Set Up For Success | Genesis 2:4-25
Guys, we are getting ready to step into a new chapter in the book of Genesis. When we looked at the first chapter it gave us an accurate account of how the world came into existence and how God populate the Earth with plants and animals in and stars in the antenna Moon and all that great stuff. But as we look now in 2 chapter 2, you're going to do something a bit different you got to see that now God is choosing to focus on a specific place. That's a Garden of Eden is our focus on a specific person or specific people. That's Adam and Eve and so we found we found this video that does a great job of summarizing where we were at and where we're going and so there's a video when I show it to share with you from the Bible project. I'll take a look at this and then I'll come back up and we'll dive into Genesis two together. It sound cool.
First book in the Bible is a book. You've probably heard of this called Genesis Genesis comes from a Hebrew word is pronounced erase sheets and it just means beginning now, there's a lot of stories from the book of Genesis. It's easy just pull out a specific story in and try to tell you what it might mean, but we think the best way to understand this book is to look at the book as a whole and show you how the whole thing is designed. The book is designed to fall into two main parts. You have a chapters 1 through 11, which is telling the story of God in the whole world. And then you have the second part which is about God and Abraham's family as chapters 12 through 50 and how the two of those parts relate. That's where you find the message of the book. Okay. So let's start back at the beginning the first part of Genesis begins with the creation story where God creates everything and how exactly that happens. Of course, that's where all the debates come but he takes a dark watery chaos. Any turns into a beautiful garden where humans can can flourish that sounds nice. It does sound nice and different times. God says of all that he's made that it's good and this is where we meet the first human characters in The Bible Adam and Eve are there but individual characters that are also representative Adam is the Hebrew word for Humanity and Eve is the Hebrew word for life. And God creates them in His image another what's Humanity reflects or is meant to reflect the the the creativity the goodness and character of The Creator out into the world that is made their supposed to reproduce and make cultures and neighborhoods in Art & Gardens and everything else but he gives them a moral choice about how they're going to go about building this world. And this is what the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil is all about and he tells them don't eat of the fruit of this tree or you will die. What's that all about? Uptown now God has been the one defining and providing. What is good. It's all God is the one with the knowledge of Good and Evil but now this tree represents a choice will the human trust God's definition of good and evil, or are they going to seize the opportunity and defined good and evil for themselves?
The saga continues The Saga will continue when God places Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. I want you get this picture. They are set up for success. Everything is perfect. Everything is the way that it needs to be. There's no room for excuses. There's no room for mistakes. Isn't like saying look at my people least not yet, but everything is good. And God is pleased with everything and it's my sincere belief that God wants you cuz I keep one at Adam and Eve he wants you to succeed in life. But when God define success, he defines it a bit differently than the way the world defines the word success. So success in God's eyes is a lifelong pursuit of righteousness is life of faithfulness in the right direction towards our Lord and savior. You can check the 2nd Timothy 4:7 for more evidence of that. You see when God sets creation together and he just puts Adam even to the Garden. I want you to remember this. Just like we saw that God was with the Earth before it was formed into anything before this one was formless. God is still present with Adam and Eve in the garden was cool is that is that God isn't like an absentee father didn't just like plant a seed and take off a we see God continues to be present with his creation down throughout the generations and guess what? He's present with us here today.
Despite knowing that we need to pursue righteousness despite knowing that success in God's eyes is faithful obedience despite knowing all of that. We can easily get caught up in dang Pursuits. We can easily get off track and start doing our own thing. We can easily begin doing something that God doesn't want us to do. I want to find a bank Pursuit this way anything that we pursue independently of God is pointless. It's pointless. What does it profit a person to gain all the pleasures of this World Knowledge money relationships power Prestige and not have a relationship with God nothing? Absolutely, nothing. You might be thinking to yourself that pursuing God. It's a waste of time like to be so serious about pursuing God. Like that's all you're about that might be a waste of time. You might be thinking that live in according to what God's word says his old school as far as old fuddy-duddies.
Or you might be thinking that you can take your will your knowledge e your education base and mingling with what God's word is already set and make this perfect. Whatever you want to call it and things are going to work out for you or not. We have too many Christians today or supposed Christians today for walking around treating galaxies Burger King. What's Burger King's favorites famous slogan? You can have it your way. Right we go to God as I got I want a number one extra large take the onions off. I want do this this and that and the other I want to have all these other things and got there.
I'm God. You can't have any way you can have it my way because my way is going to set you up for success.
And if you are sitting here today and you're curious and you're wanting and your longing to be successful, which I pray and I hope that all of you are open your Bibles now to Genesis chapter to ensure with me to verse number for if you need a copy of God's word. Maria will gladly get one of those into your hands. But if not, you can use your phone or will also have the the points on the screen for you as well.
There's a big idea. This is why I want you guys to know what you guys walk away believing knowing breeding is God is the source of everything. We need to be successful in life is not God plus is just God is Not. Plus something else or someone else or some other people or some other things is just God and when you become successful alive, all the glory goes to who God imma text you will find that God does five primary things to set Adam and Eve up for success and I call these my 5 piece of my 5 P's of success is my disclaimer as we get ready to walk down to this entire chapter. This is why I want you to know this is free fall. This is the way God organized and we got set things up before sin entered into creation. So this is Optimum condition. That's the way it should be. This is a description of the way it should be but you can on the other side of chapter 3, which were y'all are living we live in a fallen state has other things that come easy for Adam and Eve they become difficult for they become difficult for us. So I'm getting my sidepiece up front. Will Circle back to his the first one you have provision. There's a personal relationship with God himself was a place to call home which protection in the form of rules. And then there's our partner suitable for him and him being Adam. So this is driving to the first one which is provision tournament me now, and let's read starting inverse number for it says this these are the records of the heavens and the Earth concerning their creation at the time the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. No shrub of the field had yet grown on the land and no plant of the field had yet sprouted for the Lord. God had not made it rain on the land and there was no man to work the ground but missed will come up from the earth and water all the ground drop down the first number 8 the Lord God planted a garden in Eden in the East End there. He plays the man. He had formed the Lord God caused to grow out of the ground every please every tree pleasing in appearance and good for food including the Tree of Life. In the middle of the garden as well the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil a river went out from Eden to water the garden from there a divided and became the source of Four Rivers the name of the first of the song which flows through the entire land of havilah where there is gold go from the land is pure bedroom and Onyx are there the name of the second river is the gihon river which flows through the entire land of kush the name of the third river is a tigress. Which runs East to Assyrian. The fourth river is the Euphrates. Okay. It's a lot of geography. What is God up to what is God doing God has supplied Adam with everything that he needs God is just giving Adam the provisions that he needs to be successful. He cars out of corner of creation and calls it way. Cause it Eden and then within eating he plants a garden that he feels that guard with all the food with all the water that man needs to be sustained. There's ample food. There's ample water. God sets up a little Oasis for man and he plops him like down right there.
Like a first-time parent. God has set up a perfect habitat a perfect place a perfect nursery for Adam for his creation. I remember when she when I found out we were pregnant and it was time to talk about nurseries and painting painting walls and getting all these supplies for the nursery and we had never been around a lot of babies in our lifetime is so weird searching online where reading books about what does it mean to be a parent? What do you need to have in the nursery all this stuff and I'm taking all the information and going to the store and it's charging everything on the credit card and coming home. You're opening boxes to put together a crib in the bassinet and you have a baby mobile. All this stuff all for what purpose? So the Aaron could come home and be place in environments you get thrive. Don't you compare that Nursery to the rest of our house it look vastly different. That's the picture we have of the Garden of Eden. That's the picture we have of what God has just done for Adam.
God make sure that man didn't go for want whatever Adam needed. You needed something to eat if it's reached over and grabbed it needed some some spring water to drink just went to the spring got it.
God is also in the business of providing our basic needs think about this things like food clothing and water. When was the last time you decided you wanted to wash your clothes or make a meal and you went and got your bucket from your kitchen and wouldn't hike a mile down the road and went to the well and filled it up. If I do that this morning was the last time you said, you know, I got a taste for some good old chicken tenders and you had to go outside chasing Chicken around the backyard rabbit defeathering and cook it up if I do that. When was the last time you said? I want some fresh tomatoes and you had to go outside pull some weeds till the ground plants and seeds water and put fertilizer fertilizer down wait three to four months and then go Harvest your own Tomatoes if I do that.
God is still in the business of providing for his creation. The way in which you go about getting your Provisions, it may look different from the way. I don't got his but unless it's about what you know, God is still the source. He still the source and here in America. We are so blessed to have things like running water. Sanitation store-bought food in countless stores to buy our clothes from we are so blessed here in America. That's not true. All across the world that we are. So blessed. This is what I want you to know regardless if you went to work you earn a paycheck you bought your own t-shirt at the store to buy that t-shirt don't you know that God is the source of all of that. He's so set things up for us to be provided for God has given us the provision that we need. All this communicates that God cares for you. He knows what we need. We need nourishment proper nourishment to survive you guys ever skip one or two meals and try to have a productive day. Doesn't work. So well, I don't know about you by this condition is called hungry like when I don't eat for a while, I get a little angry. It's hard to focus hard to concentrate. But what did God do God make sure that Adam had everything that he made it it's like right there. That's the first pee of prohibit preparedness it our second pee. Nor did we set up for Success? We need a personal relationship with God. This is a no-brainer, isn't it? We need a personal relationship with God. We can have all the food all the water all the Creature Comforts that we want and need before lacking a personal relationship of God or just existing. In other words, you're just going along and getting along true life happens through a personal relationship with God. Peace Joy eternal security. It comes through a personal thriving growing relationship with God. That's how it works.
Without a relationship of God, you'll be like one of the characters in The Wizard of Oz you'll be doing your job, but something will be missing. Think about the Tin Man in that regard. What was he lacking? Didn't have a heart.
We need to have a relationship with God God. He feels those holes. He feels The Voice.
And that's created beings made in God's image. We need a personal relationship with God. We needed to keep reiterating that we need it. We need it. We need it. We need it.
Not only do we need it. Check this out, but God desires at 2. We have a social God God desires to know you intimately also God wants to know you on a first-name basis. It is going to be like second name or last name or nickname like God wants to know your first name basis. Can you look at me like Douglas? Where's all this coming from looking for selling? What is verse 7 say read it with me. It says the Lord God formed the what the Man Out of the Dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils and he became a living being What do you see Happening Here? You see a detailed description of how God created us. You see God working to give us life. He's like right there. He's personally involved. The text says that he got he breathed the breath of life into our nostrils and we became living beings. His implication. God is right there. God is like right there right there. I got it's right there on top of man. He's there. Here's a picture. I have in my mind. I see a lifeless body just laying there incapacitated, whatever reason. And I see God kneeling down getting over top of that body and breathing breath that I shouldn't oxygenates the lungs and brings life back into that body. How close do you need to do to be able to do CPR? I guess clothes or is it like this close or is it like back in the room close to be like lip to lip cheek to cheek to do CPR, right? And that's what God was doing for me and that's what God did for men. That's the the picture of the relationship he wants to have with you.
He wants to be Chic close face-to-face right there 24/7 front and center. But here's the question.
If God was that involved in giving us life. Doesn't it make sense that he would engage us in a personal relationship never argue. He has ever argue that if you don't know Jesus as your lord and savior, he's attempted. He's attempted. He's attempted. He's attempted. The difference is your heart hasn't been opened yet.
God has always been there and he wants you to have a thriving relationship is God lonely. Absolutely not but he knows what's best for you is a relationship with him. I know if I'm speaking to on this morning, but what I do, what I do know is that you can't get very far without the Lord trying to live this life and navigate the ups and downs of this life is like hopping into a rowboat with only one or what happens if you have one order old rowboat these numbers, right? That's what some of us do we're trying to walk this walk without gato will will walk with him only for so far we have two or so far will get cocky and bold and throw a few or is Thor or out and try to live this life and we can't get in we get frustrated we run back to God all over again because you do this the stay in constant growing thriving relationship with the Lord. That's how he designed you. That's how you will Thrive that success.
In order to succeed in life, you need a thriving ongoing relationship with God. We need it and God wants it thirdly. We we see that God gave man a place to call his own as a third Point. God gave man a place to call his own could God of God could have released Adam anywhere and over the face of the Earth. Right? But we learn from the tax guy. That's what he calls out the cars out of the special place called The Garden of Eden and he plays his him. They're looking for AR-15 with me. Let's read it. It says the Lord God took the man and placed him in the Garden of Eden to work it and watch over it again. We see God's concern from man through his actions. God prepares a place just for who is for the pigs and the chickens in the birds know he prepares a place just for man the Garden of Eden it had a geographical location is a real place. Some people want you to think that the Garden of Eden is like 90 and some May Believeland, it's not.
Biblical scholars believe and archaeologists believe that the Garden of Eden was in ancient Mesopotamia, which is modern day. Iraq is Iraq a real place solutely.
Just like the first man. We need a place to call our own God makes a decision. He carves a little Oasis called The Garden of Eden. He plays his man there but just like God did that for the first man. We also need a place to call our own. We need a place to hang our hats in to lay our heads down. We need to comfort that the end of security that comes with only our own place whether that's renting or owning where there's a cabin or a house or apartment or townhouse. We need a place that our last name is that is attached to the Via address. We need a place to call our own a place to be responsible for it. Growing up my wife Sheila her family. They move some 13 different times 13 times before before she became a teenager all within the exact same city know she was not an army brat. Her parents jumped around from place to place to place to place because they have their neighbor poor handlers of money. Can you imagine what that does to a kid a kid sense of security?
It's not healthy to jump from place to place. You'll never take ownership of the place that you're currently living and it's impossible to formulate some some some some good deep-rooted true friends those relationships that we so desperately need as people. You see God didn't design us to be Rolling Stones bouncing from place to place in like the old song says wherever we lay. Our had is our home like God didn't design is that way? We should be findable people should know that I can go to 6204 Oak stand Circle in Raleigh North Carolina can find Douglas and Sheila people should know that. And guess what? You should be findable also people should know how to find you where to what geographic location you can be found.
God gave man a place to call his own but with that place came what became some responsibility I want to erase any of you and your mind that you have Adam just part laying on the beach having a good time sipping Mai Tais and eating watermelon. Oh boy had a job to do God put them to work. That's what the text says not making this up. In the latter part of verse for verse 15 and says that the guy Place him in the garden to do what to work it and to watch over it from day one and the garden Adam had a what he had a job. He ain't just chilling. So any thought that comes with God don't give me a place to be a place to call my own. I don't have to do any work whatsoever is a fail.
Although scripture although script and scripture. We see that whenever God brings a blessing. There's always some expectations that come with it. So the blessing wasn't have a place set up just for him the garden eating right? But whenever we looking scripture we see that when God provides a blessing there's always some expectations of the example think about the children of Israel. What was the blessing that God wanted to give to the children of Israel he want to give them a place to call their own call the promised land right now. Did God do all the work for them? The guy do all the fighting all the taking all the keeping of the land know they had to work to get into the land that had to work to keep the land and I had to work to sustain the land ideas that there's always some work. There's always some expectations that come with a blessing However, this is what we tend to do. We tend to divorce the blessing for the company work that comes with it. We want the house, but we want to do any maintenance on the house. Right? We want the new shiny car, but we don't want take care of the new shiny car. We want a mate we want someone to to to share our lives with but we're not willing to open up and be vulnerable.
We want peace and protection and assurance that only God can provide but we don't want that 24/7 365 relationship with the Lord. We want that convenient relationship.
The example has been set from the very beginning beginning with the first man with blessings come expectations. Yes. I'm going to bless you. Yes. I'm going to give you yes, I'm going to provide for you, but you got to put some work in Sun. There's some things you got to do.
That point was kind of a two-for-one deal. Let's move on to our next one the next to your preparedness, which is protection in the form of rules charge Me 2 verse 3 verse 16 together you guys are 416 says and the Lord God commanded the man you are free to eat from any tree of the garden, but you must not eat from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil 4 on that from the day you eat from it. You will possibly die know you will certainly die. In terms of basic needs Adam had everything. He literally had everything that he needed to be successful. He had everything he needed to survive up to this point. He has shelter has water his food. He has a place to call his own.
God gave man the choice to eat whatever he wanted to eat. He's like you want watermelon to eat watermelon. You want poppy seeds eat poppy seeds Wii U you want whatever you want Adam long as it's from the plant you can have whatever you want cantaloupe collard greens mustard turn of Romaine salad, whatever Adam enjoy yourself, but you can't have this one thing. Why would God provide all the stuff for Adam about all the stuff for man? And then say I'm a robot this one little section and say and put a dietary restrictions on this one thing. Why would God do that? And my mind is like we got you should has not even made it back on thing why you make a tree of knowledge
Here's what I think God is doing he's protecting Man by setting boundaries. He's protecting Man by establishing some boundaries. In other words God is establishing some rules.
When God established the rule not to eat from the Tree of knowledge. He provides Adam with an opportunity opportunity to worship him through obedience. You should have stention of eating from the Tree of knowledge. It communicated to God God. I trust you. I love you and I Surrender my will to your will that's what it communicated back to God. It said God. I trust you and not to even go near not to even eat that thing. But I trust you enough to believe that this stuff over here is all that I need.
loved ones when we walk in obedience to God we communicate the exact same thing. God isn't some Cosmic killjoy. He is like you can only has just so much fun. That's not what God is doing. What God wants you to know what God wants to know what God wants to see is that you trust him and that you're willing to surrender the very thing that he tells you you shouldn't have even that to him. Even that a sign of dependence on him even that is a form of worship to the one true God.
Do you trust God enough to obey him without question? That's the question on the table? Do you trust the Lord enough to to trust him to obey him without question? For Adam, it was a tree of knowledge and at this point in the narrative, it appears that Adam does trust God because he does abstain from eating from that tree doesn't eat from the tree. It appears that everything is good Adams like yeah, I'm All About You Lord?
The rules got set for us in the Bible. They protect us from damaging our self. I think that sometimes review the rules or the the holy scriptures as a means to not have fun to to put limitation on the things that we can do, but we need a governor. We need something to restrain us. I don't know about you guys, but I like all gas no brakes. I'm at and I'm never on or in between. I'm usually call about something. So what is God doesn't his sovereignty he set some boundaries. He said some people put some brakes on us via his holy scriptures.
Compiled and preserve the Bible to teach us to live a righteous life. And as we pursue righteousness God draws Closer To Us and other words in other words our relationship grows and we become more intimate as we learn more about this God of the Bible. As we do more of the stuff that God has already laid out for us to do God draws closer to us and we draw closer to him when we have a more intimate more close to close more face to face cheek to cheek relationship.
God's protection in the form of rules. It doesn't limit our fun. It enables us to worship. God with a pure heart hear me. Don't view the Bible as a fun restrictor. View it as a means to be able to worship your Lord with her pure and honest heart.
I tell you this your worship My Worship to God looks different when I have a bunch of sending my heart verses when I've been pursuing God wholeheartedly. For you to looks different. You can lift your hands and totally abandon yourself and you're not thinking at all. My hypocrite people looking at me. Do they know what I did?
Let's move on to our final. Preparedness, which is partnership. Partnership verses 18 through 24.2 that receive to succeed in life you need provision a personal relationship with God a place to call home. You need the Lord's protection enough in the form of rules and last but certainly not least. You need a partner that suitable for you. Ladies and gentlemen, God designed us to function at our Optimum partnered in holy matrimony. We are not going to skirt around this truth. I'm saying one man and one woman sharing one light with God as a centerpiece.
That's the way God designed it and I say that because that's what the text says. First 18 let's read. Then the Lord God said it's not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper corresponding to him the Lord God formed out of the ground every wild animal and every bird of the sky and brought each to the man to see what he would call it and whatever the man called a living creature that was its name the man gave names to all the livestock to the birds of the sky into every wild animal, but for the who for the man no helper was found corresponding to him. Stop right there. Who determined that it wasn't good for man to be alone?
You're right.. Adam was off doing his thing. He's taking care of his home. He's naming animals. He's tending his guard and whatever he's doing all that great stuff. He's working for the Lord Adam was doing his thing. His nose was down his hand to the plow. He had no idea that he was maitlis.
And then God says it's not good for man to be alone. It's as if God has been watching Adam do his thing do his work doing all of this time and God stops and says, you know what? It's not good for Adam. It's not good for man to be by himself. This guy needs some help. This guy needs a suitable partner hear me when I say this marriage, it doesn't Define you marriage. It doesn't Define you but it makes this life more livable because you have a partner who's going to stick with you through thick and thin. You have someone you can be open and honest with someone you can share your dreams and your aspirations with.
You can have you have someone who can help you get to where you need to be. As God lays out for you. You guys this church plant never even would have got to this point unless I had a wife who had my back. It was days and weeks and months and I might honey. I don't know honey. I don't know honey. I don't know if she's like, baby. You got this.
And she has helped me immensely at our 10-year anniversary. We renewed our vows and what I said about Sheila I said it then it's still True to this day. Like literally Sheila has set me up for Success. She's helped me get to where I am in life before I met Sheila. I mean I had a few things going on, but she'll help me organize my life. She helped me get to where I am and I am internally eternally grateful for the work that God has done in my life through my wife all I can say she's make me better and I needed a suitable helpmate and Sheila. Is that suitable helpmate for me? So God decides that man needs a helper in Genesis 1 we learn that both men and women equally display God's image the garden narrative it further explains the functional difference between men and woman. How does God refer to the woman in the text? He refers to her as a helper ladies and me when I say this your role doesn't make you a lesser person within the context of the Bible a helper is an indispensable partner the job can get done without you. The bottom line. Is this what the man lacks the woman compliments?
First 21 says this so the Lord God caused a deep sleep to come over the man and he slept God took one of his ribs and close the flesh at that place Lord. God made who made the rib he had taken from the man into a woman and brought her to the man and the man said this one at last is bone of my bone Flesh of My Flesh. This one will be called woman for she was taken from me. Ladies your creation account it communicates that you are unique and that you hold a special place in the Lord's heart. and I say that for two primary reasons the one because the timing of your creation the timing of your creation, everything else is already set and putting this place and then God chose to make you Don't believe me the woman was the last one to be created her appearance only came after things like a home to live in provision to sustain her and a husband who needed her.
Is my second reason? because of the way you were made when God created man in Genesis 2:6, how are we described as being made being made dudes guy gets a pile of dirt and he he's it all together. It does like some arms and legs and a head and shoulders on a Taurus though and then God breathed into become a living being right, but how does God describe the woman being made? The woman comes from man's rib. God took a rib and made her. the use of the rib how to make a woman is symbolizes that women and men that they fit together as companions both sexually and also socially
By the way, Matthew Henry Sims is holding up. He said that way better than I ever could he says it's about the creation of women. It says she was not made out of his head to rule over him speaking about man nor out of his feet that that should be trampled on by him. But out of his side to be equal with him under his arm under his protection and near to his heart to be loved. But that sink in for a second.
Ladies hear me. When I say this, you are a treasured gift from on high and any of us men who are married in this room. We are blessed to have you as our spouses and ladies were unmarried when you get married bed. You better believe your husband needs to see you view you and treat you as a treasured gift from on high.
Here at this church. We celebrating we recognize and we Proclaim and we preach and we teach biblical Womanhood. We Salute and we support women to to lead in to do things or whatever roles that God has laid out for them to fulfill we view the partnership as a man and woman as an opportunity to get more done for God's glory
When Adam CZ for the first time he immediately identifies her as what as his possession. He says woman or the way, I like to read it. He says Warhol, man. You said there? She go.
God created two separate but equal people to further his purposes any talk of a woman being inferior less than less less than that's a bunch of crap. Unbiblical it's not true.
Verse 23 it closes out our storyline. Verses 4 through 23 that catalog everything that we need to be successful in life and here again, here's my caveat. This is the description of the way it needs to be and should be pre fall things change it look a lot differently after the fall. We'll discuss that next week before we get the next week. We have to do a versus what 24 and 25 Don't you read 24 and 25 date? They they seem to be a bit out of place. So how do we understand each verses? First 24 says this this is why I'm a man leaves his father and mother and bonds with his wife and they become one flesh. I know that 23 km in 24, can your like why you say these are the place? Well, how can Adam leave his father and mother and bonds a woman to form one flesh with his father was his Creator God. So this is a description of what we'll be down the road for future generations of Mary folks. This is basically a blueprint for things that should be happening things. We can expect to be taking place within the confines of marriage.
Supplements short bursts we hear several things. We know about marriage and this is Steven True to this day. The act of marriage includes the following elements. There's a leaving there's a bonding. And there's a formation of one flesh. The marriage is supersedes all of the relationships guys when we get married Mom isn't number one anymore your boys. They can take a backseat of your primary relationship is God and then your spouse ladies same thing for you.
Adam was created by God. Yes. We know that back to marriage, but when it comes to marriage the marriage needs to come first your top priority is each other. Is each other? You take care of home first. There's the second element. Also there needs to be a bonding that occurs in the context in this context. The word bond means to enter into a covenant commitment with your spouse you and your mate agree to certain stipulations before the Lord and they are never to be broken. You probably get yourselves to each other spiritually emotionally mentally physically and also financially. Is that there's a covenant agreement that you enter into when you get married? And I finally there's a formation of one flesh. The one flesh mentality. The marriage is consummated and reaffirmed throughout the years of marriage through sexual intercourse sex is not all about procreation sex is also opportunity for us to drop closer to our make sex is a gift from God and is to be enjoyed by married couples. First 25 both the man and his wife it says both the man and his wife were naked and yet felt no shame. This verse it indicates that like the rest of creation the first marriage it was perfect and I say that because there was no guilt. There was no shame both the man and the woman they were perfectly comfortable in front of each other. They were good with each other.
As we get ready to close the door on this chapter in Genesis. We see that God has given Adam everything from food water place to call his own protection in the form of rules. He also has a mate now. God has given Adam everything that he needs to be successful in life. God has given us everything that we need to Faithfully serve him as well and our response to God it should be. Thank you Lord. Our response to God, it should be praise and worship our response to God's should be continued obedience in the right direction of a cup, which is righteousness.
Is the last picture I want to paint for you guys before we leave this place like a loving father. God has set you up for Success. He's giving you the very best of them self in order for you to succeed in this life. God gave you everything he's giving us everything hidden will hold anything that was good and necessary for Success from us. What a loving God what a generous God that we serve.
Today we celebrate God the provider who set us up for success. Let us walk in that truth, but that truth care you throughout this next week. Let you meditate on that truth. Like literally everything that you need is already been done for you.
Let's pray.