Old Vs New
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Old Vs New
Old Vs New
Tonight I'd want to discuss the old vs the new.
Let's look at life.
Food…in the beginning, before man fell, we had unlimited provisions from GOD.
GENESIS 2:15-16 NASB…Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. The Lord God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely;
Then, after they fell, we hunted fit our food as well as farmed it. No preservatives so what we caught, we cooked and ate.
As years progressed, we went to taverns for food as well as going to the local grocery store/post office. No refrigerators of ice boxes yet.
Then, we get closer to our current times. We have ice boxes that kept our food for a few days. Milk was delivered In glass bottles, we had more choices for preserved food, nothing really precooked yet, just spaghetti O's.
Today, we have many choices for food…eating out, fast food, slow food, hot food, cold food. And the refrigerators are efficient and match the other appliances.
Transportation..We had horses, they needed food and water with occasional brushing, and a little medical attention. And dirt roads…
Then we had carriages…wooden wheels with steel tires… no blowouts, but very bumpy and uncomfortable. And dirt roads…
Cars…early cars, motorcycles…small hard rubber tires, not so great shocks, noisy engines. And dirt roads…
Today…pretty, fast, fuel-efficient, quiet, comfortable, gps, crash prevention, air filled tires, smooth shocks and suspension, paved roads… still bumpy.
Communication…we chipped or drew on rocks to tell others about what we were.
We had scribes that wrote for us.We wrote messages and sent messengers out to give our messages to others.
Then we had telephones and could call each other but it cost a small fortune.
Next came cell phones. It still cost s fortune, but we could stay connected to family and friends, and it was nice to have in case of an emergency.
Email…texts…AOL Instant Messenger…FB messages...Skype…Face time…snap chat...Linked In…Face Book. Fast communication…sometimes it’s too much, to often, and somewhat invasive. It replaces conversation in restaurants and at family dinner tables…not good!!!
All things created for us are good until we abuse or misuse them.
GODS Word is the same since the beginning of time.
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
WWhen think back to our old selves, we can’t understand why or how we did some of the things we did, and lived, or something worse didn’t happen to us.
Revelation 1:8… I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
As we read the truth, we see that the new of the bible cannot be without the oldas a foundation, and explanation.
2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17 ...All Scripture is inspired by GOD and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.
OLD VS NEW…GODS Word is old, but never grows old. We can be assured that this book is historically accurate, infallible, and the truth.
Let’s pray...