Don't get too familar
Sermon Tone Analysis
My relationship with the Lord
My relationship with the Lord
Needing a word
Needing a word
Praying fasting reading the bible
Too comfortable, not comfortable
Subconscious and self awareness
Not a Pharisee/ real relationship
Familiar, Good and Bad
Fabreeze commercial
Nose-blind to my own relationship
Back to the basics/ bible study
God spoke and ignited my desire to read the bible
Ask the holy spirit/ apply to any area
Pray with each other for a few minutes
warns us of being luke warm. in that passage its talking about people who don’t even realize that they are lukewarm… they were a group of believers, a church… so if thats the case i think its possible we need to be proactive in not letting ourselves become that way.
- E. W. Howe said “Nothing is wonderful when you get used to it”
I wanted to share something that the Lord started speaking to me about 6 months ago. I found myself needing a word from the Lord and doing everything i knew to do to get that word. prayer, fasting, reading the word, but everything felt distant and just dry. when i read the bible it just felt really empty. and then one day i felt like the Lord said your too comfortable. and i was like ummm God obviously i’m not too comfortable cuz I’m searching out answers cuz i’m really UNCOMFORTABLE. and it was like he just looked at me and said oh Bridgette… I’m talking about us right now… not just you. And it was like i just instantly knew, your right, I don’t have that passion for reading the word like i used to, I’m reading scripture cuz i know thats what i need to do, not because i’m excited to learn something new about Him. I’d read the same stories i’ve heard my whole life and cruz on past it with no heart change at all…i think, subconsciously, my perspective was that i had already had a revelorty moment with that verse and that was that now moving on. I was too familiar with what was before me. I didn’t have the respect, or self awareness to even realize i was doing that. I have read through the Bible plenty of times, grown up in church, sang on the worship team, prayed at the altar, believed for miracles, served the needy, I’ve had seasons of being on fire for the Lord and others of not… and without me realizing it, i had gotten myself into a familiarity rut with the Lord. Great intentions, but totally oblivious to what was really going on.
have you ever seen that commercial for Febreeze? the kids sitting playing xbox and the narrator is like… timmy thinks his room smells like a bedroom, but everyone else thinks it smells like… and then it shows giant dirty socks, leftover pizza, a wet dog shaking off in the corner… and then it says.... “timmy has gone NOSE BLIND” and then it sprays Febreeze like thats going to fix all their problems…
I had gone noseblind to my relationship with the word of God! I was reading because thats whats right, and i wanted to hear from the lord, but it had somehow switched to something that couldn’t sustain me… i needed to rekindle my desire for studying Gods word… so practically speaking i went back to the basics and started doing a bible study… and it not only was exactly what i needed to hear from the Lord, but i was shocked at how much revelation i got out of a “bible story” i had heard my whole life… things i had either never heard before, or just don’t remember ever hearing. i mean god spoke so clear and confirmed so many things to me… it ignited my desire to read the word and since then i’ve been so excited to read and hear and see new things!
and i just wanted to encourage you that maybe your like i am right now and everything you read is jumping off the page, or maybe your not and you need some encouragement… you don’t need to get saved all over again to get that intensity back, you just need to ask God or a friend for a recommendation on where to start again.
now this could be applied to any area of your life. are you feeling lackluster in your job or the project your half way through that doesn’t seem to have an end point, or even at home? is there an area that you’ve gone nose blind? are you so familiar with something that its become blah to you.
warns us of being Luke warm. in that passage its talking about people who don’t even realize that they are lukewarm… they were a group of believers, a church… so if thats the case i think its possible we need to be proactive in not letting ourselves become that way.
E. W. Howe said “Nothing is wonderful when you get used to it”
“Familiarity breeds contempt”