Reasons for Hope
Can handle it?
Talk about church didn't want to talk about.
the only four letter word with v
i want to talk today.
is Hope we have a certain amount of Hope. Otherwise you would. But I know that you probably know somebody out there on your relatives.
I want to give you some reasons butthole. Had a message for the day and that message went down the two by the time yesterday got here. You know what happened is?
and so when I got ready to school
So the lesson of the message that I have for you today to call reasons reasons for end up in the Book of Mark. I want to start out talking about about hold. How do you find Hope in your dictionary definition of old as a feeling of expectation and desire for certain things and confident expectation.
trusting in his faithfulness also
Golden State
You know, you don't care if anything. I want to see them.
Old Milwaukee
How is something that we all need and many many places 1st Corinthians 13:13? Greatest of these is impossible to please God.
Psalm 147:11 gives us another illustration of those three ideas. Can I use those who fear Him in his Facebook love afternoon in the universe? We know what he's done. If you were here a few months ago. We talked about creation that we call. Our father is the same. Would you look up in the sky at night and you see stars so far away you can't get a telescope.
Same God made heaven and he made sure that he put us on this Earth and put man down here and he had made everything.
That he said let us make man after our image and after our likeness. It is very good. And so here we stand we we we we find ourselves in a time of Calamity. So how do we get from that point to this one seem? Sand Kingdom came into the world. But God had a plan all along it didn't sneak up on him.
And when you make man, he didn't just make Man In His Image just so because they look what I did God has characteristics that have to be discussed. One thing about God is love has to be demonstrated somehow there has to be an object of love to love. So God loved bring it on his personality with love. He Loves Us John 3:16 summarize the whole Bible one verb for God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son should not perish because Adam messing up and everybody's born under that curse of sin because we are born that way the Bible says we are born in sin shapen in iniquity. I have a plan for send is it how to get rid of this thing? Even before the first sin even happened?
Come short of the glory of God, but then you look at 6:23. And it says what wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. It is not something you were God has a solution to our problem. Why should Saints be hopeful if anybody in the world should be hopeful is up. We know the more we have.
Why should we be hope of 1st Peter 3:15 in your heart's always be ready to give an answer to everyone that asked you a reason for the hope that is in you. You should have in your mind at all time of why I am hopeful because the world is full of homelessness hopeless people as I said, I work in the emergency room at 30 years old. NFL Rooney want to dye their suicidal.
Why would someone not dealing with the Hopeless? Give me the mic it. They been through things there's a lot of more on the streets.
Did Solomon talk to you about hope? Somebody's going to come your way and they're going to need somebody to let them know that they don't have to be.
Why should we be home? This verse says sanctify the Lord. Can't get past that birds that part of the Lord in your heart always be ready to give an answer. Let me bring the Lord close to you. Just like that baby pop and Mom have this.
Sanctify the Lord bring him close to you.
John Deere James and John Deere to the John Deere to Henry Hill
Jeremiah 29:11
I know the thoughts I think towards peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope. This is something that in the Bible says that his thoughts towards me. I'm taking this personally.
You want to count the grand on in a teaspoon?
and to myself
don't worry about that. You just trust in the Lord.
parts of Peace not illegal to give you a future.
But if I was to try to draw a picture, but God has a masterpiece.
and a lot of times what we see is only the sketch because when you drop anybody benches in Rome miguelangelo
that thing is He have to do that laying on his back on the traffic. It took many months to do it. But when he time you draw a masterpiece you start out with. And then you come back and you put in and you put in the shower, and then you finally couldn't talk. We were in that Masterpiece the Bible tells us that I don't have to. We are his workmanship created in Christ. Jesus unto good works workmanship is a word that when we get to work. Boy, we are his poem. We are at War. We are his artwork. We are his masterpiece.
He wants to give us a future and a hope. When there's no hope anytime a man woman gets to the place where there's no.
Proverbs 13 and 12
Makes the heart sick.
Like being broken heart. It's like losing something in life that was close to you. It makes the heart sick. But dream fulfilled is a tree of life. Good news translation is crying. But a wish come true.
That's really something about if you've never been down harder. Never had a time of your life when you feel like you're in the same bracket. But look at these verses Psalm 39 the 7th & M Soul blower. Where do I put my hoe? My only hope is in you? We have to put our hope in something.
My Hope asked to be in the Lord the one that can change my condition he's the one that can change my situation so I'm 25 and $0.05 for you are God my savior and my hope is in you all day long You know somewhere along the line when you with the Lord that you can ignore what circumstances look like. Because it's not about what it looks like. Now it look it's what it's about to become. He says I have a plan for you. Play of the good not a video of future and a hope.
Give me my glory and the lifter of my head when you feel down or depressed. You feel like nothing's going right. He's the one that can lift your hands. He's the lifter of my head.
good news Camp courage especially from being really mean to be courageous. We need to stand up and say I'm not going to let this world.
Imma, give you Psalm 119:165 according to your promise that I made in my home. Uphold me according to your promise what you become a child of God. You are a child of promise. God promises that he has made to us. Because we're part of what the body of his son. Jesus Will part of the body of Christ. So there's a promise made and all your precious promises.
Can't do it. He's not a man that he should lie.
I'll give you one of them.
Mark chapter 5
25 - 34
Mark chapter 5 verse 34 This is now a certain woman have a full blood. Suffered many things for many conditions in all that she had what you said. I'm testing him of His Garment. I shall be made whole. immediately
What is the Snapple said to him?
She her we're done it.
And he said to her daughter.
go back a little bit. This woman was a woman who had a problem with vaginal bleeding.
Reading and she has bled for 12. Cancel my emergency room.
An emergency room and she has spent all of her money trying to get better but didn't get them.
She said she heard about you.
entrusted Dormer
And she knew that and so she said she didn't want to touch him knows. What is it?
Now that him is this is the thing that doesn't is not brought. I didn't hear that. He was a horse that border wasn't specifically prepared part of the garment garment garment that has four parts to it. Which one it would have a Bible verse? scripture and I
8 38 39. This is what sets of numbers on the corners of their garments throughout the generations and remember all the Commandments of the Lord. Joshua had Bible verses in the same word for borders
that woman probably knew that her and blue and recognize that you're busy. You said you was all I need to do.
And so she got she said everybody should have hope you need to be able to find a way to get home when you don't have hope. This one said if I can find one somewhere along the line you ready?
If I could just get the answer to this woman, I really wanted to get to him.
You want to get things changed in your life?
You need to touch it.
is art you touch him by touching his do his word because the Hem of His Garment had the word of God. You want to touch the heart of God you get to know but I do want to get to know rock you get to know God's word. If I can just Touch the Hem of His Garment I shall be made well. And she did Anderson immediately. How many of you remember the day or the moment? I remember the moment I was touched.
For some of us is in the instantaneous chain.
Maybe your situation. Mediately knowing in himself who trust me. He's in a crowd. Woman hit the Hem of His Garment. Did he say who touched you can be in a crowd of people and not feel like you been.
Jesus never felt like anybody until this woman what was different about her touch eem?
Did you get what I'm saying? Ehem was the what was the word of God the h i m with The Walking The Living Word of God. We don't have
and if you want to get to the heart of the Living God
Bible talks about the word of God is sharper than any piercing to the Bayou
you have things down and use that nobody has ever touched you.
This word can change turn your life around. This work and do what it did to me. I passed ass on Thursday night that song. I was like the song Who Says I was in the Miry clay, but he's pick me up.
so they asked and they said that this
and you looked around to see your who had done this thing, but the woman fearing and she feared.
Knowing what had happened to her case and she surrendered inside.
Anybody, you know, you had all these other rabbis and see if you got anywhere near them we would have shunned her.
I will never forsake you. He says come to me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will arrest you take my yoke upon you but yourself.
would take place
Is the song 42 in verse 5?
My soul are you downcast downcast me Disturbed? Why so disturbing thing you put your hope in God? I will yet Praise Him.
Himx just the ATM.
And you'll find you get the same result.
Do you want all those things and divorce?
In Christ, we have hope in this life only.
And you don't understand. Hope you don't know the Lord. Turn around without hope. We have to make sure that we don't lose hope. The judge just because Bill washed in the blood doesn't mean to try the trouble don't come out.
pain and depression
Do you have to have a whooping cough? We need to encourage one another to see your brother and sisters public speaker.
Trials of Life the cans of the burdens pain, sometimes it just overwhelmed but we have a life of Jesus Christ the righteous.
Silver Sake you I'll be with you always until the end of the do we believe that today?
God Will Make A Way out of
it's what we got to have. Thank you, Lord.
Forgot step in right on time.
And bring back when you did that and just the other day. You did whatever I'm facing today.
It's probably just having a hard time.
in the name of Jesus
We magnify you that you know who we are.
God you know when we're in the valley of decision and not knowing which way to turn but I hope that you that was sickness and in pain hits our body that we have hope that you are a Healer saving blood of Jesus Christ. So far the way we're praying that these your precious people that are standing before you and God.
Call the phone that name that's above everything.
These are people are standing and raising hands for a reason. Somebody need a touch from you today Lord in the name of Jesus. Thank you for your word. We thank you for your anointing. We thank you for your spirit to God. We thank you for all that. You do all things well in the name of Jesus. Did you understand God did I take with this to you is wrapped up in our blessings that come from you.
Get away with somebody may look and see.
Not giving up right now.
Spirit Temple to hear the joy bells ringing again will take us back to the Cross where we first saw the light and the burdens of our heart was rolled away by playboi carti.
In the name of Jesus. We just got to steal from the president and Trump.
I see you're not a man.