5/5/2019 A.M. Sunday Morning Worship Service Recording

He Appeared
God will not accept any worship, no matter how costly, sincere, or fervent, that is not according to the Scriptures. Most of that which men call worship today is an abomination to God. Our Lord said, ‘In vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men’ (Matt. 15:9). That which is not according to the Scriptures Paul calls ‘a show of wisdom in will worship …, to the satisfying of the flesh’ (Col. 2:23).
The Women enter the tomb
Women Report to the Apostles and Peter and John visit the tomb
Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene and the Message to the Disciples
Jesus appears to the other women
The Guard reports to the Jewish rulers
Appearance to two disciples on the road to Emmaus
The Report of the two disciples and the news of the appearance to Simon Peter
Appeared to the disciples (without Thomas)
Appeared to the disciples the next Sunday Night with Thomas
Appearance to about 5 hundred on an appointed mountain in Galilee, and a commission given
Appeared to James the Brother of Jesus
Appeared to the Disciples with Another commission
Last Appearance and the ascension
Did Jesus of Nazareth, they ask, really rise from the dead? Whether or not they realize it, they join a different throng on a different pilgrimage:
I am, of course, aware that for over two hundred years scholars have laboured to keep history and theology, or history and faith, at arm’s length from one another. There is a good intention behind this move: each of these disciplines has its own proper shape and logic, and cannot simply be turned into a branch of the other. Yet here of all places—with Christian origins in general, and the resurrection in particular—they are inevitably intertwined.
The shape of the book is thus determined by the two main sub-questions into which the principal question divides: what did the early Christians think had happened to Jesus, and what can we say about the plausibility of those beliefs?