Everyone Praising, All the Time Psalm 117
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One of the most important parts of worshiping God is praise. It is what we should do because of what He has done for us. The apostle Peter wrote to some Christians about their relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ, calling them a “chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession.” And he concluded by saying what we should do: so that we might proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” ().
As children of God, we should be talking to Him and about Him all the time. Not just at a church service, a Bible study, or Community Group, but throughout the week in our daily living. Today we look at a call to praise the Lord in , which is the shortest chapter in the Bible, only two verses. Here they are:
Praise the Lord, all nations;
Laud Him, all peoples! For His lovingkindness is great toward us,
And the truth of the Lord is everlasting. Praise the Lord!
As children of God, we are to praising the Lord because we are excited about what He is doing. Let’s ask ourselves Why should we praising the Lord?
Praise the Lord because it is an act of obedience.
Praise the Lord because it is an act of obedience.
This psalm begins and ends with the same three words in our English translation. But there is a slight difference in this first statement. It is a command. We are told to praise Jehovah, the Jewish personal name for God. NOT praising Him would be disobedient. The second statement (laud Him) is also a command (to laud Him is to exalt Him above all, so basically a synonym for the word “praise”).
Praise the Lord because everyone else will be doing it.
Praise the Lord because everyone else will be doing it.
Both of these commands are addressed to the people who live on earth, “all nations”, and “all peoples”. No one is excluded from this command. The nation of Israel always felt that Jehovah, the Lord, was their own personal and special God. But that was not God’s plan at all. He wants all people everywhere to worship and serve Him and Him alone. One day, that will actually happen! You are going to either do it now, resulting in your salvation through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, or you are going to do it later, resulting in condemnation because of your rejection in this life of Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Don’t wait!
Praise the Lord because of His lovingkindness.
Praise the Lord because of His lovingkindness.
We have seen this word frequently in our look at the Psalms. It means that His kindness to His children is not going away. One translation use the words “loyal love” to replace lovingkindness. This psalm says this is loyal love is great, but it’s more than just great; that word means His loyal love is superior. So we are to praise the Lord because His lovingkindness is stronger and more superior than anything else.
Praise the Lord because He is forever faithful.
Praise the Lord because He is forever faithful.
Next, we are commanded to praise the Lord because His faithfulness to His people is never ends. The basic idea of being faithful is being trustworthy and dependable. His trustworthiness goes on forever and ever. You can depend on Him to do what is best for you your whole life. And even then it won’t end. He will do it for ALL of His children, ALL of the time.
Praise the Lord because we are excited about the Lord.
Praise the Lord because we are excited about the Lord.
Now we come to the final words of the psalm, which look like another command, but actually it’s not! It’s called an interjection. It’s an expression of excitement. The word is actually the familiar word “Hallelujah” with an exclamation point. We should get some emotion into our expressions of praise to Him. Too often we sit in a church or a Bible study, and we just hem and haw through what is happening. But that should not be the case. There is far too much for us to say. So let’s just say it. With excitement!
Who should praise Him? Everyone
Why do we praise Him?
His lovingkindness is great
His truth/faithfulness is everlasting
You are excited (Hallelujah!)
Praise the Lord! an interjection, show of excitement, of emotion