Impacting for Christ

Mother's Day  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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We are all called upon to make an impact for Christ on those around us.

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In Paul Zimmerman’s book, A Thinking Man’s Guide to Pro Football, he speaks of the incredible power unleashed when two football players go at each other. If each man, individually sighing 240 pounds charge at each other full speed, the resulting kinetic energy is enough to move thirty-three tons one inch. In rocket science terms, that would mean that some of these football players have been hit on their helmets with the force of 1,000 G’s; or 1,000 times the force of gravity. To get some comparisons, an astronaut will experience 10 G’s on launch. In the Air Force, I am told that fighter pilots typically begin to black out at 20 G’s. This all adds up to an incredible impact.
In Paul Zimmerman’s book, A Thinking Man’s Guide to Pro Football, he speaks of the incredible power unleashed when two football players go at each other. If each man, individually sighing 240 pounds charge at each other full speed, the resulting kinetic energy is enough to move thirty-three tons one inch. In rocket science terms, that would mean that some of these football players have been hit on their helmets with the force of 1,000 G’s; or 1,000 times the force of gravity. To get some comparisons, an astronaut will experience 10 G’s on launch. In the Air Force, I am told that fighter pilots typically begin to black out at 20 G’s. This all adds up to an incredible impact.
Yet, do you know what has even more impact than even these gargantuan athletes can deliver? Is is the spiritual impact that is seen when mothers are rearing children in the Name of Jesus Christ. It’s important for both parents to be involved in this, but there are differing dynamics involved. While Dads aren’t always able to have the impact they’d like, Moms oftentimes can.
Timothy experienced one such mother and had the blessing of a grandmother who impacted his life for Christ, as well. We read that famous verse that carries so much power in :
For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it is in you as well.
We are all called upon to make an impact for Christ on those around us.

Characteristics of Those Who Make an Impact for Christ

In Chuck Swindoll’s book, Seasons of Life, he lists for characteristics found in people that truly impact lives for Christ. Obviously, these characteristics should be found in all followers of Jesus Christ, but for today, we’ll keep our focus on mothers.
They are consistent. This type of person who makes an impact for Christ, doesn’t switch what they think and do with the change of the society’s wind directions. This person will keep on doing what needs to be done with absolute reliability. Fads and philosophies will come and go, but this individual will be consistent.
They are authentic. To make a genuine impact for Christ, one cannot mask or hide who they truly are. They are solid and not fickle. They will most likely have faults, but they’re not hypocrites. They are genuine and authentic. You might say, they are the real McCoy.
They are unselfish. Can you think of anyone who is more unselfish than a mother? I honestly cannot. We can see, that in all of life, those who make the greatest impact are those who do not care about their own interests. Other people come first. This type of person seems to have an uncanny radar that sees needs and are ready to spring into action to do what is needed.
They are tireless. It is a rare mother who will quit on her children. She finds energy to do the tasks at hand that most of us would ask for a time-out.
Talk about impact! God often uses mothers to crash into us with that Christ-like love that has a lasting impact on us. And when that impact comes, it usually propels us to face the cross of Jesus Christ.
There are some that would suggest that I’m stepping out of line. After all, isn’t the father supposed to take the road of spiritual leadership. That’s correct. Yet, I believe that the greatest impact is when both parents work as a team. Also, I find it fascinating to read in and 6:20 the reminders that children are not to forsake the teachings of your mother.

A Character Who Made an Impact for Christ.

It is all well and good to share Scripture and have biblical examples, but many people want someone not living in Bible times that had such an impact. Let me share a story which many of you may already know that actually fits the characteristics mentioned earlier and was most like similar to Lois and Eunice with Pastor Timothy. This mother’s name was Susanna. Let me share a journal or diary entry she wrote.
Son, . . . what shall I render to the Lord for all his mercies? I would offer myself and all that Thou has given me; and I would resolve, O, give me grace to do it! That the residue of my life shall be all devoted to Thy service. And I do intend to be more particularly careful with the soul of this child, that Thou has so mercifully provided for than ever I have been; that I may install in his mind the principles of true religion and virtue. Lord, give me grace to do it sincerely and prudently.
Susanna wrote this the same day that her six-year-old boy was nearly burned to death in their house. This boy was one of nineteen children Susanna bore. Nine of these died at an early age.
This boy’s name was John. The last name was Wesley. What an incredible mother she was. She wrote three elementary books on Christian theology just for teaching her children Gods was in understandable fashion. Once each week, she with with each child to impact them for Jesus Christ.
My friends, you know that Satan wants to throw all kinds of wickedness and temptations and troubles to tempt our children. Yet, mothers who are committed to Jesus Christ will no sooner allow this to happen than they would expose their children to the worst of the elements with no protection. A godly mother would no sooner intentionally expose her children to the secular enticement of the world, than she would parade that child into a house of prostitution. Neither would she assume that her child can decide right from wrong without biblical instruction from her lips. She would not chance that alcohol and drugs and wrong friends won’t really hurt her child.
There are those people who might suggest that Susanna must have felt quite good and smug about herself. They reason that her lifestyle was not at all normal for women of that era. In a book of correspondence between her children and herself, we are given a glimpse into just how humble she was. Her son, Samuel, began a letter with a very proper greeting, Madame. Susanna’s response was quite telling. She wrote: Sammy, I do not love distance and ceremony. There is more love and tenderness in the name of mother than in all the complemental tales in the world.

Cooperation Is Required to Make an Impact for Christ.

I have alluded a few times to the fact that this is a team effort with Moms and Dads. Husbands, we all can help by freeing the mothers of our children so that they can impact them for Christ. We can do this by supporting them by means of spiritual leadership and providing godly direction. When we observe a mother impact her children for Christ like a blitzing linebacker would impact a quarterback, you will see a husband and Dad being busy by helping in the role of training up the children in the love and admonition of the Lord.
There are some other things that mothers can be blessed by from their husbands. In Kenneth Chafin’s book, Is there a Family in the House?, He notes that there are three basic needs that a wife and mother have. First, she needs to know that she is special and has great value. It is so important that we husbands and our children love, support, and appreciate our wives and mothers. They are not a commodity that can be replaced with a robot or maid service.
Secondly, if her husband is still with her, she needs to feel like a wife. She is a wife before she is a mother. That’s where we need to really come alongside like the best teammate we can be. By the way, Dads; the best way to let your children know that you love them, is to show love to your wife.
Thirdly, tell her often what a great job she is doing as a mother. As a follower of Jesus Christ, she will be doing her best to raise children with you for the glory of God, helping them to discover Jesus Christ for themselves.


Interestingly, young boys or young men, will, more than likely, look to the woman he will marry, based upon his mother. She will probably be the measurement by which he finds his wife.
The daughter also gains understanding of what it means to be a woman in the Biblical sense.
The mother, quite often, is able to translate big ideas like love into terms children can understand. She is the epitome of selflessness. She can show the beauty of intimately knowing Christ. She can flesh out love in all its forms for her children to see.
Now, I have to be the first to admit that if a 240-pound linebacker launched himself into me, I’d think I was on the Starship Enterprise with stars all around me. Yet, mothers have an even more incredible impact on children entrusted to their care. Society might not agree, but heaven alone will tell.
Mothers, keep impacting your children for Jesus Christ. Dads, keep supporting and encouraging and leading them in this awesome task.
We are all called upon to make an impact for Christ on those around us.
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