God's Building Project

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Guy at wedding - Doesn’t know his pastor’s name! For you this morning:
1. I want you to know my name.
2. More importantly, I want you to understand the significance of belonging to a local church.
· “I’m not ready.” That’s probably how this early church felt as they considered living for Jesus. Peter reminding them that they are more than ready – they had received Christ, and inheritance, told them what they needed to do – set hope fully on Christ by living holy lives and grow in love toward each other. Now, know who you are so you will be confident in your faith as you live in this fallen world.
What do you think when you think of the word “church?” 2200 Greenridge Road?
Early Christians had no concept of church buildings - church buildings not built until the third century! Over 200 year after the church was established!
Excitement of building projects at Northwood.
What would early Christians think if they saw our churches? While we enjoy modern facilities, great music, media, programs, etc. This is not what defines the church!
· You are a part of the greatest building project that the world has ever known: the church. You need to know that you are a part of the greatest organization in the world that has more potential to change the world than any other organization. If true, why are 80% of churches plat. or declining?
The greatest building project in Christianity is not a physical structure but what God is building in the hearts of His people. You are a part of the greatest building project that the world has ever known: the church.
The greatest building project in Christianity is not a physical structure that houses a buffet of programs but what God is building in the hearts of His people. You are a part of the greatest building project that the world has ever known: the church.
On covenant Sunday, two simple realities that we cannot forget if we are going to be the church that God has called us to be.

Church is not where you go; it’s who you are.

Church is not where you go; it’s who you are.

Church is not where you go; it’s who you are.

Peter writes from Rome, where he would die for his faith, to believers living all over the Roman empire who are beginning to experience persecution because of their faith.
Christianity was weird - completely unlike other religions. Refused to acknowledge Caesar as Lord and refused to worship the other gods of Rome. Christian faith had no temple, no priests, no sacrifices, no rituals. They didn’t need those things because Christ was the ultimate fulfillment of all those things.
Early church completely unique to the religious world around it. No temple, no priests, no sacrifices, no rituals. Christ was the ultimate fulfillment of all those things.
· Unique way of describing Christ: living stone. Or, living cornerstone. Why? Church is built on the living Jesus Christ! Not a dead prophet or a dead religious leader – but a living, eternal Messiah!
· Cornerstone – most important and strongest stone of building. Every other stone set in reference to cornerstone. We are invited by Jesus to build our lives and our church on Him. If you choose anything else as a cornerstone, your life will crumble and fall. (hobbies, preferences, etc.)
Peter: “You’re surrounded by religion - but religions that are leading people to an eternity apart from God. Those earthly temples don’t compare to what God is really building. He’s not building a temple out of stone. He’s building a temple out of people.”
Startling! All religions had a temple AND the Jews - God’s people - had a temple that was central to their worship, but God was building a different kind of temple.
The temple God is building has Jesus; the eternal, indestructible God-man, as the cornerstone. Church is built on the living Christ! Not on stones!
Cornerstone – most important and strongest stone of building. Every other stone set in reference to cornerstone. We are invited by Jesus to build our lives and our church on Him. If you choose anything else as a cornerstone, your life will crumble and fall. (hobbies, preferences, etc.)
· Many reject the cornerstone, but for those who choose to build on the cornerstone, we become living stones alongside of Christ built on Him into a spiritual house. The greatest building project in human history is not built with brick and mortar but with hearts and souls of people redeemed by Jesus.
Peter: “The prophets told you this day was coming! The prophets told you that the temple in Jersualem was temporary. God is doing something new!” and . Builders reject the cornerstone (specifically referring to religious leaders who rejected Jesus as Messiah), but for those who choose to build on the cornerstone, we become living stones alongside of Christ built on Him into a spiritual house. The greatest building project in human history is not built with brick and mortar but with hearts and souls of people redeemed by Jesus.
· What you need to know: the church is not where you go; it’s who you are. This is your identity – a spiritual house indwelt by the God of all creation. And, a spiritual house built on Jesus – we don’t build our lives or our church on preferences, desires, or anything else but Him. So what?
What Peter is saying, “You’re not a part of a lifeless religion that inhabits man-made temples. You are the church!” The church is not where you go; it’s who you are – a spiritual house indwelt by the God of all creation built on Jesus – we don’t build our lives or our church on preferences, desires, or anything else but Him. So what?
· We’re always connected. We need each other to accomplish God’s will for the church. And, we need each other for spiritual growth. We’ll always be family. Makes no sense to try and walk away from people who you are always connected to. The people you sit beside this morning will forever be your brothers and sisters in Christ. (You might not be able to say that of your blood family. We don’t cease to be the church when we leave or cease to be connected)
We’re always connected. We need each other to accomplish God’s will for the church. And, we need each other for spiritual growth. We’ll always be family. Sometimes we might not agree, but it makes no sense to try and walk away from people who you are always connected to. The people you sit beside this morning will forever be your brothers and sisters in Christ. (You might not be able to say that of your blood family. We don’t cease to be the church when we leave or cease to be connected)
· We’re never destroyed. “Beloved, if it had been possible to destroy the church of God on earth, it would have been destroyed long ago.” (Charles Spurgeon) Good news when it seems as if the world is silencing the church. The world will not silence God’s church – it will last and be victorious. (Buildings destroyed, not the church) (China)
We’re never destroyed. Not one ancient temple is standing - but the church is! Good news when it seems as if the world is silencing the church. The world will not silence God’s church – it will last and be victorious.
· We’re never alone. Building – God’s house as if this is the only place God is. Spiritual house. God is always with you. In good days, in bad days. His power always resides in you not in a specific place.
We’re never alone. Building – We say, “God’s house” as if this is the only place God is. Spiritual house. God is always with you. In good days, in bad days. His power always resides in you not in a specific place.
Ill. - Hudson’s singing - I don’t know what he will become - but God knows what His church will become.

Church is not a weekly event; it’s a community on mission

Church is not a weekly event; it’s a missional community.

We treat the church as a designated place and a weekly event.
· We treat the church as a designated place and a weekly event.
If just a weekly event tempted you’re always going to ask the wrong question – “How can this event contribute to my overall week? How can it make me feel better about life? Inspire me? Entertain me?” Instead, “How do I contribute to the church?” Always see yourself as a consumer or customer. Or, a checklist mentality. As long as I attend the event – I’m good with God. I’ll do what I want with the rest of my week.
· If just a weekly event tempted you’re always going to ask the wrong question – “How can this event contribute to my overall week? How can it make me feel better about life? Inspire me? Entertain me?” Only participate in events that benefit us – football game. Instead, “How do I contribute to the church?” Always see yourself as a consumer or customer. Or, a checklist mentality. As long as I attend the event – I’m good with God. I’ll do what I want with the rest of my week.
Tempted to treat it just like other events – Typically, we only participate in events that benefit us. I’ll be involved unless there is something better to invest my time in – sports, lake, etc. We’ve forgotten that the church is more than an event - it’s a community to belong to for the work of the Gospel! A community where we love, bless, encourage, and serve each other.
· Tempted to treat it just like other events – I’ll be involved unless there is something better to invest my time in – sports, lake, etc. Active member = someone who attends twice a month. We’ve forgotten the significance of the church! While Sunday morning worship and small group is important in your spiritual development what is just as important is how we encourage each other each day, pray for each other each day, minister, share the Gospel, etc.
Four descriptions that remind us that the church is more than a place or an event:
· Four descriptions that remind us that the church is more than a place or an event: (Not wanting to cut Hudson’s hair – Not cutting his hair doesn’t change the fact that he’s not a baby anymore. He’s a toddler – that’s his reality. This is your reality as a Christian.)
We are a chosen race. You didn’t earn your spot in the church, in gracious love God chose to give His Son for you to bring you into His family for His purpose. If God in His grace chose you to be a part of His church don’t you owe Him more than simply showing up a couple of times a month? Shouldn’t you invest your life in the work He wants to do through His people?
· We are a chosen race. You did not choose to be a Christian, God chose you. You weren’t so great that God chose you for His team. You didn’t earn a spot. If God in His grace chose you to be a part of His church don’t you owe Him more than simply showing up a couple of times a month? Shouldn’t you invest your life in the work He wants to do through His people?
We are a royal priesthood. Oxymoron. OT priests and kings but not priest kings. You are a priest king. You are a different kind of royalty. You serve. Instead of living to be served (a king); you live to serve (a priest). Jesus was the King who was a priest. He served us because we were separated from God. As a priest, He went before God on our behalf and offered Himself as a once and for all sacrifice. Rose again so sins could be forgiven and we could have eternal life. Church is the only organization on earth that exists for people who are not yet here. God has placed you here not for your comfort but to equip you and prepare you to serve Him through the church to reach the world with the Gospel.
· We are a royal priesthood. Oxymoron. OT priests and kings but not priest kings. You are a priest king. You are a different kind of royalty. You serve. Instead of living to be served (a king); you live to serve (a priest). Example of Jesus. Jesus was the King who was a priest. He served us because we were separated from God. As a priest, He went before God on our behalf and offered Himself as a once and for all sacrifice. Rose again so sins could be forgiven and we could have eternal life. Church is the only organization on earth that exists for people who are not yet here. God has placed you here not for your comfort but to equip you and prepare you to serve Him through the church to reach the world with the Gospel.
We are a holy nation. Early believers were enemies of the state. Needed to know that they had a homeland. American pride – we are a part of a greater nation than USA. A nation that will not be corrupted by politicians, crime, etc. Part of a nation that will last forever and will ultimately be perfect who has a perfect ruler and King.
· We are a holy nation. Early believers were enemies of the state. Needed to know that they had a homeland. American pride – we are a part of a greater nation than USA. A nation that will not be corrupted by politicians, crime, etc. Part of a nation that will last forever and will ultimately be perfect who has a perfect ruler and King.
We are a people for His own possession. – your life doesn’t belong to you anymore! It belongs to Him because He bought you out of sin and gave you life. You don’t get to call the shots of your life anymore. We don’t get to call the shots for the church. What does He want from us? His Word tells us – vs. 9 – 10 – to live as a missional community. Joining together all of our talents, gifts, resources, personalities, etc., indwelt by the Spirit, built on the Cornerstone to proclaim the excellencies of the One who called us out of darkness into the light.
· We are a people for His own possession. – your life doesn’t belong to you anymore! It belongs to Him because He bought you out of sin and gave you life. You don’t get to call the shots of your life anymore. We don’t get to call the shots for the church. What does He want from us? His Word tells us – vs. 9 – 10 – to live as a missional community. Joining together all of our talents, gifts, resources, personalities, etc., indwelt by the Spirit, built on the Cornerstone to proclaim the excellencies of the One who called us out of darkness into the light.
Gospel - do you know the One who died and rose again to bring you into a family and give you purpose in the most significant organization on the face of the planet?
Now what? Once we realize the significance of the church – more than a place to go and not a weekly event, what do we do? Four challenges:
· Now what? Once we realize the significance of the church – more than a place to go and not a weekly event, what do we do? Four challenges:
Be present. Not just at an event. We cannot be the body of Christ on mission in this world if your idea of being an active church member is being here 2 of 4 times a month. Be present in the lives of others. (Small groups, in your walk with the Lord, be present in the lives of those who need encouragement and help.)
· Be present. Not just at an event. We cannot be the body of Christ on mission in this world if your idea of being an active church member is being here 2 of 4 times a month. Be present in the lives of others. (Small groups, 40 Days of Prayer, in your walk with the Lord, be present in the lives of those who need encouragement and help.)
Be selfless. Quit talking about how the church doesn’t meet your needs. Give instead of take. We have to get our eyes off of us and what’s best for us and start asking what’s best for the King and His Kingdom. It’s about Him, not you.
· Be selfless. Quit talking about how the church doesn’t meet your needs. Give instead of take. We have to get our eyes off of us and what’s best for us and start asking what’s best for the King and His Kingdom. It’s about Him, not you.
Be usable. – you were saved for good works. – we reach maturity as we submit ourselves to Christ, our equipped, and serve out of our giftedness. Are you letting God use you? Are you available? “I don’t know where to serve.” Be more concerned with the people you influence than the tasks you complete. If you are too busy for Kingdom work or to invest in someone else your priorities are all out of whack.
· Be usable. – you were saved for good works. – we reach maturity as we submit ourselves to Christ, our equipped, and serve out of our giftedness. Are you letting God use you? Are you available? “I don’t know where to serve.” Be more concerned with the people you influence than the tasks you complete. If you are too busy for Kingdom work or to invest in someone else your priorities are all out of whack.
Be supportive. Pray for your pastors. Don’t talk negatively about your church. If you don’t agree, go to the person you don’t agree with instead of expressing your discontentment with everyone else. Support with your words. Invite people to join you. Give of your time. Support with your finances. Encourage. Share the Gospel. You are a part of the greatest organization on earth, and we have an opportunity at Northwood to see the power of God at work like never before as we commit together to be the church.
· Be supportive. Pray for your pastors. Don’t talk negatively about your church. If you don’t agree, go to the person you don’t agree with instead of expressing your discontentment with everyone else. Support with your words. Invite people to join you. Give of your time. Support with your finances. Encourage. Share the Gospel. You are a part of the greatest organization on earth, and we have an opportunity at BSC to see the power of God at work like never before as we commit together to be the church.
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