The Sin of Pride
greeting speech 1 this morning Grace name been good to be here this morning. Just been a blessing to be in the house of God and the feast around the word.
Due to the assignment to preach today. I had an open my Sunday school book 2 this morning and that's a shame on me. But I was amazed to find the lesson we had because brother in the audience he or had given me an assignment. Probably two months or better ago had breached a couple messages on moral Purity. And then he said he arranged this question. He said we hear a lot about some of those sins, but he said what about the sin of Pride? We just don't hear much about the sin of Pride and yet we deal with it constantly and so I felt bad this morning to accept that assignment and to look into the scriptures and preach on that subject this morning and find in the Sunday School lesson that there's a lot of Groundwork already been covered for this message. Just simply in the way that Jesus taught and ministered there with the situation we had in our lesson this morning.
Pride what is it? Why does God hate it and how do we deal with it? I'd like to look at those three point somewhat in the message this morning. And I couldn't help but in the end getting ready for the message this morning and thinking there's a scene that replayed itself in my life and in my mind something that I witnessed as a young child. I don't know if I was five or six seven years old somewhere in that neighborhood, maybe a little older than that in my brother sitting here this morning might remember the account. But we were we were standing outside the house where the church service was to be held and I was just a little boy and my father was pretty tight with the with us a children weed weren't allowed to go out of his sight and most times not out of his reach because he wanted to know what we were doing and what we're into and we probably had earned that honestly those restrictions. I'm not sure I didn't feel like it at the time but I was standing there beside my father into the circle of men was around there and some of the other men their boys were just kind of Having their little thing going and doing their Capers and this one little boy the stairway that went up on the porch of the house. Is there a understanding there close to the stairway in this little boy begins to climb around in the top of a post. It was a brick pillar or wooden pillar in the top of the post is probably 16 18 in square. This little boy probably five-six years old maybe salmon. He was a little younger than I was he finds his way on top of the pillar and he's up there on the pillar and he's strutting around on the pillar and you just kind of chanting under his breath saying I'm the king. I'm the king and then his Meandering around on top of the post. Would you believe it? He tripped on his shoes and the King came down from the throne and hit the ground that was crying and and in my heart is a little boy a timer serves him, right, you know, but you know what he did what came naturally he got a position and in that position he got attention and so he he he was playing that out where the scripture says. It says in Proverbs that Pride goeth Before Destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. And so he he Illustrated that scripture very clearly and not every time we do something physically to exhaust ourselves. Do we find ourselves physically falling in our humble, but I've been amazed in life how many times when there's a secret ambition and he go to be noticed to be put ourselves in the Forefront or to be noticed says the man with the answers or the person that can do the things the best kind of jerks that Foundation right out from under us and we come down to our size and we just in humility have to acknowledge that just don't have it together. We've got needs were needed creatures. And so this morning I don't know what you're facing in your life for what your Ambitions and aspirations are Weather is a sobering scripture in James 4:6 and also one in 1st Peter 5:5 this statement.
And I was looking at that scriptures and and in my mind this morning. I wish I could have found a big rubber band, but I couldn't find one but that's kind of what it reminds me of when we're proud. We tried to move forward. We tried to progressing. It's just like a big old rubber band. We might be able to stretch it and I think we're making progress. But as soon as we relax, we just find ourselves poop worries just like God is just resisting us. He saying how your long as you have the spirit you can't move forward and it's not the Spirit In My Kingdom that I can bless and allow you to gain ground answer Pride is very subtle thing. and most of us
most of us have to stop from time to time and take inventory of our lives and ask yourself some Brianna's questions. What makes me do the things I do. What makes me say the things I do why am I pursuing the things I'm pursuing is it because that I want to draw close to God and I want God to get the glory or is it that I have a secret ambition somewhere in this thing that I want to be noticed and it's all about me and my agenda and those are honest questions and hard questions for us to answer sometimes because the scripture tells us in our heart is deceitful and desperately wicked above all things and you can get us to stop and reflect in to evaluate and I think we do well just join the song to stay there when he says this way to God search me o God and trying because there's sometimes motifs in our heart that we failed to recognize and deal God. Should I am to Spotlight on it and she a hoe never seen you before that needs to go.
Proverbs 16:5 says everyone that is proud in heart is an Abomination to the Lord though hand join in hot hand shall not be unpunished. Pride I see from the scripture as a condition of the heart, it's one of those secret sins that we can we can practice and try to cover up but usually Finds Its way to the surface and did you ever notice how pride is such an undoing to the person who possesses he even though we try to to push ourselves forward and we tried to gain ground. Did you ever notice how that it is so discouraging and almost depressing to be around a person that always talks about me. And what I'm doing and it is just becomes a monotonous cycle and it's it's something that can get pretty close to home in my own like I have to watch that and it's not just all about me in this life is about the Lord and it's about his work and what he has for us. Psalm 138 verse 6 though the Lord be high yet healthy respect unto the loading but the prowl Dino at the far off. It's not the it's not one of those things that goes unnoticed by God.
Why is it what is it about Pride that God hates chavannes?
And I don't know what you would say to that question this morning. Why does God hate Pride so bad. What is it about it? That is so distasteful to God. And we can turn back and scriptures and and look at what caused Satan to be cast out of Heaven it was that very thing. It was that desire to exalt himself to be like God to be the one to the one worship. The one that gets the glory and God plans Heaven from Pride once and pride will not enter Heaven Again. I like to look at a couple points. Possibly from scriptures why God hates pride and how that Pride can be so destructive in our own lives and if I want you to turn to Luke chapter 18 this morning. Sometimes we learn best from others who clearly exemplify the sins in their own lives and we can see it in their lives. And as we look at that the Lord can use that to minister their own needs and I'd like to look at a few of these scriptures this morning. I'm going to break in and verse 9 of Luke chapter 18 Andre 2 verse 14 Jesus has an audience here and he describes the audience in verse 9. He's fake this verbal into certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others like to just think about this setting a little bit of the scribes and the Pharisees East he's talking to a group of people who feel like we have the things together. You know, we know what God wants. We know the law we know how to live it out in every minor detail and they trusted in themselves and in their doing and where they had a ride in life was the place to be We've got it together the kind of people that you speaking to hear and it just gives us a little Parable to them two men went up into the temple to pray the one in Pharisee and the other Republican the Pharisees stood in braids us with himself God. I thank thee that I'm not as other men are extortioners unjust adulterers or even as this Publican. I fast twice in the week. I give tithes of all that I possess.
Now imagine the Publican standing there listening to that eloquent prayer knowing that he is a man of needs knowing that I'm a man that have not attained room to grow room for growth and maybe he was a man that would have liked to fast more than you found himself passing. Maybe it was a man that had fell into some sin and felt like he had made his wrongs right and yet he saw that potential in his life to send again. He he saw himself as a vulnerable man. In other words. He saw himself as a man that didn't measure up and then here's this righteous prayer from this righteous man ever so appearing to be righteous man. And they're yes verse 13 describes his actions and the public expanding a far-off would not lift up so much as his eyes into heaven motopony is breast saying God be merciful to me a sinner. I tell you this man went down to his house Justified rather than the other for everyone that exalteth himself shall be abased. He that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
I think there's something we can learn from this scripture that causes God to hate Pride. Pride is is often the root cause that causes us to despise others. in God's the Creator who created them as well as that answer when we lift ourselves up in Pride and you don't touch them that this morning and our Sunday school how that some people feel like They can walk over everybody else. Then. It makes them look better. LMAO. It's them as they use others as a stepping stool, but that's not the case in the kingdom of God using to God God as a heart for those who are despised who are taken advantage of and God desires to draw near to them and help them as they turn to him. Just like he did in this public like year. And so pride is the cause for despising others. And that all that is one reason that it's a bring some reproach to God a phony God.
I just found it interesting to look at Psalm 31 19 and 20 give this idea that God makes his goodness known into the his children into those that are righteous, but he says to the proud he hides his goodness and I find that in my life that when I find Pride there a failed to be able to see two cents into feel the goodness of God and actually have that minister to my life. And so it's important that we read our lives from prying.
I'd like to turn back to 1st Samuel 9. I like to just go through the life of saw this morning a bit and notice some things and some of the other points that relate to Pride that I have this morning.
1st Samuel chapter 9
a lot of this morning. I may have to kind of relate for sake of time going to highlight a couple verses as we go through the account here, but just prior to this account this morning. We have saw a young man and his father's we would share his father's Mueller. She is donkeys have got lost and they can't find the donkeys and Saul gets a job and he's trying to find them and in his search for the animals that are lost. He means Samuel the prophet and Samuel tells him that the animals have been found that he's not worried about them. And you tossed this all about doll DIYs and Israel being upon his father's house. And then verse 21, so says something here that shows us a condition of his heart. So answered and said, I'm not I a benjamite of the smallest of the tribes of Israel in my family. The least of all tribes of The Tribe of Benjamin wherefore then speak is now so to me
So is simply saying that there's no reason that we should be popular people in his room. He said I'm of the smallest Drive-In number. We're outnumbered by the all the other tribes were not a prominent Drive. In other words. He says in the end that tribe that is in significant. He says my father's house is is the least of them all putting it in words this morning where the least of them and why should you say these kind of words to me? So at this point, I believe had a humble heart. He was a man that was not seeking fame. He was not seeking recognition understood who he was. Chapter 10 there's a couple verses that would indicate that he had maintained this Spirit even to this point in his like verse 15 and 16 of chapter 10.
Saul's Uncle asked him about his meeting with Samuel and he wants to know why Samuel said the verse 15 Saul's uncle said tell me I pray that you want Samuel 7 to you and Saul said his uncle he told us plainly that the assets were found. But at the matter of the Kingdom wear of Samuel Spanky told him not So another words solver felt exposed at this point or felt it inappropriate to self proclaim the message that Samuel had had given him about that. He was to be king over Israel and that he was anointed to be king. So Sammy or saw was it was a humble man. He was a man that understood what humility meant verse 21 and 22
They had cast a lot to year now and they had called the people together and they were going to anoint a King Samuel knowing who it would be but taking the prescribed method guy to give him the cash slots there and through the lot being cast The Tribe of Benjamin came near and they were taken then the family and may try was taken and saw the sun kissed was taken and that's where the lot had fallen it answer got it reveal this always to be the man that we should be anointed to be king. I thought about asking one of you tall young man to come up here this morning because it is kind of ironic when they get to this point, so can't be found. And he was a man. That should be easy to be spotted in Jordan. Would you come up here? I think you're just about head taller. Then myself and that would give you some kind of an idea how futile it was just kind of this situation, you know saws head from the shoulders. They just stuck up above the rest of his room when he was he was a hard man to hide and he had to get down. Thanks, but he was he was that kind of a scenario, you know where his shoulders and up stuck out above all the other people in and all the sudden they're looking for this tall man in the groups around there. They can't find it. And so they asked God. What are we doing? Where's this man? Is he coming to the feast or what's happened to him? And God tells them that he's hiding among the stuff. It's always a man at this point that did was not looking for the position. He was not looking for the recognition. He was just happy to be a benjamite. He was just happy to be in this place and fill this place and I bring this in this morning from the start of Saul's life to help us see the importance of remaining humble. No matter where God calls us no matter what work he calls us to no matter what success has happened in our presence or in our absence. We're to rejoice in the work of the Lord going forward. We are never to allow that to go to her head and to make us a different person now, I'm jumping over a couple versus year that say specifically that when Samuel and Saul parted install turned around to go back home and that God gave him a different car than what he had. I gave him a heart that was right goddamn and desire that was pleasing and God wanted him to maintain that desire and that emphasis in that focus in his life, but somewhere things began to change. verse 27 the children of Belial here said how shall this man save us and they despised him and brought him no presents, but he held his peace. He was now a man in position who could have who could have said all right, those people that don't honor me as king or going to pay for their actions. I'm going to take them to task on this thing. And that's what a proud man would have been a proud man would have said this kind of stuff is not going to go. That's all held his Peak. He was not a man of contention at this point. He was he was willing to allow God to take care of the situation. chapter 11 verse 12 and 13
Here we have the first battle of Israel after that. Saul was King.
And the people selling to Samuel, who is he that said she'll Saul reign over us bring the men that we may put them to death. And Saul said there's not a man be put to death this day for today. The Lord has brought salvation and Israel, then set sandal to the people come and let us go to gilgal and renew the kingdom there and all the people went to Gilgo and there they made Saul King before the Lord in gilgal and there is a sacrifice sacrifice as a peace offering before the Lord and their saw and all the men of Israel Rejoice greatly. So saw was a man at this point who allow God to turn the table there were man in his kingdom that did not want to respect him as the king did not honor him but through them fighting the battle in rescuing the people there was a United effort brought together the whole nation Israel has brought together under his Rule and him being King. So we have a beautiful example of a man who starts out in humility and understand the presence of God and the blessing of God in his life. And now we jump over to chapter 13. And this year is I think the second year into saws rain here is King over Israel, even though it's just a chapter later. And sometimes we think that song was a bad King from the start. He was not he was a good game from the start any rain for about two years before we start seeing things cropping up and that kind of puts things in perspective because how many of us begin to crumble at our moral core when we have two years of success. What we think to our name? You know if there's something about success there's something about blessing that if we're not careful. We begin to assume on our capabilities and we begin to assume on the goodness of God in the blessing of God and we begin to operate in mechanically instead of in a relationship with Jesus Christ, and we must always remember that but that's usually I don't know if Pride precedes that or follows that But usually when we begin to assume on God's blessing on her life, and we we assume that we have the abilities to meet the task that come our way. We find ourselves losing out very fast. And I think that's where I saw was here after the second year of his reign. Chapter 13 Verse 9
and Saul said bring her a burnt offering to me and peace offerings and he offered the burned off and it came to pass that as soon as he had anime made an end of offering the burnt offering behold Samuel came and saw went out to meet him that you might now the situation here was they were again facing a battle and Samuel had clearly told Saul to go into Terry seven days and saw went and Cherry 7 Days in the people began to scatter and solve started reason things through in his own mind. He's as if I don't sacrifice these people going to leave me the enemies going to come in here and get me and destroy me in. And so here he is. He's between a rock and a hard spot. We would say he wait 7 days and finally the evening and seventh day. He says, all right, we're going to do the best we can profit of the Lord hasn't shown up and we're just going to take things in her own hand. You should have just waited that extra hour shouldn't be you know, you was so close. So close and this was actually at s word God had actually seems like he had spread that are specifically designed the situation to take to test Sol's integrity at this point. And so it's all finally says well bring the offering we're going to offer a burnt offering and he's barely finished offering it here from Samuel Saul goes out to salute them and Samuel said that her from me is not within two days of pointed and that the Philistines gathered themselves together and make mashed. Therefore said I had to said I before listing what's will come down now or phone me to Gilgo and I have not met supplication unto the Lord. I forced myself there for and offered a burnt offering and Samuel said to Saul is done foolishly. The Lord thy God, which he commanded thee for now with the Lord have his stablished I Kingdom upon Israel forever. But now that Kingdom shall not continue the Lord. I saw him a man after his own heart and the Lord has commanded him to be a captain over his people because thou has not kept at which the Lord commanded thee. There's something that goes right alongside are usually is accompanied with pride and I find that is Saul here when he's put to the test and call to accountability for his actions. You should I force myself and isn't that often are excuse. We say all we had so good intentions. We meant it. Well we tried our best and why not? Just why did Saul not just go out in Chelsea? I did something. I probably shouldn't. I just concerned about my life. I thought I'd be taken but I know I should have waited at least till the sun went down because their days ended at sundown and it was still apparently not Sundown because he offered the offering as soon as you had offered at Sam you come to the scene.
But that's something that often is an is accompanied with pride in our lives is that thing of blame-shifting trying to water the situation down trying to save our face make make it look like her intentions were released novolin, right? And I think that's one another reason that God hates it because Pride militates against that dependence on God and rather promotes humanistic reasoning and thinking what me myself and I can accomplish becomes very important in life.
Happy jump over to chapter 15. Define the continuation of the course the downward spiral.
Like cenotes verse 1 Samuel also set them to saw the Lord sent me to annoy me to be king over his people. Over Israel now there for her come down to the voice of the words of the Lord saith the Lord of hosts. I remember that which am elected to Israel wait for him in the way when you came up from Egypt now go and smite amalek another letter lie destroy all that. They have in spare them not but slay both man and woman infant and suckling ox and sheep camel and ask since all gathered two people together and number then inhale am 200,000 footman in 10,000 men of Judah. It's all came through as city of animal acting laid weight in the valley and saw 7 to the get down from among the amalekites lest. I destroy you with them for you showed kindness while the children of Israel when they came up out of Egypt. So the key nice departed from among the amalekites and saw smoke. How do I enter The Alchemist you sure that is over against Egypt and he took a gag the king of the amalekites Ally and utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword but saw and the people spared A gag and the best of the sheep and if the auction in the Phat Wings in a gland and all that was good and would not only destroy them but everything that was vile and refuse that they destroyed utterly.
I hear they have the clear command to destroy everything. And somehow when when we lose humility in life. It's hard for us to accept directions. We don't understand. And I think that's where saw was here. Saw had enough pride in loud enough pride in his life and he started to to fulfill his responsibility to destroy am liking everything that he had. He starts to see all these good genetics in the fly. I mean look at their kennels persuaded that possibly some of those might have surpassed in quality to the some of the cows that Israel had and maybe there were some some other things there that he said when we need a spare some gene pool here for our benefit. I don't know what always reasonings were and I don't know why all the reasonings of the people were but somehow they didn't understand one of the three letters of all And sometimes we're that way when we were late to God, we we we must all of our devotion. We know he wants all of our worship. We know he wants all of our strength and our ability to serve you but we find it hard to put that together and actually give God all of that. I think that's where she'll when he had allowed himself to be lifted up came to the point where he was willing to reason when he had clear command. She was willing to reason and try to see if there was not another way. And that's a seed of pride is to find another way other than gods and other words. I want to do my thing regardless of what God wants. First and then came the word of the Lord in 2 Samuel sing. It repented me that I have set up solved because he's turned back from following me had not perform my Commandments in the griefs. And when he Cried unto the Lord all night Sammy goes to meet song and we know the account else all comes out and says bless him give them a salutation says I will field the commands of the Lord. Samuel Express on the shelves what mean all the bleeding of the sheep and blowing in the opposite? What's all this that I hear? And Saul tries to blame it on the people in violating the end. He says just come and worship with me. I have sinned. I've done foolishly never the last for the sake of my reputation come out and let's go worship God together. It is there still in it since the very epitome of pry I know I made a mistake. I know I've messed up but to save my face. I don't have to make that statement that that's actually one of a kind. I just say that I know I've transgressed really found myself in a situation where I gave into the flat. So missed the mark by not clearly understanding what repentance is all about.
Pride is so possessive when we allow it to be a part of our experience. Pride wants to save face. Bride wants to save reputation.
We could go back to chapter 18 verse 6 through 9 there we find another point of why God hates pride and then it's very clear that after David slew Goliath and the great Victory Was Won then they come back and I just see a marching back into town and the women and the young ladies and those are didn't go to work or lining the streets, maybe even looking off the risk of rooftops and they're all singing this song and saw was okay with the song until he hears the word of a sudden he wakes up and hears what the ladies are saying, the ladies are saying Saul has slain his thousands and he's okay with that. But then here's a lady say something else. He's not okay with him that is and David his ten thousand. He says a man have more but the kingdom here. They are striving to me but a thousand in this Victory today the ten thousand. The scripture tells us that he's I immediately at that point. He cashed his iPhone David try to figure out a way to get him out of his life. Pride is the root of jealousy. Pride is the root of jealousy has been a proud man had Saul understood the victory had saw understood his position before God at that point so I could have Rejoice that God use one of his men to bring Victory to his mom. The credit didn't have to go to him. The credit would have been okay, same word long. But because saw was trying to say I can't Brown I can't have that. I can't allow that to be and he tries to kill David three times. He tries to stick them to the wall with a javelin because he was jealous is jealousy consumed him his pride created the seedbed for jealousy to grow and flourish into blossom. And God hates jealousy. He hates pride and that's why we need to rid of live streaming. A proud person who is jealous too comes possess with many evil thoughts and saw in the end became a murderer hunting and speaking and trying to destroy the man after God's Own Heart because he couldn't stand his success in his victory in face of his own defeat.
The only reason I believe that God hates pride is that a proud person is playing God in his own life. I really believe that when when we get to the point where we fail to be able to Simply accept and move and respond when God's commands we become the god of our own life because if we don't allow God to say what's wrong, what's right and how we ought to order our steps who's doing it? We take that position and we begin to reason what is right. What is wrong? What should be and why shouldn't be and it's amazing how far man can get from God's for scribe law of righteousness and Holiness and when man is her own mind, Proud person is playing God in his only costs 8 in heaven and because because he wanted to be God he wanted to be his own God. He wanted to call the shots. He wanted to receive the glory. Number 5 Fridays self-destructing who is in focus when I'm a proud man. Is it me or is it God?
I think the answer is pretty clear proud person. Me is the focus. It's not much care given to where God is in the scenario.
now Enough on the negative side. We know what Friday is. We know that God hates it and we knows at least some things we've looked at in Scripture. That makes us understand why God hates Pride. So what is the cure for I don't think there's anybody in here this morning that jazz live very long and probably everybody that can understand what the subject is messages. This morning has dealt with pride in their life. We do we face it we have to deal with in an ongoing basis. So it what is the cure for pride? Turn to Mark chapter 14. Just like to notice some of the things that Jesus says here.
473 lemon Mark chapter 14
I have to skip that one. That's the wrong reference. That's not the one I wanted. Check link out here might have been Luke 14.
Yeah week 14 is the one that I want nothing this came into our discussion in Sunday school this morning verse 7 and he put forth and pair up with those which were bidden when he Mark how they chose out the cheap room saying unto them when they are been to any man of any man to a wedding in Step not down in the highest room lesson More honorable man than that. I'll be damned to him. I love him and he that baby and him come and say to the you give this man place and I'll begin with shame to take the lowest room. But when they are been going sit down in the lowest room that when he that baby coming he may say unto thee from go up higher then showed that have Worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with the for whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased and he that humbles himself shall be exalted. He was addressing a very real problem in their day. It seems like he came to a wedding and he noticed that when people came in they wanted the front. And so he observes what's happening and then he begins to talk to them and he says that's not how you ought to act. In My Kingdom when you're called to wedding you got to be willing to come in and take a just an ordinary seat And the man that invites you he may come in and realize that you're a very close friend you ought to be closer to the reception table than that. And so he invites you to your place and it causes you to have honor and those that are sitting there with you. And I like one thing that he says here in verse 11 and there's a couple other scriptures everything use this morning, but I think I'll leave them but this principle is clearly demonstrated here. He that humbles himself.
Now that allows circumstances in our lives that are humming.
But God is not going to Humble us. But he asks us to Humble ourselves. God allows circumstances in our lives and we can resent them. We can become bitter about the circumstances or we can simply choose to allow ourselves to be humble. Humble, our own cell is our responsibility one set of us got to ask that it's and it's the antidote to pride humility. People are so pleasant to be around. They're just like fresh air in the society and world. We live in people think they have to tell everybody how great they are and what great things they've done and what wrong things everybody else is done, but a humble person that lives for God and just lives one day after the next to the glory of God is refreshing. It's just so refreshing to be around Humble people to be in their presence. That Spirit of humility is a beautiful spirit.
God is inviting us this morning to get rid of self and pride and joy hours and allow him to fill us with his Spirit 1st. Peter. 5:6 says humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time. Proverbs 29 verse 23 a man's Pride shall bring him low, but honour show pull down blind spirit. And this morning as I look at the scriptures, I desire. to be honest
But there's something that I think some of us space and I believe Neil refer to this nursing school as well. There are times when people say good things about us that there's something that kicks in and our mind that we feel like we cannot accept we should not accept and we begin to berate ourselves and put ourselves down. It's a very easy thing to do, but I think that kind of an approach misses an opportunity. It's a blessing when people commend us for something to be able to direct their focus to the one who gives us the strength to do what we ought to do. It's not that we are that good that we have learned how to operate in we do it automatically if if there's any good that comes from our lives. We should be humble enough to say if there's any goodness within me is because of Jesus Christ in his work. It's not because of me, but it's because of him. And we buy I find myself being challenged by that because I think when we put ourselves down in hopes that someone else will say that that's not true. You're not like that. Oh, no, that's not you we want that prays. And so we tend to put ourselves down hoping somebody will lift us up and save our face to ourselves and it's it's just another way of being proud. It's just another way of wanting recognition and praise and we go about to create the scenario to receive that praise God this morning says my glory but he's biting us to Humble ourselves and allow him to exalt Us in due time and we should be satisfied this morning if there is no praise if there is no earthly lips that speak our thing. We should be satisfied to wait until we hear those blessed words enter thou into the joy of the Lord. A faithful servant that is the reward that we're striving for those that live for the praise of men put themselves in a prison.
and That's all the freezer going to get. There's nothing after life is just that temporary boost people think I'm great. They praise me those that live for the praise of men live in Mission are in a life. That is very unfulfilled longing disturbing and there will be no reward to follow. So may God help us this morning to be men and women after his own heart men and women who desire to praise him to magnifying and bring Glory To His holy name showing you all together prayer.
Eternal Father we ballin' you and your presence. here today And we simply say father you are worthy. We are not worthy of any praised. It's you that has worked in our lives. It's you who has drawn us to yourself and you to give us strength to make choices and decisions in the follow through with the commands that you've given us father. We just pray that you would help us if we would be able to rid our lives from this cinepride continually find strength and grace to the humble men and women because that's the only way we will be able to effectively represent your kingdom to be misrepresenting an earth. We do not want to Rob Glory that belongs to you. We just pray father that you would give us the courage to rise to the challenges before us and give us a string. Be faithful to you and may true humility rain in our hearts. May you be glorified in your name lifted up for you alone are worthy in Jesus name we pray. Amen.