Genesis 21

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Read chapter 21:1-8.
What does it mean God “took note of Sarah?” Had he forgotten her?
What does it mean by “the appointed time?” What does this tell you?
God always has a plan and God’s timing is perfect.
What does Abraham do when Isaac is 8-days old? Why is this important?
What does Abraham do when Issac is 8-days old? Why is this important?
He circumcises Isaac according to God’s instruction. It shows Abraham’s continued obedience to God. He takes serious the things God says.
How old is Abraham when this happens? What is the significance of his age? How old was he when God made the promise of a son? (See ; ).
100 years old. You may wish to mark Abraham’s age in the margin of your Bible.
Look at the words “laugh” and “laughter” in v 6. What does Sarah mean by this?
This time Sarah is not laughing in disbelief, but in reaction to the joy in her heart.
What made this birth different from any other? List them all.
This was a birth foretold by God.
This was a promised child, promised by God to Abraham and Sarah.
This birth is a signature for the covenant between Abraham and God.
Note: It was a common practice to celebrate various stages in a child’s life. Weaning was one of them. Do you think this is a good practice? Why or why not?
(Children were not weaned as early as we do today. They were often 3-4 years old when they were weaned).
In the times of the bible they celebrated the different stages of growth. It helped build confidence in a child, plus gave them a sense of love and approval from the parents. (The Blessing, John Trent).
Read 21:8-13
In verse 9, what does it mean by “whom she had borne to Abraham?”
(This question is for the purpose of anyone in the class that was not here when we discussed this chapter). Hagar was the maid of Sarah. Sarah thought she was too old to give birth to a child and since God had promised Abraham a son, Sarah took matters into her own hands and gave her maid Hagar to Abraham to sleep with in order to produce an heir.
How old is Ishmael? (See )
17-18 years old
What do you think Ishmael did that was mocking? Why do you think he mocked Isaac? Sarah?
Ishmael was probably making fun of Isaac or Isaac and Sarah. It is very likely that Ishmael was jealous of Isaac.
Why would this offend Sarah so? What has changed in her attitude toward Ishmael?
17-18 years old
Why would this offend Sarah so? What has changed in her attitude toward Ishmael?
Sarah probably recognized that this would cause problems for a long time to come. She may have even been afraid for Isaac’s safety where Ishmael was concerned, fearful that Ishmael will try to harm Isaac in order to get the inheritance. To Sarah, Ishmael was posing a threat to her son Isaac.
Why would this offend Sarah so? What has changed in her attitude toward Ishmael?
Why is Abraham distressed by this? How does it affect him?
Ishmael is now entering manhood. He was Abraham’s son and Abraham loved him as such. He probably was very helpful to Abraham also. Abraham is an old man and he probably gave certain responsibilities to Ishmael that now he will need to take back and do himself. But I believe greatest issue for Abraham was that he did love his son. This was in first son after all.
Is Abraham equally concerned for Hagar? What do you think the relationship is between Abraham and Hagar at this point? What are your clues?
Is first concern is for his son. However, God addresses Abraham’s concern over both the boy and his mother. I do not believe Abraham considered Hagar with the love of a wife, however, Abraham was a kind and compassionate man. We see this in most of his relationships for the most part. So he was first concerned for the boy, but there was some concern for Hagar also.
Does God’s instruction to Abraham surprise you? Why or why not?
It is hard to reconcile God’s instructions with a loving God. There are a few things to remember; 1) God never accepted Hagar as Abraham’s wife. 2) Ishmael was born due to man’s decisions, not God’s. God did not accept Ishmael as the son of promise. 3) God was not being cruel. After all, God promises to bless Ishmael despite the poor choices that brought his birth about and the trouble he and his descendents would be to Israel later. God also knows they will be protected in the wilderness. He will see to that. (On a final note: Scriptures do not say, but when we read and understand scripture, we have to know that Ishmael could have made a choice to follow God, however, he did not. He still had a free-will choice. We may say, the odds were against him due to the rejection in his life, however, others today experiencing the same kinds of rejection have at times turned their lives around by giving their lives to God. If God does that in a life now, He would have done it then. He is the same today, that He was back then.
How does God reassure Abraham?
Abraham would have also been concerned since due to the laws of the land, he was responsible for Ishmael and Hagar. However, God promises to bless Ishmael therefore reassuring Abraham that Ishmael will be well.
(Teacher note: Share legalities of family law at this time in history.)
Read 21:14-21
Locate the wilderness of Beersheba on the map.
Looking at the map, is there anything that stands out about where she is headed? Is this different than when she ran away?
Last time she went more directly east (Gen 16:7). This time she is moving more south.
Thinking about Ishmael’s age, what does it tell you about his condition when Hagar leaves him under a bush? Why is she convinced he is near death? (v 15-16)
By all standards, he is nearly a man now. He is evidently unable to walk by himself and she is unable to carry him. So she is sure he will die in this wilderness without food or water.
What got God’s attention? What do you learn about God through this? (v 17)
Crying from the lad – calling out to God. God listens to the heartaches of all. Ishmael would have also been heart broken at this point. He has been rejected by his father and sent away.
Who called to Hagar? From where? Any thoughts, questions or revelations you have in this? (v 17)
The angel of God from heaven.
Reading v 18, do you think of any other Bible stories it may remind you of? What is occurring here?
When Hagar had ran away from Sarah.
What does God promise? (v 18)
To make Ishmael a great nation.
What does it mean by “God opened her eyes” in verse 19?
Revealed a water hole to her that was nearby.
Do you learn anything about God in verse 20?
God continues to watch over him, protecting him and prospering him.
Locate the Wilderness of Paran. Where is it located? What do you know about that area?
Where does she find a wife for Ishmael? Why there? Is there a problem with that selection? Why or why not?
In Egypt. That was her home. They would not be followers of God.
Read 21:22-34
Who is Abimelech? What do you know of him?
Who is Abimelech? What do you know of him?
(Abimelech is an official title not a particular person. There is nothing that indicates if this is the same one).
Are there any clues to how much time has passed since the first incident in chapter 20?
Perhaps as many as four.
What do you learn in verse 22?
They have been watching the happenings of Abraham’s life.
What does Abimelech want? Why? Is this good or bad? How may this relate in our own lives?
Abimelech recognizes that God’s hand is on Abraham’s life. This is good. Therefore, he wants peace with Abraham. This is also good. We have neighbors around us. Hopefully, they too see God’s hand upon us. We should be open and seek to have good relationships with our neighbors.
What is Abraham doing in vv 24-25? Is this a good thing?
Being honest. He is open and honest about what bothers him so it can be resolved. It should actually build a relationship of trust rather than complaining behind his back.
He is open and honest about what bothers him so it can be resolved. It should actually build a relationship of trust rather than complaining behind his back.)
What happens in vv 26-27? Is this good? Why or why not?
Same answers as above.
What is Abraham doing in vv 28-31? Why? What is his purpose?
To prevent conflict. He is making it clear so the problem is completely resolved.
Find Beersheba on map.
Beersheba = well of the oath
This transaction between Abraham and Abimelech involved 3 elements: Sacrifice, witness, and promise. Does this remind you of any other covenants?
God’s covenant through Jesus Christ. See .
1st – Jesus sacrifice on the cross.
2nd – the witness of the spirit to believers
3rd – the promise of God’s Word.
What was the reason for planting the Tamarisk tree?
As a witness of what God had done for him.
Are there ways we can accomplish the same thing? How? List any ideas you may have to demonstrate God’s faithfulness in your life.
What new name of God does Abraham reveal? Why? What is Abraham implying?
El Olam = the Everlasting God
Start a list of these three names we have learned and let’s keep adding to it:
See handout
El Elyon = God most high
El Shaddai = God Almighty, the All-Sufficient One
Are there any things in this chapter that you learned new about God? If so, make a list of them.
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