things that is constant is to make new friends, but you actually have to spend time with people. You actually have to get to know them and I'm in even deeper level asking them at some point personal questions getting into their lives and she spend time with them you learn them, you know them. Real relationships do not microwave their baked. What you think about that? Any bakeries in here, you know the difference between microwave and something to get it warm real fast and pounded down versus actually baking something in the time that creates. Real relationships going to take time even on this horizontal plane. So to growing in Christ. Not just going to happen overnight growing and godliness taste time. So have you grown in the last year? When I'm asked that question, the first thing I think of is what bad things did I stop doing and what good things that I start doing? That's not what I asked. Have you grown in Jesus Christ this year?

What is that look like? What does that mean?

Lots of people start and stop bad habits growing and godliness will certainly consist of those things as we begin to love the things God loves and hate the things that God hates and we're being changed and transformed by him. Growing in Christ doesn't just mean stopping one thing and starting a new thing growing and godliness consist of so much more than that. I'm going to give you a non-exhaustive list growing is building dependence on Christ. What is that look like in your life growing is constantly preaching the gospel to yourself. This one's big for me. I fail at life a lot. I fail at parenting a ton. I fail at being a husband often write. This is true. I fail at being a friend. I fail at being a boss and so we can begin to happen in my life as I can become incredibly discouraged because I can allow those failures to become who I am and then it makes me a more miserable off a person as I dwell on those things. This is were preaching the gospel to yourself often over and over again is so essential because the guy supposed to say the gospel says Brett you are forgiven and loved by Jesus Christ Define you you are known by God. I have met your deepest needs an insecure. In myself to you can go forth and even then admit your failures be humble be loving be kind. I was holy cow. It's a mouthful and so freaking at the same time. gospel

growing in Christ is going to take preaching the gospel to yourself often and your successes and then your failures what is preaching the gospel to yourself? That's not getting saved again and again restaurant pine cones in the fire and rocks in the lake and how does Kumbaya I can't know it is coming back to the foundation of knowing who you are and Jesus it's spending time with God is repenting praying and giving thanks. It's having your heart being enlarged to the things of God in the worship of God. It's saying no to sin and yes to God is participating in the body of Christ in Colossians chapter 2 verse 6 through 7 is not going to be flashed up there. I'll give it my best memory as you've received Christ Christ Jesus walk. Ye in him rooted and built up established in him as you've received Christ get to know Christ. Yes, you know that Christ loves you. Yes, you know that God saved you. Yes, you know you could do this wicked awful whole horrible person in the grace of God comes into your life, but don't let that stop there get to know him. I don't just no systematic theology and be super intellectual about antinomianism Grace vs. Legalism it like know this stuff. It's not brown stuff to know but do you know him?

Yakov Smirnoff a bunch of facts about me so shirts and stories, but he sat down at dinner you actually get to know me. Just things about you have to know some things about me. That's how you get to know my heart and who I am as a person.

Do you know God?

Yeah, I sees you and use you. And some of you probably see God is me and you like this. What are you doing? I look at my kids in the putting toothpaste on all over the counter or God looks like this.

Angry at 7 so mad. We just feel like the next move we make it over for us. To know God and his love and his grace for you. Here's what I want you to see why when our church to study through this. When we flourish under growing in Christ, when I read Anderson and convicted of sin and repent not just for my benefit but a benefits everybody else around me. My kids my church my family when God grows me and generosity and kindness when God challenges me when God light the fire underneath the meek. It's never just for me. In Western culture, we live in such an individualistic way where we have that has the highest prize of how free and how far we can get now independent we can be from any and everybody else. Is it good when it comes to Christianity with think of it in the same terms that we think of this just for me generosity is just for me to feel like a better person. Being kind is really for me. Listen when God died this in our hearts and in our life, it's going to benefit the community around us. It's never just for you is God doing a work in you and through you to the community actually around you. It's not all about you. Computer is saying grow in this grace and its knowledge exponentially. How to knowing Christ few more things were going to finish up here verses 3 through form should read you these his divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness who's the vine power as we are awake and doing well. Through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and Excellence. Who is this passage all about? Who is the active agent in this passage God? We are passive. We are receiving this by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises to that through them. You may become partakers of the divine nature having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desires. godliness prominent word that's used here in this section.

summarization of what people expect of follower of Jesus to look like Where does this begin when you received Christ this is where growth begins. What happens if your whole worship and value system is changed. What you live for changes? I want you to think about this. What do you value right now? The year in here in your Christian or not? How do I know what I got you when you wake up in the morning and your feet hit the ground? What is the thing running through your head?

That's what you value. That's what you run after. That's what you go for. Where do you invest your time your talent and your treasure? What do you spend most your thought life? And what do you daydream about these are ideas that we can do shape what we actually value in this life. Is all my time for me and what makes me happy and I only invest in the things that are going to enhance my life. self worship dashiki in the good life you're thinking whatever will please me will make me feel like the ultimate human being is your talents the things that you're good at only exist to benefit you. And listen with your gifted in use that and run with it in your business and your place of work and in your family for sure 100% use that in that capacity, but don't just think that's all me and for myself, but how can I use even the very work that God has given me either as a mission field or a way to invest into the community and other people's lives to see more followers of Jesus. In this town does your treasure the stuff that you have amassed and have godness your possessions. Are they all for your life? And do they make up all of your life? Do you want me to turn to Jesus or saying time or Talent OR treasure? Thank you God for all that. They came from you and I want to use that in service to you. And the reality is until we're following Jesus. We actually won't even enjoy those things to the capacity that we should be using them when Christ comes in all of life has no meaning and it doesn't mean we enjoy things last but we can enjoy them more because they don't have the same kind of pole on our life as they did before. You're somebody who lives for the weekend. I work hard to get my free time. What happens when you get asked to help somebody move. I ain't doing that. You're bound to that Master a free time, but when you follow Jesus you can look at free time. You can look at your money. You can look at your friendships. You can look at your family. You can look at your possessions and you can say I'm actually free from these things and I can use them in a much different way. It is an impressive it isn't demanding but it's being truly released from the power that does Idols hold over our hearts and were able to freely serve Jesus in them and Jesus. We are free finally just a typo on this. He says we're partakers of the Divine knowledge. Do you know this means?

Might of what we talked about last week and the resurrection and we understand the resurrection that gives us freedom from this world. Why is it so hard to face suffering? So maybe you're probably suffering in here maybe personally or maybe those people around you and the suffering happening. Why is it so hard to face death? Why is it so hard to face the death of loved ones? Why is it so hard to face disease and physical ailments? Too many people believe this life is all the ever have. Michelin those things come in and interrupt our lives and our inconveniences or at worse, they completely wreck and they destroy us because I'm bummed out and depressed but the resurrection said something very different. The resurrection says this life is not the only life you're going to have this money is not the only money you're going to have these possessions not the only possessions are going to have these friendships are not the only friendships you're going to have the resurrection says there is going to be a life too, and is a newness and so guess what when you face the things you can face them in a whole because this is not all that you have Antifreeze you to live for something radically different cuz he lives I can live for him. And if I live for him, my desires have been changed. My desires have been changed. I begin to grow in godliness because I want to be like him. This is the foundation friends. Do you know him personally intimately that is what we have to base everything upon and then from knowing him get to know him. Spend time with them.

No, no, that is knowing Jesus. You begin to grow in Jesus as prayer. What are the key this morning for your word about that we have in Jesus Christ? I'm afraid now for those that don't know you in that way the hearts beasts often should move on them that you would expose the just Frailness of this world and then it's fading and falling apart and it won't satisfy, but there's a real hope in Jesus. Elvis gospel centered word would focus on you and then it would move in their hearts. They respond to you. I pray for Christians here today that are stagnant that are frustrated that are looking for that something more to make them more spiritual or a better Christian. They would come back to what it means to just know you and allow for you to change and move on their hearts and to grow them in Jesus Christ. 3 thankful for whatever we're going to is in use them in. satisfied in Jesus and sitting at your feet I work in our church encourage us moving Us in Jesus name. Amen.

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