Privileges of Membership
Privileges of Membership
The congregation of Maurepas Baptist Church functions, not as a pure democracy, but as a body under the Headship of the Lord Jesus Christ and the direction of the Pastor as the Undershepherd with the counsel of the Board of Deacons. Membership in the Maurepas Baptist Church does not afford those individuals with any property, contract, or civil rights based on principles of democratic government. The internal affairs of the Maurepas Baptist Church are ecclesiastical matters and shall be determined exclusively by the Maurepas Baptist Church’s own rules and procedures as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws.
Voting Rights of Members
All Active Members shall be entitled to vote on all issues brought to the church. Members must be present in order to vote. No one may vote by proxy.
Active Members
An active member is one who has demonstrated consistent participation in the services and related activities of the church during the previous period of one year demonstrated by attendance of 66.66 % of the regularly scheduled services. An active member is one who supports the church through his or her time, talents, and treasure.
Inactive Members
1. Members who fail to support the church by regular attendance for a period of one year and fail to support the church with their time, talents, and treasure without good reason (e.g. shut-in, medical, or employment) will be contacted to determine if they wish to maintain their membership at Maurepas Baptist Church. If they do not wish to support Maurepas Baptist Church, but wish to remain members, they will become Inactive Members and placed on the Inactive Member roll.
2. Members who fail to support the church by regular attendance for a period of one year and fail to support the church with their time, talents, and treasure without good reason (e.g. shut-in, medical, or employment) and cannot be contacted after repeated efforts, his or her name shall be placed on the Inactive Members roll for a period of one year. If, after being on the Inactive Members Roll for one year, he or she may be considered for removal from the Church Roll.
Inactive Members cannot vote in Church matters until they are restored to membership by demonstrating faithfulness through regular attendance and support of Maurepas Baptist church through their time, talents, and treasure.
Removal from the Church Roll
1. If an enrolled member of Maurepas Baptist Church does not wish to maintain his/her membership at Maurepas Baptist Church he or she may notify the Pastor or Deacons of their wish to be removed from the Church roll. Upon recommendation of the Pastor and Board of Deacons, their name shall be removed from the membership roll of Maurepas Baptist Church.
2. If an enrolled member of Maurepas Baptist Church cannot be contacted after repeated efforts, their membership shall be removed upon recommendation of the Pastor and Board of Deacons and a two thirds majority (2/3) vote of members present at a regularly scheduled Church Business Meeting. The recommendation of the Pastor and Board of Deacons shall report all efforts to contact the member prior to recommending removal from the Church Roll. Maurepas Baptist Church shall maintain a record of all persons removed from the Church Roll and the efforts attempted to contact them prior to removal.
Restoration to the Church Roll
Any previously enrolled member who has been duly removed from the roll of Maurepas Baptist Church may be restored to Active Member Status upon faithful participation in the services and activities of Maurepas Baptist Church for a period of one year, supporting Maurepas Baptist Church through their time, talents, and treasure, and a recommendation by the Pastor and Board of Deacons with an affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3) of the present active members at a regularly scheduled Church business meeting.