God is Faithful

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The of the what's known as the unit 3 units in the ABC curriculum that we've been on Sunday evening since we came back here and it means that we can just go over what we had been considering over the lost nine sessions in which we were doing this for a couple of interruptions during that time. But we looking at those nine session. I worked out earlier that if we actually spent as much time on each of those know I posted them we will be here for about six hours but that's not going to happen. I not remember I did the first two or three of that nine and Steve did the rest. Play someday we all on show benefited from what we consider this good just to be reminded of the truce that we were dealing with the heading over these session is God is faithful. God is faithful and we've seen that the first one that we considered. Was that we spoke of the effects of the fool? We need immigration and Saint Pius of that but we saw what's or something that affects the shed had on one of the weld through the same if I was Adam and Eve back in history cost-effective sad SOG understand fully the depth of the effects of that sent, but you couldn't in comparison to end of Genesis chapter 1 why God has finished his work of creation include integration of non and women and he says in verse that she wanted to Genesis one everything he had made and behold. It was very good the five days Price Rite in the different aspects of creation. God said it was good. When the Holy creation was very good box. That was a problem that arose because God was gracious and we read not in Genesis 3:1 besides chapter in the whole of the chapter of the scriptures that the serpent was more crafty than any other Beasts of the field the Lord God to the maid. He said to the woman did God actually say you should not eat of any tree in the garden and this is the challenge and this is the Temptation that Satan continually brings. It didn't turn around its side. God was wrong then turn around and say you should not take any notes. She's over him. Don't listen to him. He says did you really understand what he said? You know, have you got it quite right? Initialize the argument that comes out time and time and time again that we say to people certain things for the scripture and they say it will actually right I'd let me hasten to add but that is nothing to do about Steve beside of the children store this morning when he talked about in the Bible we have is an English translation of the Hebrew Old Testament Hebrew and Aramaic New Testament and the New Testament summer I make my Indie Greek translation for those Hebrew Aramaic Woods Oak Creek Woods in English and say we do need to Steve explain. What we assign is the people chocolate will surely that's not what I said. Jesus signed my baby want the people of use that in the totally the wrong way from John 17:11 and took on Fleetness strike. So it's concerning he challenges what did go outside and it's a collect. That's what it was so late to do. So tragic is that they hid from God as well read in Genesis 3:8 the sound of the Lord God Walking In The Garden in the quarter that I am the man in his presence of the Lord God Among the Trees of the god. That is absolutely tragic and Let It Go. Send. It causes us to Hyundai seat to hide from us and that's what the effect that it has. So we still find that affect the people trying to hide from God.

Driven out of the Garden of Eden and the blessings that I knew that had all gone on Santa's coming to about death and come into the world and it had such a devastating effect and we see a bit more of that in a moment because the next thing that we were concerned with is the accounts of kind of the first murder that actually took place you're sure I'm sure you're all familiar with what happened. That was the offerings that both kind and roll to be read without a school bus has three to five in the course of time Dragon brooch the Lord and offering of the fruit of the ground and I will also brought to the firstborn of his flock and the back fat portions of the Lord had regard for a Bible in his offering perfect kind and he's afraid he had no regard. So Kyon was very angry and his face fell. He did not like what God did in relation to his afraid. It's not that it was a different type of offering it was the attitude with which he came with that offering. It was so offensive to the Lord and why the Lord rejected that where is Abel's offering spoke more positively of his trust in the Lord. Is it to know the Lord tane was not like that and came was very angry. But God had rejected me find that again happening. So often people blame God for everything. I'm sure we will have people believe in your God. Why are they called him? But kind of Chris went further in his anger and We're eating Chinese 648. I ain't spoke to Abel his brother and when they were in the field Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killshit and as a result of sin and spiritual death of each one of them Adam and Eve 90% of the time the children of Adam and Eve here is actual physical death of a human being that life being taken because of the anger of a kind in that situation and for that of course that is no justification, but that should be the case and this is the effect of the Fall the same height. That fool affects the hearts of men it is something that is passed on it goes on to the hold of atoms posterity anyone which is everyone is affected by that shouldn't we are by Nature. We don't have to learn how to say it. We don't have to learn how to be busy with disobedient. We don't have to learn how to lie. That's it. That is that dwelling in those hearts that are simple and wholesome place up for us. So powerfully and there many other verses to wish we could turn of course, but Romans 5:12, we read that for justice in came into the world through on mine and death grusin and so death spread to old man because old Equity mean in Psalm 51. He says in sin did my mother conceive me? It wasn't the actor and it was sinful. It was that being born a human being he was born a senate yet. We find the ra people who still continue if I see removed. So these days that Sue maintain there is something good in everyone and we need to try and we're such that we need to bring that out. He's just lights and lie. I'm true every man is evil has reminded me Jeremiah the high diver. Each of our heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. That is the situation clear situation. The old humankind is in non are exempt from that and because of this,

It was a very serious a very dramatic judgment. It was the catastrophe of the flat one of the Seven Seas the cover the whole of what we're thinking of during this whole curriculum. That was great wickedness in the world. We read Genesis 6 in verse 5 lost all the wickedness of man was great in the earth and every attention to the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually now, that's done that everyone was extremely violent doesn't mean to say that everyone was grossly in tomorrow something mean to say that everyone was so selfish that I had no interest whatsoever in anyone else because Cena. Just those things Send Steve he's got a job. He's here and he was doing this this morning. We have old broken all of the Ten Commandments because there is principal is there is nothing good. There is no one good now good exists with any and it would in any human being. I remember I went one of their children was born with sign if that newborn Vape his heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things. We don't grow so that situation with born in that situation and it just the same just manifest itself in Alliance and severe catastrophe the Judgment of the flood Genesis. 7:11 me read in the 600 years now is like in the second month on the 17th. On that day or the fountains of the great deep but spoiled on the Windows of the heavens were opened and the rain fell upon the Earth 40 days and 40 nights. Look at the position that look at the child that flood begun. It was all in God's Perfect Pussy with judging and the only people that was saved if you'll see in a moment is that God saved Noah I'm sorry, I didn't bring those out publishes. God Saves Noah God in his grace cold out Noah and this is an act of Christ. It was nothing particularly special in now it himself it wasn't Lee was a good man of the house with bad. It wasn't God and your forgiveness the game. Let me just say I've said this a number of times before they believe is in the Old Testament was saved in exactly the same way as Believers from the New Testament on alright, Jesus have died and gone to the cross at that point. But poor Peter reminds us that he was the lamb slain before the foundation of the world unless I was saved by grace in exactly the same way as you and I are saved by grace, but I took it more seriously in the same. So you agree. It's a blessing because like we're looking forward. What was going to happen and believed and trusted in that we look back and that we should believe even more brats as a result. But it's he did Save Me by Christ Hebrews in the Glorious chapter 11 of Hebrews those great men and women of faith. We read in bus 7 by faith Noah being a god concerning events as yet unseen in reference sphere construction and for the saving of his house sold by their she condemn the world and became and righteousness. I fight he acted in 5 people thought he was finished. It was stupid, but he knew what it said and he did exactly what God has said and then when the father, divorces are the basic we read in Genesis chapter 18 verse one, but God remembered Noah and all the peace and all the livestock that were with him in the ark. And God made the wind blow of us and the waters subsided. He the flood came through hand and he remembered and he blessed Noah and his three sons and their wives and preserve them and catch them that the next thing that we know.

Have set for us. The next thing we know is that it was indeed. A worldwide flat. This game is tonight. Satan doesn't come here and say did God actually say what he comes and says, he's really a weld wife. So the thinking a bit stupid to believe that because he knows there's lots if it wasn't then called has broken his promise this week. It was the magnitude of that flat. Are we seeing it in recent years?

The right way light down in South Devon Doyle to three times over the years and not Railway line runs right by the Sea and the whole lot line was just destroyed because of the Flop the power of the world is tremendous power dramastic. It was a total Destruction for in 7 Days Genesis 7 for girls size 4 and 7 days. I will send Ryan on the earth 40 days and 40 nights and every living thing that I've made I will blot out from the face of the ground.

But God is going to destroy all the people cruel and sadistic puppy. Chris Watts scene had done to deserve the same destruction. Because we all Sinners both By Night shut and practice Jesus himself takes up the same theme of this total Destruction read and Luke 17 of us 26 just that it was in the days of Noah. So it will be in the days of the son of mine. They were eating and drinking and Marion and being given in marriage until the day when an hour and to the ark and the flood came and destroyed then the accounts entry note that God shut the door of the time now if you couldn't have shot the door because of what was happening, but God shut the door and his family wants what site which reminds us of knowledge. Call Gita instructions as the building of the officers make yourself and all could go for would the length of the arc is 300 cubits Express 50 cubits and its height 30 cubits mentioned in the lines. When we thinking about now is out of the picture. We normally see a little boat with the house on top of it. And now it's one of the windows on a roof. Sticking his neck out here is so sexual. It is given that picture and my picture is given to children and they will take it onboard and that's what you think of a cartoon. You think he's a bit of a figment of the imagination the office something totally different.

Built a replica of the Ark over in America, Kentucky because it is so amazing. So incredible.

Any bills at the time when everyone was rejecting it was the one in him, but he continued for the Lord was working in that situation and salvation kind of Genesis 7:1 then the Lord said to Noah come into the office and all your household for I've seen you. All right just before me in this generation. God Scythe God redeemed and God when it was a very wonderful promise when they feel dry line when the floods to The Witcher 2 tonight, it's sufficiently full that we read that offer the sacrifice and we read the window. Will it smell the fleas and around the Lord said in his heart? I'll never gain curse the ground because the man they changed their minds heart is evil from issues. Neither. Will I ever strike down every living creature as I have. I think I use the Rainbow Curse as the sign for that and it is so incredible that that is why the next section that we looked at was the ice age How to get flash that is something that I've not looked at in any right do you say I wish I was very grateful to study for doing this on that occasion. But as we think of the ice age is clearly something that happened after the flood because they would have destroyed all the effects of a previous. I say teaches us that that hold to that it came off before we don't know if her absolute certainty but that is the case with the book of Jehovah sweet I've mentioned before it is when is the earliest booking a sentence in the scripture?

I revealed to Moses is exactly what he should write concerning creation or these other things are inches in the Book of Job even as we know that I quite trying experience wrath of God ISIS killing and the broad waters are frozen talk to you Cody said there's a bit of a frost in the water is frozen to adjust a small jacket with talking about last Waters that are Pros Austin sociate. We read this did the Ice come forth.

Just having the Worcester became hard like Stone and the face of the deep is froze. He stopped at what age is life and that I was obviously some experience of that but also within this whole context of what he said today at 7 in the Ice Age use concern in the future of the planet at all these sorts of things that we have a glorious promise in the scripture from God himself. He says in Genesis, I took us 22 After the flood. He says while the Earth remains seedtime and harvest summer and winter day and night shall not cease. Now the world is going to change that in the scripture is not just going to be blowing itself up because it what people are doing cuz they're not in control God is in control and he's bringing forth his purposes for the whole is creation. Repo tells us that that creation is that time when these things will be put right. Well, we now, I lost mine of the confusion and this discussion at valuable just on this just recently remember the people would gather Shina and they roll up on language and I decided that I was going to really make a name for themselves and we read in Genesis 11 and spoke then they said come let us build ourselves a city and a town in the heavens. I mean, I careful what you say when God is working that you did not want to be dispersed over the whole what happened was

The hole and they couldn't actually communicate properly with each other incredible this whole question of nations of differently. At least. I was real confusion the time about the result of it. That's what we told in Genesis 11:9 there for his name is cold, but was called Bible because that'll or confuse the language of all the Earth disperse them over the face of all the nations were established and those nations are established by God. No sign in to think Bank of Europe in the different nations in Europe from England to France, which is not far. We've done it a few times.

If you fall asleep with the crossing and it wants you get that you find the people to talk in a totally strange language and then I went to tonight went down to ostrich are down to Austria for a 25th wedding anniversary. We we had it through front. So we went through a bit of Belgium a different language being spoken very small country. We're going to Germany a different language being spoken that I'm a different language being spoken many people in those countries do not know other languages English, but he keeps those Nations my phone but leave without a saw the Nations will not be destroyed and odds of a history of being destroyed but the essential thing he is Is it these people felt more and more of themselves than God like to be seen better than God more significant than God time to Ochsner infusion a night as well as he confuses know how to Fusion that we see in our own Society at the moment is gone to school. I believe we need to pray that he will work that through one piece of reminds us. Just what we seen him absolutely liability and authority and power of God's word Satan's first question. And God is declared this world Apizza put it this way. He says sit 1 Peter 1:23, since you happy born not of perishable seed part of The Impossible true the living and abiding word of God and the Hebrews speaking of the same. Truth is speaking of how old would says. It's Hebrews 4:12 for the word of God is living and active sharper than any two-edged or Pearson to the division of soul and the spirit of joints and Marrow and is certain the thoughts and intentions of the heart. What I do know, is that wood and seat awkward, but this world will come as a sharp sword delve into the depths of my being and exposing old. Full God under the account that we have to give to him. Thank God that his word is what it is and how important are vital that word is spelled. We've rushed through nine sessions that we've had over the past few weeks. We thankful for the multi.

That's right.

life with Kyrie lows normal I need to look at the contest little bit more to be on a bit set at 7 a.m. It was nice and we will keep in the lore. And yeah, we're honoring that and sudden golf which was totaled nonsense and yeah and paperwork going on and go just not really appreciate you not understanding what was years ago. John Blanchard was preaching and he was sizing and experience on the M25 the Pacer told him about all of a sudden he read about it was thick fog. And there was a police with all that blue lights flashing a whole lot warning trying to get people to slow down. But you said there was constant smash smash smash because people to die and there was so many people killed Engineers are very very seriously think it's not as if it doesn't matter more soap wraps warning for those who within the church contact is that there was always the danger when you hear the gospel being preached and you know full. Well you going to respond to that and you got to trust in the Lord with salvation your side. Well now you Now I'm going to give this to you first. One stop my career fest going to get married. I'll come back to realize it all reminds us that have no excuse to e. Yeah, it wasn't that long ago. We were burying the twenty-four-year-old. Yeah. Yeah. They thought I was preaching notes. but he wasn't a winner appreciate not the mountains when we talk about talk right to Johnson City, we

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