Untitled Sermon (2)
Sermon Tone Analysis
Role of Scripture in Decision Making
Role of Scripture in Decision Making
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
How did God speak to his people in the OT?
A phenomenon and a voice – Numbers 22; 2 Peter 2:15-16 A talking donkey
Angels - Genesis 18:1 An angel – messenger.
Dreams and visions – Genesis 15:1
Audible voice - Sacrifice of Isaac. Genesis 22
Other people - How many times did God use the prophets to speak to Children of Israel Numbers 12:6 Hebrews 1:1
How did God speak in NT?
A phenomenon and a voice -
Angels - Matt. 1:20-21; Luke 1:26-38 (Joseph and Mary) Mary didn’t get just any angel, she got Gabriel.
Dreams and visions. - Luke 1:5-23 Zacharias; Acts 16:9-10; Acts 18:9-11; 2 Cor. 12:1-6 Paul
Audible voice - Mark 1:11 God’s affirmation of pleasure in Jesus
Jesus - Hebrews 1:1
There is a way that God spoke in the NT that He did not use in the OT. Through Scripture. There are more than 900 NT references to the OT where God speaks either directly or indirectly. Though God can speak to us in any way that He chooses, and He does, we are going to look at how He speaks to us through Scripture.
How many of you are currently asking God to help you make a decision?
Is there anything in Scripture that clearly speaks to that decision?
Are you currently obedient to what you know to be God’s will?
Are you seeking God with all of your heart?
If you are not hearing from God ...
You aren’t seeking with all of your heart. Jeremiah 29:11-13
Now is not the time to hear. Think about Abraham - God waited until the last minute to deliver Abraham. God is seldom early, but never late.
You are not currently obedient to what you know to do.
There could be other reasons that you cannot discern.
How does God speak to us through His word?
Prescriptive - places where the Bible clearly says what God expects us to do.
10 Commandments
Psalm 15:4 Keeping our word.
Philippians 2:3-4 Humility and considering others more important than ourselves.
If you have a decision to make what are the principles/commands in scripture that speak directly to that decision?
Descriptive - Here are some ways that God has spoken to Peggy and me from scripture. This is simply descriptive and God may or may not do the same thing with you. God has only done this 5-6 times in our 50 years together.
Verses are typically out of context but were clearly for us.
Josh. 1:9 God gave this promise to Peggy about confirming that He wanted us to go to AZ
1 Sam. 30:24 Confirmation to Peggy for her to not travel with me.
Numbers 11:16-17, 23 FOCUS
Jeremiah 1 Going through Moscow to Ukraine
Mark 10 James and John, Bartimaeus What do you want me to do for you
Guidelines for discerning God’s will from His Word.
Time spent in the Word of God so you will recognize God’s word to you when it comes. God’s Word is good for reproof, rebuke, instruction in righteousness.
Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit
Yes attitude. Answer yes before you know what it is that God is asking.
Pure heart. Isaiah 59:1-3
Time. The longer that we know God and walk with him the easier it is for us to know what His will is. (Easier for me than for you - I have been doing it longer)
What is our job?
Obey what we know is His word to us.
Patience. The longer we walk with Him the clearer His Word becomes to us. (I know what Peggy will say in most situations because we talked almost every day over the past 50 years.)
Don’t confuse what you feel is right if it is in contradiction to God’s word!