The Good Fight of Faith!!
Prophecy Fulfilled
Christ rose: 1. For his own glory and for that of his Father. “Declared to be the Son of God, by the resurrection from the dead.” “Father, glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee.” (Rom. 1:4. John 17:1.) The glory of the Son is the glory of the Father.
2. On account of the prophecies which had been uttered in relation to the death, and resurrection of Christ. “Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, nor suffer thy holy One to see corruption.” “When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed; he shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied.”
3. On account of the dignity, and power of the person that rose. It was in view of this, that the Apostle Peter declares that it was not possible that Christ should be held under the power of death: 1. Because he was the beloved, and only begotton Son of God. “The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hands.” “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.” (John 3:35, 16.) 2. Because Christ is true God, the author and fountain of life. “I am the Resurrection, and the Life.”
4. Christ arose that he might carry on the office of mediator, which he could not have done had he remained under death. 1. It became the mediator, who was true God and man, to reign eternally. “Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever; the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre.” “I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever. I will be his Father, and he shall be my Son.” “Once have I sworn by my holiness, that I will not lie unto David. His seed shall endure for ever,
5. Christ rose for our salvation, and that in three respects: 1. For our justification. “Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.” (Rom. 4:25.)
2. Christ rose for our regeneration. Justification or the remission of sin is not sufficient without regeneration, and a new life. 3. Christ rose for the preservation of the benefits which he had purchased for us by his death, and that he might secure our resurrection and glorification.