5 Learn From Me

Ransom for Many: Book of Mark  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Big Idea: A follower of Jesus observes and emulates His ministry to learn from and become like Him.

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We learn best by following, observing, trying, being coached and corrected, and then being deployed to carry on the ministry.
Ended last week with Jesus appoint 12 disciples/apostles.
Two themes - growing opposition to Jesus, and Jesus equipping His disciples.

Big Idea: A follower of Jesus observes and emulates His ministry to learn from and become like Him.

Kingdom Power and Authority

Kingdom Power and Authority: Bind the strong man
In His home, crowds, family saying He is out of His mind, then Scribes from Jerusalem...
responding to blasphemous accusation that Jesus’s power comes from satan. Jesus teaches a kingdom and a house divided against itself will not stand. (application here to USA)
responding to blasphemous accusation that Jesus’s power comes from satan. Jesus teaches a kingdom and a house divided against itself will not stand. (application here to USA)
Mark 3:27 CSB
27 But no one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man. Then he can plunder his house.
Bind the strong man and plunder his house – Jesus on enemy territory binding satan and plundering. Reclaiming, recovering, restoring.
Bind the strong man and plunder his house – Jesus on enemy territory binding satan and plundering. Reclaiming, recovering, restoring.
Starting with defeating the temptation in the wilderness, then casting out demons
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not forgiven.

The Kingdom Message Grows

At we start seeing Jesus teach in parables and word pictures. We covered the parables in detail last year so will only highlight the flow of ministry beyond the parables. Most of the parables are contained in chapter 4.
parable of sower and seeds and soils. Tie this in with purpose of parables and give a little more detail since it is one Jesus explained and really fits with receiving God’s Word.
Mark 4:8 CSB
8 Still other seed fell on good ground and it grew up, producing fruit that increased thirty, sixty, and a hundred times.”
Producing crop/fruit.
Producing crop/fruit.
highlight the purpose of parables in 4:10-12 Jesus explains for the 12.
v.13 Parable of sower is foundational to understanding because it explains responses to the Gospel – the Kingdom message
Explanation = Fourth soil – good soil, receives message, grows. Goes with
v.21 Lamp under basket – let others see God’s work in you. the more you do the more will be given. faithful service
4:26 seed growing – mysterious in how it grows
4:30 mustard seed – starts small and grows out sprawling
v.34 privately He explained everything to his own disciples
The message of the Kingdom takes root, grows, produces fruit.

Experiencing Ministry

Running through chapters 4-8.
4:35 Jesus calms the storm. They leave the crowd, boat to the other side, face a storm.
v.40 Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?
5:1 Gerasenes, man with demon legion, pigs.
skip to chapter 6
6:1 returns to Nazareth. Unbelief in the hometown. family offended at Him.
Time to practice. To put into practice what they have been learning and observing.
Read Mark 6:7-13
6:7-13 deployed the disciples 2x2. Authority over unclean spirits. Proclaimed repentance, cast out demons, healed sick.
6:30 Jesus feeds 5000.
Mark 6:37 CSB
37 “You give them something to eat,” he responded. They said to him, “Should we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread and give them something to eat?”
You give them something to eat.
You give them something to eat.
We see the disciples serving the people and collecting the leftovers. Jesus multiplied the food.
Immediately they get in the boat and go off to the other side. Jesus goes to pray.
6:45 walk on water Jesus goes off to pray, sees the boat having trouble, walks out to them.
Mark 6:52 CSB
52 because they had not understood about the loaves. Instead, their hearts were hardened.
– their hearts were hardened. Still stubborn and not yet receiving the full teaching
– their hearts were hardened. Still stubborn and not yet fully receiving the teaching
6:53 healing sick in Gennesaret
Chapter 7 - in Gennesaret on the west coast of Sea of Galilee along the route around the lake.
7:1 approached by Pharisees and scribes who address ritually unclean hands. Jesus responds by addressing their habit of holding traditions of man higher than the word of God.
Mark 7:6–7 CSB
6 He answered them, “Isaiah prophesied correctly about you hypocrites, as it is written: This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. 7 They worship me in vain, teaching as doctrines human commands.
The rules and traditions of man do not save, do not purify, do not make you holy or right with God.
The rules of man do not save, do not purify, do not make you holy or right with God.
Jesus gives them a clear example of how they nullify God’s word with their traditions.
7:14 related to above – what comes out of a man is what defiles him, not what goes in.
Mark 7:15 CSB
15 Nothing that goes into a person from outside can defile him but the things that come out of a person are what defile him.”
Mark 7:23 CSB
23 All these evil things come from within and defile a person.”
7:31 healing a deaf man. Jesus does all things well.
Jesus makes a tour up along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea to Tyre and Sidon then back down the east side of the Jordan river to the Sea of Galilee.
7:31 healing a deaf man. Jesus does everything well.
8:1 feeds 4000 again asking the disciples to find food and multiplying it. seven loaves become seven baskets of leftovers
8:1 feeds 4000 then crosses to Dalmanutha.
then crosses to the west side of the sea.
8:11 Pharisees argue and demand a sign, back to Bethsaida.
8:14 warning of influence of Pharisees and Herod. But disciples worried about bread.
Mark 8:17–18 CSB
17 Aware of this, he said to them, “Why are you discussing the fact you have no bread? Don’t you understand or comprehend? Do you have hardened hearts? 18 Do you have eyes and not see; do you have ears and not hear? And do you not remember?
Jesus asked if they don’t yet understand that they don’t have to worry about bread. He is the bread of life.
Jesus asked if they don’t yet understand that they don’t have to worry about bread. He is the bread of life.
(not condemning questions, but drawing conclusion and connecting the dots)
Mark finishes in 8:22 with story that illustrates the disciples blindness.
8:22 heals a blind man, first time not yet clear. Very similar to the disciples who are learning to see but not clearly yet.
The next section is a turning point. We’ll pick up here in two weeks.


Keep on the screen
Do you see? Do you understand? We all struggle to understand what Jesus is doing, what He is teaching us, what He is asking of us.
v.25 The man looked intently
When we think we’re getting it and understanding He changes things up.
Following Jesus is a life-long learning process. We must stay close to Him. Continue to learn from Him through His word, prayer, doing and being coached.

Big Idea: A follower of Jesus observes and emulates His ministry to learn from and become like Him.

What About You?

Asking what Jesus asked:
Do you have a hardened heart?
Do you understand?
Do you see and hear and remember?
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