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Israel som demonstrationsfolk
Gideons kaldelse
Gideon og de 300 mand
threshing wheat at the bottom of a winepress. Threshing floors were typically open, high areas where the wheat could be separated from the chaff in the wind. By contrast, a winepress is a depression or basin in which grapes are crushed and their juice collected. No more unsuitable place for threshing wheat could be found than a winepress. Such was the fear inspired by the Midianite marauders.
In actual combat, the eldest son of the ruling clan in the dominant tribe would possess intrinsic authority to lead. Stepping out to lead his people, Gideon would appear to sidestep the entire structure of authority in his community. Such presumption would require extraordinary authentication to mark him as God’s choice to lead his people. Gideon was not hiding behind his family, but expressing his hesitancy to overthrow the entire family structure of his people.
Background and Purpose
The twelve “judges” in this book were not only concerned with legal matters but were charismatic military leaders. The book is made up of six periods of oppression covering approximately 300 years. The following “sin-cycle” is repeated:
• A time of peace. God is ignored. Pagan gods replace God.
• A time of oppression. Israel is attacked.
• A time of repentance. Israel turns back to God.
• A time of deliverance. God sends a judge and delivers Israel.
• A time of peace. God is ignored again and the “sin-cycle” starts once more.
The apostasy illustrated in Judges shows why the people felt they needed a king and leads on to the books of Samuel and Kings.
Christ in Judges
• Jesus is seen as our Deliverer.