CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: Biblical Foundation and Value
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CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: Biblical Foundation and Value
Various Texts
Intro –
• The REALITY of Covenant Community
Reconciled – “at peace”
“… while we were enemies (of God) we were RECONCILED TO GOD …” (Rom. 5:11)
“… reconcile (us) IN ONE BODY to God …” (Eph. 2:16)
“FELLOW-CITIZENS with the saints, and are OF GOD’S HOUSEHOLD” (Eph. 2:19).
“… are being built TOGETHER into the dwelling of God in the Spirit” (Eph. 2:22)
The Christian walk -- the Christian life -- is a COMMUNITY walk and a COMMUNITY life!
COMMUNITY is the MEANS and the METHODOLOGY of our spiritual growth!
• The COST of Covenant Community
We have been “reconciled … IN ONE BODY to God THROUGH THE CROSS.” (Eph. 2:16)
Old Testament Israel lived as a group related to God in COVENANT RELATIONSHIP
that was offered, accepted, and then ratified through blood!
“This cup which is poured out for you is the NEW COVENANT in My blood.” (Luke 22:21)
This COMMUNITY or FAMILY LIFE that God has established as the CONTEXT of and the MEANS and METHODOLOGY of our spiritual growth was purchased at the price of Christ’s death!
In Eph. 4:12 Paul speaks of the Christian’s life and walk by referring to it as “… the building up of THE BODY OF CHRIST” (Eph.. 4:12)
“Is not the cup of blessing which we bless a sharing IN THE BLOOD OF CHRIST? Is not the bread which we break a sharing IN THE BODY OF CHRIST? SINCE THERE IS ONE BREAD, WE WHO ARE MANY ARE ONE BODY; FOR WE ALL PARTAKE OF THE ONE BREAD.” (1 Cor. 10:16-17)
• The CONSEQUENCE of Covenant Community: Privilege & Responsibility
“We, who are MANY, are ONE BODY in Christ, and individually MEMBERS ONE OF ANOTHER” (Rom. 12:5). So a question: Considering the REALITY and the COST of “covenant community” …
Does the incredible price that reconciled us to God and also brought us into relationship with one another as “Church”, as “family” where we are “members of one body” – literally one with another -- does that incredible price of Christ’s death call for a deeply committed, intentionally declared, and carefully-lived-out response, or does it lend itself to holding a light and rather non-committal kind of response?
IF the churches high value comes from the precious price of Christ’s own death, then
does the idea of “Come when we want!” or “Participate to the degree we desire!” really
do justice to the price that was paid and the reality that was established?
How can being somewhat non-commital result in this: “… if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it” (1 Cor. 12:26).
I can’t find a biblical command to “Join a church!” anywhere in Scripture!
In Acts 2 as folks came to Christ, they were deliberately joined to THAT local expression
of Christ’s Body!
The biblical exhortations to “Live like this with ONE-ANOTHER!” could only be obeyed in the context of a local fellowship of believers to whom I have committed myself for not only MY growth but THEIRS as well!
• An EXAMPLE of Intentional, Declared Covenant Relationship
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her … just as Christ also does the church, because we are members of His body.” (Eph. 5:25, 29)
“In the name of Christ and because of the price He paid, I’m here for you, and you can hold me to it! When you weep, I’ll weep! When you rejoice, I’ll rejoice! Because Christ has made us one!”
“Love one another!” (Jn. 15:17) “Be devoted to one another! Give preference to one another!” (Rom. 12:10) “Serve one another!” (Gal. 5:13) “Bear one another’s burdens!” (Gal. 6:2)
When God called us into relationship with Himself as reconciled people, He also called us to live in the community of believers in a local church where the nature and character of God can be “fleshed out” and God put on display! This is where we give evidence that we have been reconciled to God! And this takes place in a place where deep and demonstrated commitment is made through becoming a member of a local church. In a place of declared, mutual, accountability! Church membership is where and how we declare ourselves!